One effect of living within the ideological bubble of the Men’s Rights movement is what you might call ideological inflation: MRAs start off believing, for example, that women don’t face discrimination today, in the developed world — an idea that’s wrong enough to start with. But then, surrounded by other delusional MRAs who reinforce their every wrong notion, the denizens of the Men’s Rights bubble come to believe that women haven’t ever been discriminated against anywhere and at any time in the history of the world. (You may recall those evil cavewomen who sat around eating prehistoric bon bons while the men hunted the mammoth to feed them.)
And that leads to things like the following video, in which the FeMRA video maker who calls herself The Wooly Bumblebee declares war on a pair of “Misandric Pants” she bought for her daughter by accident.
Yep, that’s right, she’s furious because one fucking percent of the proceeds made from selling these pants goes to a charity fighting against the very real discrimination and oppression that girls face all over the globe. You know, like being denied educations because they’re girls. Like being forced into child marriages with adult men. Like being forced into prostitution as children. That sort of thing.
Apparently girls don’t suffer from being repeatedly raped as children. But boys are totally oppressed because a tiny portion of the profits from a pair of pants goes to a charity that talks about, and tries to do something about, the shit girls have to endure because they are girls.
We should set up a Manboobz Exchange for all the hard to find goodies we love from other places.
wordsp1nner: Because I’m a nut for information I started reading on spinning when I got my spindles. I did a lot more when I decided to move to a wheel.
Aran yarn is cabled to make it desnse (though cabling also makes the lay really important, because it’s prone to coming uncabled, like a single), and smoother, and wear better. Commercial yarns ply structure is a mess! Lots of that has to do with how much twist they leave out (twist costs money).
I don’t weave (and hope never to get that bug. :)) but I’m told by friends who do, that cables are wonderful to weave, the finishsed cloth is really smooth, with a lovely finish. 4-strand is apparently the one which does this most. I don’t know how tightly one can weave cabled woolen, but it’s supposed to hold up when used as warp.
If you want to spin woolen out of top you can convert it back to a more carded roving by washing it. Get a bucket/pot of hot water (no cold from the tap works), and then fuff the roving some, and pop it in.
Burrito it in a towel, walk on it, and hand it to dry. The crimp comes back.
You didn’t want to be near me when I was trying to learn woolen, because the wool I had was all really long, smooth, top. I was a stewing at the wheel in a black cloud of unhappy.
But I tried this, and it was much easier. It might have been easier still if I had combs, and could make rolags.
I got some carded alpaca batts for christmas. I need to figure out how to spin off of them. I suspect I shall tear off strips and spin over the knuckle.
Etsy has a lot of sellers offering carded wool (as batts and as roving), but the apparently reasonable prices don’t include shipping, and they tend to be small (2-4 oz). If the seller has lots it’s much cheaper. Some of the descriptions by the sellers are… interesting. Yarn is dyed in a smoke free, yet kid friendly environment.
Whut? Smoke free relates to kid friendly how? At first blush is looks as if smoke filled = kid friendly, but I doubt that’s what they mean.
Kitteh’s: Aran is a place. It became known in the middle of the last century for it’s cabled sweaters. They used a type of yarn well suited to making such sweaters (one that is warm, durable, keeps wind out (tolerably well) and is heavy (for it’s “weight”).
The problem is that spinning/weaving/knitting/crochet are older arts, and terms are complicated enough, before one gets to differences in nomenclature by region/type of work.
Take the job of making finished woolen cloth. It’s got one name now, but depending on where one was (in England) it had three, and each of them led to a surname, Fuller (the modern canonic term), Walker, and Tucker (South East, North/Midlands, and South West, of England, respectively).
When one adds the vagaries of the modern world, with marketing, etc., names become even stranger things.
sriracha…. You mean “red cock sauce”. I recall seeing it in a phô shop, in Ottawa, and being amused. I used to live a couple of miles from the factory (katz, heathenbee, it’s made in Rosemead). A taste of home anywhere I go these days.
lightcastle: I don’t think it’s gluten which holds the pie together, for two reasons.
1: It takes a moderate/fair amount of work to develop gluten.
2: Because you said this is the next step.
When all the syrup is added return the combined mixture to the pan and add the cream and the butter. Slowly bring to a boil while stirring with a wooden spoon. (Any non-metal spoon, really, the recipe pre-dates Nylon and Silicone spoons)
That is the classic technique for roux which is the base for puddings/sauces. Heating flour in fat, and then adding it to a more watery liquid allows the flour to 1: not clump, and 2: expand as the starches gelatinise.
