antifeminism creepy eek tattoos evil fat fatties evil women hypocrisy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny penises PUA rhymes with roosh sluts

PUA dirtbag on why some women should be treated like “disposable blowup dolls.”

Better than spending an evening with Firepower, I suspect.
Better than spending an evening with Firepower, I suspect.

I’ve heard tell that some Pickup Artists aren’t actually misogynistic pieces of shit. Unfortunately, I keep running across guys like Firepower here, whose blog I discovered only yesterday, and purely by accident (though evidently I’ve quoted him off the Spearhead a couple of times before)

Here he is doing some wonderful PR work for his fellow PUAs, defending them (and himself) against accusations that they treat women like “disposable blow-up dolls.” Not so, says Firepower:

The only women puas treat as “disposable blow up dolls”

Are the actual real-life disposable blow up dolls.

That might seem like a pretty revealing confession on his part. But it turns out that by “actual real-life disposable blow up dolls” he doesn’t actually mean “actual real-life disposable blow up dolls.” He means, you know, sluts.

The barsluts and bimbos.  The inveterate Jersey Housewives fan.  The JWOWW’s of the world.   Not female author types: The barslut dolls should be (and once were) the obvious natural enemy of good females.  Barsluts = BAD females.  Bad females are a Fuck & Chuck.

Not to be confused with Chuck & Buck.

Also, aren’t PUAs the very definition of barsluts themselves? Don’t they spend most of of their time in bars trying to have sex with every “hot” woman who will talk to them?

Never mind, because Firepower is off and running again, offering his fascinating opinions on how feminism is to blame for all the barsluts he runs across out there while he is barslutting gaming women.

Feminism was the worst Western Decline Symptom to happen to males vis-à-vis male courtship roles; it created entitled tattooed sluts with foul mouths and so many sex-partners that any decent man would cringe at the number. What True Man would marry a girl with a 300+ penis score – a proud whore who’s actually LOUD about it? It’s why roosh fled america.  Good women are low notch women.

Somehow I’m guessing the real reason Roosh fled America was because too many American women were calling him on his bullshit.

Feminism is only beneficial in the now facile, guilt-free, post-sex disengagement ritual freeing males from traditional chivalry via the implicit easy-exit Feminism unwittingly unleashed.

Was that even a sentence?

Dude, I think you might need to put down your copy of Day Bang and pick up Strunk and White.

Today, males get to naturally spread their seed and – as a true bonus – get a guilt-free conscience and total pass from a Feminist Society.  Who feels guilty about dumping a drunken Sloppopotamus with a foul mouth – who bragged to you at the bar she slept with fifty other males?

You know, this, uh, “Sloppopotamus,” is probably not interested in having a long-term relationship with you either. I mean, come on, who the fuck would want to spend more than a few minutes in your presence?

Abuse the bad ones; treat them like condoms.  Cherish the good ones.

Somehow I suspect that being “cherished” by Firepower would be the even worse fate here.

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12 years ago

This makes me want to go and chunder copiously.

Except I don’t because I am currently full of my home made chilli con carne.

These people are worthless skid marks on the underpants of humanity.

I vote that we should all talk about recipes instead.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

“penis score” /yawn. Does that mean very cervical smear I have had also counts towards this score? Do vibrators and dildoes count as well? Because I’m really curious to know* how it is possible to tell how many partners a female has had.

Where did Roosh go (missed all that). What were the immigration points criteria he needed to meet? Because I cannot see how any MRAs are going to pass on anything other than age, and that’s for the younger ones only.

*not really, you can’t.

12 years ago

Just more of the same old “I am a man who sleeps with gazillions of chicks which makes me awesome but if a woman sleeps with a gazillion dudes then she is bad” chestnut.

12 years ago

Aren’t bar sluts their bread and butter? I thought the whole point of PUA was to bang as many women as possible, so I’m really not sure why they’re concerned with “good” low notch women.

Oh, wait. Low-notch women may not realize what a crap lay they’re about to get/or having. Wouldn’t want anyone to bring a PUA’s shortcomings to light.

12 years ago

Yawn. Same old bullshit attitude that’s been around for centuries — sex makes a woman “dirty” and “used” but has absolutely zero affect on men.

What’s truly pathetic is that these idiots don’t even know that this attitude came about historically because paternity of children could be difficult to determine. The fear of secretly raising another man’s child, and of another man’s child benefiting from your material wealth upon your death is where all of this shit comes from. It’s all about property, inheritance, and the ego of men who want to ensure that their bloodline is truly the only bloodline that continues.

12 years ago

So, is he the ‘drunken slopappotamus with the foul mouth’ that I shouldn’t feel guilty about dumping? Because it sure sounds like he’s describing him there…

12 years ago

it created entitled tattooed sluts with foul mouths

It’s like he knows me.

