antifeminism evil women I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim reddit sexy robot ladies

Men’s Rights Redditors Weigh in on Sexbots, Railroad Monopolies, and Why Women Are Terrible

You could always make your own.
You could always make your own.

Oh dear. Our friends the Men’s Rights Redditors have discovered Mr.Ian Ironwood’s little treatise on sexbots. While some are a bit skeptical about the reality of the (non-existent) Human-Robot Personal Relationship Act — more skeptical, anyway, than Ironwood or Vox Day before him — this doesn’t stop the regulars from offering all sorts of distressing and/or hilarious opinions on the subject.

For example, OuiCrudites suggests that women have made sexbots inevitable by generally being such a pain in the ass, and MaunaLoona compares female sexuality to the railroad monopolies of the 19th century:


In a later comment, OuiC elaborates on his “most women are shitty” thesis:


MaunaLoona, meanwhile, agrees with Ironwood that developing the AI for sexbots won’t be a big challenge, because the average American woman is dumb and has a terrible personality.


A Canadian Redditor steps in to point out that the alleged “legislation” isn’t real. Oh, and to suggest that many “females” can’t think rationally.


Geigerwasright concludes that men will find sexbots preferable to women because the women of today aren’t providing them with “love, loyalty [or] kindness.”


So watch out, ladies! Unless you clean up your act, and quick, the good men of the Men’s Rights subreddit will abandon you en masse in favor of sex with inanimate objects that pretend to like them.

And this is apparently supposed to be a bad thing for women.

Clauderoughly postulates that sexbots for women will never be that popular, because what women really want is to get pregnant, so they can live the good life off of child support:


That’s a bit weird, as all the women I’ve had sex with have seemed quite interested not getting pregnant from sex. Indeed, some have had devices inserted into their bodies by doctors to prevent such an occurence.

The world that MRAs live in is a strange and scary place. I prefer the real world. It’s much cheerier.

NOTE: The horrible picture at the top of this post was borrowed from Craftastrophe.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

One of the many things an MRA doesn’t get: the few people who’ve ever heard of his “movement” DON’T CARE if he never inflicts himself on a woman again.

Nobody wants you, guys. Your horrible personalities are the reasons you’re desperately looking for subsitute women, because there’s a fair chance real ones think “ewww” after five minutes in your company.

12 years ago

But ALL THE MENZ will follow them! All of them! Because they are fundamentally normal, just like all the other men! Right?

I imagine this is part of their mindset…

12 years ago

OuiCrudites is a real gem, isn’t he?

“Women could be SO MUCH MORE to men than sex toys! They could be decorative objects! Unpaid housekeepers! Combination broodmare/nannies (also unpaid)! And the damn bitches JUST WON’T DO IT!!!”

This I think is the only place where I can see supposedly those tons of feminist circles bashing sexbots (though in my four years of scoping feminist blogs, I’ve never once come across the topic) – when language like this is used to sell the sexbot idea. It isn’t that sexbots are inherently an infringement on anyone’s rights (assuming there wouldn’t be real human likenesses made w/out people’s consent and assuming the bots aren’t sentient) and it isn’t that the use of an elaborate sex toy is wrong or amoral. If that’s your thing, go to town. Most feminists I know would say, “Have fun with your bad self”. It’s that these guys are just pissed off that women are in fact human to begin with.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

I wish our society was set up in a way that meant “Robots doing all the menial jobs!” meant “Yay, post-scarcity economy!” not “Oh no, everyone is unemployed!”

Don’t worry, I’m sure there will always be a need for service workers in luxury establishments for those Glorious Overlords who don’t get as much of a thrill abusing the staff if they’re not human.

12 years ago

So speaking of capitalism, I’m doing a little research on a movie studio strike during the 1940s and came across this funny paragraph in a newspaper account of a subsequent trial:

It [the court] learned from many witnesses that the strike was characterized by a flouting of the law, jeering at court orders and by many forms of violence. There was so much testimony about women pickets using filthy language and obscene phrases that the hearing room had to be cleared of women.

12 years ago

(Morkais, sorry, that totally sounded patronizing.)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

“It’s that these guys are just pissed off that women are in fact human to begin with.”

Exactly – it’s their motives that suck. It’s all of a piece with their hatred of women.

12 years ago

Came across as dry wit, no worries. 🙂

12 years ago

Standard MRA Rant, Part 1: Demand that the universe provide him, in return for zero effort on his part, with a maid/mommy/sex-dispenser who do all his chores and obey his every command while evincing no personality of her own. Also, she must be simultaneously Asian, blonde, skinny, big-boobed, awesome at sex, a virgin, and immortal.

