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Possibly fake MGTOW confesses: “I [felt] dirtied by the moral corruption of sluts.”

Men Going Their Own Way, quickly
Men Going Their Own Way, quickly

I’ve found my new favorite Men’s Rights Redditor. Brand new, really, as gonemgtow’s account is only two days old. This comment, his very first, is so loopy — yet also so true to manosphere ideology — that I can’t help but suspect that it’s an inspired hoax — and possibly even the work of one of the old banned trolls here. (I have one in particular in mind.) If not, wow.

I’ve taken the liberty of breaking his wall o’ text into readable paragraphs. Enjoy. Oh, if you’re at work, don’t read this out loud, as it starts off with a bang, NSFW-wise.

Dude, three girlfriends made me fuck them when they had another man’s cum deep in them and there was an unmistakable cum frothing going around the girth of my penis. Confronted with it they told me a bunch of lies, I know cum when I see it for fuck’s sake, and got hysterical that I could even suggest such a thing. I mean it wasn’t just paranoia. I stalked them and found out.

I go to the gym and lift, play poker and generally engage in alpha male activities, but still get cheated on. Right before I went MGTOW I was doing one night stands and every single one I found out were in a relationship or even married. So they basically forced me to wrong a lot of other men the way I’d been wronged myself. I could feel dirtied by the moral corruption of sluts. Basically made me swear off women.

What gets me is that there’s probably a man out there raising my son or daughter and the slut knows and is snickering and laughing at the con she has pulled. The percentage of women doing these things is not negligible and it’s sick and deplorable. Made me cry too when my illusions about women were shattered.

Makes sense when you think about the erotic fiction they read. Go watch the sales numbers. It’s stories about adultery and rape. A lot of stuff you couldn’t think up in your wildest dreams when it comes to moral corruption.

Just stop. Don’t even masturbate. It’s a highway drug to women so to speak. A moment of weakness is all it takes and you’re pounding a slut from behind and actually she’s in a relationship or even married. It’s better to just take the moral high ground.

All religion kinda makes sense to me now, when it comes to women. Ancient men must have know about the problems of letting women run rampant and wrote up some rules to curb the behavior. It was probably easier to just say it was an all powerful being’s will than to explain the true nature of women and why the rules must be followed.

Now that atheism is taking hold, which is rationality, we’re being forced into a state of moral decay as we’ve lost justification to uphold ancient tradition curtailing women’s sexuality and need to go get as much cum as possible from as many men as possible.

Time to take the penis away and go our own way. Cut the flow at the source so to speak and starve them until they realize this feminism shit is bullshit and that we need to basically have some say in how they behave. That their behavior is wrong. Just saying what everyone knows deep down inside. Fuck political correctness.

Gonemgtow didn’t get much love in r/mensrights for this gem, earning 6 downvotes for all his efforts. He should probably head over to, where he’d fit in just fine.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I must not be a proper blogger, or maybe it’s ‘cos I don’t have advertising, but I never even think about hits. I’d much rather have a few good comments than dozens of hits.

12 years ago

Does that mean drop bears are misnamed, too?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Drop bears are a law unto themselves. 😉

12 years ago

Really naive question, if you have sex with two men in a row can the cum from one get on the penis of the other?

Really really naive question, after penetrative sex what happens to the cum, does it kind of come out?

I know I should know this but I hate sex (not other people having it, just me having it).

Some Gal Not Bored at All

@Pear Tree

It mixes with whatever other lubrication is down there (vaginal or otherwise) and some of it just coats the vagina and some of it comes out like any other discharge, but slightly more of it (since there was stuff added). I assume it is slightly different for everybody because it isn’t exactly the same every time for my own body. The odds of it being noticeable more than half an hour after the first sex act would be impossible for me personally and, again, other than a possible taste difference, I doubt anyone but me would be able to tell at all at any point prior to that.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

Oh, I forgot the other place it goes: some of the semen is drawn in through the cervix and either drips back out or is, I assume, absorbed. I doubt the guy in the story was poking around past the cervix, though.

12 years ago

“Really naive question, if you have sex with two men in a row can the cum from one get on the penis of the other?”

Really bizarre answer: the shape of the human penis is designed to remove sperm in the vagina before replacing it with the man’s own. /my friend knows weird trivia

I have no idea how that would play out in practice.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I have a horrible image of a rubber pump (the sort for unblocking sinks) now.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

And a smartarse Frenchman is laughing his head off.

12 years ago

Also @ pear tree: personally I always use a condom with male partners, so it’s never been an issue for me. That’s probably the safest thing to do, and it takes care of the but-the-mess concerns nicely (ie: now it’s his problem!) :p

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

An Inconvenient Truth — “That’s actually one of the best summaries of religious history ever written. Sure explains Leviticus.”

But what about the parts about beards and tattoos and wearing fabric from multiple sources??

