a woman is always to blame domestic violence dozens of upvotes hundreds of upvotes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA pussy pass reddit victim blaming

How to Get Hundreds of Upvotes on Reddit, Part Eleventy Billion (Hint: It involves making light of domestic violence.)


Hey, do you need an instant karma boost on Reddit? Here’s how to get yourself hundreds of upvotes in four easy steps!

1) Make or find a misogynistic meme graphic that suggests women are terrible and makes light of domestic violence

2) Post it to the AdviceAnimals subreddit with the headline “I know I’m going to get downvoted into oblivion, but its true….”

3) There is no step 3

4) Enjoy your hundreds of upvotes!

Huh. I guess that’s really only two steps.

Graphic after the jump because — trigger warning —  it makes light of domestic violence, as do several of the other comments I’m going to quote.


It’s funny because it’s true!

(Note: That last statement is completely false.)

In the comments, one clever fella piggybacked off of the OP’s misogyny to win a couple hundred upvotes of his own with this hilarious comment:


And this guy won himself a couple dozen upvotes with a nice little list about how awful women are — and got his comment linked to in r/mensrights for allegedly providing great insight into “how Women are set on a pedestal in today’s society.”


Oh, but don’t worry, some brave Redditors stood up to defend women from these not-so-nice generalizations. Like this guy:


Huh. I guess that isn’t much of a defense after all, considering that it blames domestic violence on “immature bitch[es].”

Reddit: Where “chivalry” means suggesting that not all women are “immature bitches” who deserve to get punched. Just some of them.

The Advice Animals subreddit: amazingly, often worse than r/mensrights. It’s not clear if this is because the denizens of r/adviceanimals are actually more baldly misogynistic than the r/mensrights regulars, or if it’s just that the folks in r/mensrights know that really obvious outbursts of misogyny tend to make them look bad.


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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

The mean thing to tell people about wasabi is that it’s a palate-cleansing green tea sorbet 🙂

Sadist! 😀

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Re: wasabi — my brilliant father “worked up the nerve” to try sushi, my cucumber roll, and was all “pile on that green stuff” “you really want to taste it first” “nawh, can’t be that bad, you’re just a whimp about it” — laughter ensued.

I miss living down the street from a tiny Indian mart with home made fresh lunch, Indian MRE things with the 3 pepper warning is a bit much, naan is good, but other than that? Curry? Yes please!

So hilarious to watch the results of him assuming I just don’t like spicy!

Kitteh — Indian potatoes in spinach is pretty mild, it isn’t really spicy per se, the flavor seems to come from non-spicy spices if that makes sense — nutty almost. You might like it is the point here.

Wordspinner — that’s horrible! Please stay safe and fingers crossed that the shooter is caught soon.

LBT — awesome! (And if you care about it, I think you can banish that right sidebar message by putting a blank text box there)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Argenti – I have a really, really low tolerance for anything that might even be on the spicy spectrum. Like, when my bff (who’s an Angelino who loves spicy stuff, she’s the jalapeno queen) visited here, we had gorgeous Swiss hot chocolate. Mine had strawberry in it and hers had chilli. There was a tiny bit left over and the barista asked if I wanted to try it, “It isn’t really hot,” quoth he. I didn’t, and bff said I was wise not to. Not hot? Ha!

Curry, I’m afraid, is one of those things whose aroma makes me want to gag. Really don’t like the smell of much Indian, Chinese or South-east Asian cooking.

Steak and mushrooms, though … ::drool:: 😉

12 years ago

A good friend of mine can’t eat Indian food because he says to him it “smells like body odor.” I wonder if it’s a genetic thing, like people not liking cilantro?

12 years ago

Mr C’s brother hates cilantro. He loves strong and spicy foods in general, it’s just that one thing he can’t deal with.