12 years ago

(Assuming i’m not banned yet) this is why I am so conflicted over supporting my fellow MRA’s from the other side of the world: on the one hand I can sympathize with them for having to put up with such women but on the other hand , I hate the fact that they’re going to be coming over here than and getting their pick of the women here, who are the very worst combination of race traitor and gold digger. Now, it would be ok if there was reciprocity, they get our gals and we’d get their gals, but tragically the hypergamous nature of the human female means that guys who are physically smaller and financially poorer will always be at a disadvantage i.e. no Western babes for Juan de la Cruz to replace the native beauties who became John Smith’s harem. True, there are attractive Western female tourists and expats here who are actually single ladies but the chances of somebody who isn’t a paper-bag test eurasian mestizo scoring with even a borderline decent-looking one are such that it is practically a miracle when it does happen ;shockingly it actually does every once in a long while but almost every single time, the guy was fil-am, which is FINO (the couple times in this century that a local resident citizen male actually managed to wed a Western female, it became featured on the primetime national news) How most extremely frustrating!

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

It’s like hethe fucking arsehole knows me.


12 years ago

When this guy says “cherish the good ones” I see either a Meller-like doll collection or “it puts the lotion on its skin” in his future.

12 years ago

Why are guys like this uses complex but meaningless jargon to justify the same old sexist bullshit? They are all acting bull hurt as women don’t fall for their crap anymore.

12 years ago

BTW, I’m not sure what dudebro titled his little rant, but I am now using the authority vested in me by the feminist government conspiracy to re-title it “Why I deserve a nice, pure girl even though I am neither of those things – a comically sexist rationalization”.

12 years ago

Oh, wait. Low-notch women may not realize what a crap lay they’re about to get/or having. Wouldn’t want anyone to bring a PUA’s shortcomings to light.


12 years ago

Shorter Firepower:

“WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! Why are all the women willing to sleep with me, a guy they just met in the bar, such giant SLUTS?”

12 years ago

“Not female author types”??? I bet his deeply-harbored fantasy is a “barslut” who cuffs him to the bed and makes him listen to several diaries worth of her bad high school-quality poetry as foreplay.

12 years ago

I really, really hope I never have the misfortune to be ‘cherished’ by anyone who thinks some women are “disposable blow up dolls”




Although I’m not sure I’m quite in the ‘good female’ category so I might be OK. Should probably get a few more tattoos to be safe.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Maybe he loved Twilight and 50 Shades of Gray just that much.

(Is a female author type his own weird version of an uptight librarian stereotype?)

12 years ago

Luckily, by being Feminists I think everyone here is safe from his “cherishing”.

12 years ago

Despite his badmouthing of women for having a lot of sex, calling them barsluts, doesn’t the goal of PUA lead to women having a higher count, therefore *making* more barsluts?

I don’t understand his slut-shaming, really. Isn’t it counterproductive? He wants to get women to have sex, but at the same time shames women who possibly *would* and praises women who *wouldn’t*?

12 years ago

For some reason these questionably-sapient individuals always present the virgin/whore dichotomy as if it was somehow new. While this confirms their ignorance, it’s essentially begging the question, always, and not allowing for women (or men, for that matter) to exist independent of their sexual history.

One of the aspects of Jungian psychology I really like is the concept of archetypes – the idea that there are clusters of behavior and/or thought which seem to “take over” the psyche of people who otherwise are functional and on he normal curve of rational. More and more I’m wondering if the pua/mra phenomena is some sort of inadequacy complex which triggers this powerful, sexist objectification of women which allows no room for us to be people because that is too threatening.

Ooooooo!! I have a navel!

12 years ago

@Deoridhe: I am giving you SUCH a stern look right now. It is not currently illegal to put so much more thought and ideas and complexity into comments when the subject of discussion put so little in, but it should be–you nearly gave me whiplash!!

Shorter: applause.

12 years ago

Wheeee, more pua bullshit, gods this guy would fit in *perfectly* over at r/theredpill. Also, for all who might be unaware there is an SRS parody of theredpill over at r/thebluepill, I browsed it before my banishment.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I wonder how he’d cope with the idea of a foul-mouthed tattooed woman who wouldn’t touch him or any of his ilk with the proverbial ten-foot pole?

Well, unless it had a cattle prod on the end of it, of course.

12 years ago

If a one-night stand is what you’re interested in, that’s okay. That’s your choice, whether you’re a man or a woman. What’s not okay is when having a series of one-night stands gets you dudebro points when you’re a man, and makes you a slut and a “sloppopotamus” when you’re a woman.

Oh, but there’s that insidious double standard again.

Also, what the hell is a “True Man”? From Firepower’s description, it’s apparently a guy with a history of one-night stands, which should be a plus for any woman looking for a serious long-term relationship. But a woman with that kind of history is automatically excluded from consideration.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

The PUA notion of a True Man is essentially a hateful, sexist scumbag.

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