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War Declared on Misandric Pants

Puppy battling the evil of Misandric Pants
Puppy battling the evil of Misandric Pants

One effect of living within the ideological bubble of the Men’s Rights movement is what you might call ideological inflation: MRAs start off believing, for example, that women don’t face discrimination today, in the developed world — an idea that’s wrong enough to start with. But then, surrounded by other delusional MRAs who reinforce their every wrong notion, the denizens of the Men’s Rights bubble come to believe that women haven’t ever been discriminated against anywhere and at any time in the history of the world. (You may recall those evil cavewomen who sat around eating prehistoric bon bons while the men hunted the mammoth to feed them.)

And that leads to things like the following video, in which the FeMRA video maker who calls herself The Wooly Bumblebee declares war on a pair of “Misandric Pants” she bought for her daughter by accident.

Yep, that’s right, she’s furious because one fucking percent of the proceeds made from selling these pants goes to a charity fighting against the very real discrimination and oppression that girls face all over the globe. You know, like being denied educations because they’re girls. Like being forced into child marriages with adult men. Like being forced into prostitution as children. That sort of thing.

Apparently girls don’t suffer from being repeatedly raped as children. But boys are totally oppressed because a tiny portion of the profits from a pair of pants goes to a charity that talks about, and tries to do something about, the shit girls have to endure because they are girls.

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12 years ago

She thought they were pretty cool, I think. She’d (my sister) had done a pair covered in scribbles and music notes for my brother before, so she’s into that sort of thing.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

I haven’t been able to watch Dr Who with Matt what’s his name, he isn’t the type I see as Dr Who. There was also that guy in the 1980s (1990s?) after Peter Davidson. I liked David Tennant, and I never realised how much he had to change his accent until I saw him on Graham Norton and heard his real voice. 🙂

Not sure if this has been posted here before, would so like this for the kitties here:

And socks, pattern is here: I have made two of her Dr Who scarves, they knit up real fast.

Confession: I have pewter dalek salt and pepper shakers (in a cabinet, never used, they’re properly sealed but would hate to run them by actually using them) and a remote controlled dalek that’s about 1 foot high and freaks out the cats. I also bought my partner a cyberman head keyring.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

I have company in for the weekend and I probably shouldn’t just be dropping this here and then running off, but I’m gonna say it anyway.

I like Moffat as showrunner so much more than Davies. To me, Davies is like late seasons of The X-Files and Moffat is like early season The X-Files. Both good, both the same show, both with some great episodes and some terrible, but the difference in overall quality is very big. (Both are about equally problematic to me.)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

But, but…That which holds the image of an Angel becomes itself an Angel!

And yeah, Tennant’s accent is very Scottish, but not the Scottish accent he does in Tooth and Claw, which is just weird.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

I liked Daie’s one off episodes though, and more and more it feels like Moffat’s never going to wrap up the million loose ends (or Moffat-holes as I’ve taken to calling them)

I get that the over arching plots are, in a sense, more polished, but only if they actually tie together — the cracks worked, more or less (ever going to answer Amy’s “but how? Why?” “Good questions for another day”?) — the silence and the rebel flesh jut have way too many loose ends for my taste.

And that’s not touching the Kovarian issue, though I’m more sure that that one will get wrapped up eventually.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Tennant’s very good at putting on English accents. I don’t think I’ve seen him in anything where he was using his own. First time I saw him was in Foyle’s War, where he played a conscientious objector.


Serjeant Grumbles
Serjeant Grumbles
12 years ago

Still, awesome on pancakes. I make buttermilk pancakes from scratch, my brother does beer-batter pancakes with oat-bran and a touch of cinnamon which are possibly even better.

Beer-batter pancakes are a thought that had not occurred to me. Cinnamon does certainly sound appealing, as well.

12 years ago

Puppies – squee! Chihuahua/jack russell cross at a guess. So cute.

Maple walnut ice cream. Just saying.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

There are so many talented people and the internet lets me see some small part of that.

The main theme I disliked in the David Tennant Dr Who incarnation, after the poor treatment of people, was the sonic screwdriver appeared to be the magical instrument that got them out of lots of scrapes. It felt like Dr Who wasn’t necessary any more, the protagonists just needed that screwdriver. Were the older scripts (1960s, 1970s) better, or was I just much younger and not so critical of shows?

