So when I was poking around on Roosh’s Return of Kings blog the other day I ran across a guest post from someone calling himself Samseau accusing feminists of using racism to exploit men – that is, of expertly manipulating men of different races to fight one another instead of standing firm against the evil feminists and their evil agenda.
The post, while purporting to be somehow “above” the issue of race, is a muddled mess full of “white men have it worst” nonsense like this:
[R]acial infighting between American men wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for the political consequences.
Women, if you haven’t noticed, do not fight with each other over racial conflicts. They might get angry over the past, but they are able to resolve all issues by agreeing on a scapegoat: the white man. Colored women will gladly forgive their white sisters, since, after all, it was the white man who oppressed women and minorities.
White men are the big, bad, evil masters, and as such, all females of different colors can agree to put aside their differences in order to bring the white man down.
Yes, he did indeed use the term “colored women.” Oh, but there’s more.
The election results show that decades of brainwashing young American boys has been an unqualified success. Rather than have boys be loyal to their gender, boys have instead been trained to be loyal to their race.
Little non-white boys at the tender age of 9 years are fed lies about how white male oppressors created their poor living conditions, while white boys are taught that they need to correct the injustices of their forefathers lest they be guilty with the indelible sin of white privilege. Female teachers use the appropriate shaming tactics on these young minds to imprint the intended desire for conflict.
All according to plan.
And more:
Men are pawns in the race game. Thus while American women feed themselves government largesse, jobs, university degrees, their husband’s money, and child support money, American men fight each other over table scraps.
But my favorite thing about this article is the little graph that Mr. Samseau made up to illustrate the REAL issues men face today.
Yep. Race is the least important issue, while “getting laid” is number one.
It’s a pretty revealing little chart, huh?
The comment section for the article – wade into this swamp at your own peril – is (predictably enough) filled with angry racists trying to explain why race really does matter. Others, meanwhile, seem upset that all this racism is getting in the way of the regular woman-bashing. Still others suggest that men of all races needed to understand the “root cause” of all our “multicultural problems.” That being … teh Jews.
My favorite comment of the bunch, though, has to be this, from Caliente, combining an astounding ignorance of history with some half-digested evo psych:
Btw the reason why there are practically no racist women is simple.
Males of mammals are territorial.
They naturally base they identity from bottom up: family,tribe,nation,race.And naturally react negative to males of different “tribe”.
Females at the same time are receptive to have sex with any males as long as they are alpha enough.
In 19 century whites fucked all the black women because they were alpha and they had recourses,just look at Brasil.Nowadays a feminist will be cheating on her white beta herbling with some black fitness coach because that is how her brain assumes alphaness.
Glad we got that all settled!
I have to live in Cambridge MA for this scholar year, I’ve learned here English and how much human relations are completely fucked here, in part because of decades of feminism but more generally because of centuries of puritanism (from which feminism derives).
This also where I realized that the place where I don’t fear when my girlfriend go out on the streets at night and where generally gender relations are more agreeable is in latin countries, preferably Italy.
I dunno, the mental image of an army of French basement trolls beating random Americans over the head with baguettes was vaguely amusing for a few seconds.
Yep, nothing bad ever happens to women in Italy. It’s a shame your university didn’t teach courses in trolling.
If you’d like a change of subject, I’d like to encourage you to admire my new avatar: a man who is exceedingly proud of his lemon.
@ cloudiah
Where did he get a lemon the side of a pomelo?
Wow, just wow.
Yes, we know those puritans were really all about women’s rights.
Why, Cassandra, he grew it himself. That’s why he’s so proud! (It is a Ponderosa lemon.)
“Last September, 30 young academics gathered in Paris for a conference on “Race, Class, Gender as categories of difference and inequality: Which perspectives arise from the concept of ‘intersectionality’ for human and cultural sciences?”. The conference brought together young academics from different disciplines and cultural provenances to foster international and interdisciplinary cooperation regarding critical reflections on the concept of ‘Intersectionality’.
The conference was funded by the Centre interdisciplinaire d’études et de recherches sur l’Allemagne (Ciera), the German research branch of the Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris, and the German-French University (DFH/UFA). The conference, held in German, English, and French, was organized by Vera Kallenberg (MPIeR/ EHESS, Ciera), Jennifer Meyer (ENS, Universität Erfurt, Ciera), and Johanna M. Müller (HU Berlin).”
That’s found on the homepage here: http://www.intersectionality.org/
^… but it’s not something that’s discussed academically in France, right?
Like I said before, you being anti-social does not surprise me, as while you are living in France and claim to know what is being discussed in French Universities, one quick glance at Google tells me that you have been living under a rock.
