a voice for men advocacy of violence all about the menz antifeminism dozens of upvotes excusing abuse FemRAs GirlWritesWhat grandiosity hundreds of upvotes misogyny MRA narcissism oppressed men playing the victim reddit spermjacking

Reddit Sh*tlords Give Other Reddit Sh*tlords Prestigious Sh*tlord Award

Art borrowed from Casey Nelson of (Click pic to go there.)
Art borrowed from Casey Nelson of (Click pic to go there.)

Today is an auspicious day. For the Men’s Rights Subreddit, which we often write about here on Man Boobz, has won the prestigious World’s Greatest Shitlord Award. Oh, sorry, I mean it won the Subreddit of the Day award on Reddit. Which is, in this case, pretty much the same thing.

Here are some highlights from the official announcement , which I am totally not making up. No, really, you can go look. Someone – that being XavierMendel, one of the mods of r/subredditoftheday — actually wrote these things. And meant them. I AM NOT BEING SARCASTIC THIS IS REAL HOLY SHIT.

The topic at hand today takes a generous turn from our amusing and lighthearted articles of the month. On this, the last day of January, we look at something a bit more worthy to be called an article. /r/MensRights comes up a lot across reddit and, indeed, across the world as being one of the few centers for men’s help. It’s often attacked, and is always the center of one controversy or the other. My questions reflect that. MensRights is, undoubtedly, the home of great activists.

Again. I am not making this up.

There were some people close to me that suggested I not run this article. That the repercussions of doing so would be unreasonably bad. Well, here you go, people. This is my way of saying that a good reporter doesn’t care. A good reporter reports. It’s not in my job to care about consequences.

I’m not sure that Mr. Mendel quite understands the difference between “reporting” and “asskissing.”

/r/MensRights. Never in our society could the uninitiated imagine such a place. A place where feminism is questioned, and our culture is deconstructed to find what it’s really up to.

Hahaha, what? I was not aware that feminism wasn’t ever questioned on the internet, or anywhere else in “our society.” I mean, it’s not like I run a blog that features nearly 500 posts detailing people attacking feminism on the internet, most of them nastily and ignorantly and sometimes using the word “cunt,” and the vast majority of them not on Reddit. And it’s not like this only barely scratches the surface of the subject.

/r/MensRights is one of the last fortifications of free thought to exist on Reddit.

Yeah, that’s why I was banned – not for trolling or harassing or calling anyone names, but for politely if persistently disagreeing with the denizens until then-moderator ignatiusloyola threw a fit.

“Surely you jest,” one might tell me, “when you mean they’re alone in this regard?” No, hypothetical 19th century British gentleman, I do not. I truly mean it when I say that. What other subreddit openly questions feminism? None spring to mind, and I make it my duty to catalog various subreddits. Most end up banned or run down within a month. Only /r/MensRights remains.

Reddit: Bastion of Internet Feminism.

Nobody can say for sure whether or not they’re correct in any single regard. It’s certain that, due to the laws of probability, they’re not correct in every regard. However, it’s also certain that they’re correct in most of them. Occasionally a wackjob or two will suggest that feminism is behind Cinnamon Toast Crunch (The taste you can see!™). The accuser latches onto those wackjobs to denounce the whole movement.

Yeah, it’s not as if comments suggesting that a man allegedly wronged in divorce court should turn to murder got literally dozens of upvotes in r/mensrights, or anything.

Oh wait, they did.

Yeah, it’s not as if Men’s Rights Redditors gave literally hundreds of upvotes to a post about a t-shirt suggesting that men could be convicted of rape simply for being in a room alone with a woman.

Oh wait, they did.

It’s not as if Men’s Rights Redditors regularly give dozens if not hundreds of upvotes to posts from unhinged hate sites like A Voice for Men or Angry Harry,or fall all over themselves praising an internet-famous female MRA who thinks that many abused women “demand” their abuse.

It’s not as if they think “spermjacking” is a real thing in the world that should make all men think twice about ejaculating in the general vicinity of women.

It’s not like … oh, you can find many, many more examples for yourself.

