a woman is always to blame creepy evil sexy ladies evil women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men reddit victim blaming

BREAKING NEWS: Men (Still) Oppressed By Women Who Dress Like Whores

Women Oppressing Men With Scanty Attire in the 1920s
Women Oppressing Men With Scanty Attire in the 1920s

I haven’t had the patience to go through the discussions that developed in the wake of the Men’s Rights Subreddit’s historic winning of the prestigious King Dick of Fart Mountain Subreddit of the Day award yesterday. But I did read enough to come across this little exchange, in which a heroic Men’s Rightser confessed how touched he was that someone outside the Men’s Rights subreddit had noticed the bold, brave activism of Reddit MRAs.

And then someone pointed out some other things he’s said a couple of days ago.


NWOslave, is that you?

Actually, I doubt it; NWOslave has an account under his own name there. But great minds do think alike.

Here’s the link to StarFscker’s original comment in context.


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Some Gal Not Bored at All


And can someone please explain to me why Beyonce is doing the half time show in what looks like a leather swimsuit?!

She is obviously flirting with every man watching while also telling them that she doesn’t want to be seen with them in public. It is like someone scratching their balls. It is like scented candles. It is like expecting trolls to provide evidence.

It is misandry. And I am sure all the men in the country will be ranting about how much they loathed seeing her tomorrow.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

As a menz, I approve of Beyonce’s leather swimsuit, misandry though it may be. Just this once, the vile is okay.

I also think her press conference was pretty fucking boss.

12 years ago

True fact: I didn’t realize the Superbowl was on today. I went to the market, and noticed that there was plenty of parking and that the beer and chips aisles were oddly empty of merchandise, but it wasn’t until I was paying and the checker said “You’re not watching the game?!” that I remembered.

Sometimes I can be amazingly clueless.

12 years ago

helkell: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that (it’s why I did the double minor blocking of the one) I included that because I am ashamed of it. I want to not forget, nor gloss over what was done.

There are (for me) mitigations to the taint, but not to the crime, nor the coverup, nor yet the ways in which they got off lightly.

But I didn’t mean to cause harm.

I am so very sorry.

As a recompense may I offer you some food porn about my supper?

12 years ago

@ clairedammit

I have no idea what happened. I haven’t used MSN for years, but I remember a friend saying that at one point she got a weird message from what read like a porn spambot from my account, so obviously someone got into it. I’ve contacted MSN and they just told me to change my password, which I’ve done. Don’t think I was ever locked out, I was able to log back in no problem.

I never used it at work, so that’s probably not where the issue came from.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Cloudiah, you’re in my ideal state: completely ignorant of meaningless sportsmajigs.

I’m only watching cuz family. Admittedly, it is fun when someone does something cool.

12 years ago

That came across as a little superior/holier-than-thou maybe. I don’t have anything against watching sports; I love college basketball with a consuming passion.

Tangent: Why don’t MRAs turn their focus on football, boxing and hockey, with their proven track record of causing a lifetime of suffering and early death, almost entirely for men. Is it because they can’t blame women for it? (I just answered my own question, didn’t I?)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

cloudiah, I envy you being able to be unaware of the Superbowl. I wish I could be unaware of the Grand Final here (boring boring boring football oversupplied with horrible players who think they’re little gods).

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

cloudiah – no, that didn’t come across as holier-than-thou at all, not to me, anyway.

It’s surprising the MRM doesn’t claim sports injuries are women’s fault. Surely men are only playing sport to impress women, same as they only go to war because arglebargle women tell them to? Or is it that sports are so manly and macho and generally wonderful (when played by menz, of course) that they wouldn’t dream of criticising them? Though I’d bet 99% of MRAs have no more involvement in sport than flicking channels with the remote or shooting some poor damn animals for fun.

12 years ago

Pecunium: thanks, you didn’t upset me too much, it was just a “damn” moment.

That dinner sounds amazing. I need to try flavored oil next time I do sprouts. Did you do a dessert?

12 years ago

Well, it would be hard to argue at the same time that (a) football/boxing/hockey are MAN THINGS and on important football/hockey/boxing days women should SHUT UP AND MAKE SNACKS, and (b) women are the cause of all football/hockey/boxing-injuries. Although, they are very good at holding multiple contradictory positions, so maybe I shouldn’t sell them short.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

I’m sure there’s at least one MRA who thinks that women are to blame for sports injuries because men have to be Alpha to even get female attention.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Although, they are very good at holding multiple contradictory positions, so maybe I shouldn’t sell them short.

Got it in one!

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

I barely gave a shit when living in Pittsburgh and the Steelers were playing…and that half a shit was more like “so not going out tonight!” So no, didn’t come of as holier than though here either.

As for Beyonce’s outfit, I’m more questioning why she’s wearing so very little not a month after the big stink over whether she can sing — do we care, do we just want the eye candy, or what?!

Also, I kind of hate the overproduced nature of the halftime shows.

As for commercials, PSY with pistachios just made it all up.

12 years ago

Actually, the gap between the number of men and women who watch the Superbowl is apparently narrowing: 54% male & 46% female in 2011.

But the women watching probably don’t understand football and are just watching for the commercials, amirite?

12 years ago

Frozen yogurt was eaten. Desserts are tricky, what with allergies, and issues of kosher. If you look at the previous post I wrote you can see what the hurdles are (quite apart from my not being Fritz Brenner, with the combination of dedication, kitchen space and nothing else to do).

But sometimes I do dabble in dessert.

12 years ago

Oh, and it wasn’t flavored. It was straight oil of hazelnut (toasted hazlenuts), out of calif. Same place I get my pistachio oil: La Tourangelle.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

::rolls eyes:: Might have known!

I wonder what part of “perfectly ordinary happy hetero couple” is so hard for these croutons to understand? Alpha, beta, all this shit …

But then that’s small beer compared with Farrell’s claims about incest.

12 years ago

I’ve had the La Tourangelle pistachio oil and would like to attest to its extreme deliciosity.

That’s a word.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Dessert means baked goods by me, but I suppose cake and cookies don’t really go with your usual culinary creations.

12 years ago

Fucking Warren Farrell, it figures. I still think that the reason they don’t seize on it as an issue is that then they would have to give up watching football, or MMA, or whatever. Or make them safer/less violent, which would (wait for it) “feminize” them.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

That’s the other thing that irks me about this whole Greek system garbage: the maroons pushing it seem to think there’s an overall, objective scale that people conform to. The idea of people (especially women) having individual tastes. I bet they’d look at a lot of the beloveds on this site – of whatever gender – and froth at the idea of them having partners at all. But I’d be equally willing to bet that said beloveds are totally alpha to their partners because of who they are. I know it’s the case for me!

12 years ago

Applying a numerical value to people in terms of their attractiveness just seems really maladjusted to me. There are definitely a set of ideas about what an attractive man or woman looks like in every society, but most people understand that there’s a subjective element too based on individual preferences. I’m not sure if these guys don’t get that, or if they do get it and have individual preferences of their own but don’t care because the point of the whole exercise isn’t to have sex with people you find attractive, it’s to end up with the highest score, and people who everyone has agreed have a high numerical value attached to them count for more points.

12 years ago

clouidiah: I used the pistachio oil to make a bearnaise variation. OMG! Pricey, but very much worth it. Use more tarragon that you think you should, and be sure to have an acid note.

So Worth It.