antifeminism creepy eek tattoos evil fat fatties evil women hypocrisy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny penises PUA rhymes with roosh sluts

PUA dirtbag on why some women should be treated like “disposable blowup dolls.”

Better than spending an evening with Firepower, I suspect.
Better than spending an evening with Firepower, I suspect.

I’ve heard tell that some Pickup Artists aren’t actually misogynistic pieces of shit. Unfortunately, I keep running across guys like Firepower here, whose blog I discovered only yesterday, and purely by accident (though evidently I’ve quoted him off the Spearhead a couple of times before)

Here he is doing some wonderful PR work for his fellow PUAs, defending them (and himself) against accusations that they treat women like “disposable blow-up dolls.” Not so, says Firepower:

The only women puas treat as “disposable blow up dolls”

Are the actual real-life disposable blow up dolls.

That might seem like a pretty revealing confession on his part. But it turns out that by “actual real-life disposable blow up dolls” he doesn’t actually mean “actual real-life disposable blow up dolls.” He means, you know, sluts.

The barsluts and bimbos.  The inveterate Jersey Housewives fan.  The JWOWW’s of the world.   Not female author types: The barslut dolls should be (and once were) the obvious natural enemy of good females.  Barsluts = BAD females.  Bad females are a Fuck & Chuck.

Not to be confused with Chuck & Buck.

Also, aren’t PUAs the very definition of barsluts themselves? Don’t they spend most of of their time in bars trying to have sex with every “hot” woman who will talk to them?

Never mind, because Firepower is off and running again, offering his fascinating opinions on how feminism is to blame for all the barsluts he runs across out there while he is barslutting gaming women.

Feminism was the worst Western Decline Symptom to happen to males vis-à-vis male courtship roles; it created entitled tattooed sluts with foul mouths and so many sex-partners that any decent man would cringe at the number. What True Man would marry a girl with a 300+ penis score – a proud whore who’s actually LOUD about it? It’s why roosh fled america.  Good women are low notch women.

Somehow I’m guessing the real reason Roosh fled America was because too many American women were calling him on his bullshit.

Feminism is only beneficial in the now facile, guilt-free, post-sex disengagement ritual freeing males from traditional chivalry via the implicit easy-exit Feminism unwittingly unleashed.

Was that even a sentence?

Dude, I think you might need to put down your copy of Day Bang and pick up Strunk and White.

Today, males get to naturally spread their seed and – as a true bonus – get a guilt-free conscience and total pass from a Feminist Society.  Who feels guilty about dumping a drunken Sloppopotamus with a foul mouth – who bragged to you at the bar she slept with fifty other males?

You know, this, uh, “Sloppopotamus,” is probably not interested in having a long-term relationship with you either. I mean, come on, who the fuck would want to spend more than a few minutes in your presence?

Abuse the bad ones; treat them like condoms.  Cherish the good ones.

Somehow I suspect that being “cherished” by Firepower would be the even worse fate here.

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feminizm rulez bro!
feminizm rulez bro!
12 years ago

white knight crusader manboobz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zanana the Pegging Queen
Zanana the Pegging Queen
12 years ago

jesus christ, apparently the “female author type” he’s referring to with approval is the author of the piece he links to here:
and when he says she’s “rational… refreshingly free of hysteria and Hate” he actually means she’s super racist.

12 years ago

I’m not really sure how to react to feminizm rulez bro! at this point. I mean, contempt, obviously. But at this point he’s so remarkably content-free that I feel like patting him on the back and agreeing with him, because nothing in there actually says anything negative. It’s like if he can just get in with an MRA catchphrase, he’s getting away with something.

Dude. So transparent. So sad.

12 years ago

Fuck & Chuck.

Not to be confused with Chuck & Buck</blockquote

Two Buck Chuck?

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Just as feminism has brainwashed women into acting like men, Pick Up Artistry brainwashes men into acting like monsters. Primitive animal behavior that whites criticize as beneath them is now glamorized and analyzed by millions of white youths eagerly awaiting their turn to swap whatever moral fabric is left in Western Civilization for soiled sheets as proof of their promised instant sexual gratification. Forget about Negroes, are we no better than gorillas?

There is so much fail in that paragraph, I’m not sure where to start. I’ll go for the inanity that doesn’t make me want to vomit: Gorillas have soiled sheets?

Some Gal Not Bored at All


There was supposed to be a “Wow, you weren’t kidding.” at the top of my comment. I think I just sat staring at the paragraph for too long and my brain drained out.

12 years ago



12 years ago

Ah, feminizm rulez bro. Reachin’ out. Movin’ hearts. Changin’ minds.

Zanana the Pegging Queen
Zanana the Pegging Queen
12 years ago

I know, I can’t even believe this shit:

“The clash between feminism and PUA is just a Jewish family quarrel, the natural reaction of narcissistic, emasculated, manipulative men against aggressive, neurotic, castrating harpies. And whites, like the children we are, just sit in the backseat and listen to them bicker and then try to act just like them — until they drive us off a cliff.”

