One effect of living within the ideological bubble of the Men’s Rights movement is what you might call ideological inflation: MRAs start off believing, for example, that women don’t face discrimination today, in the developed world — an idea that’s wrong enough to start with. But then, surrounded by other delusional MRAs who reinforce their every wrong notion, the denizens of the Men’s Rights bubble come to believe that women haven’t ever been discriminated against anywhere and at any time in the history of the world. (You may recall those evil cavewomen who sat around eating prehistoric bon bons while the men hunted the mammoth to feed them.)
And that leads to things like the following video, in which the FeMRA video maker who calls herself The Wooly Bumblebee declares war on a pair of “Misandric Pants” she bought for her daughter by accident.
Yep, that’s right, she’s furious because one fucking percent of the proceeds made from selling these pants goes to a charity fighting against the very real discrimination and oppression that girls face all over the globe. You know, like being denied educations because they’re girls. Like being forced into child marriages with adult men. Like being forced into prostitution as children. That sort of thing.
Apparently girls don’t suffer from being repeatedly raped as children. But boys are totally oppressed because a tiny portion of the profits from a pair of pants goes to a charity that talks about, and tries to do something about, the shit girls have to endure because they are girls.
By the way, anyone check out the spearhead lately? They’re whining about the 50 million Berlonescis’ wife is getting. He’s a multi billionaire. Also, his whine about the judges ruling was precious too.
Always hated “maple” syrup as a kid. Felt so vindicated when I discovered it was only corn syrup and caramel color. Same with canned tomato soup (tomato puree and corn syrup). DAMN YOU CORN SYRUP!
I can see there are going to be Issues if Mr K gets into the stuff over the other side. 😉
Back on topic, I hope some of that charity money goes to reconstructive surgery for girls who developed fistulas because they were forced into pregnancy way too young. Otherwise, these girls tend to find themselves on the street because no one can handle their incontenence issues that result.
Oh, is that why my homemade tomato soup never tastes right?
thebewilderness – thanks for that link! I’m finding out by practice (I’m beading AND eating toast AND doing Man Boobz stuff – yay multitasking) how the bend and curl thing needs to go. The pins I have are already in loops at one end, which is convenient but makes me feel Inadequate because my loops are still a good bit bigger and not so round. 😀
I initially thought Misandric Pants was like “meany-pants”, but alas.
Also maple syrup is good for everything!! Seconding the breakfast sausage idea. Love love love. I also have been known to drink it straight from a shot glass >.>
@ The Kitteh’s Help,
I used to have an Etsy store (that i got way too bored for …) selling wire and bead jewelry, and I learned loads of what I know from YouTube videos. Just google around!
Also, to get the loops on the end the right size and shape, I’d cut off the wire to there was about a 1/4 inch tail left, then bend the wire at almost a 90 degree angle to the hole in the bead. (Does that make sense?) Then you can hold the little tail of wire in the pliers and just sort of rotate your wrist, making a loop that should fit snug against the bead.
That’s a garbage explanation, and maybe I’m just telling you something you’re already doing O.o
Anyhow! YouTube videos are the best for learning crafting techniques – well, for those of us who learn by watching and then trying 😀
I just donated £1* to Because I Am A Girl, thus giving them nearly 15 times what this fucking numpty would have given them as a direct result of her stupid shitty video. IN YOUR FUCKING FACE WOOLY BUMBLEBEE. ALSO STOP TAKING THE GOOD NAME OF BEES IN VAIN.
(*It would have been more but there’s been this major fuck up with work which meant I only got paid half of what I was expecting this week and there’s big bills which I have to pay** this month or we’ll be made homeless or go to prison.)
(**I’m the only wage-earner this quarter, but still happily with BoyFantastic***, thus conclusively disproving hypergamy as a theory.)
(***He ordered me THE MOST AMAZING late xmas present yesterday which I am DYING to show you all but I’m going to wait until it’s delivered and I have pictures. But you guys will LOVE it.)
OK, that’s enough asterisks, it’s stupid o’clock here, I’m going to bed before I have to think about the wanky bumblebee any more.
I wonder if she’s related to our old friend CooterBee.
After about a dozen you get them pretty uniform. I, of course, had to go back and redo the early ones that were kinda wonky. But once you get the knack of tension and size and all the fiddly things it’s easy peasy.
Halite – that explanation makes perfect sense! And yeah, it’s pretty much what I’m doing (trying to do, anyway, lol). My desktop is currently littered in cut-off bits of wire and loose beads.
thenat – you rock! And seconding the bit about bees. She oughtta be drummed out of the People with Bees in their Nyms club. Looking forward to the picture of boyfantastic’s present!
LOL about hypergamy. I was trying to figure out yesterday if any of these mean hypergamy or they cancel out:
1) Mr K is an ex king (can’t get much higher up the social scale than that)
2) He’s hot stuff (well, I think he is and I have a few friends who’d love to jump his bones)
3) He doesn’t have any money and I couldn’t mooch off him if I wanted to.
So, um, which is the major factor? Am I hypergamous or not? I’d hate to let down the Hivemind Collective.
I’d give Wooly Bumblefuck her damn dime if she’d go away forever.
I bet the minimum wage cashier at the store will give not one shit about the misandric pants when she returns them.
At first I thought that “misandric pants” was simply a joke on David’s part and that the article.video in question would not use the words “misandric pants”
I should have known better.
“Wooly Bumblefuck” perfect!
thebewilderness – yeah, getting there. I’m used to doing fiddly stuff, so that at least isn’t a problem (though SEEING it these days means magnifying glasses). Fortunately these wires don’t have to be wrapped around themselves, they’re just the loops, so there’s that much less work and opportunity to look really messy involved.
Seconding (or whatever number we are at now) the love of maple syrup. Real maple syrup is fantastic in oatmeal and cream of wheat. (We have both semi-regularly.) I also love dipping apple slices in it.
Er @Katz….tomato purée and corn syrup? Dearest heavens to Betsy
BigMomma: Read it and weep.
Pillowinhell: There is a fiber shop in Ottawa (I could walk there, but not tell you where it is), which was pretty complete. So you probably don’t need to move to Oz.
Of course, as a spinner, “worsted” weight yarn is confusing as all hell… Worsted is a way to make yarn (and for crochet the “standard” yarns are spun in the direction which is less good).
… I practically live off Heinz canned Cream of Tomato. It just tastes like my childhood and it’s pretty cheap.I just try not to think about why it’s cheap.
I used to live on Baxter’s soups – any Scots here know them? But they don’t seem to be exporting to Australia any more. They had the best tinned tomato and herb soup – it didn’t have the sweetness that puts me off most tomato soups.
You have my sympathies. I blasted through the first fifteen chapters of 50 Shades of Grey for MSTing purposes (thus why it is known amongst my friends as 50 Shades of Bears), but I had to cave because DAMN.
Yarn size designations are confusing. Besides “worsted” (which is a spinning technique), there is “dk” or “double-knitting” (which is a knitting technique, and not a particularly common one), “aran” (which is a style of knitting involving cables and knit-purl patterns) and “sport” and “fingering” which I have no idea where they come from. The only two that make any sense are bulky and lace, which are self-explanatory.
OK so I went and checked our, well, UK recipe…is this much better? high fructose corn syrup sounds much scarier.
wordsp1nner – and don’t you love it when a pattern is for a particular brand of wool where the weight has its own name, so you are left guessing what the equivalent will be? Especially when it’s not wool you’re going to see in a shop anywhere. (I don’t buy wool over the Net, I need to see it in daylight first.)