a woman is always to blame domestic violence dozens of upvotes hundreds of upvotes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA pussy pass reddit victim blaming

How to Get Hundreds of Upvotes on Reddit, Part Eleventy Billion (Hint: It involves making light of domestic violence.)


Hey, do you need an instant karma boost on Reddit? Here’s how to get yourself hundreds of upvotes in four easy steps!

1) Make or find a misogynistic meme graphic that suggests women are terrible and makes light of domestic violence

2) Post it to the AdviceAnimals subreddit with the headline “I know I’m going to get downvoted into oblivion, but its true….”

3) There is no step 3

4) Enjoy your hundreds of upvotes!

Huh. I guess that’s really only two steps.

Graphic after the jump because — trigger warning —  it makes light of domestic violence, as do several of the other comments I’m going to quote.


It’s funny because it’s true!

(Note: That last statement is completely false.)

In the comments, one clever fella piggybacked off of the OP’s misogyny to win a couple hundred upvotes of his own with this hilarious comment:


And this guy won himself a couple dozen upvotes with a nice little list about how awful women are — and got his comment linked to in r/mensrights for allegedly providing great insight into “how Women are set on a pedestal in today’s society.”


Oh, but don’t worry, some brave Redditors stood up to defend women from these not-so-nice generalizations. Like this guy:


Huh. I guess that isn’t much of a defense after all, considering that it blames domestic violence on “immature bitch[es].”

Reddit: Where “chivalry” means suggesting that not all women are “immature bitches” who deserve to get punched. Just some of them.

The Advice Animals subreddit: amazingly, often worse than r/mensrights. It’s not clear if this is because the denizens of r/adviceanimals are actually more baldly misogynistic than the r/mensrights regulars, or if it’s just that the folks in r/mensrights know that really obvious outbursts of misogyny tend to make them look bad.


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Some Gal Not Bored at All

@The Kittehs’

It sounds like it should be applicable to anything, but in the Google search, I only saw it used in reference to hauntings and houses or as imprinting on a person’s psyche. It is possible there are object references further in the search results, but there are only so many Yahoo answers I can wade through without wanting to weep for humanity.

12 years ago

Falconer, congratulations on new home ownership. I love being a home owner.

Some Gal, that’s excellent news about the Cymbalta. I hope it works out for you with the fewest side effects possible.

I just want to point out that Jennifer of Captain Awkward made her short film The Wardrobe available for everyone to watch without a password. It’s excellent.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Even if it’s not a “superstition” thing, think of the feelings one can get if the item/place is connected with someone you love or admire. It can be anything from a memento of a loved one to something touched by someone you’ll never have personal contact with, save through this object. It is significant – and the repulsion reaction is just the mirror of that.

12 years ago

Katz what do you want from your phone contract/agreement? If you are in US I have T-mobile prepaid which is $50 a month for unlimited everything with 2G data. The connection is slow and often bad for both data and calls. The advantage is for an extra $10 I get unlimited international calls to landlines and text messages. That is worth it for me. I think most companies do the prepay option but you need to pay a lot for the phone. I think there are cheaper options out there as well.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

there are only so many Yahoo answers I can wade through without wanting to weep for humanity

Ain’t that the truth. I exclude Yahoo when I do searches. The stupidity and vapidity are the best of that site.

12 years ago

Right now, just a phone that works.

I don’t text and I don’t use data; I just want a provider that won’t drop my calls, isn’t too expensive, and doesn’t have an obnoxious contract.

12 years ago

Virgin Mobile?

12 years ago

O/T–I’m kind of freaked out because I just found out that a couple of days ago somebody shot at a couple of my classmates who were running on a local road. I’ve been sick, so I’ve been out of the loop, and I’m a little worried about walking to class tomorrow.

Nobody was hurt, but I’m afraid it will happen again and somebody will be 🙁

12 years ago

Grats some gal! I hope it goes well.

I don’t think psychic imprinting is the right term though, because it is usually used by people who think the original owner actually affects the thing they are imprinting. Whereas this thing we’re talking about is purely a belief in the mind of the recipient of the thing.

Psychic imprinting is usually described as happening because of strong emotions too, whereas this other concept can happen with even the briefest contact – like a signed photo being more valuable than a non-signed one because it’s proof the celebrity touched it for a second.