That sounds as if it might make pecan pie edible.
KitttySnide: Where do you live? I know some parts of the US where Sortilege isn’t hard to find. Being able to buy it anytime I like (instead of having to go to BC, or Qubec (though the LCBO now carries it, so Ontario is blessed), makes it a lot eaiser to just decide to have some.
@pecunium: maybe by kid friendly they mean expect the wool to be covered in sticky fingerprints.
@kitteh: I recently put some maple syrup into mash sweet potatoes, which was yummy.
And Re OT: How determined to suck up to her overlord/captor/owner must she be?
Kim — which OT // who’s “she”? The Master’s wife??
How exactly is donating to a girls’ charity “misandry”? It doesn’t affect boys one way or another. Then again, that’s probably the issue–it’s focusing on girls instead of on boys. Attempting to improve the lives of women and girls is misandry, because while we’re trying to prevent things like rape and genital mutilation, somewhere out there is a man being made to look like a doofus in a commercial or on a sitcom. And that’s the worst crime of all.
And yeah, I can’t imagine what life must be like for that woman’s poor daughter. Misogynistic fathers are bad enough; having a mother who hates women must be pretty damn confusing.
To those suspecting Wooly Bumblebee is satire: nope. NOPE. Certainly not. And she absolutely loathes just about everyone at Freethought Blogs. Just look through her Youtube videos for examples.
If she’s a poe, she’s an extraordinarily long-con poe.
Re: long-con poes: thanks Mr. Al, I wasn’t sure anyone could manage that, but then there was Steele.
*is feeling cynical*
I think the difference (and why I don’t buy NWO/Meller, etc. as Poes) is target. A long-con poe has a speficic groups s/he wants to roll. Wooly/NWO/Meller aren’t doing that. It’s also the case that on the net, who you pretend to be, is who you are,
I watched the video and then went and looked for ways I can get involved with charities for women and girls. I signed up to teach a programming course for girls via Girl Scouts (if they accept my proposal) and wrote to an org call Girl Develop It about teaching a Python course for women.
What are y’all’s favorite ways and organizations for girls and women?
Fair enough Pecunium, fair enough (I’m sure not going to argue considering I don’t have to contend with biology when it comes to my preferred androgynous state)
Utterly random one for you Pecunium, but any clue the bpm on jingle bells? Googling is getting me basically everything that isn’t a largo and I could’ve guessed that much! (Gotta have something simple for when attempting EA drives me nuttier than usual!)
I think Kim was referring to Bumblefuck when she said OT
This is the problem with you people. Go to sleep and there’s a hundred comments to catch up on. 🙂
OK – Since I started it (more or less), Moffatt’s individual eps have much genius, which is why so many of us were excited about him taking over. And while people can argue incompetence as a show runner, or his rather disturbingly essentialist view of male female relations (and creating Rory as the Ultimate Nice Guy – defused only by Arthur Darvill’s genuine charisma), the simple fact is that he made a choice about what Doctor Who is that fans such as myself disagree with. He decided Doctor Who was a fairy tale, and specifically Peter Pan.
Now, Doctor Who has reinvented itself many times, so that’s not a terrible thing to decide to try, but it has become pretty obvious that I am not the intended audience for this version of Doctor Who. I used to complain all the time that RTD liked the inter-character drama more than the sci-fi or thoughtful side of thing, resulting in stories with lovely set ups but horribly hand-wavey endings, but Moffatt turned out to be just as bad once he was in charge. (A bit tighter on some of the puzzle box writing, but way too many “think and make it so” bits.)
I’m also quite opposed to all this obsessing about the Dark Doctor kind of thing, as I think it is overdone.
Blink is a lovely episode, for the record, although he ruined it by making more Angel stories and just adding on whatever he thought would be fun. Personally, I still think The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances is Moffat’s best.
The terribly weak Gaiman epsiode was saved by the performances, but it was a shame House turned out to be such a weak villain.
I suspect someone has already answered you, Kiwi Girl, but the Sonic Screwdriver went from useful to overused due to lazy writing back in the 70s/80s as well, and they shot it to death in The Visitation. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJUnbDe02J0) Honestly, though, at its worst it wasn’t the magic wand it is today.
Catching up to page 4 next.
@lightcastle! First, a belated welcome!
Second: only 100 comments, HAH, that’s a slow *span of time which may or may not correspond to a night’s sleep for everyone* around here.
I’ve logged on in the morning my time to find 500 comments.