Except for the soba salad I made that was filled with cilantro that he quite happily chowed down on. Still trying to figure out how that got past his “cilantro smells like socks” issue.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Kitteh — chili is definitely spicy, and seeing how I think dark chocolate with chili peppers in it is delicious, yeah, my definition of “not really spicy” may still be too spicy for you. YMMV, sorry.

12 years ago

Soba salad with lots of cilantro? Um, can you share a recipe?

12 years ago

Oh, and related to the thinking something is “not really spicy” thing… I tend to like sour flavors. I went to a Lebanese restaurant with a friend, and I mentioned that I loved their lemonade — but forgot to mention I loved it because it was sour. My friend spent our whole meal trying to stir enough sugar into her lemonade to make it palatable.

Now I remember to mention that when I eat there with someone who hasn’t been there before. I still feel kind of guilty about that.

12 years ago

Kittehs, are you familiar with the idea of supertasters? It sounds like you might be one.

@ cloudiah

I started with this recipe, and then over time took out the red onions and the lime, and added cilantro instead of basil. If you’re using the cilantro you might want to leave out the peanuts too, it doesn’t go very well. I also use 2-3 times as much dressing as the original recipe calls for. It’s a pretty adaptable little salad, easy to play around with.

12 years ago

Yum. I am going to make that, and soon — I think both variations sound good.

12 years ago

Also kids tend to love it, ime.

12 years ago

OT: and I know I’ve pimped my friend here before, but I just found out she’s doing custom Dr. Who nativities, like this one she did of comic book characters. And this is the biggest gathering of Dr. Who fans I know.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

A way to get at what was going on might have been to somehow frame it as “it is terribly cold, and if you don’t put on a sweater you might die, and this is the only sweater available, but it so happens that it used to belong to Fred West”. If people still felt repulsed by the fact that others were OK with wearing it I’d be more inclined to think that they really did think it was somehow intrinsically contaminated.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that most people in, let’s say, the United States find cannibalism pretty disgusting and would find voluntary cannibals repulsive, but would also be understanding of someone who had to eat human flesh in order to survive. Extreme circumstances change things.

Maybe they wouldn’t, though. Common sense is often contradicted by Le Science. I’m currently having some good fun researching this topic, so who knows, I might dig up something relevant to your hypothetical.

But what on earth makes you then jump to “unconscious belief in invisible serial killer particles?” There’s nothing in there that suggests anything like that; it’s a purely constructed explanation. It’s just like jumping from a survey finding that women are more likely to like pink to “berries in the forest.” Why can’t people just recoil from something because they don’t like it, just as they might approach something because they did like it?

Less “unconscious belief in invisible serial killer particles” and more “intuitive sense of contagion.” Hood’s cardigan stunt (as he describes it) is based on earlier work by Paul Rozin (and others) on disgust, morality, sympathetic magic, and contagion that’s been going on for a goodly while. I would write more but I’ve spent too much time looking shit up tonight.

For those curious, here’s some stuff, sort of my bookmarks for further reference (PDFs ahoy!):
(Sympathetic magic. Relevant stuff starts on page 206, and describes various “Fred West’s Sweater”-like experiments.)

12 years ago

Tulgey, the first part of your statement contradicts the second. If it was a sense of contagion, then there would be no real change of feeling under extreme circumstances. After all, nobody blames you for catching the flu, but they still recoil from you.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Kim, is that the Joker at the back of that Nativity scene? Never seen anyone manage to make him look cute before! 😀

I’m not sure contagion or killer particles make any sense in explaining the revulsion in that experiment. Disgust is visceral, and Fred West’s crimes were utterly horrific and recent – any adult doing that test was alive when they happened, and if in the UK, could only have not known about it if they’d had no exposure to news at all. This experiment, or perhaps the choice of name, seems to veer into over-explaining territory a bit, although the wider issues covered in the article are important enough. I’d find it stranger if someone didn’t have something of that reaction, though there are any number of reasons for that, of course.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Whoops, forgot this bit.

