antifeminism evil women I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim reddit sexy robot ladies

Men’s Rights Redditors Weigh in on Sexbots, Railroad Monopolies, and Why Women Are Terrible

You could always make your own.
You could always make your own.

Oh dear. Our friends the Men’s Rights Redditors have discovered Mr.Ian Ironwood’s little treatise on sexbots. While some are a bit skeptical about the reality of the (non-existent) Human-Robot Personal Relationship Act — more skeptical, anyway, than Ironwood or Vox Day before him — this doesn’t stop the regulars from offering all sorts of distressing and/or hilarious opinions on the subject.

For example, OuiCrudites suggests that women have made sexbots inevitable by generally being such a pain in the ass, and MaunaLoona compares female sexuality to the railroad monopolies of the 19th century:


In a later comment, OuiC elaborates on his “most women are shitty” thesis:


MaunaLoona, meanwhile, agrees with Ironwood that developing the AI for sexbots won’t be a big challenge, because the average American woman is dumb and has a terrible personality.


A Canadian Redditor steps in to point out that the alleged “legislation” isn’t real. Oh, and to suggest that many “females” can’t think rationally.


Geigerwasright concludes that men will find sexbots preferable to women because the women of today aren’t providing them with “love, loyalty [or] kindness.”


So watch out, ladies! Unless you clean up your act, and quick, the good men of the Men’s Rights subreddit will abandon you en masse in favor of sex with inanimate objects that pretend to like them.

And this is apparently supposed to be a bad thing for women.

Clauderoughly postulates that sexbots for women will never be that popular, because what women really want is to get pregnant, so they can live the good life off of child support:


That’s a bit weird, as all the women I’ve had sex with have seemed quite interested not getting pregnant from sex. Indeed, some have had devices inserted into their bodies by doctors to prevent such an occurence.

The world that MRAs live in is a strange and scary place. I prefer the real world. It’s much cheerier.

NOTE: The horrible picture at the top of this post was borrowed from Craftastrophe.

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12 years ago

*grabs an internet hug from cloudiah*

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Amnesia — have another Internet hug from me (and coffee and cupcakes when the kitchen is rant free, my father is um, less than thrilled with Obama)

Lol, fuck it, have some virtual coffee and cupcakes guess it’s moot that I’m staying upstairs because of standard fare stupidity!

LBT — can I borrow you to do that to my psych? >.<

They seem to think this whole make friends thing is the solution to not having friends here. When, to me, listening to celebrity and sport gossip, or only being able to discuss the book club’s current book, or similar single-topic friends, well, much more annoying than listening to the old ladies’ discuss their kids and grandkids! (The women my grandmother was friends with before she died night by old enough to be my grandparents, but are nice, well-rounded, people!)

Kiwi Girl — considering I suck at getting off the phone, dealing with people in authority, or demanding people in general, yeah, valid point (demanding people? Like the father U’m avoiding? Yes exactly like that! Think I just heard my mother come home though, so coffee and cupcakes all around! 🙂 )

12 years ago

I haven’t had a pure “talk psych” in fifteen years. She said I could probably get government-paid therapy with my problems, only real therapy tends to make people with psychotic disorders worse at first. So I’d probably have a year at least when I wouldn’t be able to work at all, and would need to be on seriously heavy meds in order not to freak out completely from going to therapy, but after that she thought there would be a good chance of me permanently getting better. I said no thanks, I didn’t think it sounded like a good deal.
I really liked my talk psych, but I felt already back then that talking too much about psychotic experiences, my childhood and stuff like that made me more psychotic.

Since then I’ve only had “med psychs”, i e psychiatrists, although ones I could also talk a good deal to if I occasionally felt I needed to. Although now I’m gonna be transferred to just a regular doc, since I’m considered so good at handling my problems myself and knowing what meds I need and when. I’ll basically just need someone to go to and “hey, I’m running out of X and Y now, so I’ll need you to prescribe another jar of a 100 X:s and a package of 30 more Y:s”, which a regular doc can handle.

12 years ago

RE: Argenti

A lot of it is something I try to actively keep in mind. Most people have no experience with multiples, and they don’t know much. I feel it’s my job to take the lead, or else have to constantly be on the defensive, trying to protect us from unwanted intregration attempts or the like. If I don’t say my boundaries, what I know or what I feel, how is my treatment team to know the multi ISN’T the problem? It’d be like if I went to the doctor and didn’t tell them I had an allergy to something. (Though admittedly, I am worse at dealing with body doctors than brain ones.)

