a woman is always to blame domestic violence dozens of upvotes hundreds of upvotes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA pussy pass reddit victim blaming

How to Get Hundreds of Upvotes on Reddit, Part Eleventy Billion (Hint: It involves making light of domestic violence.)


Hey, do you need an instant karma boost on Reddit? Here’s how to get yourself hundreds of upvotes in four easy steps!

1) Make or find a misogynistic meme graphic that suggests women are terrible and makes light of domestic violence

2) Post it to the AdviceAnimals subreddit with the headline “I know I’m going to get downvoted into oblivion, but its true….”

3) There is no step 3

4) Enjoy your hundreds of upvotes!

Huh. I guess that’s really only two steps.

Graphic after the jump because — trigger warning —  it makes light of domestic violence, as do several of the other comments I’m going to quote.


It’s funny because it’s true!

(Note: That last statement is completely false.)

In the comments, one clever fella piggybacked off of the OP’s misogyny to win a couple hundred upvotes of his own with this hilarious comment:


And this guy won himself a couple dozen upvotes with a nice little list about how awful women are — and got his comment linked to in r/mensrights for allegedly providing great insight into “how Women are set on a pedestal in today’s society.”


Oh, but don’t worry, some brave Redditors stood up to defend women from these not-so-nice generalizations. Like this guy:


Huh. I guess that isn’t much of a defense after all, considering that it blames domestic violence on “immature bitch[es].”

Reddit: Where “chivalry” means suggesting that not all women are “immature bitches” who deserve to get punched. Just some of them.

The Advice Animals subreddit: amazingly, often worse than r/mensrights. It’s not clear if this is because the denizens of r/adviceanimals are actually more baldly misogynistic than the r/mensrights regulars, or if it’s just that the folks in r/mensrights know that really obvious outbursts of misogyny tend to make them look bad.


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12 years ago

Yay more lurkers!

I think the “Imma comment and pretend I was never an asshole to you all” trolls are more annoying than the others because it’s the semblance of manners and politeness (most of the time) without the actual substance of manners and politeness. And it’s seriously passive aggressive.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Agree there, Deoridhe. And the whole “I’m so innocent, why are you all being so meeeean” subtext … ::blork::

12 years ago

It just feels like they’re trying to win by recontextualizing the conversation so that, if you’re rude to them, it looks like you’re just attacking them for no reason and your options are either “attack and look irrational” or “don’t attack and cast her as a reasonable person.”

The correct option, of course, is “reply to every comment of hers by quoting what she said earlier.”

12 years ago

What confuses me, morning coffee and blank stare and all, is AetherSpinx list there.

“I’ve never had an issue with this directly…”


“… hell, I don’t agree with everything here”

and blockquote>””This isn’t all women:” I know.”

So… being stupid is okay so long as I keep saying I’m aware I’m being stupid? I mean, it’s so beautiful. There’s a man there who has enough self awareness to realize he is saying something strange and at odds with his own life, but not enough to consider that his thoughts might then be incorrect – instead his entire own set of experience just amounts to not really mattering and not being important, because he’s generalizing and knows he is generalizing but it totally wouldn’t be all women, swear you guys, just most of the lot of them and they sure do suck, don’t they? Not that I believe women suck! They’re all sluts, I mean, not anyone I know or anything, but they totally are!

It’s amazing. It’s like looking at a hypercube of wrong. it’s… sad. A stronger sense of boundary and a few less rationalizations and you’d have a person who would say all of that, and then conclude it with: “But generalizing about 3.5 billion people based on the activities of individuals never ends well, so clearly I must be wrong, as the awesome women and cool girlfriend in my life proves to me every single day”.

Instead I just get this weird… icky sensation of someone sort-of-kind-of-not-really allowing himself to really be as nasty as he wants to be. “I’m not a racist, but…”. It’s like the polite trolls! We know you aren’t. Stop it.

(The blockqoute monster is going to get me, isn’t it?)