12 years ago

Virgin’s who I’m with now :/

12 years ago

Re the celebrity having touched an item so it’s valuable thing, that actually really creeps me out. What, are celebrities holy or something? It’s just really weird as a belief, and it can manifest in such creepy ways. Example – one time after I interviewed this dude one of the fans waiting outside the venue figured out that I had done so and she asked if I’d shaken hands with him, to which I said yes, and she GRABBED MY HAND AND STARTED STROKING IT LIKE IT WAS THE PRECIOUS. It was so incredibly creeping, not just because hey unwanted touching stop that, but because what kind of stuff has to be going on in a person’s brain to make them want to do that? My hand is not the Shroud of Turin, and celebrities are not deities.

12 years ago

WordSpinner, that is scary.

katz, I have had good luck with Verizon. Don’t know what they have in the way of plans without texting/data, but I know my mother has a very basic plan with them. (I had heard good things about Virgin, but clearly your experience has been different!) Hey look, more information on customer satisfaction, coverage maps, etc.

12 years ago

Yeah, that is creepy, and is taking this concept to an unhealthy extreme. But how do you feel about people treating as special, for eg: a famous guitarist’s guitar? Or an original prop from a movie? Things more substantial than a handshake basically.

12 years ago

Cloudiah: I’ve had an OK experience with Virgin, but Doad doesn’t like them. I would probably stick with what we’ve got and just get a new phone but he wants to switch.

Cassandra: What’s totally weird to me is when people get excited about famous people they aren’t even familiar with. Just knowing that they are famous makes them exciting to meet. Like when my friend was visiting, she saw the stars of NCIS LA and was really excited about it even though she’s never seen that show.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I like the books I have that are signed by their authors and I consider them better than the same book unsigned, but part of that is also that they aren’t just signatures. They all are addressed to me and/or the boyfriend as well. So part of it is simply that someone took the time to do something that is nice for me. If I hated the book, I wouldn’t keep it just because it was signed, though. I guess I just like the me + author + book. (Some of them are special for other reasons like that the boyfriend got a book inscribed to me instead of to himself, stuff like that.)

The hand thing is creepy though. I’m not sure if I find the unwanted invasion of personal space or the reason for it more unsettling, but together they made me shudder. Ugh.

12 years ago

@ Kim

I’m kind of meh about objects owned by famous people. I can see wanting it if you want the actual object, but the idea that it’s special because X owned it doesn’t really do anything for me.

Getting excited about famous people whose work you aren’t even familiar with is just funny. It does explain how people like the Kardashians came to exist, though.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Cassandra, yes, that is creepy! Curious thing is, it makes me think an actual handshake – ie. contact with the person – wouldn’t get me the same way as having something they owned. Perhaps the object has all the possibilities of how it was used to imagine, like in Kim’s example of a famous guitarist’s guitar? I shook hands with Prince Charles twice when he visited here in the 80s, but much as I liked him and was all OMG-the-Prince-of-Wales, I wasn’t a bit “I’m never washing my hand again” about it.

12 years ago

@ Some Gal

Yeah, I understand people wanting signed things that they got signed personally, because that’s about meeting and talking to the (author/musician/whatever). I don’t get why, say, a book that was signed by the author as they signed 500 books which were all then put up for sale in a store makes the book more valuable to people on an emotional level, though.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

The object for me would depend entirely on who owned it. The fame wouldn’t be the issue, but what the person meant to me.

Wordspinner – that’s horrible. Has it been reported to the police?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Cassandra – that reminds me of what Pratchett says, that the unsigned copies of his books should be worth more. 😛

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I don’t get the random signed book thing either. We have a comic that is signed that doesn’t have my name on it or anything, just the signature. It was a gift from a friend and I appreciate the thought and I appreciate that the signature is supposed to make it more special for me (it doesn’t, but the thought counts) and I appreciate the effort to get it, but I would have been just as happy with an unsigned copy.

12 years ago

A lot of these are collector’s items, which makes them a bit different. Collecting things is a perfectly normal hobby, and I don’t think there’s anything particularly worse about collecting paraphernalia related to your favorite show or band than, say, collecting Schoenhut circus animals. And anything that makes an item more unique or harder to find makes it a better addition to a collection.

So I think getting excited about owning a signed book or a guitar owned by a musician is reasonable (or even seeing such a thing, since a good collector appreciates collectibles even when they aren’t part of zir own collection). That even allows, a bit, for the weird “He shook my hand so I’m never going to wash it!” impulse: You’re recognizing something that you theoretically wish could go in your collection, but can’t because it’s purely ephemeral.

12 years ago

I think I just don’t have the collector gene. Funnily enough I do own a book signed by Pratchett, but like Some Girl it was a gift. I appreciate the fact that Mr C took the trouble to go get it signed for me, but the signature itself doesn’t make the book more valuable to me.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Yikes, Wordspinner. Take care. No class is worth your health.

12 years ago


Just thought I’d try out blockquotes (never have before).

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