antifeminism beta males creepy douchebaggery heartiste kitties men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny rape sex shit that never happened vaginas worst writing in the history of the universe

Feminists! Terrible news! “Heartiste” has been having sex with you!

There’s no good way to illustrate this post so here’s sleepy Maru in a box.


Lady feminists! I have some terrible, terrible news for you from pickup artiste Heartiste, the would-be God Emperor of Poon. Apparently he and his pals have been having sex with you all.

Heartiste lets us all in on this little secret in a post earlier this month titled “Lots Of Feminists Are Getting Banged Out By PUAs.” He explains that those dudes who “scavenge snatch” in upscale white neighborhoods in big American cities – what Heartiste in an attempt at humor likes to call Stuff White People Like Land (or SWPL-Land) – will by definition score with some of you feminist ladies.

This is because most girls in the big blue population sinks of SWPL-Land are feminists of one stripe or another. You can’t swing an Emperor Deluxe condom without hitting a feminist in the cooch if you live or operate within these zones of misandry.

Heartiste helpfully spells out for his readers some of the different kinds of feminists to be found in these misandry zones.

The first, the most extreme exponents of radical feminism are what one of his readers calls the “Jizzabel-type feminazi,” or what Heartiste himself calls “the femcunts.”

Yes, that’s right. Apparently the most radical of all feminist publications, the SCUM Manifesto for our internet era, is Jezebel.

Heartiste explains:

These are your Jizzebomb fanatics, the devotees of feminism as a life-affirming ideology. They are the smallest in number, but the loudest in bitchery and kookery. This is the kind of manjawed girl — typically a lawyer, academic, organic farmer or diversity consultant — who reads and comments daily at sites like Feministing and Slate/Salon/SuckMyClit with furrowed brow, regurgitating what she learns therein at parties and in the middle of dates, exposing a vile expectation that all the world should agree with where her retarded logic takes her.

Uh, I’m familiar with Feministing, and Slate and Salon, but I’m afraid I don’t have any idea about this mysterious “SuckMyClit” site he’s referring to. (There isn’t even a site up by that name, though enterprising publishers will be happy to learn that the domain name is for sale.)

Heartiste continues:

As long as you don’t embroil yourself in her occasional tantrums at invisible enemies, and keep the pick-up light and breezy while steering her in different conversational directions whenever you sniff the approach of another feminist tirade carried along by the id winds, you will get the bang. She is, underneath her femcuntery, still a woman, and as such (however much you may need reminding) she will respond viscerally to ancient cues of your mate worthiness, and her vagina will flower in spectacular opposition to the wilting of her mind.

Heartiste is an even worse writer of erotic fiction than E.L. James.

Oh, and here’s another little bit of shitthatneverhappened.txt. (TW for crude rape reference.)

You don’t want to stay with women like these beyond a few hate smashes, so for shits and giggles I suggest you regale her in the morning with your support of the Second Amendment and the ludicrousness of the equal pay myth. For bonus soul-shivving points, casually muse aloud, after you have sprayed her mug and she’s inserted her glazed face into your armpit nook, that 1 in 5 women who are being raped will orgasm during the act.

Yes, that’s right. Heartiste is publicly posting his fantasies about Jezebel-reading radical feminists rubbing semen (his own) into his armpits with their faces.

Next in Heartiste’s imaginary classification scheme come The Partisans.

These are the girls who occasionally read feminist blogs (usually when a fat femcunt friend passes along a link) and parrot the benumbing Cathedral crap they hear on TV and read in approved MSM papers. But these soapbox episodes are blessedly infrequent and pass unremarked, unless they manage to corral some dipshit manboob into acting as a sounding board for their cockamamy nonsense on white male privilege and socially constructed beauty standards (Hugs Shyster, Scrotumless Scalzi, I’m looking at you two distilled estrogen pools.)

Hey, a shoutout! Thanks, pal!

And finally, The Lemmings:

MOST women in the cities will have spent the better part of their sexually adventurous single girl years steeped in the platitudes of feminism, and they will know nothing else. Combined with women’s natural aversion to abstract thinking beyond immediate, selfish concerns, what you wind up with is a population of lickspittle lemmings who mindlessly nod in agreement every time a talking head exploiting this deficiency in the mental circuitry of half the voting public sonorously intones something about “equal pay for equal work”, or “war on women”. The Lemmings, by far the largest group of women you will likely encounter unless you live in South Dakota, include all types of girls, from club sluts to self-important HR robots to daddy’s princesses to deliriously frantic scenesters. Luckily for your sanity, these girls do not take feminism seriously … .

In the end, Heartiste tells his readers that “90% of your city’s women are feminist in name if not in execution.”

