So when I was poking around on Roosh’s Return of Kings blog the other day I ran across a guest post from someone calling himself Samseau accusing feminists of using racism to exploit men – that is, of expertly manipulating men of different races to fight one another instead of standing firm against the evil feminists and their evil agenda.
The post, while purporting to be somehow “above” the issue of race, is a muddled mess full of “white men have it worst” nonsense like this:
[R]acial infighting between American men wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for the political consequences.
Women, if you haven’t noticed, do not fight with each other over racial conflicts. They might get angry over the past, but they are able to resolve all issues by agreeing on a scapegoat: the white man. Colored women will gladly forgive their white sisters, since, after all, it was the white man who oppressed women and minorities.
White men are the big, bad, evil masters, and as such, all females of different colors can agree to put aside their differences in order to bring the white man down.
Yes, he did indeed use the term “colored women.” Oh, but there’s more.
The election results show that decades of brainwashing young American boys has been an unqualified success. Rather than have boys be loyal to their gender, boys have instead been trained to be loyal to their race.
Little non-white boys at the tender age of 9 years are fed lies about how white male oppressors created their poor living conditions, while white boys are taught that they need to correct the injustices of their forefathers lest they be guilty with the indelible sin of white privilege. Female teachers use the appropriate shaming tactics on these young minds to imprint the intended desire for conflict.
All according to plan.
And more:
Men are pawns in the race game. Thus while American women feed themselves government largesse, jobs, university degrees, their husband’s money, and child support money, American men fight each other over table scraps.
But my favorite thing about this article is the little graph that Mr. Samseau made up to illustrate the REAL issues men face today.
Yep. Race is the least important issue, while “getting laid” is number one.
It’s a pretty revealing little chart, huh?
The comment section for the article – wade into this swamp at your own peril – is (predictably enough) filled with angry racists trying to explain why race really does matter. Others, meanwhile, seem upset that all this racism is getting in the way of the regular woman-bashing. Still others suggest that men of all races needed to understand the “root cause” of all our “multicultural problems.” That being … teh Jews.
My favorite comment of the bunch, though, has to be this, from Caliente, combining an astounding ignorance of history with some half-digested evo psych:
Btw the reason why there are practically no racist women is simple.
Males of mammals are territorial.
They naturally base they identity from bottom up: family,tribe,nation,race.And naturally react negative to males of different “tribe”.
Females at the same time are receptive to have sex with any males as long as they are alpha enough.
In 19 century whites fucked all the black women because they were alpha and they had recourses,just look at Brasil.Nowadays a feminist will be cheating on her white beta herbling with some black fitness coach because that is how her brain assumes alphaness.
Glad we got that all settled!
Totally unrelated, but I found this. Someone is trying to pass a law that an abortion after rape is “tampering with evidence”
Oh my goodness, this is totally off-topic, but I just discovered that a co-worker of mine is a dyed-in-the-wool Nice Guy on OKCupid. He messaged me last night — not a “lets date” message but rather a “oh hey we work together how awkward” message. And I looked at his profile.
His first paragraph explains how women judge attractiveness in milliseconds, and that they will never find him attractive because of his “small pupils, full cheeks, and a short whr” (I don’t know what a whr is).
So why is he on OKCupid despite being clearly too ugly to date, you know, with those small pupils of his? Why, it’s because he enjoys “proving the folks who say ‘I just want a nice man’ or whatever wrong”.
And his answer to “You should message me if” is: “We have anything in common. God, being actually unique sucks.”
The really hilarious thing is that when I first met this guy, I actually thought he was really cute, and if I hadn’t been in a relationship at the time, I might have flirted.
Then he revealed himself to be that really tedious brand of nerd whose entire nerd identity is based around proving himself to be the nerdiest nerd around, and I’m not into competitive nerddom.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but my understanding was that, in the 19th century, “do-gooding” was primarily a woman’s job. So it would be the wife of the family who gave money to charity, visited the poor, etc. So dealing with social inequities would have been a more natural role for women.
Short whr = dealbreaker
I actually read this back when it was published after hearing the author interviewed on NPR. Having been raised in one of the middle-class black communities that were a direct result of the Great Migration, I wanted to see if the research supported the anecdotes I’d heard all my life. And Coates is right; read it yesterday. It’s amazing.
