antifeminism MRA reddit straw feminists

What are the central tenets of Straw Feminism? (No, seriously, I’m asking.)


Ok, class project!

As regular readers of this blog know all too well, the manosphere has a rather distorted version of feminism. Indeed, MRAs, MGTOWers and other misogynists spend a lot of their timedoing battle against feminists of their own imagining, whose alleged beliefs only have a tangential relationship with anything you or I know as feminism. It’s not always clear if MRAs know they’re battling straw feminists or not, and I’m not sure we’ll ever be able to figure that out.

In the meantime, I’m trying to assemble a little guide to this straw feminism.

I’m wondering what you all think are its central tenets?

(Specific examples and links, to posts and/or discussion on this blog or elsewhere, would be great if you can provide them.)

Take a look at Kate Beaton’s amazing β€œStraw Feminist” cartoon if you need inspiration!

Ironically, the gang over on the Men’s Rights subreddit had a whack at the β€œstraw feminist” question the other day. They didn’t do too well, with the OP basing his β€œrefutation” of accusations that MRAs spend much of their time attacking straw feminists … on a list that incorporated some not-actually-real feminist quotes. (I factchecked a similar list of EVIL FEMINIST QUOTES here.)

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DLColvin (llothcat)
12 years ago

An apology for what? Expressing my honest opinion? You guys are the ones that are doing the name calling and being generally nasty. I will not be apologizing for my opinion, for it hasn’t changed. The words I used could have been better chosen, yes, I’ll admit that much. I can’t change those words, and that is part of the reason I find this ridiculous.

Russian mafia? Really? You were the ones that jumped to conclusions, amusing as they were. it would be a mafia on the sense that those annoying Nigerian letters are mafia types, too. Hardly the case. People loose their heads when they get angry. In your case, you just got nasty in these forums. I had no way of knowing if it would escalate beyond that of not, and took steps to safeguard myself, that is all. And if was reasonable. Its escalated enough I think.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

You claimed we were out to steal your identity. You refer to women as “damaged goods”. Just take your stupidty and GO AWAY. Or are you the sort of creepy kid in the schoolground who just likes to follow someone around to annoy them? What sort of pathetic thrill are you getting out of this?

12 years ago

If you feel like people are being unfair and you don’t like how you’re being treated here, there’s a simple solution.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

The words I used could have been better chosen, yes, I’ll admit that much. I can’t change those words, and that is part of the reason I find this ridiculous.

Apologies: Still doing them wrong.

(Also: why is it so hard for people like this to even come close? “I could have chosen better words.” That’s like half-way to an apology right there. Dl’d have to drop the “As the person who fucked up in the first place, I find everything since then ridiculous,” which would hurt so bad, I’m sure.)

12 years ago

I had no way of knowing if it would escalate beyond that of not, and took steps to safeguard myself, that is all. And if was reasonable. Its escalated enough I think.

And…you’re a writer?

DLColvin (llothcat)
12 years ago

I like the Davids writing. I explained that already.

As for calling all women damaged goods.. Look back again at that post. I believe I said that particular woman was, because she had a history of being abused. You do not get over being abused overnight 😐 seriously. Anyone who has been abused, or has dealt with people who have been abused, knows this.

12 years ago

The logic “I can’t undo what I did, so stop being angry about it” is unlikely to get one very far in life. “Sure, I murdered that guy, but it’s not like I can go back and un-murder him, so this whole trial business is ridiculous!”

I’m not going to touch this latest comment except to say that you’re going to get eaten alive.

12 years ago

Some people just like attention. Even (especially?) when it’s negative.

There may be a correlation between those people and ones who use 2 dot ellipses and make faux apologies.

12 years ago

Which is not to say what other people should do, it’s just why I am choosing not to engage with this one.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


You can read David’s writing without commenting. Either you like the comments and want to participate, just can’t handle being told to go away or think that you are so special and awesome that your ideas just have to be included. If it is the first, we won’t like you back when you pull shit like you have been pulling. If it is the second, suck it up and you should probably work on that in general (it’ll happen again). If it is the third, you are wrong as evidenced by your use if “damaged goods” to refer to women (that misogyny is a dime a dozen) and your contributions to this thread (both the repetitiveness and now, the inability to apologize or even recognize a mistake are also white common).

Just stop. You won’t get the last word in this and it will come up the next time you comment.

12 years ago

Guys I have 2 cute cats sleeping on either side of me and I want to get up and go to bed but THEY’RE SO CUTE. What should I do?

