antifeminism evil women I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim reddit sexy robot ladies

Men’s Rights Redditors Weigh in on Sexbots, Railroad Monopolies, and Why Women Are Terrible

You could always make your own.
You could always make your own.

Oh dear. Our friends the Men’s Rights Redditors have discovered Mr.Ian Ironwood’s little treatise on sexbots. While some are a bit skeptical about the reality of the (non-existent) Human-Robot Personal Relationship Act — more skeptical, anyway, than Ironwood or Vox Day before him — this doesn’t stop the regulars from offering all sorts of distressing and/or hilarious opinions on the subject.

For example, OuiCrudites suggests that women have made sexbots inevitable by generally being such a pain in the ass, and MaunaLoona compares female sexuality to the railroad monopolies of the 19th century:


In a later comment, OuiC elaborates on his “most women are shitty” thesis:


MaunaLoona, meanwhile, agrees with Ironwood that developing the AI for sexbots won’t be a big challenge, because the average American woman is dumb and has a terrible personality.


A Canadian Redditor steps in to point out that the alleged “legislation” isn’t real. Oh, and to suggest that many “females” can’t think rationally.


Geigerwasright concludes that men will find sexbots preferable to women because the women of today aren’t providing them with “love, loyalty [or] kindness.”


So watch out, ladies! Unless you clean up your act, and quick, the good men of the Men’s Rights subreddit will abandon you en masse in favor of sex with inanimate objects that pretend to like them.

And this is apparently supposed to be a bad thing for women.

Clauderoughly postulates that sexbots for women will never be that popular, because what women really want is to get pregnant, so they can live the good life off of child support:


That’s a bit weird, as all the women I’ve had sex with have seemed quite interested not getting pregnant from sex. Indeed, some have had devices inserted into their bodies by doctors to prevent such an occurence.

The world that MRAs live in is a strange and scary place. I prefer the real world. It’s much cheerier.

NOTE: The horrible picture at the top of this post was borrowed from Craftastrophe.

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Creative Writing Student


Get a GPS with your car. We took a family holiday to Cornwall once and due to the AA map not having every tiny road on it, we got hopelessly lost and had to ask someone for directions.

Cornwall accents can get very thick, so it was rather difficult to get un-lost.

… That’s a slight exaggeration, but you get the picture…

12 years ago

I do have a GPS already so unless they built all new highways in the past year, I should be good for getting around…until I have to drive because those roads are too bloody small.

12 years ago

Yay for London! That’s my home town 🙂

You’ve not picked the best time of year weather wise but it’ll mean that you’ll only have to contend with locals and not hoards of tourists as you do around Christmas and in the summer.

What are you going to do while there?

12 years ago

Also, beware of GPS, sometimes it is stupid. 😛

Mostly that applies to truck drivers – there are roads in rural areas with signs saying things like “HGV DRIVERS- Turn off your GPS now!” because the GPS calculates “Aha, shortcut!” not realising that it’s literally impossible to get the truck it’s guiding down that road…

12 years ago

Problem is that there are specific GPS for HGVs but they cost more. So some HGV drivers use the cheaper ordinary GPS with obvious consequences – the church wall in our village is regularly demolished by HGVs trying to manoeuvre round an impossible corner.

12 years ago

This is the possible plan:
Friday-British Museum
Saturday-Westminster Palace/Abbey/UK Supreme Court
Monday-Eye/Whitehall/Old Vic
Tuesday-Harrods/Ghost Bus Tour
Wednesday-Imperial War Museum, Churchill War Rooms/Madam Toussauds
Thursday-Hampton Court
Friday-British Museum if need be or something else

It depends on me getting any sleep whatsoever on the flight out. Since I cannot sleep sitting up, that may be a problem.

And I picked that time because the tourists are a lot less than say during summer when all of Arizona decamps for some place better tempered.

We probably will go see Stonehenge (second time for me), Berry Promery Castle, Roman Baths, and Old Sarum.

I want to go to Dartmoor at night because oooh scary! But not sure if that can happen since I am not a fan of driving on long winding one laned roads at night.

Creative Writing Student


The geology section of the National History museum. And Old Sarum is cool.

12 years ago

I was literally about to suggest going to the Natural History Museum! Dinosaurs! Yay!

That might be an option for the Friday, or I also suggest Camden Market.

I also suggest that you try to catch a show or play, London is the Theatre capital of the world.

If you like musicals then I’ve heard really good things about Matilda, or if you prefer traditional theatre then try something at the National Theatre on the Southbank.

In fact taking a trip to the Southbank is generally something I reccomend, go at night and it’s gorgeous.