Hey, De-dimwit or whatever your name is: You know black women were lynched too, right?
This comment deserves some kind of Mansplaining Award.
I’m coloured, all right.
Colour me dumbfounded.
I… I don’t even know where to begin. Race doesn’t matter to men? Have you SPOKEN to a black man, or a man of any other race than white (which, I presume, is the race of whoever made that f*cktacular chart)? Did they tell you that race doesn’t factor into their lives with as much importance as PORN?? Gah!
Women don’t have to deal with race? Women of any race don’t have to constantly worry about their presenting the wrong “attitute”? Black women and men (I’m speaking of what I know) don’t have to fight harder for more research for health issues that pertain to them (i.e. sickle-cell anemia)
From WebMD: “If you look at the time and attention devoted to sickle cell anemia, it pales when compared to cystic fibrosis and other genetic diseases,” Graham says. “There are actually more Americans with sickle cell disease than with cystic fibrosis — 65,000 to 80,000 versus 35,000 to 40,000 — but the amount of money spent on cystic fibrosis research outstrips sickle cell anemia by many fold. This is a shame on the medical research arm of our nation.”
The rest of that article is here => http://www.webmd.com/hypertension-high-blood-pressure/features/why-7-deadly-diseases-strike-blacks-most
We don’t have to think about the constant messages in the media that white is “normal” and everything else is “a variation” ? We don’t see this in television, movies, magazines (I can’t find any hair tips for me in Vogue, unless I am willing to chemiclly change my hair texture to one that adheres to white “normality”) and in the toys we grew up with, or even the toys we see today? See this… http://ces101sp2013.wordpress.com/2013/01/18/racism-in-childrens-toys-participation/
We don’t have to either be very creative or pay more when it comes to something as simple as cosmetic products? For most black women, in a range of 10 foundation shades, we’ll probably get the darkest two. TWO SHADES?? Have you SEEN the many different shades we are?? (Mind you, I’m Canadian, and I know that make-up options are even worse up here than they are in the States. I have made trips to New York City SPECIFICALLY to pick up powder or foundation in my shade.) I don’t know about the choices anywhere else.
I could go on and on about the subtle and not-so-subtle ways that race affects me, my health, my outlook, and the way that others interact with me. But I won’t.
Instead, I’ll just address this… “In 19 century whites fucked all the black women because they were alpha and they had recourses…”
Um. Um. Huh.
I always thought that 19 century white men “fucked” all the black women was because the RAPING OF BLACk FEMALE SLAVES BY THEIR MASTERS WAS VERY COMMON AND THE WOMEN HAD NO CHOICE WHATSOEVER IN THE MATTER.
“African American women had to endure the threat and the practice of sexual exploitation. There were no safeguards to protect them from being sexually stalked, harassed, or raped, or to be used as long-term concubines by masters and overseers. The abuse was widespread, as the men with authority took advantage of their situation. Even if a woman seemed agreeable to the situation, in reality she had no choice. Slave men, for their part, were often powerless to protect the women they loved.”
That quote comes from PBS: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/4p2956.html
“Colonial laws regarding statutory rape were not applied to Blacks and Indians. Indians and Blacks, as well as their children, were prohibited by law from defending themselves against abuse, sexual and otherwise, at the hands of Whites. A slave who defended herself against the attack of a White person was subject to cruel beatings by either the master or mistress. Liaisons between Whites and Blacks or Indians were illegal. The females of color received the harshest punishment if discovered in a liaison with a White male. Females of color, regardless of their young age, were viewed as seducers of White men. Pregnancy became the evidence of the illegal liaison. A mulatto baby the indicator of the race of the father – White male. The child, by statute took the status of the mother and is thus born into slavery. The full benefit of the relationship and the off-spring enured to the White male. Under English precedent, the status of children was determined by the father. The colonists changed the law to increase the wealth and domination of the White master who had eliminated certain costs of purchasing human labor by becoming “a breeder of slaves.” The Black female, woman or child, was forced into sexual relationships for the White slave master’s pleasure and profit.”
That quote comes from here: http://academic.udayton.edu/race/05intersection/gender/rape.htm
I would also encourage you to read this re: an example of what happened to a young black slave girl who fought back: http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/celia/celiaaccount.html
“… because they were alpha…” THE HELL. YOU FAIL AT AMERICAN HISTORY. And that’s coming from a Canadian who wasn’t taught about black history (in the context of slavery) in my curriculum; I just know how to friggin’ READ.
