One effect of living within the ideological bubble of the Men’s Rights movement is what you might call ideological inflation: MRAs start off believing, for example, that women don’t face discrimination today, in the developed world — an idea that’s wrong enough to start with. But then, surrounded by other delusional MRAs who reinforce their every wrong notion, the denizens of the Men’s Rights bubble come to believe that women haven’t ever been discriminated against anywhere and at any time in the history of the world. (You may recall those evil cavewomen who sat around eating prehistoric bon bons while the men hunted the mammoth to feed them.)
And that leads to things like the following video, in which the FeMRA video maker who calls herself The Wooly Bumblebee declares war on a pair of “Misandric Pants” she bought for her daughter by accident.
Yep, that’s right, she’s furious because one fucking percent of the proceeds made from selling these pants goes to a charity fighting against the very real discrimination and oppression that girls face all over the globe. You know, like being denied educations because they’re girls. Like being forced into child marriages with adult men. Like being forced into prostitution as children. That sort of thing.
Apparently girls don’t suffer from being repeatedly raped as children. But boys are totally oppressed because a tiny portion of the profits from a pair of pants goes to a charity that talks about, and tries to do something about, the shit girls have to endure because they are girls.
Should the maple syrup be heated in a double boiler? Hate to profane the maple by scorching it.
lightcastle: that sounds delicious. Could you add pecans to it?
@CWS once you get up, and/or @LBT, does 50SoG work as a drinking game?
She could go out by herself in public because of feminist thinking that women should be able to go places in public alone unmolested. She bought her daughter clothing with her money because of feminists who felt she should be fairly compensated for her work. She bought her daughter pants because of feminists who objected to the idea that women’s clothing should be restrictive instead of free for movement. It moves her to GUH sounds and profanity to think that her purchase might go to help other women. She’s DISGUSTED by that. Because helping girls drink clean water or learn to read is intrinsically about keeping down men and doesn’t benefit the dudes who actually like women in any way. Women have done so many things so that she AND HER DAUGHTER never have to live the lives of women in developing countries, and she’s guh, like, uhhh, so offended it’s like, uhhh, so misandric! Cuz like uhh, she totally like um, needs a pat on the head from a dude, like…right now. Cuz she’s totally not like, um, those crazy, guh, feminists. She actually LIKES boys, because she’s, uh, returning some like, pants, because, like, they don’t help BOYS too.
But she’ll find her a new cool pair of pants that daughter will like, so that one percent doesn’t go to help girls her daughter’s age. I’m sure her daughter totally like, understands. “Male approval is the only thing that matters. Whether or not you found great jeans on sale is completely unimportant. We’ll totally find you some other pants since Mommy has to take these back to prove how totally all about men she is.”
maple syrup on plain yogurt. Or ice cream.
@pillowinhell = You won’t scorch it if you keep an eye on it, but a double boiler can’t hurt.
@hellkell – Absolutely. There is a maple sugar version which tracks the brown sugar pie base used in classic pecan pie. (I remain convinced that the “sugar cream pie” of the midwest is a holdover from the French colonists just running out of maple trees and adapting the recipe. )
It tends to be a bit runnier than classic sugar pie or pecan pie, so be aware of that when placing the pecans.
Oh, if any of you get your hands on maple syrup whiskey, try pouring it on ice cream. Mind you, if you want to be fancy, you can make dessert crepes and then use the maple syrup whiskey to flambé.
And since I mentioned it, pouding chômeur. (Which basically translates as “welfare pudding”)
For the sauce
1 1/2 cup maple syrup
3/4 cup water
2 teaspoon butter
Bring the maple syrup and the water to a boil. Remove from heat and add butter
For the cake
1 cup flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup sugar
1 tbs butter (or shortening or crisco)
1 egg, beaten
1/3 cup milk
Put the flour in a small bowl. Add the baking powder and the salt. Mix well.
