a woman is always to blame creepy evil sexy ladies evil women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men reddit victim blaming

BREAKING NEWS: Men (Still) Oppressed By Women Who Dress Like Whores

Women Oppressing Men With Scanty Attire in the 1920s
Women Oppressing Men With Scanty Attire in the 1920s

I haven’t had the patience to go through the discussions that developed in the wake of the Men’s Rights Subreddit’s historic winning of the prestigious King Dick of Fart Mountain Subreddit of the Day award yesterday. But I did read enough to come across this little exchange, in which a heroic Men’s Rightser confessed how touched he was that someone outside the Men’s Rights subreddit had noticed the bold, brave activism of Reddit MRAs.

And then someone pointed out some other things he’s said a couple of days ago.


NWOslave, is that you?

Actually, I doubt it; NWOslave has an account under his own name there. But great minds do think alike.

Here’s the link to StarFscker’s original comment in context.


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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

“King of Dick Fart Mountain”

I don’t think I want to know what a dick fart is.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Utterly random, but Reid’s slicked back hair in Minimal Loss is fucking atrocious. You may now return to your regularly scheduled topic! 🙂

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

WTF? WordPress just ate my comment!

I was trying to reply to lowquacks – yup, leggings (or rather, tights) with breeches = good! 🙂

Actually I like leggings as underwear. They’re much more comfortable than tights (tights chafe on my legs) and I like the footless look. It’s the arse-hanging-out-did-you-forget-your-skirt look I can’t abide, regardless of the figure wearing it. That includes pretending a shirt/tunic/tee shirt is a dress. Gakkk! 😀

12 years ago

My take on leggings (as pants) is probably shaped by being one of the youngest members of the Man Boobz Youth Contingent and from a hottish climate, so they’re pretty normalised for me?

They seem like such an underdog item of clothing, too. Forever being the one fashion thing everyone agrees on not liking.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

Views on what to wear with leggings as an upper layer? My preference is for tunics because leggings =/= trousers.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

If the tunic’s long enough to be a dress without leggings, sure. I can’t feel comfortable in leggings without a skirt, but I don’t wear skirts above the knee anyhow. Most of mine are mid-calf or longer.

12 years ago

Speaking as someone who grew up mostly in very hot places, I don’t think leggings are great even from that pov. A knee-length skirt is most comfortable, for me (yay air circulation!), and if you must wear pants then loose pants in a light material are cooler than anything that clings to your skin.

12 years ago

Short skirts seem like a great idea, until you sit down on a hot chair and your legs stick to it/get singed by the contact.

12 years ago

They’re not necessarily great on extremely hot days, but I’ve been told that for moderately warm days they’re more secure than skirts and more comfy than trousers or shorts. My very tight and fairly spandexy 511’s seem cooler and more comfortable than my more traditionally-made jeans, I can tell you that much.

12 years ago

I tried to wear leggings in Saudi and it was miserable. Better than thick jeans, sure, but not nearly as comfy as loose linen pants.

Which are ugly, but hey, when it gets over about 130 you kind of stop caring. With skirts I guess I kind of don’t care if I inadvertently flash people? I figure that if it bothers them they can look away, because breezes are a thing that exists, and on a hot day everyone should just be glad they do.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

The most annoying thing about dressing for summer for me is that I have to wear bike shorts or something that’s going to smoothly cover my thighs, because they rub when I walk and the chafing is really painful. Even some soft-fabric trousers will rub. It Is A Damned Nuisance.

12 years ago

I think there’s something you can rub on the areas that chafe to make them chafe less? I can’t remember what the product is but I recall seeing people talk about this back when Shapely Prose was still running.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“…because breezes are a thing that exists, and on a hot day everyone should just be glad they do.”

A fact completely lost on NWO and the idiot of the OP.

Kitteh — silk boxers? Loose by super smooth.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

There are quite a few products like that around, yes. Lanacare’s anti-chafing cream – which is almost like powder + gel – is good, especially for when you’re getting a bit sweaty and chafed. But it doesn’t protect against rubbing from jeans, and it’s an expensive way to protect the legs as a regular thing.

12 years ago

I think Argenti is on to something – thin silk would probably be comfier, since it’s a natural fiber and breathable.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Argenti – I’m not sure even big bloke’s boxers would be long enough. I need whatever it is to go about halfway down the thigh.

Good excuse to go poking around the men’s underwear section, though. 😉

12 years ago

But yeah, I’m Owly’s worst nightmare. I do try not to flash anyone but I figure that most of the time if someone does see my knickers when I’m in a skirt they were looking more closely than is polite anyway.

12 years ago

(Possibly gross, might not want to read ahead?)


I’m what might be called “skinnyfat” (I fit into the smallest mens clothing sizes usually but have little or no muscle, a very girly bottom and thighs, and weigh ~82kg) and have the same problem. Talcum power if it’s very hot, and very tight pants, seem to help. Underwear that cuts into my crotch at all quickly devolves into jock itch, often, and the thing that seems to work best to prevent this is wearing natural fibres and making sure not to pull my undies up too much – basically have them fit perfectly.

Talcum powder or similar can help if it gets particularly bad.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

LOL no, not gross.

I don’t find ordinary talc helps much, really. Its main effect is to make a mess of my clothes. There is some good medicated stuff called Prantal (?), but putting any powder on during the day at work or if I’m out walking is problematic. Overall the bike shorts work pretty well, it’s just a pest not being able to dress really lightly on stinking hot days. But I will investigate the silk boxers option. 🙂

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Kitteh — glad to at least give you an excuse to go poking the men’s section? Sorry I can’t be of more help.

Cassandra — “…they were looking more closely than is polite anyway.” TRUFAX

12 years ago


Mine’s some lightly perfumed Avon stuff, which might have other shit in it? IDK, can’t find it right now.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

No probs Argenti, thank you!

It’ll be the only reason I have to do said poking around, since for other people, going commando is definitely a thing. 😉

(Hmm, TMI?)

12 years ago

TMI time? Going commando in skinny jeans just once made me understand why undies were invented.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

OUCH! I’m flinchin’ just thinking about it.

12 years ago

Skirts, sure, but jeans? No. There are seams.

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