a woman is always to blame creepy evil single moms evil women lazy women eating bon bons men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA only men pay taxes apparently rape the spearhead whores

Spearheader: Put single moms in whorehouses so they can “pay their debts to society.”

Evil single mom neglecting her kids
Evil single mom neglecting her kids

I haven’t been keeping up with The Spearhead of late, but a commenter here drew my attention to the sort of timeless wisdom I’ve been missing from the Spearhead gang.

In this comment, DW3 offered his thoughts on how to combat the evils of single motherhood. The solution involves putting single moms in workhouses. To be more specific, in sex-workhouses — that is, whorehouses.

I think there should be whorehouses for single mothers to work at, to pay their debts to society. Such a system would kill several birds with one stone.

There would be safe and legal access to prostitution, presumably reducing the drugs and violence associated with the way the trade is currently practiced.

It would allow single mothers to learn the value of getting up and getting to work on time, so that they might aspire to a different career.

It would assist traditional families in steering their daughters and nieces and sisters in a different direction, with a very visible and well-known consequence to ignoring the families’ advice.

It would allow single mothers to give back for all the resources they consume, and ideally it could replace child support on some sort of sliding scale of pay for the workers. Perhaps starting at $50 paid per client, less $20 per child more than 1. That way, a single mother with 3 kids could still get $10, and more than that would be inclined to try to hide off the grid the way divorced and separated fathers now have to.

I have my own opinions about whether choice single mothers cause more harm than divorcees, but for this proposal I suppose that they should be treated differently. Divorced women would surrender their children to the father and have to pay half their whorehouse earnings to support the family, however they would get the full $50 regardless of the number of kids.

Perhaps the whorehouses could charge $80 for providing their services, with a modest 20% discount for married men who proved they had a family to support.

DW3 prefaced this comment with a line in which he notes that this idea might be a bit much even for the regular denizens of The Spearhead. But no one actually took issue with his proposals. Indeed, Lyn87 (a Spearhead regular I’ve written about before) noted that he’d had similar thoughts on the matter himself.

Since men are responsible to pay for the children that women they have sex with choose to bear (that is the stark legal reality – every child that is born is born due to the SOLE choice of the mother), then it stands to reason that:

Money paid to support a child = the obligation a man incurs by having sex with the mother.

Since having sex is enough to legally entitle a woman to a man’s money if a pregnancy ensues and she elects to give birth, shouldn’t taking a man’s money legally entitle him to have sex with the mother if he has not already done so?

Fair is fair, right?

My Modest Proposal: a single-mother-by-choice who takes public assistance should be required by law (as men’s financial obligations are), to have sex with any man who can produce a 1040 showing that he paid taxes in the past 12 months (at least once for each child).

The Spearhead: As reliably awful as stomach flu.


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12 years ago

Nice! Now you’re capable of metaphors… keep this up! Don’t lose your fie and stamina now… you have a long way to go yet….

12 years ago

Demarcq: Do you ever address the points you raised when replied to, because I didn’t say an all volunteer military is such a good idea for the State of Israel,

You said all volunteer militaries don’t work for small states.

I gave a list (greatly truncated) of small countries which did exactly that.

You lied about what I said.

You also used the stupid here , “And of course it works just fine for Iceland since it’s an island in the mid north Atlantic and has no enemies!

Because on my list (again, it’s a truncated list, I didn’t want to overtax you), were


None of which are, island in the mid north Atlantic [with] no enemies!

Again, where is the stupendous logic you said you were bringing to the table.

When they said it was a bad idea to bring a knife to a gunfight, they didn’t mean to bring a spork instead.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Don’t you love how “no enemies” gets thrown around, like the current state of a nation at peace is how it always has been and always will be, and like defence against a direct attack, or invasion of an enemy, are the only things armies do. Hello, Oz is not exactly surrounded by enemies either, at the moment, but our military isn’t sitting around doing nothing. They’re off in places like Afghanistan because there are international missions going on.

12 years ago

Nobinayamu: I don’t know why I keep coming back to this particular piece of repugnance -since the whole thing is so fucking gross-

What I saw, when you quoted this, I don’t know why I keep coming back to this particular piece of repugnance -since the whole thing is so fucking gross-

Is that the ex-husband is getting $25 every time someone rapes her.

Because, “get the full $50” has to be balanced against, “have to pay half their whorehouse earnings to support the family.

12 years ago

Yeah, if you think Lovecraft was all serious business all the time, you’ve probably never read anything he wrote about cats.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Was Lovecraft a cat person?

12 years ago
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“When they said it was a bad idea to bring a knife to a gunfight, they didn’t mean to bring a spork instead.”

*dies* but sporks have so much more reason behind them than Demarcq!

