a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism domestic violence evil single moms FemRAs imaginary backwards land misogyny MRA paul elam taking pleasure in women's pain victim blaming

A Voice for Men uses pic of brutalized woman to illustrate post blaming feminists for domestic violence

[TRIGGER WARNING for picture of brutalized woman]

If you want to show someone what sort of website A Voice for Men is, have them look at the following screenshot, which I’m putting below the jump because it may well trigger some readers in its depiction of the effects of domestic violence on women:










Screencap from A Voice for Men

The picture, as you can see, illustrates a recent post by Suzanne McCarley, otherwise known on the internet as Driver Suz.  (Regular readers of the Man Boobz comment section may remember her as the troll who was the first runner up for Man Boobz’ Special-est Snowflake Award for 2012.)

This isn’t the first time that A Voice for Men has used a picture of a brutalized woman to illustrate a post about domestic violence. The last time, the picture illustrated a notorious post from site founder Paul Elam suggesting that Domestic Violence Awareness month be replaced by “Bash a Violent Bitch Month.”

Here’s a screencap from that post, which I wrote about in more detail here:

Screencap from A Voice for Men

In her post, McCarley refrains from this sort of violent fantasy, but her basic argument – that feminism perpetuates domestic violence for profit – is even more insidiously victim-blaming.

McCarley makes it clear from the start that her post will be largely fact-free, announcing plainly that “I’m not going to quote lots of statistics and studies, or variables and technicalities.”

After some rhetorical fumfering, Suz sets forth her basic argument, such as it is:

Without DV victims, feminists would have no rallying cry, and they would lose political power.  Here’s how it works:

Thanks primarily to the Violence Against Women Act, DV has become a multi-billion dollar industry.  This industry employs many thousands of people throughout the nation, paying them with federal VAWA grant money.  And those thousands of people have made relatively little headway in achieving their “goal” of reducing DV.  Indeed they perpetuate it.  This is by design; if DV went away, so would their jobs. 

Every single one of these people would happily give up their job if domestic violence went away.

And in fact, as Suz would know if she had indeed done even a tiny bit of research on this subject, domestic violence has fallen considerably since the early 1990s. Indeed, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, in its most recent statement on the subject, reports that “from 1994 to 2010, the overall rate of intimate partner violence in the United States declined by 64%,” with similar rates of decline for both male and female victims. That’s more than a “little headway”; that’s huge.

Suz continues, oblivious to the fact that the basic factual premise of her argument is dead wrong:

There are many, many factors involved in DV, and it’s no coincidence that feminist policies aggravate nearly all of them, but for the sake of clarity I’m going to address only a simplified but significant few of them here.

Who commits a substantial proportion of DV?  Past victims or witnesses of DV.  Who committed the DV that they experienced or witnessed?  In too many cases to count, it is women.  Women commit far more than half of all DV.  Among the vast majority of violent couples, the violence is mutual.  Additionally, women commit the majority of child abuse. Yes, women are responsible for most DV.

Not true. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, over the period of 1994-2010, “about 4 in 5 victims of intimate partner violence were female.” Numerous other studies using different methodologies also find that women make up the majority of victims. The only studies that find similar rates of abuse – which are also, not coincidentally, the only ones that MRAs like to cite – are based on problematic methodologies that end up essentially equating mild and severe violence, pretending that a slap on the face is basically the same as a severe beating when it comes to determining which gender is responsible for the most abuse. (For more details, see here.)

Next point, what often triggers DV?  Stress.  What causes women lots of stress?  The constant obligations of child rearing.  What causes even more child rearing stress?  Not having a father in the family.  How are so many fathers removed from their families?  They are accused of Domestic Violence, whether it happened or not, and whether it’s mutual or not.  Disagreements are exaggerated, violence is “invented” or men are blamed for any real violence that does occur.

Suz, naturally, presents no evidence for any of this; she’s simply repeating a basic MRA catechism. Removing violent fathers from the home makes the home less stressful, not more.

The result is that fathers, often the most stable influence in the family, are kicked to the curb and financially bled dry, while mothers are protected and are excused for their “missteps;” this is the unstable – and all too often abusive – environment in which their children are raised. 

Violent fathers are not exactly a “stabilizing” influence on the home.

Toss in a few more variables like substance abuse, a string of violent boyfriends, and a bit of poverty, and this process is guaranteed to produce future domestic abusers. 

And feminism is responsible for this how?

And this is the process that VAWA has institutionalized.  It no longer happens “once in a while;” it is SOP.  Was this the intent of VAWA?  Who cares?  That’s the result.

Well, actually, you just said explicitly that feminists intentionally perpetuate domestic violence in order to make money. You’re moving the goalposts in your own post?

Feminism cares about controlling, dominating, destroying and extorting the men who pay Feminism’s bills.  Everything else is window dressing.

Citation fucking needed.

A Voice for Men uses violence porn to fight against those who fight against domestic violence. And Suzanne McCarley is happy to help.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Yes, being over 21 and still being possessed of a bum is probably misandry all by itself.

