a woman is always to blame domestic violence dozens of upvotes hundreds of upvotes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA pussy pass reddit victim blaming

How to Get Hundreds of Upvotes on Reddit, Part Eleventy Billion (Hint: It involves making light of domestic violence.)


Hey, do you need an instant karma boost on Reddit? Here’s how to get yourself hundreds of upvotes in four easy steps!

1) Make or find a misogynistic meme graphic that suggests women are terrible and makes light of domestic violence

2) Post it to the AdviceAnimals subreddit with the headline “I know I’m going to get downvoted into oblivion, but its true….”

3) There is no step 3

4) Enjoy your hundreds of upvotes!

Huh. I guess that’s really only two steps.

Graphic after the jump because — trigger warning —  it makes light of domestic violence, as do several of the other comments I’m going to quote.


It’s funny because it’s true!

(Note: That last statement is completely false.)

In the comments, one clever fella piggybacked off of the OP’s misogyny to win a couple hundred upvotes of his own with this hilarious comment:


And this guy won himself a couple dozen upvotes with a nice little list about how awful women are — and got his comment linked to in r/mensrights for allegedly providing great insight into “how Women are set on a pedestal in today’s society.”


Oh, but don’t worry, some brave Redditors stood up to defend women from these not-so-nice generalizations. Like this guy:


Huh. I guess that isn’t much of a defense after all, considering that it blames domestic violence on “immature bitch[es].”

Reddit: Where “chivalry” means suggesting that not all women are “immature bitches” who deserve to get punched. Just some of them.

The Advice Animals subreddit: amazingly, often worse than r/mensrights. It’s not clear if this is because the denizens of r/adviceanimals are actually more baldly misogynistic than the r/mensrights regulars, or if it’s just that the folks in r/mensrights know that really obvious outbursts of misogyny tend to make them look bad.


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12 years ago

How disgusting. And I really need to stay away from this place when I’m already feeling like shit. =[

12 years ago

On probably a dumb question but there has been a rise in women domestically abusing their boyfriends/hydbands. Do they pick fights with their girlfriends/wives because they think they won’t get hit? Or that the men somehow deserve it? Better yet are any of these people actually violent towards their partners or do they just talk shit… Like I said I know it’s probably a dumb question I just don’t see how you can make claims like that and legitimately not know what an inconceivable ass you’re being.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

I don’t want to discourage you from sharing. That was exactly the opposite if what I meant. I was referring to these guys’ revelling in how they can’t be expected to control themselves if a woman gets mouthy, as though such a lack if self-control is normal or to be aspired to.

I’ve just heard some really awful things said about people who struggle with an addiction (be it cigarettes or something else), and didn’t want anyone to think I was doing that. I may have overcompensated and made it look like I was making that point anyway.

That’ll teach me to post something I’m worried about expressing poorly before I’ve had my coffee and right before I have to go away from the internet. Sorry.

12 years ago

Please forgive my horrible spelling and grammar in my last comment also. A pox on autocorrect!

Some Gal Not Bored at All


The autocorrect monster seems less destructive, but more prolific than the blockquote monster. I’d join you in the pox, but am worried they’ll focus their destructive power on me. 🙂

12 years ago

Starla: Support your premise. What are the stats on this rise you think there is in women abusing their male partners?

12 years ago

@Starla, without knowing the stats, my guess would be that there is less stigma in reporting such abuse. There is an enormous stigma attached to a man being battered by his wife — the man’s masculinity is questioned, etc.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

@Tina and @Some Gal, when I was (gently) criticised for smoking, I would just reply “but I’m orally fixated”. I found everybody shut up at that point.

I smoked for about 20 years. I tried to quit about 3 times, and the most I lasted was 3 months, with petrol fumes triggered me when I cycled! I limited it down as much as I could, and stopped smoking indoors or in my car. The thing that stopped me was having a horrible flu one year that put me basically bedridden. After 3 days, I realised I hadn’t had a smoke. I also haven’t said that I’ve quit, I’m just seeing how long I can stretch the duration out between cigarettes. 🙂 Thankfully, offices, bars, etc all went smoke-free over here, otherwise I could probably never go out without lighting up.

12 years ago

*steps onto soapbox*

To anyone who’s trying to quit smoking: it’s not about willpower or self-control.

Nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs out there (indeed, I know at least one person who found it easier to quit heroin than to quit smoking). Smoking creates both a psychological addiction and a physical dependence – after a certain point, your brain literally needs the nicotine to keep functioning normally. You cannot will yourself out of that, no matter how hard you try, and I hate seeing people beat themselves up over their inability to quit.

IT’S NOT YOU. IT’S THE DRUG. So go easy on yourselves.