And Tom Baker played an awesome baddie in a Sinbad movie. I really liked those claymation start-and-stop movies, possibly why I like Wallace and Grommit so much. The patience and craft that goes into those films. 🙂 CGI just feels a bit like… cheating, although I admire the artistry there too.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

@titanblue: and from the best ice-cream in New Zealand:

I thought Kapiti ice cream did one too, but it’s not on their flavour list:

And another super-yum version of maple and walnut:

Is maple and walnut common overseas as a combination or some weird NZ taste blend?

Jessay (@jessay)
12 years ago

I’m struggling to believe this isn’t satire. That woman’s poor daughter. I wonder how much self-loathing she teaches her on a daily basis.

12 years ago

@Kiwi Girl

Only maple and walnut I’ve seen here was at a posh-ish boutique gelato place in the inner city, but it does feel like a pretty natural/intuitive sort of combination, especially for a colder climate.

12 years ago

Seems like all the local ice cream makers do a version:

My mother is allergic to pretty much every artificial additive so it’s “proper” ice cream or nothing.

12 years ago

How is this misandric? Okay, so to make this equal one of the boys clothes companies should send a paltry one percent to an organization that helps boys in the developing world. Easy. At least this video is only about three minutes long. GWW’s are half an hour and my eyes glaze over at the ten minute mark.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Kiwi girl – I love Wallace and Gromit! At least, the first three films; Curse of the WereRabbit didn’t really do it for me. I think The Wrong Trousers is still the stand-out.

There was something in the earlier Dr Who – the Peter Davison era, I think – where he lost the sonic screwdriver for that very reason: it had been used as the get-out-of-jail-free card too much and they wanted to lose that theme. Wouldn’t have been later than him, because I quit the series once Colin Baker took over.

Did anyone see the film made with Paul McGann? I thought he would have made a good Doctor, but I really didn’t like the sexing-up, and what they did to the Master just sucked. I mean, going from Roger Delgado and Anthony Ainley to some sort of wannabe Terminator with green eyes? Puke.

I think Jon Pertwee’s probably my favourite Doctor. Yeah, he could be a little hammy on occasion but mostly he had a sense of authority and he was compassionate, something I think tended to disappear as Tom Baker played the role – I liked him a lot but he could be pretty brusque. I’m also still not sold on the idea of younger and younger Doctors, despite liking Tennant a lot.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“I’m also still not sold on the idea of younger and younger Doctors, despite liking Tennant a lot.”

A 1,000+ year old time lord should not be younger than me, it’s just wrong.

Also, is anyone keeping a “things that are misandrist” list? Because apparently pants are misandrist. (And chairs, and candles, and math, and context…)

12 years ago

Dropping in to praise Kitteh’s Unpaid Help’s good taste in Doctors – Pertwee fan as well. Colin Baker wasn’t bad except for suffering dreadful scripts and a nauseating costume imposed upon him. McCoy was daft but it’s an endearing sort of daftness, which makes his version of Radagast as watchable as he is.

12 years ago

Actually Tennant is quite a bit older than he looks, so maybe that’s fitting.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

It is! 😀

Argenti – don’t forget penguins and cats. Terribly misandrist, they are.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I see Tennant was thirty four when he started playing the Doctor.

I was just having a “who would make an interesting Who” moment and wondered about Lawrence Fox – Sgt Hathaway of Inspector Lewis fame (and husband to Billie Piper, for a nice coincidence). He’s younger than I’d choose but he’s an interesting actor.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“don’t forget penguins and cats. Terribly misandrist, they are.”

Silly me!

And I was referring to Smith, who’s a scant 3 years older than me. I guess Tennant as the Doctor wash much older though. Looks like Smith was 26 when cast and it’s just weird, watching the Doctor age just a few years older than me *shakes head*

12 years ago

As a bear, I personally know many bees, and this woman is NO BEE!

12 years ago

It looks like I just missed a conversation about maple syrup. Damn :/ that’s one of my favorite toppings, right next to honey and sriracha sauce.

12 years ago

Omg, we’re three hours from the nearest TJ’s, TORTURE!

Heathenbee, same thing where I am, but they are opening one a couple iles away from my house next year! Can’t wait.

Lightcastle. all those maple recipes sound delicious.

12 years ago


*sriracha fan fistbumps* I’m leaving the flat properly for the first time this year because it is IMPERATIVE that I get to the world food grocer’s to get some more sriracha. We go through ridiculous amounts of it, but it’s not very common in the UK. So we have to buy the biggest bottle we can find (750ml), and we still go through it in under a month.

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