a woman is always to blame creepy evil single moms evil women lazy women eating bon bons men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA only men pay taxes apparently rape the spearhead whores

Spearheader: Put single moms in whorehouses so they can “pay their debts to society.”

Evil single mom neglecting her kids
Evil single mom neglecting her kids

I haven’t been keeping up with The Spearhead of late, but a commenter here drew my attention to the sort of timeless wisdom I’ve been missing from the Spearhead gang.

In this comment, DW3 offered his thoughts on how to combat the evils of single motherhood. The solution involves putting single moms in workhouses. To be more specific, in sex-workhouses — that is, whorehouses.

I think there should be whorehouses for single mothers to work at, to pay their debts to society. Such a system would kill several birds with one stone.

There would be safe and legal access to prostitution, presumably reducing the drugs and violence associated with the way the trade is currently practiced.

It would allow single mothers to learn the value of getting up and getting to work on time, so that they might aspire to a different career.

It would assist traditional families in steering their daughters and nieces and sisters in a different direction, with a very visible and well-known consequence to ignoring the families’ advice.

It would allow single mothers to give back for all the resources they consume, and ideally it could replace child support on some sort of sliding scale of pay for the workers. Perhaps starting at $50 paid per client, less $20 per child more than 1. That way, a single mother with 3 kids could still get $10, and more than that would be inclined to try to hide off the grid the way divorced and separated fathers now have to.

I have my own opinions about whether choice single mothers cause more harm than divorcees, but for this proposal I suppose that they should be treated differently. Divorced women would surrender their children to the father and have to pay half their whorehouse earnings to support the family, however they would get the full $50 regardless of the number of kids.

Perhaps the whorehouses could charge $80 for providing their services, with a modest 20% discount for married men who proved they had a family to support.

DW3 prefaced this comment with a line in which he notes that this idea might be a bit much even for the regular denizens of The Spearhead. But no one actually took issue with his proposals. Indeed, Lyn87 (a Spearhead regular I’ve written about before) noted that he’d had similar thoughts on the matter himself.

Since men are responsible to pay for the children that women they have sex with choose to bear (that is the stark legal reality – every child that is born is born due to the SOLE choice of the mother), then it stands to reason that:

Money paid to support a child = the obligation a man incurs by having sex with the mother.

Since having sex is enough to legally entitle a woman to a man’s money if a pregnancy ensues and she elects to give birth, shouldn’t taking a man’s money legally entitle him to have sex with the mother if he has not already done so?

Fair is fair, right?

My Modest Proposal: a single-mother-by-choice who takes public assistance should be required by law (as men’s financial obligations are), to have sex with any man who can produce a 1040 showing that he paid taxes in the past 12 months (at least once for each child).

The Spearhead: As reliably awful as stomach flu.


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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Mass tubes! Speak up for your rights!

12 years ago

Full disclosure: My cats are fully grown, but I still call them kittens because they’re kind of small, and they’re terribly rambunctious. Also, I would be willing to put up with a certain amount of nipping to cuddle a German Shepherd puppy.

12 years ago

Regarding drafting and whores.. how the hell are those on an equal level in terms of social service / line of work ? Oh right, women are only good for a fuck or few. And popping out kids that they shouldn’t have I guess, or something. I don’t know – coz men don’t want kids? Or do they? Seems MRA folk only want sex without consequences. Or something. I don’t know what they want ! Not that is really matters since whenever they do state what they want, it tends to translate to stupid.

Also, I too am Finnish. I personally find mandatory military service is bull. If only our world was a less fucked up place.

Gabuh… breakage again.

12 years ago

I demand German shepherd puppy pics.

12 years ago

It takes a very special lack of self-awareness to convince yourself that your own confirmation bias is actually proof of your critical thinking skills.

I would agree but that describes literally all of our trolls. And most of the MRM.

12 years ago

That’s the trouble with feminists & MRA’s, they never “move on”, you all go round & round in a mastubatory circle jerk

Um, we mock misogyny, MRAs provide fodder and make good chew toys when they try to come here and blind us with their “logic.”