Since the commenters are a truly global bunch in a number of different timezones and with different sleep patterns, it can be 24/7 around here, especially when there’s an especially chewy and nommy troll toy!
HellKell – thank you. The family is pure laine qubecois if you go back a few steps (original stock from the first settlers, if you will) and so there’s lots of old maple recipes floating around.
Pecunium – this is why I shouldn’t copy old notes on recipes blindly when I am sick. You are correct in that it is a roux approach.
Since the commenters are a truly global bunch in a number of different timezones and with different sleep patterns, it can be 24/7 around here, especially when there’s an especially chewy and nommy troll toy!
I’ve noticed. As I said, I’ve lurked for a while. 🙂
“Blink is a lovely episode, for the record, although he ruined it by making more Angel stories and just adding on whatever he thought would be fun. Personally, I still think The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances is Moffat’s best.”
This all about 15 times over — angle are stone but the Statue of Liberty becomes one…sometimes they make you live to death, sometimes they just snap you neck — went from “OMGS don’t blink” to “well, that was different // oh gods AMY!!” to “huh? What? WHY!?”
And OMGS yes, I didn’t realize that was Moffat — I’m banned from asking my mother “are you my mummy?” because of those episodes (plus, Captain Jack)
@lightcastle- I don’t know, I really appreciate the “ancient near omnipotent being searches for and fails massively at creating a stable family” theme in this last season. The Doctor has been alone for such a long time, we know that he used to have a family and that they are all dead, there’s something lovely and sinister about watching him try to fit in with the Ponds, especially because he THINKS of himself as a bit of a god and that colors all his interactions with them (especially in the episode where Amy is in quarantine for 40 years. he wants to save her pain, and kills her in the process. that is effed.) I also really like Rory and Amy as a couple. That being said, anything Moffat writes about child bearing, rearing, and pregnancy is a world of problematic.
Thanks for the replies on the sonic screwdriver, it’s sad it became overused for a second time.
@Argenti: thanks for bringing up the topic of Captain Jack. I enjoyed Torchwood, except when they decided they would make major changes to the cast. It felt like a scorched earth policy because actors didn’t resign for a second season/audience focus groups suggested they didn’t like those characters.
ALSO! Since the intarwebs nommed several previous comments: maple pie is delicious and I am super excited to have a recipe that I can try myself. And maple syrup is delicious as a glaze on roasted root veggies like parsnips, carrots, and sweet potatoes, as well as mixed with mustard to go on brussels sprouts (and now I will have to go get produce and mustard to make these things happen…)
Kiwi girl — and I loved to hate Owen (like, let’s pin Gwen and “flirt”? No dude, absolutely unacceptable behavior)
Oh gods that episode, typical that of all the things in the universe humans are the most terrifyingly vile.
KittySnide – Maison du Futaille (who makes Sortilege) will ship to the US in certain areas. They used to ship to Chicago, for instance, but only by the case for restaurant ordering, so you had to get friends together to buy in bulk. They may have eased up on this since.
sriracha (aka “Hot Cock Sauce”) for the win. I know she’s riding the Alpha Cock Carousel in the image up top, but I like to think sriracha is involved.
As long as we are throwing around “Doctors who Should Be”, I will point out I have written to the BBC more than once asking them to offer the role to Tilda Swinton. (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0842770/)
No one listens to me, though. (I was among those very excited when it “leaked” that Paterson Joseph – http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Paterson_Joseph – was going to play The Doctor.)
I grew up on Tom Baker and Davison, and push comes to shove I will take the latter as my favourite Doctor. I am very fond of Hartnell (the cranky old coot), Troughton and Pertwee, but could never stand Colin Baker. I like Sylvester McCoy very much, and was intrigued by the “darker backstory” they were giving him in those last years before the show got axed.
McGann would have been a great Doctor (as his audio work shows) but the American Movie Pilot was a disaster. The Doctor as romantic lead can work, as NuWho has shown, but you had to build to it, and the Doctor as half human was just a terrible idea. There had also been a tradition over the decades that you don’t get out of a Doctor Who plot by just going to the beginning and undoing it all from happening in the first place. It is lazy writing and the old show tried very hard to avoid it. The movie did it first time out.
I *love* Eccleston, even though I know I am in the minority there. It’s a shame he left on such bad terms. Tennant was good, but the show exploding in popularity under him has resulted in the PtB thinking that the Doctor needs to be a romantic lead/sex symbol now, I fear. I like Matt Smith, I think he’s done an admirable job, I just don’t like the stories he’s been given.