I’ve found my new favorite Men’s Rights Redditor. Brand new, really, as gonemgtow’s account is only two days old. This comment, his very first, is so loopy — yet also so true to manosphere ideology — that I can’t help but suspect that it’s an inspired hoax — and possibly even the work of one of the old banned trolls here. (I have one in particular in mind.) If not, wow.
I’ve taken the liberty of breaking his wall o’ text into readable paragraphs. Enjoy. Oh, if you’re at work, don’t read this out loud, as it starts off with a bang, NSFW-wise.
Dude, three girlfriends made me fuck them when they had another man’s cum deep in them and there was an unmistakable cum frothing going around the girth of my penis. Confronted with it they told me a bunch of lies, I know cum when I see it for fuck’s sake, and got hysterical that I could even suggest such a thing. I mean it wasn’t just paranoia. I stalked them and found out.
I go to the gym and lift, play poker and generally engage in alpha male activities, but still get cheated on. Right before I went MGTOW I was doing one night stands and every single one I found out were in a relationship or even married. So they basically forced me to wrong a lot of other men the way I’d been wronged myself. I could feel dirtied by the moral corruption of sluts. Basically made me swear off women.
What gets me is that there’s probably a man out there raising my son or daughter and the slut knows and is snickering and laughing at the con she has pulled. The percentage of women doing these things is not negligible and it’s sick and deplorable. Made me cry too when my illusions about women were shattered.
Makes sense when you think about the erotic fiction they read. Go watch the sales numbers. It’s stories about adultery and rape. A lot of stuff you couldn’t think up in your wildest dreams when it comes to moral corruption.
Just stop. Don’t even masturbate. It’s a highway drug to women so to speak. A moment of weakness is all it takes and you’re pounding a slut from behind and actually she’s in a relationship or even married. It’s better to just take the moral high ground.
All religion kinda makes sense to me now, when it comes to women. Ancient men must have know about the problems of letting women run rampant and wrote up some rules to curb the behavior. It was probably easier to just say it was an all powerful being’s will than to explain the true nature of women and why the rules must be followed.
Now that atheism is taking hold, which is rationality, we’re being forced into a state of moral decay as we’ve lost justification to uphold ancient tradition curtailing women’s sexuality and need to go get as much cum as possible from as many men as possible.
Time to take the penis away and go our own way. Cut the flow at the source so to speak and starve them until they realize this feminism shit is bullshit and that we need to basically have some say in how they behave. That their behavior is wrong. Just saying what everyone knows deep down inside. Fuck political correctness.
Gonemgtow didn’t get much love in r/mensrights for this gem, earning 6 downvotes for all his efforts. He should probably head over to MGTOWforums.com, where he’d fit in just fine.
Sorry, I meant Some Gal, not Kitteh’s in my previous comment. And I’m sorry I got your reference wrong Some Gal.
That wasn’t my comment, thenat, it was Some Gal’s original question. 🙂 I was referring to her response to the “these guys are schizophrenic” comment Sarah Rose made.
I reckon I’d put the “Don’t call him creepy! He might be autistic!” comments in a whole different category – nothing to do with thinking “What is wrong with this person?” at all, but pure “women must be Nice to men at all times” BS.
Ninja’d! 😀
That and when people say that someone who is having trouble socially for whatever reason might be. People seem to say it directly TO other people more often (“you sound depressed” or “you sound like me and I’m [depressed or on the spectrum]”, etc.) instead of saying it ABOUT other people. But both are dismissive and insulting and I shouldn’t have compared them like that.
Jumping on the do-not-diagnose bandwagon…
For these men to even qualify as having delusions, their beliefs would have to be outside their normal culture. If they live in a culture where they are being told that women are drugging them to “emancipate” them, and that slutty slutty slut sluts are out slutting around, then what they’re saying is culturally normal. Even if that culture happens to be really shitty and bizarre.
@The Kittehs’
I just don’t understand how people who seem to only have heard of at most five different disorders feel qualified to start applying them to real people. (And it seems like five is a stretch because I really think I only hear schizophrenic, bipolar, depressed, and on the autism spectrum. But, again, maybe I am missing remembering some because I pay better attention to diagnoses that are in my social circle.)
Good point, Flora – they’re extremes of the culture, not off at right angles to it.
Some Gal – my guess is that people don’t even think about being qualified. It could be anything from an off-the-cuff comment to actual concern to snark, but it’s grounded in a much older, dismissive (or fearful?) idea of “madness”.
Gad, I’m heading from speculation to bumplucking on this tack!
Dude, three girlfriends made me fuck them…
Lol. I just couldn’t get pat this part. Over the top. Way.
DLColvin (and everyone following along at home), this is what you think about us:
Yeah, I just read that too.
So, DL, have you got over thinking any of us would want to steal your precious identity? Sorry, I like my own better.
@The Kittehs’
I agree. It just seems like (especially in more social justice-oriented spaces) more people would stop and think.
Learning curve, maybe? It’s certainly one I’m still on – and some of that didn’t start till I began reading Man Boobz regularly.
Huh, that passive-aggressive blog post is just… Wut?
But you should totally see the stuff I posted in your name over on http://lovemeow.com/
(Seriously, is that something people do?)
And maybe it is just as simple as when all you have is a hammer (four diagnoses and “normal”), everything looks like a nail. 🙂
So true! Not to mention how we’re given to pigeonholing things and wanting everything to be either/or simple.
I totally missed the DL stuff. I guess I have read thread over again?
@Tulgey: well, Torgo would sure fit in!
Shut up, DLColvin.
Not sure why she’d want to keep posting here with a bunch of angry high-schoolers who are going to steal her identity and go on a rampage web-wide.
Shiraz – it was pretty brief (don’t recall which thread it was), an off comment about autism being related to diet, and then another which I don’t remember at all. The screed katz quoted is from DL Colvin’s own blog.
And they’re not flaming koala BEARS, they’re koalas. Marsupials.
The amusing part is that DLColvin posted that, and then came back here to post again.
That’s some seriously worried right there.
Or stupidly brave.
Or just plain bullshit.
Pecunium: I’ll take door #3.
Thanks for the recap, kitteh.
With a side order of “trying to boost blog comments” maybe?
Or hits in general, that’s why I didn’t link earlier.