… which I suppose is a good place for anti-social people to hang out. Gold star!
“Dagrabbit, this sentence is wrong, totally, deeply, outrageously wrong.”
That’s all good. I pulled that sentence out of my ass. =P
France doesn’t have any feminists, you guys. This is because it isn’t puritan like America. Simone de Beauvoir was actually from Dallas.
Even cooler story, brz.
I feel compelled to say that I met many nice people in France.
So let me get this straight Brz…
You being intentionally racist, misogynistic etc. etc. in front of people who are affected by these things and those who work to end these things is making the world a better place?
Hey guiz, guiz! That’s a great idea, lets all do that!
I’m going to go and join a community meeting of people opposed to the disproportionate use of police powers against young black men and inform them all that young black men are stupid, violent thugs who should stop mugging and stabbing people if they want the police to leave then alone!
Then I’m going to go to stand outside a women’s shelter with a megaphone and shout that if they had just stopped nagging and put out some more their partners would probably never popped them in the eye!
Va te faire foutre, trouduc, vous parlez la merde.
Swearing sounds so much better in french.
At university in my country, most of the literature we’ve used in any subject except Swedish politics has been in English. Sure, French is a much bigger language than Swedish, but considering how English is THE academic language these days, I doubt that you get an awful lot of translated literature if you study at a French university either. In short: It’s hard to believe that someone who actually knew much about the academic world would suck that badly at English. I’ve said before that if you heard me speak you’d realise that English wasn’t my first language from, like, the first sentence, since I have a really funny accent, but actual academic studies tend to make one pretty fluent in WRITTEN English at least.
That surprises me, but not that much coming from the EHESS, I know them, over-crowded with hard left propagandists, a gold mine really but easy to troll when they try to bullshit you with their pro-islam propaganda because after all the Bourdieu crap a guy who knows a little about Islam and Arabic countries can easily contradicts them.
However, there will be a long time before scholars finds it normal to says “you’re trying to obfuscate whiteness” to a woman who criticize the hijab as a symbol of oppression.
I will regret when HESS Trotskyists who tried to forbid every kind of critic towards Muslim criminality and Muslim religious violence because poor Muslims are the new proletariat will be replaced by women and minorities guys vociferating against white men because white men are white and men.
I’m sure everything that happens IRL surprises you, honey.
I do quite like the use of vociferous as a verb, though. I vociferate, you vociferate, Brz definitely vociferates.
I’m sure everything that happens IRL surprises you, honey.
The sun rose again? Holy fuck!
“hate speech”
“live and let live”
Good to know that your non-existent disorganisation doesn’t have conflicting goals or anything.
Also, the bad English is being deliberately put on. The mask slipped here:
Correct use of “fucked” as an adjective meaning “broken”, correct use of “pulled it from my ass” followed by backtracking to say “oh that’s a phrase in French you might not use it here” because he realised he’d slipped up, totally inconsistent choice of which words to drop, no homophone errors. It’s an act.
Debatable claim.
Viola – yeah, the troll’s lying about everything. What’s the bet we’re looking at an imaginative sockpuppet here?
Oh yonkers, it’s not Mr. Al, is it? It would be just like him to impersonate an “edgy” French Algerian dude. Cassandra, can you needle him a bit to see how obsessive he gets?
Could be Diogenes, who also said he passed for white.
I definitely think that the feminism that inspired all these feminist laws in the western countries derives clearly from puritanism.
You’ve never been surprised to hear a feminist condemning pornography and prostitution the same way puritans do?
What they have in common is the belief that evil is something that be localized clearly, evil men that can be tracked and that a completely good society, without evil, is possible to happen if we remove all the bad seeds.
They have in common also in a certain way their view of the sexuality. Instead of thinking that the vice is inherent to the sexuality, that it is something we cannot remove, we can only try to regulate, they try to forbid everything that’s not the totally pure sexuality, without vice, without ambivalence and the only thing that they can create is a society where the sexuality is completely refrained, locked up in some spaces, and things go mad from time to time.
A society where violence is completely banned, even in the words, but from time to time, a guy take a gun and try to kill everyone. A society where sexuality is almost completely banned from the public space, where you can barely notice a couple from a group of two friends, but where students make orgies of sex during spring-break where a lot of women are raped.
And people compensate this complete de-erotization of almost every places and everything by a sexuality of substitution, what Philippe Muray called “l’envie de penal”, the desire of penal, the need to find someone or something to prosecute. Which leads to a knew kind of tyranny, the tyranny where everyone try to be the persecutor of everyone.
That’s ugly.
We just need hate speech, refusal of victimhood, live and let live and everything thing will as fine as it can possibly be.