Cassandra – I hadn’t heard of supertasters, that’s rather interesting. I never think of myself as having a particularly strong sense of taste, though I’ve a strong sense of smell for things I don’t like – much Asian food, cigarette smoke (RAGERAGERAGE) and garlic-infused breath/body odour (gag). Oh and cat superstench, thank you Fribbie.

Let’s see, Wiki’s list …

Although individual food preference for supertasters cannot be typified, documented examples for either lessened preference or consumption include:

Certain alcoholic beverages – never did like any but the really sweet wines, and don’t like any, these days, or the smell
Brassica oleracea cultivars
Brussels sprouts – never eaten them
Cabbage – I don’t mind green cabbage
Kale – never eaten it
Coffee – yes please, as long as it has milk and sugar!
Grapefruit juice – never tried it
Green tea – never tried it; don’t mind some herbal, though, and that’s not what I’d call sweet
soy products – I like chocolate soy milk; only time I don’t like it is as a milk substitute, because its flavour is distinctive and nutty. Nice in itself, but not on cereal etc
Carbonation in drinks such as in soda, beer, etc – fine with those; I like lemon squash and soda water, for example. Carbonation isn’t what I dislike about beer, I can’t stand the smell or taste of the stuff

Other foods may also show altered patterns of preference and consumption, but only indirect evidence exists:

Chili peppers – Capsaicin burn is more intense in supertasters nothing would get me trying those
Tonic water – Quinine is more bitter to supertasters – I don’t mind it at all
Olives – for a given concentration, salt is more intense in supertasters – yeah, not fond of olives. Don’t ask me about anchovies. I like salty tastes (crisps yay) but don’t salt food much for health reasons

What I want to know is, if I’m a supertaster, do I get to wear a uniform with a cape? Or do I have to learn to twist my back so I can do the boobs-and-booty pose?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

There’s irony. Manage the italics html on the long complicated post, bork it on the short simple one.

12 years ago

I think ten years of smoking, twelve years of vegetarianism/veganism and being raised somewhere that’s known for the best Asian food in the UK has basically rendered me the opposite of a supertaster. My partner physically cringes when he sees how much chili sauce I can pile on anything. I’m not piling it on to show off or anything, I just lovelovelove the taste of chilies and the slight buzz I get from it.

Oh by the way, I’m making (veganised) sloppy joes for tea today. Having only seen them on TV, I’m not quite sure of what to do with them – should I load them up with toppings like a burger or should it just be bread and… slop?

12 years ago

No idea. That’s a cotton-knit jumper here, so. . .

12 years ago

Maybe shredded soy cheese? That would at least melt into the sloppy joe’s. Anything else would probably just make it even harder to eat.

12 years ago

Ah, cheers. I’m not hankering to put something on them, I just realised I had no idea what you were supposed to do with them!

/cultural dunce

12 years ago

I just realised I had no idea what you were supposed to do with them

Eat them while wearing a shirt that you don’t mind ruining? So messy.

12 years ago

Or eat them while wearing a sloppy joe.

The wiki article says it’s used for any jumper pulled over the head in Australia, but it’s actually a very specific term. A sloppy joe is an unembellished cotton-knit pullover jumper with elasticated cuffs and waist, a crew with or without stitching in the shape of a v-neck, and wideish shoulders, universally in grey marle or navy unless it’s part of a school uniform in school colours. The US term is “sweatshirt”, I believe, and I’ve no idea what they’re called in the UK. They can be purchased for $5-15 in any low-end department-store-meets-supermarket sort of place (Big W, Best And Less, K-Mart, Target, etc.) and every Aussie seems to have one but nobody seems to actually like them, and wearing them is uncommon.

12 years ago

“Department store” makes those places sound fancier than they are, actually. They’re like supermarkets but carry clothing and gardening supplies and consumer electronics and whatnot instead of groceries, I guess? No idea as to what the general title is for those sorts of places.

12 years ago

Link for thenatfantastic: