a woman is always to blame creepy evil single moms evil women lazy women eating bon bons men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA only men pay taxes apparently rape the spearhead whores

Spearheader: Put single moms in whorehouses so they can “pay their debts to society.”

Evil single mom neglecting her kids
Evil single mom neglecting her kids

I haven’t been keeping up with The Spearhead of late, but a commenter here drew my attention to the sort of timeless wisdom I’ve been missing from the Spearhead gang.

In this comment, DW3 offered his thoughts on how to combat the evils of single motherhood. The solution involves putting single moms in workhouses. To be more specific, in sex-workhouses — that is, whorehouses.

I think there should be whorehouses for single mothers to work at, to pay their debts to society. Such a system would kill several birds with one stone.

There would be safe and legal access to prostitution, presumably reducing the drugs and violence associated with the way the trade is currently practiced.

It would allow single mothers to learn the value of getting up and getting to work on time, so that they might aspire to a different career.

It would assist traditional families in steering their daughters and nieces and sisters in a different direction, with a very visible and well-known consequence to ignoring the families’ advice.

It would allow single mothers to give back for all the resources they consume, and ideally it could replace child support on some sort of sliding scale of pay for the workers. Perhaps starting at $50 paid per client, less $20 per child more than 1. That way, a single mother with 3 kids could still get $10, and more than that would be inclined to try to hide off the grid the way divorced and separated fathers now have to.

I have my own opinions about whether choice single mothers cause more harm than divorcees, but for this proposal I suppose that they should be treated differently. Divorced women would surrender their children to the father and have to pay half their whorehouse earnings to support the family, however they would get the full $50 regardless of the number of kids.

Perhaps the whorehouses could charge $80 for providing their services, with a modest 20% discount for married men who proved they had a family to support.

DW3 prefaced this comment with a line in which he notes that this idea might be a bit much even for the regular denizens of The Spearhead. But no one actually took issue with his proposals. Indeed, Lyn87 (a Spearhead regular I’ve written about before) noted that he’d had similar thoughts on the matter himself.

Since men are responsible to pay for the children that women they have sex with choose to bear (that is the stark legal reality – every child that is born is born due to the SOLE choice of the mother), then it stands to reason that:

Money paid to support a child = the obligation a man incurs by having sex with the mother.

Since having sex is enough to legally entitle a woman to a man’s money if a pregnancy ensues and she elects to give birth, shouldn’t taking a man’s money legally entitle him to have sex with the mother if he has not already done so?

Fair is fair, right?

My Modest Proposal: a single-mother-by-choice who takes public assistance should be required by law (as men’s financial obligations are), to have sex with any man who can produce a 1040 showing that he paid taxes in the past 12 months (at least once for each child).

The Spearhead: As reliably awful as stomach flu.


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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

LOL now I have an image of drop-bears in fatigues being parachuted onto the enemy …

12 years ago

Why would they need parachutes?

12 years ago

At altitudes greater than 3,000 feet, even drop-bears need parachutes.

12 years ago

I honestly do think that given that as of very recently women can now serve in combat in the US Armed Forces, they too should be required by law to register for the draft.

It ain’t feminists who shot down the ERA time and time again, dude. I’ll also note that it isn’t feminists imposing that absurd combat rule. Equality – it’s something feminists want!

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Hey eline, is that sociologist you mentioned Henry Laasanen?

12 years ago

Yonkers! I see from David’s twitter feed that Vox Day is now cyberstalking a woman who gave his book a bad review on Amazon.

Fragile little flowers, MRAs, every single one of them.

12 years ago

[…]every child that is born is born due to the SOLE choice of the mother[…]
In what plane of existence do these douchebags reside? 'Cause they sure as fuck don't live in our reality.

12 years ago

That seems to work in big countries like the US, but not in small countries like Findland or Israel.

It works in Canada, and Austria, and Costa Rica (oh wait, they don’t even have an army)

What about

Hong Kong

None of them have a draft.

Nor does Pakistan, which is a lot smaller than India, with which it has an ongoing border dispute (and India is a large country).

More of those Manly Logics.

12 years ago

Blockquote, Y U NO WORK? ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

12 years ago

Actually, Women are being allowed into Combat MOSes. The SecDef announced it today.

