Time for another peek into the Man Boobz “Trash” folder!
Regular commenters here may have come across the comments of an MRA/MGTOWer calling himself justeunperdant, who has graced the comments section here with sarcastic if often quite surreal remarks which are enhanced, I feel, by his poor command of the English language.
Here’s one of his perplexing little gems (and no, it doesn’t make any more sense in context):
Here’s one that’s slightly less perplexing, though it seems to be based on the notion that Title IX isn’t a law but is actually the name of some dude:
But what you don’t realize is that not all of Mr. justeunperdant’s comments see the light of day. For example, several days ago he tried to post the following comment:
The problem here wasn’t the comment itself, which is fairly typical of MRAs who visit the site; it was that he attached a video that evidently showed pictures of Jodi Arias, now on trial for the murder of her boyfriend, dragging around his dead body. Not particularly wanting such a graphic video up on Man Boobz, I sent justeunperdant’s comment to the trash.
This made him mad:
I didn’t let that one through either. He keeps posting comments; I keep tossing them in the trash.
When MRAs suggest I delete comments because I “can’t handle the truth,” this is the sort of “truth” they’re talking about.
Chocominties, hellkell – did you see the recent thread where it was suggested that tomek is putting it on?
Kitteh’s: I didn’t see that thread, but that would explain a lot.
It certainly would. Even if tomek’s for real, I don’t get the impression zie’s like Shittyknickers. Lots of dubious comments, lots of *cough* misunderstandings *cough* but not this sort of blatant stuff. If Shitty’s not a poe, I doubt he’d be able to keep this visceral level of hatred hidden. Sort of like Owly, it just seeps out. And if tomek had tried this on at Feministe he’d have been banned in an instant.
Of course he could be a smart poe who changes according to the site, though that just makes him a different sort of loser.
Holy crap. I can’t even make any sort of sense there. The words are in English, but I just can’t make it out….
Owly’s had some minor (by Owly standards) shitfits about pet charities and expenditures on pets by owners because it exceeded money donated to male specifuc charities. Apparently this proves that women love animals more than men because only women spend money on their pets apparently. Also, the men who haven’t donated totally would have except that they were unemployed because of affirmative action, and were too busy being fugitives from Title IX. “Men” = cis, white, hetero men of course, just as the good Lord intended. All other male human-seeming objects are actually creations of international bankers.
A cat litter story would fit well on AVfP. 🙂
falconer: as a photographer, that was very much my first thought.
No, it’s true. Koala brains take up only half their cranial cavity. They used to be bigger but shrank over time when they adapted to a diet of eucalyptus leaves.
Will save! Does a 13 save? Crap. Looks like I’m engaging the troll.
Even if that’s true, is that a reason to say “fuck koalas” ?
Grumbles – So Fucking What? What’s with hating on any animals?
Kiwi girl – excellent idea! It could bring Poutine into the story! (Say … she’s a reddish coloured cat and could well have a blue litter tray … )
Shadow – I should have guessed, though that would take more convoluted thinking than I could manage. I dunno … out here, at least, the money that goes to animal charities is a miniscule fraction of what goes to human ones. How many men-only charities are there, anyway?
But then since Owly seems unable to think of women as human, it wouldn’t surprise me if he thought animals are hardly alive at all and don’t deserve any sort of help for their problems, most of which are caused by humans in the first place.
I’m picturing a scene in a grocery store. Pierre is in the pet aisle, gravely contemplating which kind of litter Poutine would prefer, when he is approached by a very strange man.
Oooh, yes!
Could Poutine be riding on his shoulder? (Nobody would deny Poutine entrance to their shop …)
A very strange man named Title IX.
So, uh, what explains your obvious brain shrinkage? Is that what’s causing the “fuck koalas” moment?
No, but they’re still kinda lame. Diprotodon, on the other hand…
O_o Perdant makes me think NWO and ExploreNature had a baby. A really confused baby.
Bing Translator translates “juste un perdant” as “just a loser.”
Grumbles would appear to have a dream of being the Elam of the marsupial world.
Pot, kettle; kettle, pot.
It’s prolly MRAL running his earlier comments through babelfish a couple times and reposting them.
In the aisle at the pet store. Pierre is trying to decide between Awesome brand cat food and Excellent brand.
Justeunperdant: Hi girl.
Pierre: Um…hello.
Justeunperdant: I need advice about litter box for cat.
Pierre: Ok. I only have one cat, but I’ll help if I can.
Justeunperdant: What is the best colour for litter box?
Pierre: I don’t think the color matters. Whatever color you like, I guess.
Justeunperdant: What colour makes cat aggressive?
Pierre: I don’t think colours make cats aggressive.
Justeunperdant: But what is the best color?
Pierre: Wait, do you want to make your cat aggressive? I don’t think that’s such a good…
Justeunperdant: Please advise using all your wisdom about cat.
Ooh, I was inconsistant with my colour/ color. I’ve been doing stuff like that all day. I came home from the grocery store and put the lettuce in the freezer, so we had a salad without lettuce with dinner. Sigh.
I propose this be made the Internet’s official anthem.
That was for Sarge, I hope it was obvious.
I don’t know how to explain this nicely to you, Grumbles, so I’m just going to say that no one here really likes you, and you have no good will stored up here, and so whenever you say something like “fuck koalas” it looks 100x as douche-y as it would if a regular who was well-liked said it.