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Possibly fake MGTOW confesses: “I [felt] dirtied by the moral corruption of sluts.”

Men Going Their Own Way, quickly
Men Going Their Own Way, quickly

I’ve found my new favorite Men’s Rights Redditor. Brand new, really, as gonemgtow’s account is only two days old. This comment, his very first, is so loopy — yet also so true to manosphere ideology — that I can’t help but suspect that it’s an inspired hoax — and possibly even the work of one of the old banned trolls here. (I have one in particular in mind.) If not, wow.

I’ve taken the liberty of breaking his wall o’ text into readable paragraphs. Enjoy. Oh, if you’re at work, don’t read this out loud, as it starts off with a bang, NSFW-wise.

Dude, three girlfriends made me fuck them when they had another man’s cum deep in them and there was an unmistakable cum frothing going around the girth of my penis. Confronted with it they told me a bunch of lies, I know cum when I see it for fuck’s sake, and got hysterical that I could even suggest such a thing. I mean it wasn’t just paranoia. I stalked them and found out.

I go to the gym and lift, play poker and generally engage in alpha male activities, but still get cheated on. Right before I went MGTOW I was doing one night stands and every single one I found out were in a relationship or even married. So they basically forced me to wrong a lot of other men the way I’d been wronged myself. I could feel dirtied by the moral corruption of sluts. Basically made me swear off women.

What gets me is that there’s probably a man out there raising my son or daughter and the slut knows and is snickering and laughing at the con she has pulled. The percentage of women doing these things is not negligible and it’s sick and deplorable. Made me cry too when my illusions about women were shattered.

Makes sense when you think about the erotic fiction they read. Go watch the sales numbers. It’s stories about adultery and rape. A lot of stuff you couldn’t think up in your wildest dreams when it comes to moral corruption.

Just stop. Don’t even masturbate. It’s a highway drug to women so to speak. A moment of weakness is all it takes and you’re pounding a slut from behind and actually she’s in a relationship or even married. It’s better to just take the moral high ground.

All religion kinda makes sense to me now, when it comes to women. Ancient men must have know about the problems of letting women run rampant and wrote up some rules to curb the behavior. It was probably easier to just say it was an all powerful being’s will than to explain the true nature of women and why the rules must be followed.

Now that atheism is taking hold, which is rationality, we’re being forced into a state of moral decay as we’ve lost justification to uphold ancient tradition curtailing women’s sexuality and need to go get as much cum as possible from as many men as possible.

Time to take the penis away and go our own way. Cut the flow at the source so to speak and starve them until they realize this feminism shit is bullshit and that we need to basically have some say in how they behave. That their behavior is wrong. Just saying what everyone knows deep down inside. Fuck political correctness.

Gonemgtow didn’t get much love in r/mensrights for this gem, earning 6 downvotes for all his efforts. He should probably head over to, where he’d fit in just fine.

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11 years ago

Most of the fashionable crosses (ie. poodles with everything) I don’t think are that attractive to be honest.

And I generally feel really bad for pure-bread dogs, so many of the poor wee things have serious health issues. Long haired Daschunds are ridiculously cute and I love them but I feel so bad for them with their short little legs and their poor spines.

If I ever get a dog I will get something small, mogrel-ish and disreputable looking. Maybe a scruffy terrier thing with some Jack Russell in it.

And I will call it Gaspode.

11 years ago

titainblue: I have no idea what kind of chickens these are, but if they’re out and I can snag a pic, I will.

11 years ago

If I ever get a dog I will get something small, mogrel-ish and disreputable looking. Maybe a scruffy terrier thing with some Jack Russell in it.

And I will call it Gaspode.


11 years ago

I saw a little line of raccoons crossing the street the other day. They have the most adorable wee trundle/scuttle thing they do and I just wanted to hug the diseased little bastards so bad!

None of this is helped by goddamn Andre Norton, whose books always feature an adorable telepathic space animal that bums around with the main character and makes “murr” noises. Curse you, Norton, for setting my expectations at such a young age!

11 years ago

Cassandra: Now I want a pet raccoon. They look very cuddly.

They make decent, if difficult pets. They are as inquisitive, and clever; in some ways, as a three year old. Much child proofing has to be done (esp. of OTC meds, as they will eat them. I know someone who had a raccoon as a pet, and lost it to a bottle of aspririn).

The wild ones… can be something else altogether. They, more than opossums, eat cats, small dogs, chickens, etc. Geese they don’t mess with; which made our having geese ideal, as they would let us know when one was coming after the hens.

Skunks are all over coastal Calif. Not quite so much in SF, but they can be found near GG Park, and in the Presidio.

Kitteh’s: Up close skunk is a stunningly effective weapon. It shorts circuits reasoning function and attention span. We had one hit the wall below our window… cleared out the entire house (some people to school, Barry and I to Denny’s until we could get scent remover).

11 years ago

I have to say I like the smell of skunk, at a distance. All too often one can smell it along a highway (280, or 84, in particular, though the 210 is also prone to it, when one is in Los Angeles) because they are fearless, and try to cross the road.

The kits are adorbs, with their waddle and their stripes and their puffy fur.

But petting them would be a bad idea.