I may have said this before, but I actually kind of like to see these nutjobs being other kinds of bigotted as well. When they’re only being sexist, an insecure part of me worries that maybe they’re right and I’m just taking it personally because I’m a girl… but when they lay into the racism and the classism and the ableism etc. I can more objectively say, nope, these fuckers are just wrong about everything.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I know how you feel. I actually think that it is rare to find someone who is only one kind of bigoted, but some of them either conceal some of their bigotry better than the rest or the topic hasn’t come up yet. One if the reasons I like that we play with trolls here is that it often gives them room to show their other bigotries in addition to the misogyny that brought them out. It is a nice demonstration of why we need intersectionality.

12 years ago

David wrote:

Somehow I suspect that being “cherished” by Firepower would be the even worse fate here.

It totally would. Have a one-night-stand with a douchebag? Not that big a deal. You might not even realise, from spending just one night together, that he’s a douchebag. Having an LTR and eventually discover that your partner is a total douchebag? Perhaps a realisation that comes long after he’s managed to break down your self esteem with his constant douchebaggery, and you kept blaming yourself and feeling worse and worse about being such a terrible person, until FINALLY you realise that “hm, actually, it’s he who’s a total douchebag” and leave – SO. MUCH. WORSE.

12 years ago

So much fail…so little time.

12 years ago

*quails at stern look*

I’m a Jungian. I’m prone to navel gaze and wax loquacious at the slightest excuse.

12 years ago

@Zanana and Some Gal

I’m sure there’s an appropriate gif for the face I’m making at those quotes (kind of a cross between ONTD+0.5 seconds from vomiting+my brain has asploded), but I’m too busy making that face to find the gif.

I’m gonna just avoid clicking on that link, mmkay? I’d like to enjoy my dinner.

12 years ago
12 years ago

Firepower is one of the PUA MRAs who were ‘encouraged’ to leave the spearhead, which is too ‘conservative’ and MGTOW these days… I have the link to 2 other ex spearhead PUAs who post the same sort of drivel but advertising them will increase their readership from 1 to dozens, they notice the increase in hits, and the linkage, and get big egos…

P.s. I’m pretty sure he (and his friends) are way over exaggerating their success at being PUAs

12 years ago

Despite his badmouthing of women for having a lot of sex, calling them barsluts, doesn’t the goal of PUA lead to women having a higher count, therefore *making* more barsluts?

I don’t understand his slut-shaming, really. Isn’t it counterproductive? He wants to get women to have sex, but at the same time shames women who possibly *would* and praises women who *wouldn’t*?

I think the idea is to shame women into thinking they’re already worthless and that they might as well hook up with this douchebag because no one will ever want them for real.

12 years ago

Aren’t bar sluts their bread and butter? I thought the whole point of PUA was to bang as many women as possible, so I’m really not sure why they’re concerned with “good” low notch women.

I’m thinking maybe it’s because to them, if the “sluts” make the “game” “easier” it just isn’t as fun. Also, if they think of women as “dolls” well then, the hand me down toys just aren’t as much fun, you know?

Plus, the fact that women are proud or at least not ashamed of their sexuality probably gives them a sad boner too. It’s less fun if they can’t make her feel ashamed for fucking them.

Also – irrelevant, but

a 300+ penis score

uh, yeah, I’m really thinking this right here is proof positive that MRAs and PUAs don’t really operate in reality. Not that anyone’s “penis score” really matters, but 300 seems pretty darn unlikely to me. My “sluttiest” friends haven’t even broken 15 partners, and got the “slut” label because they had a handful of one night stands. I’m sure folks with a 300+ penis score are out there, and that’s fine (as are 300+ vagina scores, it’s all cool as long as it’s consensual) but I’m thinking that’s one of the outliers, not the average.

12 years ago

a 300+ penis score

I’ve played way too much Hack103. Everyone knows that after +3, it gets dangerous, y’all.

My husband cheerfully said, “I totally have a dick score of over three hundred!” But he’s not acting ashamed at all!

12 years ago

The government girlfriends guy is bloviating at Pierre again. This time on why he was TOTALLY NOT defaming that guy by using his name just because everyone else was.

12 years ago

Maybe it is because of my reaction (see link I posted just above), or maybe it is because of the wonderful drawings produced in answer to this challenge — but something in me keeps replacing the phrase “bar sluts” with “bear sluts.” And then picturing Firepower using PUA techniques on slutty grizzlies.

It makes me giggle.

12 years ago

Sometimes I forget how virilent and nasty antisemetism is, so I suppose I’m grateful for bigots reminding me that battle is not yet won? Mostly I feel sad. So much hate. So little purpose or good done.

12 years ago


“You would be really pretty if you only smiled”

“RAWURGH” *mauls*

12 years ago

PUA: “Your nails look nice. Are they press-ons?”
[2 seconds later]

yaoi huntress earth
yaoi huntress earth
12 years ago

@leftwingfox: Two Buck Chuck? Say, are you fan of Shocknet Radio (since there’s a guy named Two Buck Chuck there)?