After claiming that “people have died” after being called misogynists, while “nobody ever dies after being called a misandrist,” Mr. Mendel winds up his speech with this stirring conclusion:

I support the struggles of people who are in bad positions. I respect it, in a way, for I have also seen great struggle. My struggle is not over, nor will it end until my death. For I struggle with something that will not go away through legislation or social change. The Men’s Rights Movement, however, struggles with something very changeable. Very malleable, able to be fixed within a generation if so desired. So I will support them, for they have a fighting chance. …

 /r/MensRights is controversial for a reason. In the same sense as Jews of the 1890s, Irish of the 1850s, Hispanics of the 1350s, and many more. Each generation has their controversial improvement in society. We’ve gotten off easy so far, but we have to make it happen eventually. As far back as anyone living can remember, the table has been imbalanced in one way or another, favoring men or women. It’s time the table stays level for once. We need equality.

And that’s what /r/MensRights is trying to do.

Oy yoy yoy. There’s so much ridiculousness to unpack there that it makes me tired. I think I’ll go take a nap.

Mr. Mendel followed his stirring introduction with some questions for the denizens of r/mensrights. And there was some discussion. I can’t even. Not right now. I’ll get to all that in a future post.

In the meantime, Skepchick’s Rebecca Watson – who has been on the receiving end of r/menrights’ heroic activism more than once —  has her own reaction to the Men’s Rights is the Subreddit of the Day announcement.

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12 years ago

all MRA’s

All MRA’s what?

But, and I’m being serious here, why have you not left us to go jerk it to actual porn yet?

12 years ago

“Why is the difference between “every person you’ve ever met” and “any person you’ve ever met” so difficult?”

Why is it so difficult to believe that I don’t keep track of ANY of the people I randomly encounter on forums? None of them have blogs or anything AFAIK.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I can give you the forum if you want (it’s not a forum about gender issues though).

Yes, that would be a good start.

(The fact that you didn’t just name the forum leads me to believe you just wish there were moderate MRAs, but haven’t actually found any. However, if the MRAs are on the forum, it should be super easy to find them by searching for “MRA” or “men’s rights.” I’ll even do it for you since you are lazy.)

12 years ago

I don’t think the troll knows what he is arguing. He is either a triumph the insult dog wanna be or he’s here for the trollhouse cookies and he isn’t leaving till we give him some.

12 years ago


Go! Be free!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

We’re mocking the ones who get quoted on this site. The ones who are quoted from their own sites. You have a reasonable MRM site, or any comments you could quote? You seen how few downvotes hateful misogynist comments get on reddit? Show the evidence for your claim or GTFO. You’re a liar or a moron or both.

Oh, btw: are you disputing that the scum who get quoted here are evil? That the ones promoting violence are evil? Try talking about something relevant instead of these oh-so-reasonable MRAs only you seem to have seen, yet can’t actually quote or name.

12 years ago

You can’t possibly be this fucking stupid.

You certainly can be. Please keep showing us how.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

I suspect that the troll I either flat-out lying or he has encountered people in favor of actual men’s rights issues (they might have even been feminists!) and thinks they should be counted as members of a movement they never claimed to belong to (and that they might have never heard of!).

Basically, I think he’d consider someone like The Kittehs’ to be an American Democrat because she is progressive politically. (Hope it is okay I used you as an example, The Kittehs’.)

Creative Writing Student

I saw some magical talking unicorns that were adorable recently! It’s not fair that you say all magical talking unicorns are non-existent!

You expect me to come up with evidence for these unicorns? Well, I didn’t find them in standard unicorn areas, and it’s not like I can remember the existence of every single unicorn I come across, or even one unicorn who I noticed had some exceptional adorableness!


12 years ago

I can’t wait for Argenti to finally read Monstrous Regiment, since zie’s coffee fixation has led to me picturing hir as Maledict.

Totally OT but TinyFantastic’s ninth birthday is soon. I’ve just spent my whole bonus on buying me and her tickets for THIS. I am ridic excited. I like taking her for days out rater than buying her shit she doesn’t need but this is going to be AMAZE. We’re going to go the day after her birthday, I’m going to be so popular. Although she already dresses like me, especially when I’m about to go stay with her XD

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

FYI, very special cookies usually involve real butter, and thus require one to be able to digest butter / lactose. Just saying…

As for Spot That Fallacy!! —

Argument from ignorance (appeal to ignorance, argumentum ad ignorantiam) – assuming that a claim is true (or false) because it has not been proven false (true) or cannot be proven false (true).

Not all MRAs are as evil/whatever as our examples, and you (we) can’t prove they are all evil, so they must not be.