I know more about my issues than they do, and they may know more about specific ways to deal than I do. I try to see them as the Spock to my Kirk. They may know more about a specific issue than me, but it’s my job to lead.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

” I try to see them as the Spock to my Kirk.”

Just make sure you never, never wear a red shirt to therapy sessions.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Tangential but sort of related to the psych talk – I had some very clear, sensory (no, I’m not about to go TMI) memories from being at Home last night. Hadn’t got there Sunday night due to a crappy, interrrupted night’s sleep here, so Mr K and I were making up for lost time, mostly by just acting like a pair of honeymooners and sitting on the couch looking at each other or cuddling or holding hands all day.

Point is, if anyone, psych or not, tries to tell me that things like remembering the feel of warm soft wool when we were arm in arm going downstairs (we were in our Aran cardies), or his hand when I was holding it over the breakfast table, or the coffee we drank, or the scent of his hair when we were cuddling, or Miss Katie’s fur when she was demanding her morning cuddle, are “not real” or “illness” or anything else, then they can go to the Amazon and get their head shrunken, because they obviously aren’t using it.


12 years ago

I don’t think it’s likely to be productive to get into a battle with a therapist about whether or not Mr Kittehs is “real”. If the situation isn’t causing you distress, then it’s not relevant to therapy, so there’s no reason for your therapist to focus on it, and you have every right to tell them to let it go and focus on whatever it is that led you to seek out therapy in the first place. Just saying “that isn’t what I’m here to talk about, can we focus on X instead?” would probably be more effective than arguing about what is or isn’t “real”.

12 years ago

I get the sense that LBT has been dealing with a similar dynamic with the multiples issue, so zie might have some good scripts for you to use or tailor to your own situation.

The bottom line is, if something isn’t distressing the patient or causing problems in their day to day life, it’s not something that needs to be a focus in therapy, and the patient is entitled to take it off the table. If a therapist refuses to allow you to do so, they are Dinosaur Therapist and you should probably find one with a less archaic approach.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Oh no, I’m not thinking of arguing about real/not real – it was more that last night was a perfect example of people who’ve not been there and have no idea what they’re talking about leaping to conclusions because of materialist defaults. I’m not thinking of my psych so much, though he is edging a bit close. We’re still at the getting general background info stage, so Mr K obviously plays a part there since he’s such a major factor in my life (‘e’s me husband fergawssake). Perhaps I need to tell psych that he has to draw a line and say “not relevant” in his thinking! 🙂

12 years ago

@Amnesia, I feel you.

They decided that because she didn’t take their insurance and they wanted to save money that I had to stop seeing her and get another therapist that did take their insurance. Oh, they also think she’s been ‘coddling’ me.

My parents were extremely resistant to the idea that I needed mental health care when I was a teenager, and one of the reasons they gave me was that I wasn’t sick enough to justify the expense. Though, honestly, I think it had less to do with the actual money and more to do with needing to believe I wasn’t sick. I’m lucky that I’m independent at this point, so I can go to therapy on my own dime.

My mom still insists that “calling it depression makes it real,” among other things, and whenever she hears about me getting counselling, she makes disappointed faces. So, I lie now. It’s easier.

12 years ago

It was actually Rick Perry, and it was a ranch the family used for hunting. Yeah, that’s gonna go over well with folks who are at all aware of racism.

12 years ago

Shaennon: I don’t think they want immortal. They want them forever young, and to commit suicide the moment
“their man” dies.

12 years ago

Regarding the (most unfortunate)difficulty that most(read > 50%) men and women seem to have in getting along in relationships, don’t take my word for it!

Tina Turner said better than I ever could:


12 years ago

Regarding the (most unfortunate)difficulty that most(read > 50%) men and women seem to have in getting along in relationships, don’t take my word for it!

Ok., we won’t.

12 years ago

Allow me to submit aTina Turner video that better explains Demarcq’s opinions.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

“Difficulty in getting along in relationships” – oh noes, people are individuals with different needs and wants and aims in life, they do not become assimilated upon entering a relationship! It is so haaaaard, we must give it up altogether!

The sooner dipshits like MRAs and MGTOW actually do go their own way, the better.

12 years ago

If we drew them a map with a dot labelled “You Are Here” and multiple arrows pointing away from it that are all labelled “Go Your Own Way” do you think that would help?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Doubt it. These guys are the embodiment of “couldn’t find his arse with a map” after all.

11 years ago

Eh, let them rape their sexbots while we take over the world. Clearly they can think only of sex anyway.

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