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Possibly fake MGTOW confesses: “I [felt] dirtied by the moral corruption of sluts.”

Men Going Their Own Way, quickly
Men Going Their Own Way, quickly

I’ve found my new favorite Men’s Rights Redditor. Brand new, really, as gonemgtow’s account is only two days old. This comment, his very first, is so loopy — yet also so true to manosphere ideology — that I can’t help but suspect that it’s an inspired hoax — and possibly even the work of one of the old banned trolls here. (I have one in particular in mind.) If not, wow.

I’ve taken the liberty of breaking his wall o’ text into readable paragraphs. Enjoy. Oh, if you’re at work, don’t read this out loud, as it starts off with a bang, NSFW-wise.

Dude, three girlfriends made me fuck them when they had another man’s cum deep in them and there was an unmistakable cum frothing going around the girth of my penis. Confronted with it they told me a bunch of lies, I know cum when I see it for fuck’s sake, and got hysterical that I could even suggest such a thing. I mean it wasn’t just paranoia. I stalked them and found out.

I go to the gym and lift, play poker and generally engage in alpha male activities, but still get cheated on. Right before I went MGTOW I was doing one night stands and every single one I found out were in a relationship or even married. So they basically forced me to wrong a lot of other men the way I’d been wronged myself. I could feel dirtied by the moral corruption of sluts. Basically made me swear off women.

What gets me is that there’s probably a man out there raising my son or daughter and the slut knows and is snickering and laughing at the con she has pulled. The percentage of women doing these things is not negligible and it’s sick and deplorable. Made me cry too when my illusions about women were shattered.

Makes sense when you think about the erotic fiction they read. Go watch the sales numbers. It’s stories about adultery and rape. A lot of stuff you couldn’t think up in your wildest dreams when it comes to moral corruption.

Just stop. Don’t even masturbate. It’s a highway drug to women so to speak. A moment of weakness is all it takes and you’re pounding a slut from behind and actually she’s in a relationship or even married. It’s better to just take the moral high ground.

All religion kinda makes sense to me now, when it comes to women. Ancient men must have know about the problems of letting women run rampant and wrote up some rules to curb the behavior. It was probably easier to just say it was an all powerful being’s will than to explain the true nature of women and why the rules must be followed.

Now that atheism is taking hold, which is rationality, we’re being forced into a state of moral decay as we’ve lost justification to uphold ancient tradition curtailing women’s sexuality and need to go get as much cum as possible from as many men as possible.

Time to take the penis away and go our own way. Cut the flow at the source so to speak and starve them until they realize this feminism shit is bullshit and that we need to basically have some say in how they behave. That their behavior is wrong. Just saying what everyone knows deep down inside. Fuck political correctness.

Gonemgtow didn’t get much love in r/mensrights for this gem, earning 6 downvotes for all his efforts. He should probably head over to, where he’d fit in just fine.

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11 years ago

I have a mental image of someone shaking a container of milk and noticing it bubbles on top. I just… “cum frothing”??? Dafuq????

Some Gal Not Bored at All

@Creative Writing Student

Definitely. Although I just don’t think come causes that much of a difference (sometimes, other times it might but a significant other would have to be paying a lot of attention every day to really notice it. Just paying attention during sexytimes probably wouldn’t cut it). YMMV, though, as I am only familiar with my own.

I posted this in the other thread, but only 3% of children are the result of infidelity (and at least half of those are probably the result of male infidelity). Once again they are upset about something that almost never happens.

11 years ago

I also like how “three girls made me fuck them” is about LYING CHEATING SLUTS and not sexual violence in any way.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Maybe they forced him with their lying-murdering-makeup-masks?

11 years ago

Tulgey you made me LOL.

11 years ago

@somegal Is that ‘known for definite through DNA testing’ or ‘estimated from taking known and adding it to typical levels of cheating and typical levels of getting pregnant from a sexual encounter’, do you know? Because if it’s the first, I’d say it’s probably higher because it’s rare to get a DNA test and if it’s the second I’d guess maybe lower because you’d be more likely to use a barrier method if you’re cheating, and likely to have more sex with your partner than the person you’re cheating with.

But even if it does happen (3% is still 3%, that would be like five people from my school year alone), I still don’t understand what the women are apparently getting so gleeful about.