Molly Moon
Molly Moon
11 years ago

I live in the Bay Area, and I’ve smelled plenty of skunks. When I was a kid my dad would say he loved the smell of skunk (at a distance of course) and I thought he was fucking with me. After I started smoking weed though, I decided that there is a definite appeal.

11 years ago

Raccoons creep me out. Human hands! Human hands!! Though they don’t give me the chills like (sorry Argenti) fish do.

There’s some really big problems with purebred dogs, and crosses like PoodleXRetriever often have the same health concerns, since the issues that appear in Poodles tend to be the same as those that appear in Labs and Goldens. Still, my experience with a rescue was so bad I don’t think I could do it again, and there are breeders who are more responsible — not breeding until the females are old enough to show any health problems, testing for known genetic problems, not overbreeding. I dunno.

I love Golden Retrievers more than I can say. I also love breathing, though, and I guess the poodle crosses are better for that.

11 years ago

Talking about the smell of skunks at a distance reminds me of one of my favorite Robinson Jeffers’ poems:

The corruptions of war and peace, the public and whole-
sale crimes that make war, the greed and lies of the peace
And victor’s vengeance: how at a distance
They soften into romance—blue mountains and blossomed marshes in the long landscape of history—
Becomes an amusing clown, and Genghiz
A mere genius, a great author of tragedies. Our own time’s chiefs of massacre—Stalin died yesterday—Watch how soon blood will bleach, and gross horror
Become words in a book…

We have little animals here,
slow-stepping cousins of stoat and weasel,
Striped skunks, that can spit from under their tails
an odor so vile and stifling that neither wolf nor wild-
cat dares to come near them; they walk in confidence,
Solely armed with this loathsome poison-gas.
But smelled far off—have you noticed?—it is surprisingly pleasant.
It is like the breath of ferns and wet
Deep in a wooded glen in the evening,
Cool water glides quietly over the moss-grown stones,
quick trout dimple the pool.— Distance makes clean.

11 years ago

@Viscaria: Then I recommend that you don’t ever stay overnight at Mammoth Cave in Kentucky.

My Beloved and I stayed there a couple nights in 2004 (we watched one of the debates in the hotel room) and the raccoons come right up to the glass doors on the outside and put their clever little paws on it when they see someone in the hall.

I swear they seemed like they wanted to get to the vending machines….

11 years ago


11 years ago

I used to manage the opening shift at a coffee/bagel place, which meant I would walk to work around 5:30 in the morning. One morning I heard a screeching that I thought was someone trying to start a car with a squeaky belt – until I saw a skunk back out of a walled driveway, with another one right in its face, and both of them screeching like…well, like angry small mammals. I ran, of course, but I still had to go that way to get to work, and just passing through where they’d been fighting left a vague trace of stench on my clothes.

tl;dr I almost walked into a skunk fight once, and I do not recommend it.

11 years ago

@Some Gal (belated) – I don’t mean to turn this into a thing, but as someone who actually is autistic, NO, people are not mostly “trying to be helpful” when they diagnose someone as being on the spectrum. Quite often, “autism” is people’s label for “this person seems narcissistic,” “this person is violent” (see Sandy Hook media coverage, and Joe Scarborough), “this person is incapable of speaking to their own experience” (although that one is frequently leveled at self-advocates who admit to being on the spectrum) or “this person is r*****ed” (see “21 Jump Street”). I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve heard “this person seems autistic” used in a helpful or positive way.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


I suspect that I notice people being “meaner” about bipolar and schizophrenia more often simply because those are what me and my friends have been diagnosed as and so I am more sensitive to it. I am very sorry for thoughtlessly making the comparison.

11 years ago

Reddit/mensrights has been made subreddit of the day.


Some Gal Not Bored at All


Ugh. I don’t think much of reddit, so I won’t say it lowered my opinion, but it certainly cemented that opinion.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
11 years ago


Oh jebus pants… *facepalms*

11 years ago

Isn’t “subreddit of the day” basically a “biggest asshole in a site full of assholes” award?

11 years ago

Are they out of subreddits to promote?

Some Gal Not Bored at All

I tried to read the justification, but the promoter (?) started talking about men being like the Irish or Jews and I just couldn’t read anymore.

11 years ago

MRA wanking often seeps into large, diverse sites, but you hope that when push comes to shove, at least 50% of the overall site will recognize that they’re full of shit.

But not if it’s Reddit.

11 years ago

I just think (a) this is going to feed their egos to an amusing extent, and (b) the attention is going to make Paul E. so jealous.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“The kits are adorbs, with their waddle and their stripes and their puffy fur.

But petting them would be a bad idea.”

Truer words have never been spoken.

Viscaria — you give my fish a sad.

11 years ago

I’m sure your fish is lovely! I just don’t want to look at it. >.>

When I was a kid we had tetras, but one of them was one of those fishes that masquerades as a tetra and then eats them all. He lived for years, shudder. We started calling him Methuselah. I had nightmares that he would finally die, and then I would be flushing him down the toilet, but then he would climb out and kill me!

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Lovely, no wonder you hate fish. Most of mine are small bottom feeders, they don’t even have teeth to speak of (not even Flagg could do more than give you a fish hickey)

Is this an animal thread now? Because rescued puppies —