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Possibly fake MGTOW confesses: “I [felt] dirtied by the moral corruption of sluts.”

Men Going Their Own Way, quickly
Men Going Their Own Way, quickly

I’ve found my new favorite Men’s Rights Redditor. Brand new, really, as gonemgtow’s account is only two days old. This comment, his very first, is so loopy — yet also so true to manosphere ideology — that I can’t help but suspect that it’s an inspired hoax — and possibly even the work of one of the old banned trolls here. (I have one in particular in mind.) If not, wow.

I’ve taken the liberty of breaking his wall o’ text into readable paragraphs. Enjoy. Oh, if you’re at work, don’t read this out loud, as it starts off with a bang, NSFW-wise.

Dude, three girlfriends made me fuck them when they had another man’s cum deep in them and there was an unmistakable cum frothing going around the girth of my penis. Confronted with it they told me a bunch of lies, I know cum when I see it for fuck’s sake, and got hysterical that I could even suggest such a thing. I mean it wasn’t just paranoia. I stalked them and found out.

I go to the gym and lift, play poker and generally engage in alpha male activities, but still get cheated on. Right before I went MGTOW I was doing one night stands and every single one I found out were in a relationship or even married. So they basically forced me to wrong a lot of other men the way I’d been wronged myself. I could feel dirtied by the moral corruption of sluts. Basically made me swear off women.

What gets me is that there’s probably a man out there raising my son or daughter and the slut knows and is snickering and laughing at the con she has pulled. The percentage of women doing these things is not negligible and it’s sick and deplorable. Made me cry too when my illusions about women were shattered.

Makes sense when you think about the erotic fiction they read. Go watch the sales numbers. It’s stories about adultery and rape. A lot of stuff you couldn’t think up in your wildest dreams when it comes to moral corruption.

Just stop. Don’t even masturbate. It’s a highway drug to women so to speak. A moment of weakness is all it takes and you’re pounding a slut from behind and actually she’s in a relationship or even married. It’s better to just take the moral high ground.

All religion kinda makes sense to me now, when it comes to women. Ancient men must have know about the problems of letting women run rampant and wrote up some rules to curb the behavior. It was probably easier to just say it was an all powerful being’s will than to explain the true nature of women and why the rules must be followed.

Now that atheism is taking hold, which is rationality, we’re being forced into a state of moral decay as we’ve lost justification to uphold ancient tradition curtailing women’s sexuality and need to go get as much cum as possible from as many men as possible.

Time to take the penis away and go our own way. Cut the flow at the source so to speak and starve them until they realize this feminism shit is bullshit and that we need to basically have some say in how they behave. That their behavior is wrong. Just saying what everyone knows deep down inside. Fuck political correctness.

Gonemgtow didn’t get much love in r/mensrights for this gem, earning 6 downvotes for all his efforts. He should probably head over to, where he’d fit in just fine.

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An Inconvenient Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
11 years ago

“All religion kinda makes sense to me now, when it comes to women. Ancient men must have know about the problems of letting women run rampant and wrote up some rules to curb the behavior. It was probably easier to just say it was an all powerful being’s will than to explain the true nature of women and why the rules must be followed.”

What a piece of shit.

That’s actually one of the best summaries of religious history ever written. Sure explains Leviticus.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


It seems like it was the result of a survey going from other media reports of the data, but reports on journal articles are almost uniformly terrible.
Here’s the link (mainstream media sites have the same data, but not all of it in one place):

If anyone with access wants to check out the actual journal article, I think it might be this one:

11 years ago

Oh, look, the Inconvenient Bore.

In that case, Urban Decay’s Naked 2 palette is totally worth the money for the brush alone.

11 years ago

I’m very fond of Clinique’s almost lipsticks, and black honey looks good on almost anyone.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

whataboutthemoonz – “I also like how “three girls made me fuck them” is about LYING CHEATING SLUTS and not sexual violence in any way.”

Sounds exactly like Ivan the Apprentice in Oglaf. “I get sex done to me all the time!”

Some Gal Not Bored at All

Yes, An Inconvenient Truth, 100% of women want alpha babies raised by beta providers and they just happen to fail at it 98% or more of the time. This is obviously because the MRM is so great at spreading their message that all alpha men engaging in adultery with all married women (who all cheat) use contraception to prevent alpha babies. QED, right?

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Maybe my kindle is just trying to tell me that if I speak in Discspeak, its dictionary/autocorrect won’t make me seem like I just learned to type a week or so ago. It certainly seems like it despises me typing in English. (It occasionally seems to lapse into British English as well, which would make far more sense for Discspeak than anything else.) The only problem with this theory is that it knows absolutely no curse words, which I have to assume, given the universe, would be such a necessary component of Discspeak that Discspeakers would have incorporated every swear word in every universe ever into their language. Discspeakers certainly seem to get disgruntled enough. 🙂

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Is there a term in the Greek system for “no babies at all, ever, unless they’re kittens”?

11 years ago

…I quite like puppies too.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
11 years ago

@Some Gal

My phone only knows cuss words when I don’t ever need to use them. For example, I sent my mum a text about a birthday card for my boyfriend with a “giant rubber dick” on it.

However, it auto-bowlderizes all my swearing at all other times.

I think it’s sentient, and it overheard me planning to use its spirit level app on my boyfriend’s genitals. (I have to check all facts I heard on the internet, ok?)