So they’re feminists, even though they’re not really feminists. Gotcha. With such an expansive definition, it’s no wonder Heartiste is convinced that a significant portion of the women he “bangs out” – whether in the real world or in his fevered imagination – are feminists of some sort.

He concludes:

Most hardcore feminists, whether or not they know it, are fucking men who either pretend to give a shit about their precious ideology, or don’t even bother with the pretense of pretending to give a shit about it. In fact, the majority of men, and an even bigger majority of players, are like me: they find feminism absurd on its face and will dismissively change the subject anytime the girls they are seeing make the mistake of veering into feminist bromide territory. Most girls are sensible and will know when their feminist retardation is turning off the men they like, and will quickly fall in line with the change of subject.

There are exceptions. A few supercharged feminists will eventually wind up with sycophantic manboobs for lovers, and a more perfect pairing I couldn’t imagine.

Aw. Another shoutout. It’s almost as if he has some sort of he-man heterosexual man crush on me.


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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

The main thing you need to do is REST. If it’s bad enough to be taking anti-inflammatories, you need to take a serious break from it. Stop doing the repetitive movements causing it (I’ve had RSI forever, from much the same causes – drawing, sewing). I know that’s not what one wants to hear when on a project but it really is the most important thing.

But definitely improving your posture and lighting will help when you are working. The magnification should, too, so you won’t automatically hunch to see better.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

@Kitteh, thanks for the tips. I’ve been working on this: and I got one side of the grapes done. It’s worked in 4 sections, left and right sides are the sames, the picots and leaves are sections 3 and 4, overworked on the grapes (sections 1 and 2). There’s 104 beads in each grape. Finding a place to stop has been challenging.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

WHOAMYGOD that is beautiful!

Now just pace yourself, y’hear me? ::peers over glasses, wags admonitory finger::

12 years ago

@Myoo: Like, from way back in the thread, hee hee hee, that was fab. 🙂

12 years ago

RE: Kittehs

Unfortunately, the paper’s too crappy; what you saw WAS with the contrast amped to the max.

As it is, I’m just getting on better terms with my pens.

12 years ago

LBT, what materials are you using? I’ve always found that inked drawings scan much better than pencils. (You can also trace onto better paper while you’re inking, although I know you don’t have infinite materials at your disposal.)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

LBT, rats!

Is the paper too thin to scan well? I’m trying to think of ways to work on it that don’t cost anything, though you’ve probably been there and done that long since. In terms of the program I use – which is a lot less sophisticated than Gimp – I’d be pushing the midtones and highlights up and the shadows down. Other than that, I’m stumped too.

12 years ago

Kiwi Girl: that necklace is gorgeous! As far as RSI, Kitteh’s is right. Rest and maybe ice or heat.

12 years ago

RE: katz

The first sketchbook with the comics was just a gift, with really junky paper. (I didn’t know at the time I’d draw over eighty strips on it!) And yeah, inks scan WAY better. I figure, at worst, I will either ink the old strips digitally or just go to a copy machine and make copies, than ink by hand over them on the plain old copy paper, which is better.

RE: Kittehs

There are two sketchbooks holding the strips. One sketchbook is fine, once I figure out the proper margins. The other, the paper was so junky that I couldn’t even draw dark with pencil, or erase much. So though I’ve noodled with levels and contrast like mad, the sad fact is, the paper’s too dark and the pencil’s too late to really work. Inking is just going to be a requirement.

It’s not really too bad; it’s been FAR too long since I did hand inking, and it’s actually turned otu to be a lot of fun! (The silliness of using my fancypants technical pens on cheap crappy paper is another thing entirely.)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Technical pens! What sort do you use – the fillable ones like Rötring or Staedler make (architectural pens)? Great for fine lines but absolute pains in the neck maintenance-wise, and kiss the nibs goodbye if you drop ’em. I use those for work.

12 years ago

As long as you don’t embroil yourself in her occasional tantrums at invisible enemies, and keep the pick-up light and breezy while steering her in different conversational directions whenever you sniff the approach of another feminist tirade carried along by the id winds, you will get the bang. She is, underneath her femcuntery, still a woman, and as such (however much you may need reminding) she will respond viscerally to ancient cues of your mate worthiness, and her vagina will flower in spectacular opposition to the wilting of her mind.

This is precious, and it’s an amazing use of PUA on his readers. It’s an affirmatory neg. What he’s saying is, “if you don’t fuck up, you can fuck her”.

Buried in that is the idea that 1: If you don’t get laid it’s because you aren’t smooth enough to avoid the pitfalls. 2: You really could if you worked at it. 3: So you should try, because it’s what the Real PUA does.

It’s classic. Not only does it say, “PUA will work on anyone”, it also says, “PUA cannot fail, only be failed”.