Standard MRA Rant, Part 2: Complain about how women are self-centered and have unrealistic expectations.

12 years ago

Also, the whole oil metaphor kinda makes me cock my head, since I learned about the Texas Railroad Commission. If I remember right, it was an agency that focused on benefiting the independent Southern oil producer over some of the big guys.

(This had nothing to do with the disliking of large corporations so much as how pissed Reconstructionis Texas was at the North. TRIVIA!)

12 years ago

Has Pierre tried to explain that the Human-Robot Personal Relationship Act doesn’t exist in Canada?

12 years ago

That’s nice that the MRAs have found something even better for them than chattel slavery to yearn for. Maybe they will now finally be kind enough to go their own effing way while they wait for all their robot dreams to come true.

M Dubz
12 years ago

See, this has me curious about weaponized nurturance. I THOUGHT the nurturance and empathy I was providing to my friends and loved ones was helping, but since I am AN EBUL FEMINAZI it must secretly be harming them. Maybe I emit subliminal rays that melt their internal organs whenever I am trying to be helpful?

M Dubz
12 years ago


The good women who aren’t like this, are often snapped up pretty quick by good men, and they go on to enjoy life together.

…did they just admit that they secretly KNOW the reason that they are alone is because they are douchecanoes that no self-respecting woman would go within 10 yards of?

12 years ago

@M Dubz – I thought the exact same! “Waaah the good guys get the good women, but I want one too, even though I am not a good guy”. Entitled much?

In other news, does anyone ever feel like the MRM is a big joke someone is playing on us? And that one day they’ll be like “ONLY JOSHING!! it was me all along!”. Cos a lot of this stuff is just too farcical.

I mean, these carefully thought out (and relatively articulate?!), totally serious arguments about the perfect acronym for these near-future sentient sexbots from Japan that will render women obsolete? The genuine “our seed will be safe” and “we will finally show American women who’s boss” sentiment? I do feel a bit sorry for them sometimes.

12 years ago

@ deezers Yeah, I feel the same way about it being a possible joke. Except I know a few guys in real life who kind of think the same things, and they are perfectly normal in other ways. Sometimes I just want to go up to a group of guys I know, show them this website, and ask how much of the MRA stuff they agree with- ’cause sometimes I feel like I don’t really know them at all. Often I think they would laugh at the whole thing, then other times I think… maybe not. I wouldn’t want them to become MRAs because I showed them this website. I really do want to try it, though!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

@freitag – Pierre’s previous cartoon was about the nonexistent Canadian act. 🙂

And completely OT but what the hell:

white tee shirt slips
glimpse of olive skin
joyous king’s handstand

Okay it’s the world’s worst haiku but I saw that this morning … and it says something that a man who was fairly misogynistic in a decidedly misogynistic culture nearly four hundred years ago was, even then, less misogynistic than MRAs.

12 years ago

They currently make pretty darn realistic sex dolls and some people are choosing them over real women. Those people, sadly, are made the butt of jokes on shows like “strange sex”. They aren’t treated as heroes who have overcome their need for pesky women with yucky feelings and lives that don’t revolve around men.

dire sloth
dire sloth
12 years ago

i get the weird feeling that, by constantly harping on this whole sexbot business, mras are trying desperately to get women to defend themselves against the virtues of sexbots. except because no woman actually cares enough about these guys to argue her worth against their hypothetical roboprostimaidmommy, they just look delusional and silly

also if you dont want to sleep for a while, try picturing the thing in the photo up there shuffling its way towards you down a dark hallway. youre welcome

also also craftastrophe is a fun site, thanks for introducing me to it 🙂

12 years ago

Having shared LBT’s reaction to the picture, do I even want to speculate how David found it at a site called Craftastrophe in the first place? What is this I don’t even…

12 years ago

Yep, this whole sexbot thing is definitely yet another attempt to make women change our evil ways for fear that men might no longer want to marry us. It’s kind of pathetic, given how many times they’ve already tried that tactic.

Threatening to take away something that the person you’re threatening didn’t want anyway doesn’t usually work out very well.

12 years ago

RE: Xanthe

The thing is, I thought I had already seen the most horrifying homemade sex doll around.(Don’t ask.) But this one BEAT IT. Gah! D:

Also woooo, my birthday is next weekend!

M Dubz
12 years ago

@dire sloth- You have just caused me nightmares FOREVER. I hope you’re happy.

12 years ago

Happy birthday in advance, LBT, and I hope it’s a good one! My birthday (and sometime commenter Discordia’s) was on Tuesday just gone… (IOW, the date over on the MBz forums birthday list is correct)