Argument from silence (argumentum e silentio) – where the conclusion is based on the absence of evidence, rather than the existence of evidence.

See above

Onus probandi – from Latin “onus probandi incumbit ei qui dicit, non ei qui negat” the burden of proof is on the person who makes the claim, not on the person who denies (or questions the claim). It is a particular case of the “argumentum ad ignorantiam” fallacy, here the burden is shifted on the person defending against the assertion.

He seems to think we’re saying that any given MRA is evil because MRAs are evil, which would be —

Ecological fallacy – inferences about the nature of specific individuals are based solely upon aggregate statistics collected for the group to which those individuals belong.

‘Cept, you know, we’re requesting counter-examples, and noting that there may be non-evil MRAs, particularly new ones, and well, sometimes the premise of the title/group is inherently applicable to all members of the group — eg MRA =/= male, but does inherently equal men’s rights activist, which, in practice, seems to always imply misogynist. Bt hey, still wanting for counter-examples!

And his claims of cherry-picking?

Cherry picking (suppressed evidence, incomplete evidence) – act of pointing at individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position, while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position.

Significant portion, not one or two.

12 years ago

trollhouse cookies

For thebewilderness.

I think I’ll just post pictures of troll-shaped food from now on, okay?

12 years ago

Ahhhhhh with the blockquote in my last post I was going to say I also see Argenti as Maledicta too!

12 years ago

Fathertime strongly reminds me of an MRA I’ve encountered on other sites who staunchly dodges any request for evidence. When pressed, he’ll probably going to offer us a link to a general forum, with no direct link to a group/posting/etc by/for reasonable MRAs or provide a link to something that supports the opposite conclusion (the opposite being that the MRM is a pretty hateful, unreasonable movement).

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Basically, I think he’d consider someone like The Kittehs’ to be an American Democrat because she is progressive politically. (Hope it is okay I used you as an example, The Kittehs’.)

That’s fine! I would be, too, if I were American. 😀

12 years ago

Om nom nom, delicious, and I thank you, clairedammit!

Here is a peachyfull dood who doesn’t quite grasp the concept of menstruation.

Swanson: I’m beginning to get some evidence from certain doctors and certain scientists that have done research on women’s wombs after they’ve gone through the surgery, and they’ve compared the wombs of women who were on the birth control pill to those who were not on the birth control pill. And they have found that with women who are on the birth control pill, there are these little tiny fetuses, these little babies, that are embedded into the womb. They’re just like dead babies. They’re on the inside of the womb. And these wombs of women who have been on the birth control pill effectively have become graveyards for lots and lots of little babies.

12 years ago

Maybe all MRAs ever have misogynistic, child-hating, pedophile usernames.

That would indicate that they were in fact terrible people.

And father time would have no idea.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

thenat – Yay for taking Tinyfantastic to Walking with Dinosaurs! I think that was on here a while back. Should be a fantastic show. And totes agree with doing stuff with her rather than just giving her things. It wins hands down.

12 years ago

“Cherry picking (suppressed evidence, incomplete evidence) – act of pointing at individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position, while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position.

Significant portion, not one or two.”

The burden is on you to claim that what you have is a significant portion of MRA’s.

12 years ago

Also, cloudiah, I hope your mom’s Very Special Cookies help her eat all the delicious food she needs/wants to eat.

12 years ago

Bewilderness, I will give him credit for creepiest mental image.

Doesn’t make any sense, though.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

thebewilderness – that quote makes your average Republican politician dood sound like an expert on all things obstetrical and gynaeocological.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


That is the creepiest thing I’ve ever read. Also, AFAIK my womb is more than capable of absorbing any little tiny dead fetus thrown at it or expelling it, as the case may be. Maybe he was thinking of stone babies?

Those don’t appear to have any links to birth control, though.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

thebewilderness — What. The. Fuck.


Absorbed pregnancies, or more precisely, twins? A thing —

Dead babies in uterus? A very rare thing —

Creative Writing Student

We have a blog that’s going to be three years old this September, with nearly daily postings of misogynistic shit exposes, and much of that shit comes from MRA bastions… and repeated examples of ‘reasonable’ viewpoints being downvoted or banhammered…

If this were a court case you’d be the one facing £37,000 in fees and fines due to lack of evidence and the sheer amount of whinging you have engaged in.

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