Then when we’re tired of that, we share recipes and kitten videos and generally get along with and like each other. That’s what really pisses you fools off, isn’t it?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I had a terrible case of Tabby Paralysis last night, a subset of Feline Paralysis. I was lying on my side on the couch at Home … big mistake. Katie curled in under my chin, Abbey sat on my hip, Magnus curled up behind my knees and Thomas sat on the back of the couch just in case. Mr K brought me a cup of tea but I couldn’t move to drink it … and then he got caught up in Dog Wrangling so was no further help.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

There needs to be a gif made of a masturbatory circle, with the wanker’s head as the centre…
There could be dick and clit versions.

12 years ago

lol, I would if I could but I don’t know how to post pictures here. She’s 7 weeks old and her name is Sadie

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Do you have pics of her online? Just copy the URL if so, and paste it in. We can’t embed pics but the link should work. 🙂

12 years ago

I’m sorry I don’t, I’m not much of a “capture every moment with a photo” kind of person. I have a cat too (Tiggy, short for Antigone, princess of Thebes) but she’s not much of a cuddler.

12 years ago

I see a lot of thing on Manboobz but as far as I know the regulars don’t wank here.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Starla – rats! 😀 But when you do take some pics I know we’d love to see ’em. Puppies, cute!

And I love Tiggy as short for Antigone. <3

12 years ago

You’ve got to feel sorry for sic; he’s trying sooooo hard to be clever and failing so badly. The silly username, the first post of “And now the feminists will be forced into a conundrum!”, and then he has to explain what was supposed to happen because he’s not sure if people got it or not.

Imagine hanging out with him.

SIC: A fish swims into a concrete wall and says ‘Dam!’

EVERYONE ELSE: *silence*

SIC: Because dams are made of concrete and they’re in rivers where fish might be! And ‘damn’ is a swear word! Something you say when you’re mad! And if a fish ran into a concrete wall, it might be mad!…Why isn’t anyone laughing?

12 years ago

@ kitteh
lol thanks! I’ll try to get some of Tiggy too, she has the strangest colors, (well strange to me, I havn’t seen a lot of cats like that) she’s black but she has patches of orange and white stripes on her.

12 years ago

I am all for more puppies on MB. (No offense to the cat lovers.)

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

There needs to be a gif made of a masturbatory circle, with the wanker’s head as the centre…
There could be dick and clit versions.

Is anyone else imagining a robotic masturbatory hula-hoop with detachable vibrator/fleshlight/etcetera accessories? Because I am.

It would make so much money.

12 years ago

I think he’s just an asshole, and a self-righteous one at that. I fail to see the need to call us feminists as if it’s some kind of insult (sorry Sic, but it’s not). If you think someone has to be feminist or a “self satisfied idtiot” to think that up there *points to single-mom whorehouse artcile* is wrong, there is something effiing wrong with you.

Cthulhu's Intern
12 years ago

Honestly, what’s with that whole “You aren’t arguing with me, that must mean that I’m so right and you cannot come up with anything?”
Honestly, some of our trolls are just like the Riddler, except without committing crimes.

Anyways, just found this video. Does it count as brain bleach?

12 years ago

Cthulhu, that is an awesome song. (But then, I like Parry Gripp.)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Starla – Tiggy sounds like she’s a tortoiseshell and white (aka tortie, tortie-and-white, calico …). They come in so many variations! Is she anything like this?

12 years ago

Does the Finnish draft have an alternative like the German one did? (I met a German guy doing his military service at a peace museum in Japan, it was a small museum on Japan’s behaviour in Korea during the war and as it was hidden/low-budget he was acting as Japanese to English/German translator). A Korean colleague of mine said some people in Korea thought the draft was partly for brain-washing and people weren’t the same when they came out. He’s avoided all but the basic two week training himself by doing a PhD.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“SIC: Because dams are made of concrete and they’re in rivers where fish might be! And ‘damn’ is a swear word! Something you say when you’re mad! And if a fish ran into a concrete wall, it might be mad!…Why isn’t anyone laughing?”

In addition to the obvious fail, hurt fish =/= funny! (Totally love my scaled [and scaleless] buddies)

12 years ago

Yea that looks like her, only Tiggy was born with half a tail.

12 years ago

Starla: Aww, is she a stumpy Manx?

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