antifeminism drama kings facepalm gullibility men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA playing the victim PUA sex sexy robot ladies shit that never happened straw feminists

Manosphere doofuses duped again by phony Canadian sexbot ban

NOTE: Don't buy this model. She's trouble.
NOTE: Don’t buy this model. She’s trouble.

So the Boobz are getting worked up – again – over some imaginary “proposed legislation” to ban sexbots. Vox Day, one of the esteemed elder statesmen of the right-wing of the manosphere, has resurrected an urban legend that first fooled his comrades about two years ago, reposting a “statement” of mysterious Canadian origin explaining that

provisions have been proposed for the new Human-Robot Personal Relationship Act, the first draft of which is currently being finalized.The provisions are specifically meant to target the concerns that were expressed at the roundtable that sexbots will negatively impact the pursuit for gender equality and may unduly emphasize the objectification of women as sexual objects.The suggested provisions fall into the larger framework of regulating the emerging service robot industry that will be governed by the Human-Robot Personal Relationship Act and under the direction of the Ministry of Robots and Artificial Intelligence, to be established in Ontario and other Canadian provinces and territories at the end of next year.

The main provision of this dastardly Femi-Canadian proposed legislation?

The use of sexbots in the privacy of one’s home is prohibited, unless otherwise permitted by the Ministry of Robots and Artificial intelligence or a relevant regulating agency as per the criteria outlined in the Human-Robot Personal Relationship Act.

You may wonder: Why didn’t I read anything in the papers about this Human-Robot Personal Relationship Act? Why haven’t I heard about this Ministry of Robots and Artificial Intelligence?

Well, you guessed it. Because neither of them exist. I looked into this two years ago when the story first, er, broke in the manosphere. There’s no vast feminist conspiracy to deny Canadian men (or, for that matter, women) their still-imaginary sexbots. The “statement” was evidently written as part of a law school class project on law and robotics taught by Prof. Ian Kerr at the University of Ottawa Law School.

If you Google “Human-Robot Personal Relationship Act”  or “Ministry of Robots and Artificial Intelligence” you will find that literally the only people talking about this issue are MRAs and PUAs and conspiracy theorists. And some of the more gullible 4channers, though a few of them quickly figured out that the whole thing was fake. (As did the Real Doll enthusiasts.)

Vox Day, who has yet to come to this realization, draws some dire conclusions from this thing that isn’t real, declaring that the

This Canadian attempt to preemptively ban sexbots is an overt confession by feminists of both sexes concerning their belief that women have nothing significant to offer men but sexual services.  Moreover, it is proof that their “pursuit for gender equality” is directly and fundamentally opposed to the most basic human freedom. …

One would think that even those only superficially acquainted with human history would realize that attempts to put the technological genie back in the bottle almost always fail, as do attempts to prevent men and women from pursuing pleasure in ways deemed illicit.  But then, a near-complete ignorance of human history is required to either be a feminist or possess a genuine belief in the rainbow-tailed unicorn of equality.

Well, not so much. Though Vox proves yet again that there are few people on planet earth as gullible as the manosphere’s pompous philosophers.

NOTE: Vox isn’t the only manospherian up in arms about the evil imaginary sexbot ban; more on this tomorrow.

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pillow in hell
pillow in hell
12 years ago

Yeah ministry of Robots…I’d be hella excited to have one here!

Do you know what got all this started? Some legislation about computer anime (or would affect the genre) that restricts sex act between animated characters to being AT LEAST 18 or be declared child porn. I think it was part of a much larger bill filled with a variety of things. Normally we don’t hear much about omnibus bills but any talk about restricting the freedoms of mens boners…

12 years ago

Oh yeah, Katz is working on a comic! The sexbots, the Canadian connection- it’s almost like the whole thing was created and ordained by the Rainbow-tailed Equality Unicorn in the Sky as gift just for us!

12 years ago

Is that gleaming opulent horse related to the rainbow-tailed unicorn?

That’s what I asked on the last page, I asked if they were on speaking terms, and no one seemed to notice, therefore I went all The Cure on people, which I probably shouldn’t have 🙁

12 years ago

Some legislation about computer anime (or would affect the genre) that restricts sex act between animated characters to being AT LEAST 18 or be declared child porn.

Oh god, didn’t we just have the Chobits conversation?!

12 years ago

What a piece of work is troll,
How inferior in reason,
How finite in faculties
In form and moving how contemptuous,
In action, like a mosquito,
In apprehension, how like a Lego!

12 years ago

@Yoyo: That ‘War in Heaven’ video game is amazing. No wonder he doesn’t want anyone knowing his real name.

12 years ago

@katz: I love how the space hero is all,

No pony is gonna fly in here and win my battles with a motherfuckin’ MARSH MALLOW LASER!

12 years ago

@LBT: Thanks, now I have to go listen to the Hair soundtrack. I wasn’t planning on doing anything for the next 90 minutes, anyway.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

It just clicked that Pierre’s girlfriend is the one proposing, and I just went

*fans self with hands* *squees*

12 years ago

12 years ago

Perhaps, for scansion, and alliterative callback I might have gone for cog, one of my partners suggests log.

12 years ago

Somewhere on teh internets there’s a pic of vox day with a flaming sword.

12 years ago

…. Nah, I’m going to leave the Bard filking to others, my technique is weak.

12 years ago

RE: Falconer

Hey, it’s because of that song and Coraline that I remembered the lines as well as I did. And go for it, pecunium, it’s been ages since I saw Hamlet so my memory for the flow is weak.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Falconer – mea culpa!

12 years ago

No worries! I was actually thinking me going all PAY ATTENTION TO MEEE was the thing to apologize for.

12 years ago

I think the rest of is pretty much spot on. But some edits.

What a piece of work is troll,
How inferior in reason,
How finite in faculty
In form and moving how contemptible
In action, like a bedbug
In apprehension, how like a log!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

But Falconer, you use The Cat as your gravatar – of COURSE you should be “pay attention to MEEEEEEEE”!

12 years ago

Crap: I blew the scansion:

What a piece of work is troll,
How inferior in reason,
How finite in faculty
In form and moving how contemptible
In action, how like a bedbug
In apprehension, how like a log!

Bedbug seems weak, but it gives a weak rhyme,and fits the scansion of the meter.

dire sloth
dire sloth
12 years ago

hehe, shakespearean sporking and discussion of classic black and white films mixed with making fun of obnoxious misogynists. i wonder why i stopped commenting to this place. i guess because i never felt i had anything to add to the conversation… but troll baiting looks like so much fun :< hello everyone!

12 years ago

i guess because i never felt i had anything to add to the conversation…

I feel like a lightweight, but I can still make people laugh.

12 years ago

Thanks, pecunium. Now, to fixate my attention on finding something for bedbug/log that rhymes better…

12 years ago

Hi person with the best nym on the Internet (aka dire sloth)!

12 years ago

Fritz Lang’s early masterpiece–Metropolis–recently re-released with newly discovered scenes.

12 years ago

I didn’t switch computers.
I double posted once with Melody and once with another name.
Wordpress is a jerk.
I will remember to make sure my user name is correct.

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