One effect of living within the ideological bubble of the Men’s Rights movement is what you might call ideological inflation: MRAs start off believing, for example, that women don’t face discrimination today, in the developed world — an idea that’s wrong enough to start with. But then, surrounded by other delusional MRAs who reinforce their every wrong notion, the denizens of the Men’s Rights bubble come to believe that women haven’t ever been discriminated against anywhere and at any time in the history of the world. (You may recall those evil cavewomen who sat around eating prehistoric bon bons while the men hunted the mammoth to feed them.)
And that leads to things like the following video, in which the FeMRA video maker who calls herself The Wooly Bumblebee declares war on a pair of “Misandric Pants” she bought for her daughter by accident.
Yep, that’s right, she’s furious because one fucking percent of the proceeds made from selling these pants goes to a charity fighting against the very real discrimination and oppression that girls face all over the globe. You know, like being denied educations because they’re girls. Like being forced into child marriages with adult men. Like being forced into prostitution as children. That sort of thing.
Apparently girls don’t suffer from being repeatedly raped as children. But boys are totally oppressed because a tiny portion of the profits from a pair of pants goes to a charity that talks about, and tries to do something about, the shit girls have to endure because they are girls.
” Shaving Ryan’s Privates”
Another of the Pube Terror franchise!
And yeah, I loved the traffic jam one, and Silence in the Library — they were both part of overarching plots that didn’t rule the whole show — You Are Not Alone (and fuck, I liked Yana!) and River, and foreshadowing Donna. The cracks took up Every. Damned. Thing. for that season, then the Silence, and fuck, we still have more questions than answers and I can’t help wondering if they even know how they’re going to answer said questions.
Much like Amy, I really want to know how and why the TARDIS blew up and took the universe with it. Good question for another day sure, but that was a season and a half ago!
…and I’ve barely touched old Who *back to the corner of shame*
Why did Yana have to turn out to be who Yana turned out to be? I liked him as a brilliant, altruistic (to the point of being at least as suicidal as 10) dedicated scientist of an old man.
It’s like they made him a saner, not cruel version of who he was…wtf *cough*cough* could’ve been if not for “you made me!” (those episodes are also awesome, right until 10 turns whiny)
Um, JudgyBitch is a contributor to AVfM, not exactly “new.”
Stop. Just stop. Please? I don’t really give a fuck about your reasons, I just want to have a conversation about Doctor Who (or, really, any other topic) that isn’t a total wankfest.
Falconer, I’ve never heard Doctor Who radio broadcasts! That’s like totally up my alley, I love listening to the braodcasts for the Green Lantern, the Shadow, Sherlock Holmes ect.
CBC used to do those types of braodcasts in the evening. Then they stopped.
Not that it matter anyways, since my radio refuses to pick up the CBC at all>.<
Hmm. The Tardis exploding… Part of it was in the sun right? Is it possible that it was using itself as fuel to keep the solar system going?
…so now I’m not allowed to discuss episodes/plot points that I’ve liked without it being called a wankfest? Closest I said to anything negative was that I’d like it if the overarching plots could stop taking over the entire show…that’s not exactly random complaints about Moffat.
Is praising wtf they did with Yana acceptable? Or a wankfest?
I was replying to Falconer regarding the episodes ze specifically mentioned, and wtf I liked about them, but fine, I’ll stop discussing Doctor Who.
One of the things I loved about the Doctors Wife was that while the Tardis having an awareness of its own is frequently alluded to, it was nice to see it interacting in a way somewhat understandable to human minds.
I’d like to see the Tardis find a way to be more interactive on a regular basis. Though did anyone else catch that the tardis acted somewhat like the psilon women in tubs? Or is that just me?
The TARDIS was the sun in that time line, and yes, it was the fuel keeping the earth corner of the universe going. It’s just that Amy specifically asked how and why, the Doctor said good question for another day, and that day has yet to come.
And now that I’ve answered that question, I really am stepping out of the Doctor
Who discussion.
@katz, wut? I don’t see how Argenti did anything wrong here. [I say as someone who stays out of Doctor Who discussions for the most part.]
Not the Yana comment, more this (also posted since my previous comment):
We need a sarcasm font, that last line was sarcasm.
Popping in briefly now my headache is gone to say, I loved Red Dwarf. Falconer, I had already guessed you liked that show from your avatar. 🙂 I see the actor that played Rimmer (Chris Barrie) is now host of some car show on Sky.
@pillow, well, they’re not technically radio broadcasts, although there were some in the 70s with Tom Baker. Big Finish Audio does them specifically for CDs. I suppose you could analogize it to the straight-to-video vs. broadcast TV markets, but that implies that BFA lacks a lot of quality.
You know, I had a whole reply about Silence v. Bad Wolf, but I think I’d best drop the subject, too. Just for the record, I’m not sore at you, and I hope you’re not sore at me, and I’m sorry if I gave you cause to be sore.
Oh, and I’m a white, straight, cis male, aged 18 to 45, you can call me “he” if you want.
Maybe it’s because you guys have been discussing timetraveling sci-fi, but ‘aged 18 to 45’ just struck me in a very weird way.
And now I want to write a story where that line makes total sense in a specific way.
Howard, that top forty of bad drawing was some of the funniest fucking fail I’ve seen in a while.
All those badass villians and superheros doing ballet routines while arguing!
Clearly that artist has never taken an anatomy class, learned by studying medieval torture victims OR has never seen an actual living human being… I’m betting on the third option. Cables thighs were drawn so over muscled there is no way he could walk.
@pillowinhell: Yeah, the absolute best part was the last drawing… which was from last year.
It’s one thing to be a bad artist at a time when your particular quirks are being celebrated. After 30 years, to be doing the same things? That’s… special.
I still remember when Marvel was drawing the women of Xmen with pencil thin necks and waists smaller than their heads… Good times good times.
Or getting the collector cards and realizing that Jean Grey, despite being half a foot tallelr than me and presumably better muscled from working out weighed thirty pounds less than my thin five foot self.
If it’s not too late to put in my 2 cents on the Doctor Who discussion, I must say I couldn’t watch Matt Smith as the doctor. For me, the tenth doctor was always THE doctor (since that’s when I started watching it, I guess). I don’t really do well with change. And yes, my favourite episode is probably Blink, or the one where all the people are stuck in cars trying to get up to the city, but actually everyone in the city is dead (someone here has an avatar from it, I think).
Yeah, I think I was going to put in either “I’m Hollywood’s target audience,” or “I’m normative as hell,” but thought better of it and left in the 18 to 45 remark inadvertantly.
Oh god, there’s more!
The first panel of #34. Composition! It is your friend! Also, step back and look at your artwork every now and then, and you won’t get one eye further from the nose than the other, and on another level, in what is essentially a full-face shot.
Oh, Falconer, stop looking! Think of your eyes, man! Think of your eyes!
Yes, freitag uses that avatar. 🙂
I could take Matt Smith better if he had eyebrows.