are these guys 12 years old? douchebaggery hate hundreds of upvotes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA reddit taking pleasure in women's pain trigger warning

The Men’s Rights Subreddit: A net exporter of hate

A new shipment of angry MRAs is on its way!
A new shipment of angry MRAs is on its way!

Oh, Reddit, not again. So about a week ago, a woman posted what seemed to be a heartfelt and sorrowful confession to r/confession with the self-explanatory title “I cheated on my sweetheart of a husband for 3 years with my violent, abusive ex. This is the one secret I am taking to my grave.”

Now,  r/confession purports to be a subreddit devoted to helping out those who confess their wrongdoings, and the sidebar warns potential commenters not to be abusive: “No personal attacks, we are not here to make people feel bad.”

But Reddit being Reddit – that is, a hotbed of resentful “nice guys” always looking for an excuse to vilify women in general or a woman in particular – many of the commenters attacked the OP as an evil “scumbag,” or worse. While the worst comments were deleted by the mods, many attacks on the OP remain, some with literally hundreds of upvotes. Those who expressed any degree of empathy for the OP found their comments roundly downvoted.

After a few days, the discussion died down.

But then, after several days of silence, a new wave of abusive comments started to appear.  Like this one:


And this:


Oh, but there’s more:


I’ve saved the worst for last. (I’ve also included the response from the confessor herself.) TRIGGER WARNING for violence.





So how did a dead thread like this come to life again, and so unpleasantly? Well, you guessed it: it got linked to in r/mensrights and later in r/redpill, a smaller and even more extreme “men’s rights” subreddit.  And indeed, if you look at the comment histories of the people I’ve just quoted, you’ll see that most of them also posted in either r/mensrights or r/redpill around the time they made these comments.

It’s a fair guess that many of the upvotes that these terrible comments got also came from visiting r/menrights-ers.

Back in r/mensrights, one commenter, disgusted by all this, chronicled some of the bad behavior of his MRA comrades:


A lot more people besides IBM2431 are going to have to stand up and speak out if they want to clean up r/mensrights’ well-deserved reputation as a net exporter of hate.

Not that r/confession is absolved of blame here. While commenters there piled on this woman, who seemed sincerely sorry for what she said she had done, the r/confession regulars found nothing wrong with the behavior of another commenter — a dude, of course — who confessed he’d “fapped” a number of times to cam footage he found of a friend of his sister’s masturbating — which was evidently recorded and put online without her knowledge or consent.

NOTE: By the time this post goes up, it’s possible and even likely that the mods of r/confession will have deleted the worst of the comments from the r/mensrights and r/redpill invaders. But they should still be visible in the comment histories of those who posted them.

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11 years ago

Gosh darn it I’m 22 and Starla is 20.

My stupid ipod is a jerk.

11 years ago

Argenti: GGG is governments get girlfriends, our little incel sadsack.

Have a good night!

11 years ago

So while I was sleeping our new trollbaby came back and gave us an illustration of the cognitive limitations of teenagers and why we don’t let them drink or rent cars?

I have to say, though, youth is no excuse for not knowing the difference between “their” and “there”.

Cthulhu's Intern
11 years ago

Also, about the GG guy: What he doesn’t realize is that sexual surrogates do actually exist.
Basically, if virginity is causing depression, they find a partner for the patient. Of course, it’s more complicated than that, and it’s not sponsored by the government, but what he’s asking for still basically exists.

11 years ago

Oh wow you think that’s bad, you should see some of the people in YouTube comments. Grammar is in the toilet, both among teens and adults. I just hope he doesn’t take this as proof that we support extramarital affairs and that a man has no business saying anything to a woman if she cheats… Despite the efforts taken to explain otherwise.

11 years ago


He’s going to filter whatever is said to him through layers of entitlement and anger regardless of what’s actually said. Apparently he’s upset about something, and that justifies both his little tantrum and his ongoing sulk.

I try not to read the comments on YouTube.

On the surrogates issue, the thing is, he won’t accept that either because part of his issue is loneliness so he wants someone who actually likes him, or appears to. Which would be fine if he didn’t expect the government or his parents to fix what’s essentially an existential issue for him.

11 years ago

Or GGG could ove to Singapore! I think the government matchmaking system is still running there. The problem is that I’m pretty sure the women are allowed to decline dates, and that he’d be competing with men less offputting than he is for second dates.

11 years ago

It’s hard to fathom how people are able to muster up this much rage towards a complete stranger for doing something that doesn’t affect them in any way.

11 years ago

Am I the only one who remembers Abnoy saying his nym was Pinoy? It was really early in his Manboobz career…

11 years ago

I read some of his blog, I never thought I’d come across someone that made self-acceptance seem like a bad thing. I actually feel kindof bad for him even though he’s an incredible asshole. If he’d stop going “poor me, I have all these problems and everyone else should fix them. WAAAAHHHH!” hed be a lot better off.

11 years ago

I always go to my corner and sulk when trolls refuse to engage in honest discussion and then ignore any actual critiques of their positions and then cryyyyyy and whiiiiiine about how feminists are all evil bitchez who won’t have a REAL Logical Debate(tm).

BTW I’m 21. I’d like to think I don’t come off as a Dunning-Kruger collegiate most of the time.

11 years ago

My favorite troll fail is when they admit that they’re acting based on emotion, like this one did, and then whine about feminists being illogical.

11 years ago

Also, sorry, but I can’t feel bad for GGG given what horrible things he wants to do to other people. Not just to women – he pretty much lost my sympathy when he started talking about how his parents deserve to die for not finding him a girlfriend.