12 years ago

That’s it, furry cuties. I got up. They glared at me for a few seconds and then spooned with each other, forgetting me entirely.


Some Gal Not Bored at All


I would stay, but I’ve been having trouble falling asleep lately and am trying to stay up to avoid tossing and turning so I am probably about the worst for advice. πŸ™‚

12 years ago

I actually think it’s different; attention hogs, IMO, are usually the ones who come in and say ridiculous inflammatory obviously-untrue shit, like Pell or whoever.

DL and Ruby are I think a different sort, the sort who for whatever reason want to pretend that we’re their friends. So they usually just pop in with “Great post, David! Keep it up!” and try to look like any other harmless infrequent poster, and if you ignore them then more and more people think they are harmless infrequent posters, which is what they want.

12 years ago
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

“I like the Davids writing.”



Some Gal Not Bored at All


IIRC, and I may have been lurking on and off then so I very well might not recall correctly, Ruby never threw this big a stink about being called out. I remember lots of “teehee, but prison rape IS funny” from Ruby.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

@The Kittehs’

I had a lot of typos too. I blame the second glass of wine. (The first and third were good, but that second one was a troublemaker.) πŸ™‚

12 years ago

Pro tip – this is not a forum. Manboobz has a forum, but this is not it.

(LOL, you are so dumb.)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Some Gal – we all have typos. They’re all fodder for a laugh (whether by the writer or reader). πŸ˜‰

Still think The Davids is an idea to run with. It’s like that time there were questions in the house about whether David is actually made up of multiple cats.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

@The Kittehs’

πŸ™‚ I really just wanted to make my (bad) wine joke.

Still think The Davids is an idea to run with. It’s like that time there were questions in the house about whether David is actually made up of multiple cats.

Like this ( ), but with cats instead of kids?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

LOL yes, that’s just perfect!

I wish I could remember which thread the David-multiple-cats thing was in. I trawl through so many old ones it could be anywhere.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

@The Kittehs’

I remember it from my lurker days, but can’t do any better than that. I want to say it was from before he got his kitties, but that is likely to be both unhelpful and false.

12 years ago

Straw feminism makes people ugly.
Straw feminists are ugly.
Ugly people become straw feminists.
Straw feminists are subhuman, deviant scum.
Straw Feminism, The Ideology of Subhuman Deviant Scum, wants to “hook you up with an uggo” and “give women the right of cock carosoulling” [verb confusion. To carousel? Carouselling?] and is the ideological kool-aid of angry manboobz.
Why won’t anyone sleep with me? I’m a nice person! Bitch!

There’s some Venn Diagram overlap if you draw those out – I’m still not sure if Mr. ManSplain or Dr. Derogatory have fully worked out their Greater Manjaw theory – but the basis seems to be that only ugly people can become straw feminists, or that in any way finding anything about feminism will slowly and irrevocably (like a hideous memetic virus) alter your very body to become a puss infested, monstrosity. I think the word “Landwhale” comes up a lot, but I can’t find the source any more. If anyone could get me the link to “Hyperbole and Exaggeration in Codifying Commodities Exchanges Based on A Very Skewed Value System”, 2012, Fractal Wrong Press, Myass University., I’d be really glad.

It’s actually a really weird insult to leverage, because MRA’s jump straight beyond arguing social politics or philosophy or conscious thoughts and boil it all down to some miasma of: “Hey! You’re a hideous, deformed manboob slaving away to destroy us Pure, Pretty People”. As if being beautiful was somehow some sort of… currency… one should tender to best ability and there was some kind of… market place almost wherein you could exchange this… sex appeal? Yes!… towards gaining some sort of advantage. Because surely market dynamics apply to interpersonal relationships, theoretical basis what now misapplied rational economic theory wossname?

The only thing that one does is show that the person making the argument is operating under a very, very strange value system. Note that the primary straw always seems to be that people are ugly, not that they’re feminists, but because they’re ugly they must be feminists so they must be wrong so only beautiful women have any value because being ugly discredits your ideas because thinking or perspective or understanding or empathy or emotion or social regard or obligation or duty or thought or belief is apparently alien motivations to the MRA mind.
Which explains a lot, I guess. And it is sad.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

Straw feminists want all men to be sparkly, delicate, gentle drag-queening manginas. (Autocorrect: mango as)

Straw feminists want to have sex with 10% of men: the Alpha males who are hyper-masculine douchebags and they don’t sparkle at all.

The only way these two views can be reconciled is if straw feminists hate sex, which they do, but they also secretly crave Alpha cock, and…