That weird ass rant:
“Belladonna , anti-freeze and cyanide along with Bug sprays and weed toxins… I dated a women that would drop a Adivan in my coffee to slow me down . She thought this to be Normal .”

It’s ativan for one, for two *raises coffee* the nap time effect is basically cancelled by coffee…and it’s an anti-anxiety drug, a benzo, they don’t just hand it out OTC.

Second, belladonna requires a certain knowledge of plants and dedication , anti-freeze would be obvious on autopsy, cyanide is neigh on completely unobtainable (in the US anyways) so bug spray and weed toxins? Don’t those all taste horrible? As in you’d damn well know you’d been dosed with ’em?

Re: mental illness DXs over the net and the fondness for defaulting to bipolar ones — yeah, don’t, please.

“I mean, to put it another way, at least when people diagnose others with bipolar and schizophrenia, they are showing how little they think of the mentally ill right up front.”

Yeah, that’s then followed by how dangerous we are and fuck, I’m only ever a danger to myself, and usually not even that.

Zanana the Pegging Queen
Zanana the Pegging Queen
12 years ago

@whattaboutthemoonz – that’s what it said in Sex at Dawn! weirdly fascinating!

@Bagelsan, along those same lines, Pear Tree’s question just made me realize what a bizarre assumption it is (on this dude’s part) that all these women would be having unprotected sex with two people at the same time. it seems like the reasonable thing would be for anyone to use condoms with a new partner at least… but then again I got taught sex-ed by some fear-mongering nuns, which may skew my perspective.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Argenti – an example of a really squicky bit of “diagnosis”: there’s a book by a Freudian analyst/historian on Himself’s childhood. His doctor wrote a journal that covers his first 27 years, and his childhood is known in more detail than any other historical figure, but you cannot analyse someone at that distance and through a third party’s writing.

It also doesn’t help when you’re an analyst who’s had compassion bypass and a humour bypass. Hello, small boy making arse jokes, not unusual and not a sign of something terrible in his psyche!


Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Wait you mean there are small boys who don’t enjoy bathroom humor? Or small girls? Or small any-other-sort-of child?

Well no wonder I’m batshit!

Fuck, here I figured people either grew out of that or just labelled immature. And since immaturity isn’t a diagnosis…

Definitely right about the issues in diagnosis from a third party’s texts — you’d probably enjoy the debate over van Gogh’s Dx (ones based on his paintings are particularly poorly sourced)

12 years ago

Thank you for the answer, everything makes a slight more sense now.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I figured you’d notice all the bipolar diagnoses everywhere, too. 🙂 The most “dangerous” I get toward other people is I might (accidentally or, I’m sorry to say, on purpose) be way more likely to say something mean and hurt their feelings when I am manic. That isn’t what most people mean by dangerous, though.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Yeah I wasn’t counting “excessively snappy” as dangerous. This is why I refer to Ativan as the “not screaming at my father” pill though (snippy + asshole =/= good things)

12 years ago

I internet-diagnose people as depressed a lot, but generally I know what I’m talking about* and I diagnose only to the extent of saying “you sound depressed, maybe please see a professional about this?”

*well, firsthand at least

Some Gal Not Bored at All

I haven’t found a “not screaming at my mother” pill, but now that I no longer have to live with her (thank the FSM), I just use hanging up on her racist ass. 🙂

12 years ago

Ooooh, I’m on an anti-psychotic drug! Scaaaary!

…well, all it’s meant to do is let me stop picking at my skin obsessively. But still, doesn’t it sound like I’m a total psychopath? RUN AWAY! 😀

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I see that a bit more as advice than as a diagnosis, especially when it comes attached to “see a professional” in a nice way. I never see people suggesting bipolar like that (although I’m sure many bipolar people get told they are depressed since the professionals make that mistake all the fucking time /mini rant).

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

It’s a side effect of the anti-anxiety nature of it I think — I can’t be arsed to get that worked up over his stupidity.

Bagelsan — I find “you might want to see a professional” far less offensive. Intent isn’t magic, but that doesn’t have the “because mentally I’ll people are dangerous” attached, more like “for your own sake”.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“although I’m sure many bipolar people get told they are depressed since the professionals make that mistake all the fucking time /mini rant”

And prescribe drugs with “contraindications: bipolar” that turn out to be suicide inducing. Fun times!

*looks at bagelsan* RUN AWAAYYY!!!

12 years ago

Might be TMI for some, so if you don’t want to read about the personal life of my vagina, please read no further.

OK, I haven’t read the entire thing yet, but that cum thing just reminded me of the numerous times my excretions have looked quite a bit like semen, especially during certain parts of the hormonal cycle. It’s not especially common even then, but I’ve seen it plenty of times, including during sexy times with my significant other. Never did he suggest that I’ve been cheating, because he’s not an idiot like that.

12 years ago

Read the entire thing. Hilarious. Simply hilarious.

Most of the people I hang around with are atheists, myself included. And damn the rampant semenburgling that is constantly going oh wait no it isn’t.

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