‘Whr’ sounds like the noise a steampunk vibrator makes.
If your vibrator makes a short whr, then you should probably get it fixed. No woman wants to be pleasured with a short whr.
@deniseeliza: internet hugs. I believe that his type of nerd should have his nerd card automatically revoked for the inability to understand logic. The fact that 99.9 (recurring) females on OKCupid will never date him, even the ones who want a nice guy, is not proof that those females don’t want a nice guy. They just aren’t interested in *him*.
Even if there was some factory that mass-produces Nice Guys ™ to all have exactly the same attributes so they’re interchangeable, the probability of being chosen as *the* Nice Guy to date (at any time) by any particular female is simply 1/x where x= the number of nice guys. More Nice Guys ™, the lower the odds. If the females date more than one Nice Guy ™, then x becomes a function of supply, substracting off each Nice Guy ™ that the female has dated. But we can assume more Nice Guys ™ also enter into the pool over time.
Any nerd can understand this, so he’s a wannabe nerd.
Notice that capitalism does not affect a man’s life in any way.
Gah, missed the percent sign after “99.9”.
Short whr
Short with hairy rectum? I got nothing.
So apparently it means “waist-hip ratio”. Were guys supposed to have hourglass figures now?
Notice that capitalism does not affect a man’s life in any way.
It’s part of being “divorce raped” and not having 24/7 access to sex slaves. Fucking capitalism!
Do you work at a high school? Does he also write terrible poetry about how much his parents suck and how like, everything would be better if PE was abolished? Does he wear a trenchcoat and pretend to read Nietzsche? Does he carve pentagrams in the desks?
Please tell me no one over the age of fifteen wrote that sentence in seriousness.
He’s in his 30s.
Wow, deniseeliza, you dodged a bullet with that guy. Ick.
Things that do not seem to occur to sexist dumbasses.
1. If a white woman and a black man in ye olde days had sex, and the black man was later lynched for rape, the woman having accused the man of rape is not the only possibility in terms of how that could have happened. Her husband/father/brother/rejected suitor finding out, getting angry, and instigating the lynching is also a possibility. Although the scenario that Nobinayamu is talking about is more likely.
2. If there are women on OKCupid who say they just want a nice guy, and yet none of them want to date you, those women being liars who don’t really want a nice guy is not the only possibility. Other possibilities include you not actually being a very nice guy at all, you not being the only nice guy on OKCupid and them having chosen one of the others, or you having willfully misinterpreted what the women said they wanted.
@ nat
There’s also the fact that being unique is not always a good thing. Dahmer was pretty unique. So was Pol Pot. Also, the Unabomber.
Studies that ask women what figure shape they like in men tend to find a WHR of around 1.0 is most desirable and that higher ratios are less desirable. It’s a fancy way of saying he’s a bit overweight. The thing these studies (and people who swear by them) ignore is that physical appearance is not the sole factor in attractiveness.
I know someone who knew Ted Kaczynski fairly well, during the two years he was at Berkeley. I know that’s not really relevant to anything, but I still have a fever and random associations is about all I am capable of right now. (Oddly I still seem to be more logical than Demarcq…)
GET YOUR FLU SHOTS! Seriously, if you can, get them. I’ve been off work all week, but finally dragged my sorry ass in today. My boss is off at a conference, but his second in command just came over to say, “I know I’m not your supervisor, but I still want to order you to go home and get more rest.”
I work with nice people.
…Wait, did you complain about how you’re feeing at any point recently while in the office? Could be that our new troll is one of your coworkers.
Me? Or deniseeliza? I have been completely stoic at work, for the record. Also, while some of my coworkers are odd, they are all pretty decent human beings. (I.e. they leave our new troll in the dust.)
Wait, a short whr? Doesn’t that mean small waist, big hips? My experience has been that such a configuration on a man is not terribly uncommon among the skinny. (and if he meant it ‘short’ colloquially, then that’s even worse, because you don’t mix a ratio with a descriptor not meant to describe the number of the ratio! That’s awful! Fuzzy math! The worst!)
Is “whr” maybe meant to be weight/height ratio? Is he on the short and chubby side?