12 years ago

Aaaah! 2 out of 3 ain’t bad! Mwahaha, I’ve escaped from the jaws of coding related defeat!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I remember one of Ruby’s reappearances not so long ago when a new person asked why we were all jumping on her (anyone who’s on at the moment? I can’t recall who it was). Anyway they soon realised her *cough* innocuous *cough* comments weren’t the whole story with a précis of her earlier efforts.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Fibinachi – it’s just softening you up! 😀

You notice that this AirheadSphinx bloke also claims that while it hasn’t happened to him, he knows of “enough second-hand cases” and is worried his girlfriend will act this way. I mean, hello, how on earth can he seriously claim that? Is he treating his girlfriend like dirt? Does he take his mates’ tales of being sooooo badly done by as gospel truth? It’s like he doesn’t dare think that maybe these tales are completely shit, that there’s simply nothing more to it than misogyny that expects women to be perfect – ie. totally compliant with the man’s whims.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

Kitteh: there’s a good reason why hearsay isn’t normally allowed in criminal court. And all this MRA crap around what they “remember” – Elizabeth Loftus did loads of work on memory to show that eye witness memory is pretty shoddy. So even if the MRAs weren’t being dishonest about what they did or did not remember, the comments would still be questionable. Hence, quotes from source work well. 🙂

And now.. off to bed.

Need to know (@Oraclenine)
Need to know (@Oraclenine)
12 years ago

I almost entirely lurk but read here every day. I entertain MrOracle with descriptions of the trolls and their sad stories.

Instead of cute animals, I bring you an encouraging report.

So, there’s the big Superbowl get together for MrOracle’s workplace. And at one point I went to see what was up out on the deck. (Answer- the grill, the drinks cooler, a fire pit, assorted chairs and a second tv so the cook didn’t miss anything).

And it was halftime and the guys including our host and MrOracle were debating Destiny’s Child vs TLC. It was generally agreed that without Left Eye Lopes (bless) there’s never going to be a TLC reunion tour and that kinda sucked.

Cue That Guy. Why do *they* all do have such dumb names? All the songs sound alike. Beyonce has no talent and can’t dance and “if you dress like that I’ll treat you like that”.

The guys around the fire pit all just looked at him, then went back to trying to figure out who was in her backup band. That Guy then tried on the ever popular slams at Michelle Obama (who apparently picks the performer for the national anthem and favors, you know, those hip hop types). Guys just look at him blankly.

I made eye contact with MrOracle and said “Yeah, I’ll be inside.” He nodded and rolled his eyes at whatever That Guy was saying about hating (c)rap music.

Office get together. Not my house. Potential for huge drama in the workplace. Putting someone’s head on a pike with a sign saying DON’T BE THAT GUY is not on.

I watched for a while and whenever he’d start up the co-workers would just look at him blankly and then carry on without giving him anything. No agreement, no joining in on his little rants- the social equivalent of smothering a fire.

Best thing? MrOracle followed me inside and asked if I was okay.

No,wait- very best thing was when we got in the car and MrOracle’s first words were “That Guy is like a walking post on Manboobz. That’s how I know the quotes in the blog posts aren’t cherry-picked.”

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Night Kiwi Girl!

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“And it was halftime and the guys including our host and MrOracle were debating Destiny’s Child vs TLC. It was generally agreed that without Left Eye Lopes (bless) there’s never going to be a TLC reunion tour and that kinda sucked.”

We had basically the inverse conversation — Beyonce’s having a reunion but isn’t Left Eye dead? That’s TLC, dude. (Music is not my brother’s strong suit!)

Randomness aside, I’m half glad no one supported him, and half upset he and his views exist.

12 years ago

While we’re on “predictable racists”, I’ve been pointed to the Stormfront invading-fucking-everywhere guidelines that explain why you see that fucking asinine “anti-racist is code for anti-white” copypasta everywhere.

You’d probably all figured out it was them, just wanted to let you all know.

Why exactly do neo-soul types get lumped in with hip-hop anyway? A fair few did rap, too, but I don’t think Beyonce ever has. She’s had a few rappers featured in her works, I guess, and is married to one? Or maybe it’s because she’s black. Hmm.

I bet this guy listens to music by people with sensible names like Sting or Bono Vox or Ringo Starr. Maybe some Yim Yames or one of Blue Öyster Cult’s ex-members like Buck Dharma.

12 years ago

Or maybe he’s a hair-metal guy and prefers Motley Crue, perhaps because of Nikki Sixx’s songwriting?

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Non-whites genociding whites…having spent half my night lurking around #IdleNoMore and #OpThunderbird, yeah, I have rage face right now. (Both are about First Nation and Native American rights, the second specifically about the absurdly high number of assaults, rapes, and murders of aboriginal girls and women)

But oh yeah, white people are totally the ones being subjected to genocide.