(And since nicotine is also a euphoric, it’s not uncommon for people with depression, anxiety, or stress to self-medicate with cigarettes, and it’s that much harder to quit under those circumstances. Seriously, go easy on yourself.)

*puts soapbox away*

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Thanks and well-said.

I’d also add to this

And since nicotine is also a euphoric, it’s not uncommon for people with depression, anxiety, or stress to self-medicate with cigarettes, and it’s that much harder to quit under those circumstances.

that, while certainly BAD FOR YOU, cigarettes lack a lot of the side-effects of proper psychiatric medications, especially weight gain, mania, personality changes, and becoming suicidal. (And of course, while there are some super scary things linked to cigarettes, there isn’t, as far as I know, a death rash.)

Self-medication, imo, gets a bit if a bad rap because some (not all, and not in all cases) forms of self-medication are harmful, and because we both minimize the harm of actual medication and underestimate the ability of, say, the mentally ill to actuallly know what they are doing and to make rational decisions. That isn’t to say that all self-medication is good, but that a lot it is, at the very least, less bad.

*puts away my soapbox*

12 years ago

The article is a bit outdated, but Woman on man domestic abuse went up by 3,500 convictions in the UK over five years. Also to clarify. I do not in any way think that because of this it is okay or acceptable for a man to hit a woman. But apparently the MRAs thinks its okay to hit women while a woman hitting a man is wrong. I think any person abusing another person in a relationship is wrong. But I have yet to see an MRA comment on the rise but I don’t have a doubt in my mind they would vomit rage all over their keyboards at the sight of it.

12 years ago

@Some Gal it’s also, sadly, much cheaper to have a couple of cigarettes a day than to see a doctor and a therapist and get prescription anti-depressants if you don’t have insurance.

Speaking of stress smoking: a friend of mine told me that many people breathe most deeply when they’re smoking, particularly if they’re stress- or angry-smoking, and that it’s the deep breathing that calms you down more than the nicotine (which is a stimulant). IDK if the science backs her up, but sometimes, when the urge to stress-smoke hits, it helps to breathe like I’m smoking. Looks funny, but it keeps me busy until the craving passes…

12 years ago

Starla, as your own source points out, a rise in convictions is not necessarily a rise in incidences of the crime itself. Even the article notes that while there have been more instances of woman-on-man DV, there have also been more reports and police have been taking it more seriously. It’s a little vague on how significant the increase in battering by women is, and it notes than male-on-female DV has also increased, so I’m wary of drawing too many conclusions from it.

Sadly, the writer doesn’t seem to share my reservations :-/

12 years ago

It probably wasn’t the best article, but then again there may not be accurate stats on it because like blitzgal said, a lot of men may not report it because of the stigma assiciated with it. I originally read it in one of my boyfriends textbooks (he is pursuing a degree in law enforcement) and don’t remember the exact numbers. But even if I’m wrong, that doesn’t necessarily mean that women NEVER abuse men and Im willing to bet that if MRAs knew (and maybe they do, but i have yet to see them acknowledge it, correct me if I’m wrong) that the man would be a poor victim and the woman an evil bitch, but the woman still has it coming when it’s the other way around. Logic fail? I think so.

The Stepford Knife
The Stepford Knife
12 years ago

The original post features a polar bear doing a facepalm and this reminded me of dear departed Knut, AKA “The Darling of Berlin”, and this well-meaning but really quite horrific tribute song:

I love the bit at 1:08 when the dodgy Autotune kicks in and you see Knut throwing his paws over his eyes as if to say “ARRRRGGHHHH THE HUMANITY”.

Despite the horror of this, “Eisbär” (pronounced “icebear”) is still my second favourite German word, after “Atomkraftwerk” (nuclear power plant).

12 years ago

Why exactly do neo-soul types get lumped in with hip-hop anyway?

Well, the two genres do seem to have smooshed together somewhat over the last decade or so – and as an old-skool fan of the latter and not much of a fan of the former, I have to quote De La Soul’s rumination on the current meaning of the term ‘R&B’:

– You mean Rhythm and Blues?
– No, Rap and Bullshit.

12 years ago

From the Stormfront link, Poe’s Law in action:

One thing I’ve noticed repeatedly in the responses from anti-Whites is that they’re keen on saying stuff like “you’re just parroting a bunch of words some other guy wrote!” and “learn to think for yourself!” et cetera.

Someone needs to work on an effective comeback/putdown for that

12 years ago

Eek, Starla! Please don’t use the Daily Mail as citation for anything. The only ‘fact’ one can glean from reading their proto-MRA tosh is “The Daily Mail is a genuinely foul piece of right-wing bilge which consistently denigrates women, doesn’t even bother to hide racist attitudes, and would say the sky was green if it outraged people enough to sell papers”. Awful, awful misogynist shitrag. Anything they say about women is poisonous, they hatewomen.

