are these guys 12 years old? douchebaggery hate hundreds of upvotes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA reddit taking pleasure in women's pain trigger warning

The Men’s Rights Subreddit: A net exporter of hate

A new shipment of angry MRAs is on its way!
A new shipment of angry MRAs is on its way!

Oh, Reddit, not again. So about a week ago, a woman posted what seemed to be a heartfelt and sorrowful confession to r/confession with the self-explanatory title “I cheated on my sweetheart of a husband for 3 years with my violent, abusive ex. This is the one secret I am taking to my grave.”

Now,  r/confession purports to be a subreddit devoted to helping out those who confess their wrongdoings, and the sidebar warns potential commenters not to be abusive: “No personal attacks, we are not here to make people feel bad.”

But Reddit being Reddit – that is, a hotbed of resentful “nice guys” always looking for an excuse to vilify women in general or a woman in particular – many of the commenters attacked the OP as an evil “scumbag,” or worse. While the worst comments were deleted by the mods, many attacks on the OP remain, some with literally hundreds of upvotes. Those who expressed any degree of empathy for the OP found their comments roundly downvoted.

After a few days, the discussion died down.

But then, after several days of silence, a new wave of abusive comments started to appear.  Like this one:


And this:


Oh, but there’s more:


I’ve saved the worst for last. (I’ve also included the response from the confessor herself.) TRIGGER WARNING for violence.





So how did a dead thread like this come to life again, and so unpleasantly? Well, you guessed it: it got linked to in r/mensrights and later in r/redpill, a smaller and even more extreme “men’s rights” subreddit.  And indeed, if you look at the comment histories of the people I’ve just quoted, you’ll see that most of them also posted in either r/mensrights or r/redpill around the time they made these comments.

It’s a fair guess that many of the upvotes that these terrible comments got also came from visiting r/menrights-ers.

Back in r/mensrights, one commenter, disgusted by all this, chronicled some of the bad behavior of his MRA comrades:


A lot more people besides IBM2431 are going to have to stand up and speak out if they want to clean up r/mensrights’ well-deserved reputation as a net exporter of hate.

Not that r/confession is absolved of blame here. While commenters there piled on this woman, who seemed sincerely sorry for what she said she had done, the r/confession regulars found nothing wrong with the behavior of another commenter — a dude, of course — who confessed he’d “fapped” a number of times to cam footage he found of a friend of his sister’s masturbating — which was evidently recorded and put online without her knowledge or consent.

NOTE: By the time this post goes up, it’s possible and even likely that the mods of r/confession will have deleted the worst of the comments from the r/mensrights and r/redpill invaders. But they should still be visible in the comment histories of those who posted them.

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11 years ago

Cassandra, here if you’re brave:

Be warned. His boner has a sad, so it’s the end of the world. And the whole government thing is sort of, well, odd.

11 years ago

Oh, there’s his blog! He was commenting earlier from the placeholder blog Government Girlfriends and I thought he’d just erased his blog’s content. I rejoice to find otherwise!

11 years ago

@katz, please tell Pierre!

And warn him, too.

11 years ago

Brain bleach: The Tiniest Kittens.

Everyone can go home now, the internet is over.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

Wow, government girlfriends guy has had way more dates than me.

And yet, somehow my life is not ongoing torture, indicating that it’s something else that’s wrong.

11 years ago

One of the weirdest things about his blog is his griping that his online dating ads get responses from “low quality” women. Who does he think will sign on for a government-sponsored dating agency? The “highest quality” women of all? Really?

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

Who does he think will sign on for a government-sponsored dating agency? The “highest quality” women of all? Really?

“Oh, the pain of incel in a time when the government girlfriend agencies only get, like, HB5s and HB6s! I may be so involuntarily celibate that I’m literally debilitated by it, but a guy’s gotta have standards, you know?”

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

These morons make me glad dating was never a thing in my life – I know they’re vastly outnumbered by good, decent, ordinary men but the thought of having met up with one of them is pukologous. They’re like the most toxic boys at my high school with added creepiness (and most of the boys in my year would have done a favour to the world if they’d jumped into the nearest midden).

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I wonder just what it is GG thinks he has to have to save his life? Orgasms? Hello, Rosy Palm is always there to help, and she’s the only one you’ve any right to demand attention from.