11 years ago

I don’t think he hates feminists, or even women for that matter, or if he does it’s just a manifestation of how much he hates himself. That’s no way to live, especially since he has a whole blog dedicated to how miserable he is. I’m not saying it makes some of his actions excusable but that’s just what I’ve gathered.

11 years ago

Someone doesn’t have to hate women in a conscious, deliberate way to be very dangerous to us. Also, depression isn’t a good excuse for wanting your parents to be killed. It’s not like he can use being a teenager as an excuse either – GGG is at least college aged.

TLDR – A lot of hate comes from self-loathing. That doesn’t make it OK.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Btw, autocorrect thinks eviserations should be excise rations.

Well, I guess if you were eviscerated after a meal it would excise rations …

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

First comment of the day and the blockquotes attack me!

Given GGG has been arrested (for harassment, iirc – haven’t time to look upthread now) and has used blackmail to force a woman to have sex – or at least claims he has – he’s way past any pity from me. He’s a total creep.

11 years ago

I never said anything he did or said was okay, or acceptable in any way. I was just thinking out loud on why he’s like that, or why he does these things. Also he blames a lot of stuff on the way he was as a teenager, or rather things he didn’t do, like date. As if that has anything to do with the way he is now.

I dated someone like him once, he ended up being an emotionally abusive, controlling, and downright crazy person.

I’d think they were the same person if it weren’t for the fact that he’s not a government conspiracy theorist obsessed with world domination, and.., you know what I’m sure you get the idea. Thing is he’s miserable but he does it to himself and it probably wouldn’t matter if he found a perfect match, mostly because hes so self-entitled and would probably dump her the moment she started pointing out his less than healthy tendencies.

11 years ago

Thing is that all signs point to him getting worse over time, just like your ex. People have tried to reason with him and he doesn’t want to listen.

The way that he keeps running through potential dates and rejecting all the ones who don’t reject him first makes it crystal clear that this isn’t about finding the right person. It’s an internal issue, and as long as he refuses to deal with that his life isn’t going to get any better.

My lack of sympathy is due to concern about the other people he might hurt while he’s busy flailing.

11 years ago

@ Kittehs

And he didn’t learn anything from the arrest, either, which means that he might do the same thing again.

11 years ago

He definetly needs a reality check from hell. geez I don’t even know where to begin on how to fix this kind of problem…

11 years ago

O/T, but the Onion’s just done an absolutely perfect article which sums up a lot of MRA attitudes towards women:

Teenage Girl Blossoming Into Beautiful Object

ARLINGTON, TX—Calling the transformation both delightful and stunning, friends and family members confirmed Tuesday that 17-year-old Ashley Parker was blossoming into an absolutely gorgeous object.

According to Parker’s relatives, in the span of 14 months, the high school junior underwent a staggering metamorphosis from a young girl with thoughts, feelings, and aspirations into a truly stunning commodity.

“Ashley has really developed into quite a striking assemblage of physical attributes that are found to be sexually attractive in our culture,” said Parker’s uncle Keith Hayes, expressing astonishment at how his niece had steadily matured from a precocious youth into a shapely, ravishing thing devoid of intellect and personality. “It’s hard to believe that she used to be that little girl [capable of subjective experiences] that I remember. Now look at her—she’s such a lovely vessel for displaced sexual frustration and voyeuristic lust, just like her mother.”

“Seems like just yesterday she was this creative 7-year-old kid, pretending her Barbie was the first woman president,” Hayes added. “My, they grow into little more than consumer goods so quickly.”

Marveling at the rite of passage that all females make from girlhood into entirely disempowered objecthood, Hayes expressed confidence that the 17-year-old would one day become a highly prized physical possession for “one lucky guy.”

Parker’s classmates at Wakefield High School were also reportedly captivated by the adolescent’s transition from a young woman into an eye-catching repository for male gratification. High school senior Kevin Turner said that Parker had become a particularly alluring instrument of purely physical pleasure in the months since she was a young, conscious, independent preteen girl.

“I grew up with Ashley and never thought much of her before, but over the last year or so, I really started to see her for the beautiful little piece of equipment she is,” said Turner, expressing enthusiasm for how the teen had evolved into a dazzling sexual apparatus. “I’m thinking of asking that mere receptacle to prom.”

“Take a look at it,” added Turner of the former human being. “I can think of a lot of things I’d like to do with that.”

Edmund Powell, Parker’s history teacher, echoed the sentiment of many pupils, claiming that he was impressed by the junior’s transformation from an honor roll student and sentient human being into a lovely piece of meat.

“Ashley used to be one of the brightest and best students in my class,” said Powell, recalling the former girl who once consisted of more than a single, surface-deep dimension. “But, wow, now you’d have to say that she’s something very special. Something very special indeed.”

While Parker’s mother Stacey was reportedly certain that her daughter would make a beautiful and unthinkingly gracious trophy someday, the 38-year-old cautioned Ashley not to get her hopes up about finding the perfect money bags right away.

11 years ago

@Thenatfantastic: Ah, you’re drawing a comparison to the modus operandi, not the severity of the offense–I see, and would add that Rudy and Diogenes fit that mold pretty well. Wander in, act all cool for a minute, drop hideous ideas at the first opportunity.

Truly, now would be a GREAT time for me to talk about my views in favor of Trepanning, I can just sense it. (not really)

11 years ago

Starla, I feel sorry for him to. Not that he deserves pity, I just can’t help feeling it for the ones who make themselves so miserable.

11 years ago


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