Today is an auspicious day. For the Men’s Rights Subreddit, which we often write about here on Man Boobz, has won the prestigious World’s Greatest Shitlord Award. Oh, sorry, I mean it won the Subreddit of the Day award on Reddit. Which is, in this case, pretty much the same thing.
Here are some highlights from the official announcement , which I am totally not making up. No, really, you can go look. Someone – that being XavierMendel, one of the mods of r/subredditoftheday — actually wrote these things. And meant them. I AM NOT BEING SARCASTIC THIS IS REAL HOLY SHIT.
The topic at hand today takes a generous turn from our amusing and lighthearted articles of the month. On this, the last day of January, we look at something a bit more worthy to be called an article. /r/MensRights comes up a lot across reddit and, indeed, across the world as being one of the few centers for men’s help. It’s often attacked, and is always the center of one controversy or the other. My questions reflect that. MensRights is, undoubtedly, the home of great activists.
Again. I am not making this up.
There were some people close to me that suggested I not run this article. That the repercussions of doing so would be unreasonably bad. Well, here you go, people. This is my way of saying that a good reporter doesn’t care. A good reporter reports. It’s not in my job to care about consequences.
I’m not sure that Mr. Mendel quite understands the difference between “reporting” and “asskissing.”
/r/MensRights. Never in our society could the uninitiated imagine such a place. A place where feminism is questioned, and our culture is deconstructed to find what it’s really up to.
Hahaha, what? I was not aware that feminism wasn’t ever questioned on the internet, or anywhere else in “our society.” I mean, it’s not like I run a blog that features nearly 500 posts detailing people attacking feminism on the internet, most of them nastily and ignorantly and sometimes using the word “cunt,” and the vast majority of them not on Reddit. And it’s not like this only barely scratches the surface of the subject.
/r/MensRights is one of the last fortifications of free thought to exist on Reddit.
Yeah, that’s why I was banned – not for trolling or harassing or calling anyone names, but for politely if persistently disagreeing with the denizens until then-moderator ignatiusloyola threw a fit.
“Surely you jest,” one might tell me, “when you mean they’re alone in this regard?” No, hypothetical 19th century British gentleman, I do not. I truly mean it when I say that. What other subreddit openly questions feminism? None spring to mind, and I make it my duty to catalog various subreddits. Most end up banned or run down within a month. Only /r/MensRights remains.
Reddit: Bastion of Internet Feminism.
Nobody can say for sure whether or not they’re correct in any single regard. It’s certain that, due to the laws of probability, they’re not correct in every regard. However, it’s also certain that they’re correct in most of them. Occasionally a wackjob or two will suggest that feminism is behind Cinnamon Toast Crunch (The taste you can see!™). The accuser latches onto those wackjobs to denounce the whole movement.
Yeah, it’s not as if comments suggesting that a man allegedly wronged in divorce court should turn to murder got literally dozens of upvotes in r/mensrights, or anything.
Oh wait, they did.
Yeah, it’s not as if Men’s Rights Redditors gave literally hundreds of upvotes to a post about a t-shirt suggesting that men could be convicted of rape simply for being in a room alone with a woman.
Oh wait, they did.
It’s not as if Men’s Rights Redditors regularly give dozens if not hundreds of upvotes to posts from unhinged hate sites like A Voice for Men or Angry Harry,or fall all over themselves praising an internet-famous female MRA who thinks that many abused women “demand” their abuse.
It’s not as if they think “spermjacking” is a real thing in the world that should make all men think twice about ejaculating in the general vicinity of women.
It’s not like … oh, you can find many, many more examples for yourself.
After claiming that “people have died” after being called misogynists, while “nobody ever dies after being called a misandrist,” Mr. Mendel winds up his speech with this stirring conclusion:
I support the struggles of people who are in bad positions. I respect it, in a way, for I have also seen great struggle. My struggle is not over, nor will it end until my death. For I struggle with something that will not go away through legislation or social change. The Men’s Rights Movement, however, struggles with something very changeable. Very malleable, able to be fixed within a generation if so desired. So I will support them, for they have a fighting chance. …
/r/MensRights is controversial for a reason. In the same sense as Jews of the 1890s, Irish of the 1850s, Hispanics of the 1350s, and many more. Each generation has their controversial improvement in society. We’ve gotten off easy so far, but we have to make it happen eventually. As far back as anyone living can remember, the table has been imbalanced in one way or another, favoring men or women. It’s time the table stays level for once. We need equality.
And that’s what /r/MensRights is trying to do.
Oy yoy yoy. There’s so much ridiculousness to unpack there that it makes me tired. I think I’ll go take a nap.
Mr. Mendel followed his stirring introduction with some questions for the denizens of r/mensrights. And there was some discussion. I can’t even. Not right now. I’ll get to all that in a future post.
In the meantime, Skepchick’s Rebecca Watson – who has been on the receiving end of r/menrights’ heroic activism more than once — has her own reaction to the Men’s Rights is the Subreddit of the Day announcement.
@cloudiah, there’s no reason to use cheddar. You could, for example, use Edam (lower fat) or Tasty (more flavour), or even blue cheese (*more* flavour). I have an excellent broccoli and cheese soup recipe somewhere, and it asks for blue. With that soup, if I use cheddar, you just can’t taste it with all the other flavours.
cloudiah: I do use a ricer for the spuds.