To ice the cake; if we accpet (and I do) that, “effective” PUA is just a way to find partners who were ready to have random sex, then this also narrows Roissy’s field, because he’s convinced a bunch of dudes to chase women who won’t be interested. It has the second order advantage of poisoning the well, so he can more quickly spot them (since he doesn’t have to work so hard to get a negative reaction from someone who is seeing this shit for the umpteenth time), and look for more vulnerable types.

This dude is playing a long-con.

12 years ago

For bonus soul-shivving points, casually muse aloud, after … that 1 in 5 women who are being raped will orgasm during the act.

I can’t think of a better way to convert someone into thinking maybe they weren’t “seduced” so much as raped.

Dave, that shoutout was mixed. He equated you with Scalzi, and #HugoFuckingSchwyzer. Tough call, but the latter might be libel, no matter how cool the former.

12 years ago

Re. lighting, I can’t endorse enough getting one of those full-spectrum lights. It gives you a nice working space and it’s fun to bask in when the sun isn’t out (especially for SAD or depressed people.)

12 years ago

Bagelsan: One can also make a portable one in an Altoids tin, with blue LEDs.

12 years ago

Carleyblue: And I can usually spot a PUA-type from a mile away. They are irritating as hell. I never bring up gender politics, but they always do in some way:


Classic Example: Brandon. He was so scared of spending time with an actual feminist (the horror) that he engaged in “delicate conversation to elicit an admission”.

I.e. he’d say, “are you a feminist” to trick them into confessing.

Then he’d insult them, and go back to carousing with his buds in the glow of his, “triumph” over the harpies in his mind.

12 years ago

Dvärghundspossen So I was thinking; if we assume that I’m not psychologically unique, why isn’t this a PUA trick taught? Ask about what she does and then discuss what she does and how interesting it is and imply that she’s gotta be this great person for doing what she does?

Because PUA isn’t really about getting laid, so much as it is about convincing men they are innately superior?

To do what you are talking about requires being able to present an interest in women as people. PUA doesn’t see them as people, but as targets.

12 years ago

Classic Example: Brandon. He was so scared of spending time with an actual feminist (the horror) that he engaged in “delicate conversation to elicit an admission”.

I.e. he’d say, “are you a feminist” to trick them into confessing.

That was so funny. B_n, cunning master of interrogation.

12 years ago

Seriously, someone give that dude a job working for the CIA.

12 years ago

Author’s thoughts of PUA are woefully ignorant. We don’t “neg” anymore. There is no secret society. Companies like Love Systems encourage fair, equal relationships between both genders. She’s cool. You’re cool. This adversarialism among genders is unhealthy.

I could be considered a “pua”. And you would never know it because I do not use “routines” or “canned material”. I am me.

12 years ago

Yay, a late night necro-troll!

…Fuck, I’m the only one awake, aren’t I?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Nope! I was watching Criminals Minds again, but still up *waves to katz*

Good evening necromancer, how may this thread serve your needs? Ahh, I see you pressed 1 for “stroke my ego”, is there anything else we can help you with today? No, I’m sorry sir, threads will only stroke your ego, not your…well…intimate parts. Please call our $1.99 a minute line for that service!

In less absurd things, how did I miss pecunium’s comments?! Manboobzer’s, go play with the #HugoFuckingSchwyzer tag, Pecunium and I had fun creating it. And goddamnit, I got to use it earlier when trying to google Victorian vibrators, he’s got a Jezebel pieces on Victorian vibrators and clitoridectomies, I decided I wasn’t going to make my head exploded by trying to read anything he has to say on either topic.

Seriously though, at what point does PUA become just a buzzword for “sensible dating advice”? Because I keep hearing rumors that those things overlap in the magical land of “you both like each other” but never see examples of this.

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago

Frantic delirious scenester (Goth) gal here: I absolutely take my feminism seriously. Note to self: Don’t let up on my feminist chatter, seeing as it’s a douchebag repellent. (I’ll let those fart-brains believe that they’ve won, and perhaps they have in their own books, but I also have won by dodging bullets. ) If my boyfriend is a “sycophantic manboob” because he treats me like a gods-damn human being instead of a self-propelled fleshlight, so be it!

feminist bromide territory

New band/song name!

this deficiency in the mental circuitry of half the voting public

Ugh…I think I pulled a muscle in my middle fingers! My mental circuitry is JUST FINE, thank YOU! It’s just wired differently, that’s all. Even if it was “deficient”–that’s called ableism, cupcake.

“Combined with women’s natural aversion to abstract thinking beyond immediate, selfish concerns,”

Whoa…did I wake up in opposite land? I’ve read female-identifying individuals are *more* empathic than male-identifying individuals not less. Of course there are exceptions and everyone’s different.

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago

Correction: I’ve read female-identifying individuals tend to be *more* empathic than male-identifying individuals not less.

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