12 years ago

I have read what Lovecraft wrote about Cats. That does not change the fact that his stories were indeed srs bzns and that’s how he intended them to be.

Even so pecunium,

with exception of Kenya, none of those countries are at war or under direct threat of war and in the case of Japan it is protected by the US military umbrella. However, Kenya has some serious problems with stability these days as there are Somali insurgents setting up camp there.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

katz – love it! 😀

12 years ago

Kittehs’ Help, yes, HPL was a HUGE cat person.

12 years ago

OK, I didn’t want to post all of his “Cats and Dogs” essay, but here are some quotes from it.

There are also some quotes from one of his letters in an anthology of his stories, but I can’t find my copy right now 🙁

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago


If only HPL had known about Basement Cat and Ceiling Cat. It really would have been the Cathluhu Mythos then.

Alessandro Masi
12 years ago

You know, usually I laugh at the misogyny this site exposes, but I actually found nothing to laugh about this time. These people honestly believe this sort of sexual slavery is a good idea. They are honestly advocating in favour of it.

Let’s just let that sink in a bit. They are honestly so terrible that they can’t conceive of a world in which women have any measure of self-determination, or even personhood.

12 years ago

That’s the thing with these guys – every time you think you’ve hit the limit of how awful they can possibly be they prove you wrong .

12 years ago

There is no bottom to the MRM’s barrel.

12 years ago

@katz — Oh my god, it’s so squamous and fluffy!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I now want to see Lovecraft rewritten to include the words squamous and fluffy in the same sentence.

12 years ago

I’m kinda boggled by this bullcrap. I mean, I thought single mothers were considered a boon, because it means they are raising kids without a man. I mean, what the hell.

Also, my mother-in-law was a teenage single parent. Anyone badmouths her, they must be nuts.

12 years ago

@ emilygoddess “OK, I didn’t want to post all of his “Cats and Dogs” essay, but here are some quotes from it”
That is awesome, thank you for the link. I am a cat lover and a fan of H. P. Lovecraft, but I had not read that yet. =^.^=

Back on topic.
I don’t understand how these people think that single moms on welfare are living a great life.

Where I am, income support barely pays anything, certainly not enough to live off of, and if you collect child support while on income support then your benefits are cut by the amount of the child support. I’m on income support at the moment, and I work part time (even though supposedly we have a year of maternity leave in Canada) and at least 90% of my income (income support and my wage) goes to rent and utilities. According to a woman I spoke to at the Salvation Army, most women in my position turn to prostitution to support their families. If it were not for the kindness of my friends and family I don’t know how I would survive. I receive no child support but if I did receive it, I’ve been told it would go straight to the government. At least income support is helping me to attain child support even if I wont receive it until I am off of it.

These people don’t know what it is like to not be able to provide for your children, or pay the bills, to worry about having a roof over your head or food to eat. And day care, especially if your child is under a year, costs more than my rent for a month and I certainly could not afford to pay if I was working full time.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

@doomkitt3n I’m sorry for your situation but I’m pleased to hear that you have support. I can offer internet hugs and a cup of internet coffee.

12 years ago

For me, I can’t get over the overwhelming gulf between this ‘proposal’ and reality when it comes to the little matter of fathers. I mean, they semi-acknowledge the extistence of the male biological sires, that knocked up the Single-Mothers, when they make reference to child support (since only men pay child support, you should totes look it up), but otherwise they completely ignore the fact that our species tends to mate in pairs.

There seems to be a common problem when discussing children and parenthood with these people, wherein a woman who gives birth is instantly and forever a mother, but that a man who provides the sperm for conception isn’t automatically defined, in indelible ink, as a father (in fact, they seem to think that far from having any responsibility for the children they create, that fathers are victims who should be pitied and very well-provided for by the government…)

It’s like they think doing the male half of baby-making doesn’t count as fatherhood unless the dude in question decides it does. On a related note, does this mean all the men who abandon their kids and don’t pay child support have to work in the whore houses too? I mean, I personally don’t know any women or gay men who would want to take part in government enforced rape…so I don’t know how well their business model will work out…

12 years ago

Aww doomkitten, I’m so sorry you are in this trouble! But you sound like a strong lady and I have an inkling you are a great mum!

12 years ago

@Kiwi girl and @Emmy
Thank you for the kind words, and the yummy coffee =^.^=

I’m doing the best I can, and I’ve decided that I’m no longer going to feel sorry for myself or my situation because that really only makes it worse anyways, this is what it is, and I can only strive to make it better. My children are the most important part of my life =^.^=

I’ve been lurking here for a while but felt I had to speak up on this topic, in between sitting around and eating bon bons you know 😉