The best stats one can usually get on crime in the UK is the British Crime Survey and Home Office bulletins.

In 2006-7, men accounted for 43.4% of victims of partner abuse*.
In 2007-8, 45.5%.
In 2008-9 it fell to 37.7%.

However, although the number of male victims of partner abuse fell between 2008-9, the number of women prosecuted for domestic violence rose from 1,575 in 2004-05 to 4,266 in 2008-09.

The survey also doesn’t account for the gender of the partner doing the abuse – so male victim does not necessarily mean female partner. It also doesn’t account for severity of abuse or mutual abuse, so a shove to get away from an abusive partner who’s e.g. blocking the door is counted the same as being hospitalised through violence.

That the number of women prosecuted rose but the number of men victimised fell shows that, despite what MRAs claim, this is an issue that’s being taken seriously. If they ever did anything other than attempt to make women look bad and play ‘hypothetical statistics’ games to try drag everyone down to their level, we could be even closer to solving the problem.

Now Starla, I know that your point was that ‘MRAs think women should be able to control themselves and never, EVER strike a man, but think they should be allowed to fly off the handle for any small thing’ and you’re totally right on that, but I thought I’d pop the stats here for anyone curious about what they actually look like.

12 years ago

^The asterisk was supposed to be for a footnote saying “The CPS/BCS didn’t monitor domestic violence until 2005, so those are the earliest stats that can be directly compared”.

12 years ago

Yikes! Lesson learned! I had no idea the daily mail was that corrupt. Love your name by the way.

12 years ago

From the Stormfront link, Poe’s Law in action:

One thing I’ve noticed repeatedly in the responses from anti-Whites is that they’re keen on saying stuff like “you’re just parroting a bunch of words some other guy wrote!” and “learn to think for yourself!” et cetera.

Someone needs to work on an effective comeback/putdown for that

…that is a thing of sublime beauty. I have no words.

12 years ago

@SomeGal & other fellow smokers.

I don’t aim to discourage anyone! But I know some who crave even months and years after quitting. It’s my third attempt at quitting but I haven’t smoked for 2 months now cold turkey, because it’s the only thing that works for me. It also helps that I’m too busy and too broke to go out! I know I always love the harsh sensation in my throat and the excuse it gives me to go on study breaks and work breaks. I like going out for 10 minutes to smoke, wake myself up, and return to studying. It’s therapeutic, especially when I’m worked up or upset, and for some reason nonsmokers are of the opinion that smoking doesn’t make you feel anything.

@That stormfront website. I feel like banging my head and telling them to go to European countries like Finland or even Germany to witness the ‘genocide’ of white people at the hands of ‘multiculturalism’. You can’t call shenanigans when you took it from the natives.

12 years ago

Heh, sorry they just set me on rant mode – every woman is too fat or too thin or too slutty or too prudish or too rich or too poor or whatever, no one can win! They really are like the MRM newspaper. They even have this ridiculously creepy ‘celebrity’ section where they talk really skeevily about the daughters of celebrities and use phrases like ‘now she’s all grown up’ about 8-14 year old girls, and talk about how ‘all eyes were on them’ as they’ve been papparazoed leaving school or whatever. Their ‘Women’s’ section is all articles which may as well be titled ‘QUIT YOUR JOB AND START BREEDING NOW YOU REPULSIVE HAGS’ (with Evopsych ‘theories’ to back them up!) – they once wrote an article about a friend of mine where they lied about her so much she had to move towns, she didn’t get an apology – it took her 5 years to settle in court and she’s not allowed to speak about it publicly.

And that’s not to mention how much they lie and smear every single group that doesn’t fall into the category of ‘white, English, straight, cis, able-bodied, neurotypical man’.

12 years ago

Hey, I got to see Canada’s new polymer bank notes today (being trained by a nice programmer dude from PEI who did a show and tell) — they’re cool, those bank notes. Even though I guess the maple is not actually a Canadian maple but a Norwegian maple… And he also said Canada is giving up on pennies. Now I want to move to Canada, just because of your monetary policies.

But mostly I got on here because apparently there was a terrible Audi commercial that ran during the Super Bowl, that implies that if you drive an Audi you are entitled to go to the prom and kiss the Prom Queen without her consent. And then the Prom King will hit you, because she’s his property after all, but it will be totally worth it. No one could remember the exact tag line, but it was something about bravery.

12 years ago

Are they actually giving up pennies? Because someone claims that’s happening here every 10 seconds and it never does.

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