I haven’t been keeping up with The Spearhead of late, but a commenter here drew my attention to the sort of timeless wisdom I’ve been missing from the Spearhead gang.
In this comment, DW3 offered his thoughts on how to combat the evils of single motherhood. The solution involves putting single moms in workhouses. To be more specific, in sex-workhouses — that is, whorehouses.
I think there should be whorehouses for single mothers to work at, to pay their debts to society. Such a system would kill several birds with one stone.
There would be safe and legal access to prostitution, presumably reducing the drugs and violence associated with the way the trade is currently practiced.
It would allow single mothers to learn the value of getting up and getting to work on time, so that they might aspire to a different career.
It would assist traditional families in steering their daughters and nieces and sisters in a different direction, with a very visible and well-known consequence to ignoring the families’ advice.
It would allow single mothers to give back for all the resources they consume, and ideally it could replace child support on some sort of sliding scale of pay for the workers. Perhaps starting at $50 paid per client, less $20 per child more than 1. That way, a single mother with 3 kids could still get $10, and more than that would be inclined to try to hide off the grid the way divorced and separated fathers now have to.
I have my own opinions about whether choice single mothers cause more harm than divorcees, but for this proposal I suppose that they should be treated differently. Divorced women would surrender their children to the father and have to pay half their whorehouse earnings to support the family, however they would get the full $50 regardless of the number of kids.
Perhaps the whorehouses could charge $80 for providing their services, with a modest 20% discount for married men who proved they had a family to support.
DW3 prefaced this comment with a line in which he notes that this idea might be a bit much even for the regular denizens of The Spearhead. But no one actually took issue with his proposals. Indeed, Lyn87 (a Spearhead regular I’ve written about before) noted that he’d had similar thoughts on the matter himself.
Since men are responsible to pay for the children that women they have sex with choose to bear (that is the stark legal reality – every child that is born is born due to the SOLE choice of the mother), then it stands to reason that:
Money paid to support a child = the obligation a man incurs by having sex with the mother.
Since having sex is enough to legally entitle a woman to a man’s money if a pregnancy ensues and she elects to give birth, shouldn’t taking a man’s money legally entitle him to have sex with the mother if he has not already done so?
Fair is fair, right?
My Modest Proposal: a single-mother-by-choice who takes public assistance should be required by law (as men’s financial obligations are), to have sex with any man who can produce a 1040 showing that he paid taxes in the past 12 months (at least once for each child).
The Spearhead: As reliably awful as stomach flu.
Better than losing half of it later! Katie went from “whiplash tail to swipe humans with” to “stumpy tail to club humans with” thanks to getting into a fight and having an incompetent vet.
Right, time for me to head into that disgusting hot weather, see yez!
Katz: yep it look’s like that
Kitteh: oh my god I’m so sorry happened to you. Is she okay now?
Stupid incompetent vet! Does she have her whole tail back across the veil?
Cthulhu’s INTERN??? How dare you blaspheme H P Lovecraft like that!
And pecunium, if an all volunteer military is such a good idea for the State of Israel, then why don’t you send an e-mail to their president, prime minister, and defense chief telling them how it’s such a great idea. And of course it works just fine for Iceland since it’s an island in the mid north Atlantic and has no enemies!
Yeah, yeah, Demarcq, we all know it’s a H. P. Lovecraft reference. [yawns]
Why don’t we get good trolls any more?
Just include a line saying that, if they don’t respond, that’s an automatic agreement. And make sure to write in CAPITAL LETTERS.
I should really know better than to keep reading Man Boobz when I’m sick. YOU GUYS KEEP MAKING ME LAUGH, WHICH TURNS INTO COUGHING AND — WHOOPS — THERE GO MY LUNGS.
Point: volunteer armies only work for large countries, not small ones
Counter-point: it works for the following small countries
Invalid counter-counter-point: tell that to this particular small country
You don’t get to make sweeping statements and then use individual countries to disprove the counter to your sweeping statement.
Wow, Demarcq, you’re so boring. It’s also funny that you’re trying to lecture pecunium about All Things Military. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you’re too stupid to be here. Then again, that’s never stopped trolls before, so…
That’s sheer hypocrisy, coming from you. But I’ll do my best to not be funny. It should come naturally (the not-funniness, that is), since I’m a lady who has never had to seduce someone with my sense of humor (can you tell that someone brought that up recently?).
On the all important Pierre fodder front, was this the thread you were thinking of for the women aren’t funny theme, or was there something more recent?
No, it was this guy who did this podcast I listened to. Said the exact same thing, though.
The Spearhead: As reliably awful as stomach flu.
I know reading this new load of crap from them had me projectile-puking into a trashcan on the other side of the room.
Must be the Moro(n)virus.
The name “Cthulhu’s intern” was chosen because the idea of Cthulhu having an intern was so absurd. Are you just one of those fans who takes everything about whatever they’re a fan of so ridiculously seriously, no one’s allowed to laugh or have fun with it? I also enjoy Lovecraft’s works, except for, you know, his blatant racism and sexism. But that’s a discussion for another time.
I thought ALL CAPS meant it wasn’t a legal contract? Clearly I am no lawyer.
(Also include the line “no takebacks” to make sure the new law sticks, m’kay?)
That’s in Section I’m Rubber, You’re Glue, paragraph ten.
I’m confused about this sex work. Anything women do is make-work, and Not Of Value. Work Not Of Value can be left undone. Women who are single moms should do sex make-work.
Does the universe of MRAs annihilate itself in a make-work/anti-make-work explosion at this point? Or am I being too hopeful?
MRA “arguments” and “demands”: they’re like children threatening to hold their breath until they get what they want.
Maybe the sex work just isn’t very good work? Shoddy? Like, the sex workers can’t stop giggling the second MRAs get naked?
Starla – Katie crossed over just on four years ago. She recovered fine from having a third of her tail amputated. I would never let that vet near her again, though – he insisted she just had inflammation from a bite, when in fact there was infection in the bone. One of the other vets found what was wrong.
Katz – yup, it’s back to full length over There! Louis brought her here a couple of days after she passed in a sort of “Look, she’s fine” visit, and there it was, the whiplash tail restored. 🙂
We could just eat those kids instead.
I have a strong feeling that being around an MRA would bring out the inner Bartleby in even the most generally enthusiastic sex worker.
@Tulgey Logger
Yes, that’s the guy! Oh lol of course he would be on Spearhead… I just love how he introduced consensus politics as a (almost uniquely) Finnish thing, giving the Finnish translated word instead of the English.
Pear tree: Yes, there is an alternative called “civilian service”. I was a lab/office assistant in National Institute of Public Health, which was a relatively cushy job.
Also, what you said about brainwashing. There seems to be this unspoken (and not entirely unfounded) fear that if military service is not seen as a normal part of man’s life, there won’t be enough volunteer recruits anymore. Then again, we really can’t afford to properly train 75 % of men, many of whom aren’t military material to begin with. And no, you won’t easily find a Finnish feminist who thinks current system is fine.