I must be really evil, I’m nearly 50 and I have one. Mwuahahahahaha!

::Sir looks bemused. He doesn’t realise how oppressed he is.::

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Kitteh — nawh, it’s just that in comparison to him you’re a spring chicken.

12 years ago

If older women were to lose their bums what would Tom complain about, though?

Wait, we know the answer to that.

12 years ago

Suz, MRAs, FeMRAS, keep it coming. When you post this stuff, it is forever — and thanks to people like David, even more so (you can delete from you sites, but David and others are keeping a record). You will never have a strong foothold in any mainstream political movement. Ever.
Were you idiots paying attention when Akins started babbling about rape? Oh, and please I.D. as Republicans, would you? The Tea Party and other extreme conservative/fundies haven’t quite killed the party yet. If you assholes saddle up with the Repubs — offically, that would garantee the party’s demise for sure. Thanks.

12 years ago

That great dane obviously has not taken self defense against fresh fruit. First you make him drop the banana! Then you eat the banana! Thus disarming him!

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago

I’ve been oppressing men by talking to Beloved about all the embroidery projects I want to do, and telling him all about how the quilt I’m working on is constructed and embroidered. That was a good hour long chat.

And I expected him to show some interest.

So. How many points does that get me?

12 years ago

Is this where I come for my feminist cookie? I talked to a couple of women like they were actually people with individual hopes and ambitions.
Or is that a few doors down? I wouldn’t want to accidentally get oppressed by scented candles or matching hand towels.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Cynickal — sorry, we have hand towels, SCENTED MOTHERFUCKING CANDLES and hard chairs, but idk about cookies. If they do have some down the hall do you think you could bring some back though?

Cassandra — it’s Tom “female penguins are whores” Martin, I’m sure he can find something else to be oppressed by (for example, penguins)

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

It was misandry because SCENTED FUCKING CANDLES.
This limerick ends with SCENTED FUCKING CANDLES.

12 years ago

That is the best limerick ev… SCENTED FUCKING CANDLES.

12 years ago

I love you all, but I’ve been having problems with the PTSD thing lately and reading this shit every day is not helping. I’m going to take a few weeks off. Keep mocking the shit out of these people who deserve it. I’ll return when I’m feeling more stable <3

12 years ago

Take care of yourself, whataboutthemoonz!

12 years ago

whataboutthemoonz, take whatever time you need. Hope you’re feeling better soon! Internet hugs if you want them!

12 years ago

I understand how you must feel, moonz. Take care, we’ll see you later.

12 years ago

Also, I found the misandrist cookies. They’re over here.

12 years ago

Take care, moonz, and have a good break. Would you like any parting animal videos?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

whataboutthemoonz — take care, and indulge in EA as needed 🙂

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Take care of yourself, moonz!

12 years ago

The only real rational response I can come up with, which doesn’t include me getting very, very, very f^%king angry over this vile, horrendous excuse for a human being and what he spews is this: ಠ_ಠ

12 years ago

So it was propping up not-real make-work at the same time as it was depriving a menz of work.

Except making a man do something as frivilous as sell women’s clothing would be total MISANDRY. Obviously you’re not supposed to be out shopping at all. You should be sewing your own clothes and stop being so materialistic and entitled.

12 years ago

You guys started up some limericks and didn’t TELL ME??

There once was a time, I’m confessing
That my curves, to my man, was a blessing,
I’m one lavendar spray
And a candle away
From oppressing all d00dz by undressing.


12 years ago

You have a talent for limericks, Dagrabbit. Indulge it more often. XD

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

@Argenti – LOL we’ve had that age conversation more than once!

I had a glimpse of him at the station tonight (stupid trains late again, they don’t work in the heat). He had his hands shoved in his back pockets and said, “My oppressed backside.” I’m not sure if it was like “My arse it is!” in derision, or “Look, this is my oppressed backside.”

See, he does listen …

@katz – I nearly fell off my chair laughing when I saw your self-defence against fruit comment!

@Kim – quite right, I should be ashamed. Sackcloth and ashes. But wait, isn’t that oppressing men by not dressing sexy? Oh, wait, prolly not, I’m too old for that.

@Dagrabbit, may I present you with one (1) internet, gift-wrapped. In frilly stuff. With glitter.

@whataboutthemoonz, I’m so sorry your PTSD is giving you trouble – lots of internet hugs and take care!

12 years ago

These people just concoct these nonsensical fantasies of how the world works, don’t they? Not to mention their ‘logic’ just changes so quickly depending on what point they want to make, and they don’t even try to use facts. Now women are really the violent gender, and actually more abusive than men? I thought these were the same people who think women are all evil and manipulative because they just can’t be straightforward and strong like a man.

It’s like the whole ‘friendzoning’ thing. Up till about 10 years ago, the trope of ‘X is in love with their best friend, Y’ was pretty well applied to all genders. And I sure remember it happening with just as many girls having crushes on their guy friends. But according to these guys, no, it’s *only* ever guys pining after their female friends. It’s just…weird.

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