(Sic) Male
(Sic) Male
12 years ago

“Sic, I know you think you made a cunning entrance, but actually we all ignored you because we know perfectly well that you’re a troll”….No, Katz, you ignored my first comment because it was too ambiguous for you to reply to without the risk of looking stupid & you replied to the second because it referenced your own reply to calvin’s comment & therefore offended you personally.
Btw, I’m not here to be recognised or ignored. I’m not like you regulars. I just google “manboobz” now & then ( or any other feminist site ) so I can read stuff that confirms what I already know, then I move on. That’s the trouble with feminists & MRA’s, they never “move on”, you all go round & round in a mastubatory circle. I like to vary my internet jerk offs. One day feminists, the other day homophobes, the next racists…any group of self satisfied idiots will do.

12 years ago

Pecunium: Rock on! Let’s hope that this becomes Obama’s “get shit done” term.

12 years ago

BTW, sic is Mr. Al, right?

12 years ago

Vox isn’t bright enough to realize that peeps can buy books in the remainder bin for a dollar. One of these days he is going to go after someone as vindictive as he is and then watch out Vox.

12 years ago

Really Katz, how dare you say what you think, and what you did, and why you did it. Trolls know far better than we what we think and why we do what we do. They have that special talent in common with mansplainers and abuser.

12 years ago

Hell, they’re killing each other right now, India and Pakistan, and yet, no draft.

All the feminists I’ve ever known were perfectly fine with the idea of everyone having to register for selective service, men and women. All of them opposed military spending, and the draft, of course, but given that we haven’t had a draft in, what, 30+ years in the US? I don’t know many women who would be bothered by having to register.

Not that trollboy or the others will notice this, since they keep spitting out “Well what about the draft?!?” and then folding their arms and congratulating themselves on how they showed all those people on the internet whose actual words they don’t read.

12 years ago

[channeling (Sic) Male]

All of my comments are so amazingly intelligent and full of independent thinking that anyone who thinks they’re boring or obvious or just plain wrong is clearly stupid. That’s why you ignore me. And if you don’t ignore me, it is because you are just too personally offended to let things slide — even though you know in your heart of hearts I am such a smart smartypants that I will make you look stupid. Also, you losers are here because you’ve built a fun, supportive and creative community that is fun to visit — losers! I just troll random blogs because I am so smugly superior to everyone that I know that racists are just like homophobes who are just like feminists. I can’t tell the difference, so there must not be one.

[stops channeling (Sic) Male]

Well, that was kind of gross.

12 years ago

Eww, did you get any on ya? Cuz that was excellent, but kinda icky.

12 years ago

*applauds cloudiah*

12 years ago

I had to do some serious kitten cuddling to get the smug superiority (not backed up by any actual intelligence or creative thinking) off. Two kittens were needed. If I had a third, I would have used that one too.

But now I am amusing myself by reading the reviews of Vox Day’s book and trying to figure out how many are from him just sock puppeting.

12 years ago

Really Katz, how dare you say what you think, and what you did, and why you did it.

So sorry, you’re right! I was just AFK for a sec because my husband just got home and I was saying hi to him because he’s my sweetie.

FUCK! I did it again! I’m totally off my game today! I’m all sore because I was digging up my lawn yesterday so I can plant native plants and apparently you have to sow your seeds by the end of January, which is annoying because it was frosty a week ago.

FUCK FUCK FUCK! I just can’t stop myself!

12 years ago

Btw, I’m not here to be recognised or ignored. I’m not like you regulars. I just google “manboobz” now & then ( or any other feminist site ) so I can read stuff that confirms what I already know, then I move on. That’s the trouble with feminists & MRA’s, they never “move on”, you all go round & round in a mastubatory circle.

It takes a very special lack of self-awareness to convince yourself that your own confirmation bias is actually proof of your critical thinking skills.

12 years ago

LUCKY I wish I had some kittens, but I can cuddle my parent’s German Shephard puppy I guess. (she’s cute, but she’s a biter!)

12 years ago

There’s, uh, also a quicker way to get here than googling the name of the blog…

12 years ago

you all go round & round in a mastubatory circle.

Does that involve actual TUBES?