I also wonder if they think their precious “incel” is something women suffer? Probably not, since they seem to think we’re malfunctioning sexbots with no lives, agency or nerve endings of our own. But then if virginitiy were a killer how would anyone live past about eighteen? (And note, GG is a lying little turd who’d had sex within the last six months when he first came whining onto this site.)

11 years ago

I am frequently always bemused by the strange and interesting world of the MRM. He is so desperate for sex, but deserves only “high quality” girlfriends who will love and cherish him for the special snowflake that he is, but apparently he is not “high quality” enough that he can find the perfect HB10 on his own. Either his parents or his government need to step in and do that on his behalf, but only if she’s perfect!

Buy a fucking fleshlight already.

11 years ago

“Well, I had my first sort of a date in 2013 and it turned out to be my worst first date ever, to a point where it was downright scary for both.”

The first date of my life was also the worst date of my life up until that point. Not because it was bad, just because logic requires the previous statement to be true.

11 years ago

It’s endlessly fascinating that men who fantasize loudly about beating women with baseball bats also complain about not getting enough head-pats for being such nice guys. Gee, why don’t women appreciate them and their niceness?

11 years ago

In all fairness, it’s clear that stam is actually just lonely, and he’s looking for a cure to loneliness. Because he’s a dope, he thinks that sex or going on a date or somesuch will solve his problem, and he gets frustrated when it doesn’t. He can’t come to terms with the real problem: His own stunted emotional inability to bond with people.

11 years ago

Peartree, he actually did mean his first date of 2013, I think, since even he admits that he’s had a date every few months for years.

11 years ago

It was his letter to the government requesting that they send him a girlfriend within two weeks. Somehow I actually do believe that he wrote it and sent it to the Department of Whatthefuck and expected a response. There’s something about him that makes me think he really did that.

That, and his elaborate plan for governmental dating agencies for which high quality women will sign up in droves to date men like him, who can’t get girlfriends otherwise. He’s one of those who think that women never, ever have problems getting a date, but somehow he thinks that they will still eagerly sign up to go on a blind date with someone like him.

How do you hold these ideas at the same time?

11 years ago

Wow, I just got further through that, that guy is fairly messed up and taking it out on the women he dates. That is incredibly scary 🙁

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

Oh, lord. That guy’s life story is depressing and scary. He got obsessed with some girl, told her he would kill her and himself, and was arrested. Then, just this last year, he basically extorts some woman into sex by posting her pictures on some blog. Naturally, he blames the woman for the failure of that relationship. Also, he thinks that psychologists are his enemy and that incel is the Terminator.

…maybe we should stop talking about him?

11 years ago

I read the last blog entry of the government girlfriends guy and I wonder what this guy wants. He goes on a date with a woman. After 15 minutes he decides there is no attraction, okay. But then he goes on to tell her his life story and how pitiful he is and how he wants to kill himself! And she’s supposed to listen and comfort him, even though he has no interest in him and probably just expected to go on a casual date to get to know a guy better she met online?

I just had to stop at one point because I couldn’t take anymore of his self pity (like how the poor woman, who I bet totally didn’t expect an emotionally fragile guy she had to comfort, uses the wrong words to comfort him, what a bitch!).

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Tulgey – you’re right. He’s a stalker and a criminal, not some pitiable/laughable idiot, from that. Too creepy for words.

11 years ago


Who does he think will sign on for a government-sponsored dating agency? The “highest quality” women of all? Really?

We asked him that when he was over here, and his response basically came down to “There are a lot of women who are in urgent need of money in this economy”. So, you know, class personified as always.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Tulgey — isn’t he banned the moment he shows up for exactly that reason?

Inconvenient Truth — try forming an actual thought, “alpha fucks, beta bucks” is, at best, a slogan, or jargon, but not an actual coherent argument that anyone can reply to. At h very least you have to explain your jargon.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Argenti – I think part of the reason he was banned was he impersonated someone else on his blog, using their real name. Even if he hadn’t though, yeah, he’s essentially a rape advocate, so should get his little arse cyber-kicked out of here.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

And of course, if he coerced a woman into sex, he is a rapist.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

Argenti, I thought he was banned because it looked like someone was using the name he was posting under in order to defame someone.

11 years ago

Yeah, he was using the name as part of what seems to be an orchestrated smear campaign.

The funny thing was he was smearing the guy by using his name and then just acting like he always does. It’s like he’s aware that his normal behavior is horrifying to everyone else.