11 years ago

I see we’re back to the theory that it’s women and not men who never stop being horny and consequently willing to do whatever, whenever, to the dismay of all and sundry. I think you may have hit upon the defining difference between conservative misogynists and liberal/libertarian ones.

Conservative misogynists:

“The male sexual instinct is all-powerful, consuming, and destructive. Women must be kept in a subordinate position so that they can be protected from men.”

Liberal/Libertarian misogynists:

“The female sexual instinct is all-powerful, consuming, and destructive. Women must be kept in a subordinate position so that men can be protected from them.”

11 years ago

Tulgey: YES! =D

11 years ago

Oh, and. Tulgey Logger is a minor God.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


The stats on cheating in general are awful so my guess is that it is a mix of people who do DNA tests and people who just know (for whatever reason). I think you are right about an increased use of birth control (including abortion) and that decreased frequency also prevents some pregnancies.

I think it is important to point out all that the 3% includes, though. Probably half are the result of male infidelity since men commit at least half of all infidelity. In addition, many (most?) of those children are not being passed off as someone else’s. So, not only are the mothers of that 1.5% (or less) of children not gleefully laughing probably ever, they also are probably not often lying about paternity so they would have nothing to laugh about.

11 years ago

The Suessian (is that a thing? like Gaussian? wev!) poetry on this thread has made my entire week (Which was kind of uggy up until now!)

I love this community 😀

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I think that a good number of misogynists just choose one of the two positions based on the argument they are making about how women are awful. I think you are right in terms of general tendency, but giving them too much credit for consistency.

11 years ago

I bet it’s that guy who told that spermburgling story.

11 years ago

“I think you are right in terms of general tendency, but giving them too much credit for consistency.”

Well, okay, but the point I was really trying to make is more along the lines of “you can’t tell the players apart even with a scorecard”. Neither flavor is consistent, I agree with you about that; what they are is basically the same. It’s like MountainBlue PowerAde versus CherryRush PowerAde: superficially these are (supposed to be) different tastes, but what they’re different tastes of is the same toxic sludge.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Yes! And I love the toxic sludge metaphor.

11 years ago


Oh… oh god. Now I’m imagining Ronald McDonald porn starring the “Spermburglar”.

Robble robble.

11 years ago

If it doesn’t have a “buns” and/or “meat” pun in it I’ll be very disappointed.

11 years ago

@Bagelsan: Don’t forget a mention of “special sauce”

11 years ago

natfantastic: OK, YYMV, but I can’t see why any woman who cheated on her partner with a one-night stand and became pregnant would be ‘snickering and laughing at the con she pulled’?

This is the fantasy of the MGTOW/PUA school. See women are inherently greedy, dishonest, and dependent.

1: They want “alpha cock”.
2: They want “beta money”.
2a The don’t want “beta babies”

So they sneak out for the Alpha Cock, and stick the poor beta with the bill.

This is because they are too lazy, and dishonest, to just get a job, and have the kid on their own.

@somegal Is that ‘known for definite through DNA testing’ or ‘estimated from taking known and adding it to typical levels of cheating and typical levels of getting pregnant from a sexual encounter’

I suspect it’s a projection from DNA testing where there was some actual reason the man suspected infidelity. Given that the percentage is that low in those cases…

11 years ago

Yes! Take your penises and go your own way! Go already!

11 years ago

Very late to the party, but awarding Tulgey all the Internets for the awesome Seuss.

Because I don’t know how to link directly.

11 years ago

“All religion kinda makes sense to me now, when it comes to women. Ancient men must have know about the problems of letting women run rampant and wrote up some rules to curb the behavior. It was probably easier to just say it was an all powerful being’s will than to explain the true nature of women and why the rules must be followed.”

What a piece of shit.

An Inconvenient Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
11 years ago

See women are inherently greedy, dishonest, and dependent.

1: They want “alpha cock”.
2: They want “beta money”.
2a The don’t want “beta babies”

So they sneak out for the Alpha Cock, and stick the poor beta with the bill.

This is because they are too lazy, and dishonest, to just get a job, and have the kid on their own.

As usual, the truth is only expressed sarcastically around here.

11 years ago

Discspeak = the language they speak on the Discworld?

11 years ago

The Inconvenient Truth apparently finds it very inconvenient to use a consistent IP address.