Apparently neither bras or food are effective as troll Raid at the moment. Maybe music?
Hmmm… Emmental might work too.
I had been looking at this, perhaps without the fennel (one person coming to Easter hates it):
I have a bunch of friends who swear that Ina Garten’s recipes are foolproof.
@cloudiah, it should give it a bit of a nutty flavour. It will be very mild, could risk it being a bit insipid.
Wow, this one is really incapable of reading.
“Forgetting the names of internet strangers you haven’t spoken to in months or years is considered suspicious.”
Citation needed, as you’ll find MANY mentions of his you need citations to prove your claim, and exactly zero claims that not having them is suspicious — just that anecdotes are not evidence.
“Keeping a list of everyone you’ve spoken to on the internet as well as some fact about them is not considered creepy or abnormal behavior.”
Who the FUCK asked for a list? All anyone asked for was anything resembling a citation to an actually reasonable MRA. Considering how often someone comes in here claiming they exist, and utterly failing to provide even one example, well, the weight of the evidence points to “nope, they don’t exist” (think Bigfoot, plenty of people claim they exist, autocorrect even capitalized it, but the weight of the utter lack of evidence points to “nope, they don’t exist”)
OK, I think he’s gone.
Shiraz — I’m sorry then! I don’t know I was calling him back!
Yeah, Argenti. I also noticed he’s not really prepared to do anything but drive-by commenting. Anything more complex obviously makes him, errr, I dunno, sleepy or something.
QFT. I made her mushroom lasagna last week. HOLY FUCKBALLS was it good.
*Laughing* Naw, you’re good Argenti. 🙂
Nah, he’ll be back because he totes needs the last word even though it’s not important to him. But he won’t answer any of the questions posed to him.
Where do these guys learn to argue? Kindergarten?
Music: So back when I was a baby lefty, my English friend started me listening to Leon Rosselson by making me a crappy mix tape. (Anyone here old enough to remember cassette tapes?) My sister just got me the new Rosselson boxed set and I’ve been listening to it nonstop. He’s probably best known for World Turned Upside Down (which everyone thinks Billy Bragg wrote). There’s not much on YouTube but here’s one:
“of his you need citations”
Of how* you need…
Damn you auto correct!
Shiraz — he’s awfully persistent for a drive by troll, and I’m positive we had this exact discussion before — there are reasonable MRAs, no I don’t have proof, no I’m not an MRA, I need to either conclude the argument or have the last word.
Guys, which sock is this?
I’ve made that! If I’m remembering right, we used more fennel than the recipe called for and more cheese (maybe we had to use two kinds because we ran short?) and it turned out delicious. I assume it would be almost as good without the fennel.
@cloudiah I wouldn’t use the recipe you’ve linked because I don’t like heavy food. Here’s one that mixes up a couple of cheese flavours, and has paprika! http://southern.food.com/recipe/scalloped-potatoes-85629
What is it about paprika that makes it the perfect sprinkle for dishes where cheese is the top layer?
@BigMomma – I don’t think I have, but I’ll keep an eye out. I live in fear that Playtex will discontinue the line I currently use. Like when CJ Banks took away my favorite t-shirts. And a.n.a. took away my favorite jeans. *sigh*
@Argenti – asking trolls to provide the name and URL of just one reasonable MRA on the internet is misandry!
“Anyone here old enough to remember cassette tapes?”
And fucking asshole just had to be yelled at to get him to stop asking if I wanted to mutilate the skunk once he kills it. FFS, my gods does he enjoy being a royal goddamned asshole.
You think I can be crunchy here? I can scream like no body’s business, he just got it at half volume and the neighbor’s probably heard. I am livid.
Since I’ve been contemplating doing something on HIM for their 20th anniversary that’s what I’ve been listening to. I’d forgotten how up my alley the videos were even though the music is a bit wimpy for my tastes (which I guess makes it perfect for those of our commentariat who hate the loud stuff, like Kittehs). The singer is so goth he shits bats.
I’d also forgotten that as poppy as it all is Ville really does have a beautiful voice.
I’m sorry. Internet hugs if you want them.
There is but one rule of scalloped potatoes: More cheese. Always. (Paprika on top is a great idea, too! Maybe I’m secretly Hungarian, but I think paprika is delicious and seriously underutilized. Try it on regular macaroni and cheese, too.)
And now I’m the bad guy for raising my voice. And my psych wants to know why no one else living here has a problem with him like it’s my goddamned fault that I get fucking annoyed at having to say no a half dozen times and still get ignored and then get accused of being unreasonable (or, at present, refusing to drop it) when I resort to screaming.
Oh yeah, not taking verbal abuse totally makes me the one with the problem, let’s just say I took a very stern tone with my psych about how I am NOT the one with the problem here.
/completely OT rant
Sorry guys >.<
@ drst
Paprika is good on many things. I’m particularly fond of the smoky Spanish kind.
He’s so Goth he shits bats
::dies laughing::
Some Gal — thank you, I imagine I’m one swear away from “are you taking your meds?” like there’s a pill for tolerating assholes.