In another bowl break the sugar and the fat into a cream. Add the beaten egg and mix well. Add the flour and milk in bits, alternating one then the other, and beat smooth after each addition.
Grease a 8 ” square pan. Add the cake and then slowly pour the syrup on top.
Cook at 350 F for about 35 min.
The maple syrup will trickle down as the cake rises, flavouring the cake itself and collecting into a congealed bottom layer.
“Vlue jeans were considered mens work clothes and so are verbotten for the womenfolk.”
Ok, that made the fake jeans thing slightly less mysterious (especially when you explained your typo ; )
Although why a faux version of a verbotten item was ok with the dad is beyond me. Then again, she had some other stories about him that made him sound…unpleasant…
“No, this is not that Slave guy complaining about being visually assaulted again.”
I <3 Pierre right now 🙂
(And am behind because of him, give me a moment here!)
“maple syrup on plain yogurt.”
Oh, I love to eat that.
maple syrup!
seconded/thirded the maple syrup w/ breakfast sausages.
when I was a kid my Grandma used to take me to the farmers’ market every week, and there was a maple syrup/sugar booth, and my Grandma would buy me one of those miniature icecream cones that was full of maple sugar… I would beg for the maple sugar brick but she never gave in… probably a wise move.
for this past New Years I candied some chopped pecans in butter and maple syrup and then used them to coat a log of goat cheese, which was a big hit! definitely recommended!
Guess what I just bought at the supermarket – maple syrup! It was bottled in Canada. Queen brand. It seemed appropriate. 😉
And at $9 for a bottle it better be good.
“Whovian for life”
*sonics LC* 10 here because I’m a silly new series American, but I haz sonic!
…make that lightcastle, silly inconsistent devices!
D’AWWWW puppies!
They make maple syrup whiskey? Why was I not informed of this?!
maple syrup whiskey is wonderful! if it was easier to find/not so precious I would pour that shit over ice cream ALL THE TIME. so delicious!
Argenti – “They make maple syrup whiskey? Why was I not informed of this?!”
Because of the feminist conspiracy, obvs.
Pecunium–I always thought that Aran was just heavy worsted weight and not a reference to ply structure at all. (This is just confusing because ply structure has very little to do with weight, especially with commercial yarns.)
I normally spin worsted, just because I have a hard time finding carded fibers. Nearly everything seems to be combed, and I just can’t spin combed wool worsted. I prefer spinning woolen, if only because it is fast. Currently I’m spinning silk worsted-style, but I’ve been doing that for months. Knitting, crochet, and weaving have been a priority.
RE: alcoholic things over ice-cream
Try Angostura bitters for that. It’s what they do in Trinidad, apparently, and it’s tasty.
Obvs. The first version I ever saw (and the easiest to find her) is even called “Sortilege”, which can be translated as “spell”, and we all know that those come from WITCHES!!!
Argenti, I have a sonic, too. 🙂 (And I like NuWho, although I’m not fond of what Moffatt has been doing with it, mostly.)
Kitteh, have you never had maple syrup before?? (And even here in the Lower 48 it’s nearly $9US for a bottle)
Anti-Moffat fist bump!
…can’t save things cuz he doesn’t have a uterus that’s been used for making babies… What. The. Fuck?!
Still can’t decide if I don’t like 11 or if it’s just Moffat.
I always thought Aran referred more to the types of patterns used than the weight of the wool.
Very fond of the whole family of Aran/cable type knits
lightcastle – LOL!
OK, I think there’s a limit to how many times you guys need to declare how much you hate Moffat. Srsly.
heathenbee – I’ve only had it decades ago at the Pancake Parlour, and it was garbage, probably not even real maple syrup, I’m informed here. I found out years later that chain is owned by the Scientologists so WHO KNOWS WHAT WAS IN THEIR FOOD. ::removes tinfoil hat::
Makes a change seeing that our prices aren’t always ridiculously high compared to US ones!