One effect of living within the ideological bubble of the Men’s Rights movement is what you might call ideological inflation: MRAs start off believing, for example, that women don’t face discrimination today, in the developed world — an idea that’s wrong enough to start with. But then, surrounded by other delusional MRAs who reinforce their every wrong notion, the denizens of the Men’s Rights bubble come to believe that women haven’t ever been discriminated against anywhere and at any time in the history of the world. (You may recall those evil cavewomen who sat around eating prehistoric bon bons while the men hunted the mammoth to feed them.)
And that leads to things like the following video, in which the FeMRA video maker who calls herself The Wooly Bumblebee declares war on a pair of “Misandric Pants” she bought for her daughter by accident.
Yep, that’s right, she’s furious because one fucking percent of the proceeds made from selling these pants goes to a charity fighting against the very real discrimination and oppression that girls face all over the globe. You know, like being denied educations because they’re girls. Like being forced into child marriages with adult men. Like being forced into prostitution as children. That sort of thing.
Apparently girls don’t suffer from being repeatedly raped as children. But boys are totally oppressed because a tiny portion of the profits from a pair of pants goes to a charity that talks about, and tries to do something about, the shit girls have to endure because they are girls.
That’s why the internet was invented. Sincerely, someone who doesn’t own a TV.
Dear God, it’s like a verbal tic for you.
“That’s why the internet was invented. Sincerely, someone who doesn’t own a TV.”
But, but … if I’m on the internet I need to be on Man Boobz!
TV’s something for sitting-down-watching-with-Mum, and we cycle through our DVD collection. 🙂
We use our projector with our computer to watch movies; we’ve got it all rigged to run from the other room. Oh, the gleeful freedom of being able to drill holes in your own ceiling.
LOL freedom indeed!
I had a funny moment there when I remembered that it wasn’t always possibly to watch anything you want to watch on the internet.
Once, in days of yore, you had to turn on the television in order to watch TV shows.
I also have a phone that just makes calls, does messages and takes fairly crappy photos.
It can survive falling in the dunny, though. 😉
Take “with the Moffat” to mean “with the sudden influx of gender essentialism bullshit”
And take “the sudden influx of gender essentialism bullshit” to mean “that one thing that happened in that one episode.”
Is he the guy who wrote Blink? I don’t recall anything particularly gendered about that.
If you two can’t behave I’m gonna send you to your rooms without supper!
Yes, he wrote Blink. He’s also been producer since Matt Smith started playing the Doctor.
Argenti — I’m sorry the show has disappointed you, but I like it that the Doctor isn’t always the person who saves the day, and usually when companions leave, he’s all fine and jolly the next episode, so I liked it that he was all sulky and I don’t wanna play no more … but I also liked it when he put the bow tie back on.
The show has disappointed me in the past, but if I stopped watching, then I wouldn’t have the bits that I enjoyed. I know that sounds like a tautology, but I’m enjoying what I enjoy while acknowledging that it has flaws.
Keep up mentioning Moffat every third comment, though, and I’ll go get you your own Tumblr. 😛
Film generally isn’t my medium, unless it’s animation. (And then, only the stuff I can identify with my old animation summer camp as a wee thing. Every time I watch CGI, I’m left with a lingering dismay that I can’t truly appreciate the amount of work put into it.) So my Star Trek knowledge is craptastic; I’ve seen some of the original series, and as a wee child saw some Next Generation but don’t remember it. Doctor Who is similarly spotty.
Film is just too immersive for me; it’s really annoying! Either it has ALL my attention, or NONE of my attention, and I can’t switch from one to the other very quickly. (Because, make all the jokes you want, I give you full license: for a multi, I am a LOUSY multi-tasker.)
…I own Men In Black? :D?
Gotta say, I’m not wild about Matt Smith, but the thing with Dr Who is that anyone you don’t like (cast, writers, whatever) will eventually be replaced.
For being good, Katz, you can go look at the new post, which is just BEGGING for a Pierre intervention. 🙂
I’ve mentioned it before, but I can’t watch the Matt Smith Dr. Who. He’s the spitting image of my douchiest ex, and I just can’t.
I was just looking at an image of a letters page from 1966 or thereabouts, with two different opinions on the changeover from Hartnell to Troughton. The first letter was all “I say, boffo old chum!” and the second was all table-flipping raeg at the “Now it’s all Bozo the Clown, the kids will hate it!”. The third letter was all, thank you William Hartnell for a wonderful time.
Don’t like Jo? Keep watching. Don’t like Romana? Keep watching. Don’t like Adric? Keep watching. I’m just going to leave this Kleenex box here.
RE: katz
Aw, you did a CG animation camp? That’s so awesome! Yeah, I was all flipbooks and stop-motion. Gave me a HUGE appreciation for crap like Coraline. But I watch things like Wreck-It Ralph, and though I enjoy it on a story level, part of me is sad because THE SHEER AMOUNT OF WORK that must have gone into it!
“Gotta say, I’m not wild about Matt Smith, but the thing with Dr Who is that anyone you don’t like (cast, writers, whatever) will eventually be replaced.”
It’s is why I keep watching and hoping it’ll return to the way I loved 10.
And I don’t hate all of Moffat’s episodes, it’s just that nearly (?) all of 11’s gender BS is because of Moffat. That Christmas special was being all kinds of amazing and then WHAM! we need a mother ship! >.<
I suspect there already is a goddamn you Moffat tumblr though!
Also, his hiding in the clouds sulking wasn’t 100% annoying, I certainly understand the sulking. It was the completely ignoring everything until she happened to coincidental use the magic word “pond”. Ten defined emo at times, but was never really the violent sort — 11 keeps going back and forth between reasonable reactions (and even depressive ones, eg God Complex) to fucking “I am going to kill you, except Amy stopped me” — and then the end of the dinosaurs episode. My mother thinks that was justified, but it just feels so very un-Doctor-ish.
11 is not 10 though, and my love of 10 is certainly part of the problem here *goes to corner of shame*
Aw, you don’t have to go to the corner of shame just because you love 10.
I walk among you, loud and proud, and I say unto thee: Six was really not such a bad bloke, if you give him a chance*.
The audio dramas with 8 can be among the best of Who.
And yes, I like Silence in the Library and the one with the traffic jam and I was really excited when the Sontarans came back.
*Colin Baker is a humongous Who booster and he’s done many audios for Big Finish. I feel like he is ill-paid if we do nothing but scorn his Doctor.
Some woman who’s ingratiating herself to the Manosphere right now says that women are causing the most environmental damage to the planet by purchasing scented candles!
I believer she calls herself “judgy bitch”. And oh yeah, she has kids too and last I checked, that was perhaps the largest contributor to planetary environmental damage.
Yeah we met judgy bitch, but I don’t think she’s the one that came up with SCENTED FUCKING CANDLES!
One of the best threads ever.
@Falconer @Katz – I don’t have a link or anything, but there are both concepts and invidual shots in Schindler that are very close to the Maus books. The one I remember most vividly is the final shot of the movie. I’m less annoyed about the concepts, but that Spielberg copied actual shots and perspectives from the books offends me.
I hate Shaving Ryan’s Privates more than Schindler, but it’s a close call.
@titianblue – Browncoats Forever.
Like I said, Pillow, she’s new around “the sphere” and trying to ingratiated herself to them (much like Alte and others did back in the day, there seems to come a new batch of female groupies every six months or so, high turn over rate), and so she obviously read about “the sphere’s” disdain for evil scented fucking candles and decided to run with it in order to garner comments like, “Glad to know there are still some good, solid women out there. Your husband is one lucky man” on her blog.