12 years ago

Well, there are the Bosnians, an attempt at genocide was made against them, and they’re white. I’m guessing that’s not what our racist friends mean though. In fact, I’m guessing that they might still refuse to acknowledge that that’s what was happening at all, because Muslims are scary.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

@Need to know – thanks for delurking and welcome! And Yay to Mr Oracle and his workmates. That is encouraging. It read like a good script from Captain Awkward. 🙂

Need to know (@Oraclenine)
Need to know (@Oraclenine)
12 years ago

You mean having not-white people have opinions and rights at you isn’t just like genocide?

Next you’ll be suggesting that women should have the vote- oh, wait. Women do have the vote. And the gummint is totally covering up white people being genocided because most of our elected officials here are… white men?

(OUR elected officials being the only ones who matter to these yahoos. Because America,fuck yeah! that’s why.)

Just trying to think like these guys is exhausting. Felony Stupid in the first degree should come with a hefty fine (used to build a fund for proper sex education, feeding the homeless and catching up on the appalling backlog of untested rape kits).

I’m going to treat myself to some of this shortbread dipped in dark chocolate now.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Cassandra — sorry, in my very North American rage face moment, I ignored the rest of the fucking world. You are quite correct. Of course, I suspect they could twist even that, as, well, warning this is backwards —

“9) Questions for anti-Whites:

Do you agree that If Saddam Hussein had flooded the Kurdish villages with non-Kurds and ordered the Kurds to “assimilate” and “celebrate this diversity” and thereby demographically wiping out the Kurds as an ethnic group he WOULD have been GUILTY of committing an intentional act of genocide?”


I’m going back to, because the non-serious topics remain funny.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Apparently allowing non-white people into “white counties” is the genocide here…which may be why my first reaction was to default to how well allowing white people into the Americas has gone.

+1 internet for wtf you’d use the fine for felony stupidity

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

+1 internet for wtf you’d use the fine for felony stupidity

Seconding that.

And wouldn’t it be sheer joy to hear (well, read) the squeals of outrage from all the MRAs who’d get charged with felony stupidity. Their claims of being thrown into debtors’ prison over child support payments would be nothing to it.


On which schadenfreudish note I had best bid you all good night! 🙂

12 years ago

Not-a-bit-calmer comments ahead. If / I intend to quit smoking I may have to lay off the MRA stuff. “It makes me so upset I just have to go smoke!” Oh, look, another mirror. It’s all someone else’s fault. I’m working on it, I swear. (grimace) I’ve mouthed off before and realized afterward how lucky I was to not get punched, that I would have deserved it but fortunately my audience had much more self-control than I did. I am ashamed that I can’t/don’t control myself better. Oh, yeah, I would have deserved to get hit because I was being a jerk and not just because I’m female.
There’s a word that the MRA’s use, what they call women. I can’t remember it. Only that person’s life experiences/viewpoint are real? Does this sound familiar to anyone?

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

Glad to know there are so many abusers on reddit. “You made me hit you” is only acceptable if someone hit you first and you had no other choice in subduing them. The fact that people want to generalize women as drama queens while ignoring the stereotypically masculine go to of violence being a solution for any and all confrontation as dramatic baffles me.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


“You made me hit you” is only acceptable if someone hit you first and you had no other choice in subduing them.

And even then, it isn’t like it is required! The way some of these guys go on, you’d think that when a woman “mouths off,” the laws of physics go all screwy and their fists are inexplicably drawn to the woman in question. Thus, “don’t hit women” is treated the same as “jump off a bridge, but don’t fall.” It’s disgusting and juvenile.

And I still don’t understand why someone would go on and on about their self-control issues in public. (@Tina, just so it is clear, I am not referring to the stuff about smoking. I am trying to cut back – and sometimes wish I had more self-control, so I might be connecting something no one else would have – and I feel you. 🙁 “I may have to change my behavior to accomplish a goal” is about as far from what I’m talking about as you can get.)

12 years ago

@Some Gal,

In the past year or so, my..brain-mouth filter and self control..I’m sorry for taking it out on all of you. Living situation here at home since October, not good. I’m sorta aware that I’m oversharing. I will work on stopping.

12 years ago

@Tulgey Logger

NAWALT isn’t as dumb as it sounds, though. Because they believe it is a logical fallacy.

No, I’m totally serious. They haul that out to mock anybody who claims all women aren’t like the boogeyman monsters they describe. They laugh at your claims that women are individuals.

They really believe all women are like that.

So it’s self-consistent, at least. Totally non-reality-based, but self-consistent.