11 years ago

Dude, three girlfriends made me fuck them when they had another man’s cum deep in them and there was an unmistakable cum frothing going around the girth of my penis. Confronted with it they told me a bunch of lies, I know cum when I see it for fuck’s sake, and got hysterical that I could even suggest such a thing. I mean it wasn’t just paranoia. I stalked them and found out.

Perhaps I’m naive here, but um, how was he able to tell it was cum just from how it felt on his penis? My beau has mentioned that artificial lube and the natural stuff I usually make feel about the same down there, and even more so once things get started so…? So unless this guy was going down on the girlfriends, which, again, there is a thing called discharge, and you know, sometimes when women are horny there’s this thing called getting wet.

Or, you know, you can just assume your girlfriend is a spermburgling hoor and engage in paranoid and accusatory stalker behavior because, I mean, that totally won’t push her away (and possibly into the arms of someone less douchey) at ALL.

11 years ago

@Unpaid Help

I would find that word useful too.

Bottlefed kittens too. Have you ever seen the needle teeth on one of those? *shudder*

11 years ago

So unless this guy was going down on the girlfriends, which, again, there is a thing called discharge, and you know, sometimes when women are horny there’s this thing called getting wet.

I think it’s safe to assume that if anyone dined out those nights, it was the girlfriends. And I think it’s safe to assume that vaginal lubrication is not something that this person was ever at risk of encountering.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

@The Kittehs’ and Nepenthe

We could just use the ancient symbol for zero, which was basically ō. That way, we can emphasize it by boggling (with adorable eyebrows) at the idea of children. ō.Ō

11 years ago

The good old days–my father made my mother leave her first-born son (she had been married as a teenager) behind in the old country, because he couldn’t stand the sight of another man’s child.

Zanana the Pegging Queen
Zanana the Pegging Queen
11 years ago

when I read this kind of stuff it always sounds to me like the guy’s struggling with a cuckholding fetish he can’t admit to himself yet. I mean, maybe not, but it reminds me of my own RIGHTEOUS DISGUST about my own kinks before I learned they were ok and not so scary.

11 years ago

Some Gal Not Bored at All

@Creative Writing Student

For the longest time, my kindle thought that “fuck” was a proper noun because I first used it at the beginning of a sentence. It used to change it on me, but has finally accepted that sometimes it can be lowercase. It still suggests the capitalized version to me every time, though, which I like in concept, but is a bit annoying in practice.

11 years ago

There was nothing sarcastic about the truth in my statement.

It’s a fantasy of misogynists.

You happen to believe a lie.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

We could just use the ancient symbol for zero, which was basically ō. That way, we can emphasize it by boggling (with adorable eyebrows) at the idea of children. ō.Ō

Perfect! 😀

Now we just need an ancient Greek word for “adorable furry baby critters” – not sure those kind of Greek words got into the epics, though.

“All things are in the paw of heaven, and Kitten, eldest of Ceiling Cat’s daughters, shuts men’s eyes to their destruction. She walks delicately, not on the solid earth, but hovers over the heads of men to make them stumble or to ensnare them.”

(The Iliad, first draft)

11 years ago

Time to take the penis away and go our own way. Cut the flow at the source so to speak and starve them until they realize this feminism shit is bullshit

Whether this is fake or not (and I’m not sure what the point of a fake MRA is when no matter how crackpot they are the MRAs would agree with them), my mind is always boggled by how much MGTOWs overestimate the importance of their wieners.

11 years ago

Nepenthe – yes, that’s probably most likely, but I was sort of just going on “ok, assuming it’s true he’s had three girlfriends…”

In other news, Inconvenient Truth has nothing convenient or truthful to add to the conversation. Quell surprise.

11 years ago

My first attempt to post this failed, so I’ll try again. Apparently an epidemic of manly men not feeling too great:

“joeb January 30, 2013 at 12:36

W F this is a great topic . Male health . I always use a cynical point of view when addressing my health . Feminist Cults are nasty . Removing the Male from the family is easy “diminish his health “. An emaciated male is no threat .
Belladonna , anti-freeze and cyanide along with Bug sprays and weed toxins are often employed by the Feminists as tools to disable the male . I spent Many years trolling the Feminist pages under a female avatar .
I can tell you the talk is of plenty of How to poison your abusive Mate . I’m always suspicious now . . ( abusive means he went to work and neglected her feelings )
Some years after my emaciation . I dated a women that would drop a Adivan in my coffee to slow me down . She thought this to be Normal .
It took me 40 years to start to believe the Tales men where telling .
I can’t stress enough the need for better male health care clinics and Just plain common knowledge of symptoms .
Stress kills , workaholics die , always watch your buddy’s back because he will be watching yours .
They have done studies in grease about this and have Male health care Clinics you can get a blood test . Its more common then anyone would think for a male to be poisoned by his spouse . We have all had at least one friend we had suspected this was his fate .
Talk of male health is not unmanly its a necessary in today’s world “

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Integral – ain’t that the truth! But I bet they’d also splutter over the threat from women using vibrators and so on, and making their manly man bits look inadequate.

Perhaps they know deep down a penis is the only thing they have to offer anyone, and if they’re as incompetent at using them as I suspect, then they’ve absolutely nothing going for them.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

“Some years after my emaciation”

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.