12 years ago

A big reason why women, and particularly the most ardent, androphobic feminists will never support any kind of ban on sexbots is the simple fact that sex toys are not exclusively for men! Not even robots. I have no doubt that sooner or later there will be “studbots”: Male robots likened in the image of men but programmed to relate to wimminz physical and emotional needs and capable of reading wimminz hearts and minds unlike any human male. Of course there will be “femmebots” for the menz which fulfill the same function. I say that once men and women no longer depend on each other for their sexual and emotional needs, the 2 sexes will get along better as fellow humans.

12 years ago

We are going to go to some overpriced placed called Simpson on the Strand or something and see Mousetrap.

I call it overpriced because I am only ordering off the side menu.

12 years ago

PrincessBonBon – Thirding Nat. History Museum and the South bank. Dinosaurs! And the Science Museum is right close to the NHM too. Sadly, I don’t think they have any sexbots, but there may be regular robots if you go in for that. 😛

12 years ago

>(we call them Chinooks)

I thought that was something Derib had made up. The things you learn about comics you like…

12 years ago

Chinooks are a thing.

Specifically, it’s a jet of high pressure warm air from the Pacific filtering though the Rocky Mountains which hits Calgary, Alberta, but can be felt as far north as Edmonton.

I think it gets used to replace the phrase “Indian Summer” in some areas, even if it’s not technically the same thing

12 years ago

Does the museum have a full size Tyrannosaurus Rex? Cuz that is what I am going to go see when I get back up to Chicago one of these days.

12 years ago

Skeleton, no – but it does have a nice Diplodocus. I think it has an animatronic T rex though!
The Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition is also on there atm I think.
My local museum has a full size T rex. Big teeth 0_o

12 years ago

I think the animatronic T-rex in the NHM is full sized, or close enough anyway.

And it’s got a full sized skeleton of one of course, lots of full sized skeletons.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I have missed so much while my ‘net was down last night!

@princessbonbon – LONDON! Twenty years since I was there but love that city. And the Tower! If you make it there, keep an eye out for a painting of a young man wearing gold armour and sitting on a heap of weapons. It’s Mr K when he was about twenty. They have some of his guns on display (or did when I was there, anyway). 🙂

If you’re into art and the decorative arts, the Victoria and Albert Museum (in the South Kensington museum complex aka Albertopolis)* is the. best. evah. Their costume and jewellery collections alone are to die for.

Hope your whole England trip is wonderful.

@Xanthe – Geelong fan! ::dies::

@deezers – “I just actually properly imagined myself making sweet sweet love to a robot, and the only thing that went thorough my imaginary-sexing-mind was “this is a robot this is a robot this is a robot…” THIS. Maybe these guys really can’t conceive that other people are, y’know, alive, so the idea of a robot doesn’t matter? Or maybe the physical intimacy, as in proximity, is all they think about? They claim they want love but they really seem incapable of feeling it, or they’d never have these ideas.

*trivia: the whole South Kens museum area grew from investing the profits of the Great Exhibtion in 1851. HUGE debt to Prince Albert for the whole idea.

12 years ago

I say that once men and women no longer depend on each other for their sexual and emotional needs, the 2 sexes will get along better as fellow humans.

And why do you say that, Demarcq?

12 years ago

The US NHM in DC didn’t have an animatronic T. rex when I was there in 2010 🙁

Dinos are AWESOME.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

cloudiah – sounds like demarq thinks squandering millions of dollars/euros/whatever on developing luxury items is a much better idea than simply learning to, I dunno, communicate with someone of the opposite sex. Because the latter is just so haaard.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Does Demarcq strike anyone as sounding very familiar?

As for T-Rex, Carnegie Museum of Natural History has two, posed as if in battle (I got to go to the private opening of the exhibit, awesome doesn’t begin to cover it). You can watch the process of moving the beasts —

Hit Phipps Conservstory while near Carnegie, and take a day to trek out to the Science Museum and Warhol Museum. Fallingwater is about an hour away, and you have to drive out, but worth it if you can get there.

/Pittsburgh travel guide (Sree’s is excellent Indian food!)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Demarq’s whole “communication is too difficult, I want a robot” shit is what all of them seem to be trotting out, so they’re blurring a bit for me. Who does zie remind you of?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Oooh I just had the best image – MRA orders sexbot, the orders get mixed up and he’s delivered a Rexbot.

12 years ago

Chinooks are the greatest! Except that they trigger migraines, which isn’t great.


…and capable of reading wimminz hearts and minds unlike any human male.

I’m just highlighting this as the most absurd part of your little story. Because who can even understand women, am I right? Also men want sex bots for sex, women want sex bots for listening. Of course!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Okay, I’m off to see War Horse at the theatre – not robots, but the most awesome puppets! Catch up later. 🙂

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