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The Stuff I Ban Part 2: Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop

Symbolic representation of the Man Boobz Trash folder.
Symbolic representation of the Man Boobz Trash folder.

Time for another peek into the Man Boobz “Trash” folder!

Regular commenters here may have come across the comments of an MRA/MGTOWer calling himself justeunperdant, who has graced the comments section here with sarcastic if often quite surreal remarks which are enhanced, I feel, by his poor command of the English language.

Here’s one of his perplexing little gems (and no, it doesn’t make any more sense in context):


Here’s one that’s slightly less perplexing, though it seems to be based on the notion that Title IX isn’t a law but is actually the name of some dude:


But what you don’t realize is that not all of Mr. justeunperdant’s comments see the light of day. For example, several days ago he tried to post the following comment:


The problem here wasn’t the comment itself, which is fairly typical of MRAs who visit the site; it was that he attached a video that evidently showed pictures of Jodi Arias, now on trial for the murder of her boyfriend, dragging around his dead body. Not particularly wanting such a graphic video up on Man Boobz, I sent justeunperdant’s comment to the trash.

This made him mad:


I didn’t let that one through either.  He keeps posting comments; I keep tossing them in the trash.


When MRAs suggest I delete comments because I “can’t handle the truth,” this is the sort of “truth” they’re talking about.

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12 years ago

And I always thought that the “teachers are all sadists” idea in The Wall only happened because the dude who wrote it was high as a kite.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

*offers some very dark chocolate with chili peppers* it’s delicious

And hey, Sneak I trust to stick to shiny fluffy things, Mac I just see getting bored! (And Gigi still kind of scares me)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

That whole subject (which I took because it was less awful than the alternative – biology or something, I think*) left me feeling it was all about treating people as some sort of bloody numbers set or toys or things to experiment on. Feelings aren’t real, just dissect them, they don’t matter. Gakk. This was in 1981, hopefully the teaching’s improved since then. Or maybe I had a dud teacher, I dunno.

*nothing was going to get me cutting animals up for no good reason. I’d already managed to organise a boycott a couple of years earlier at school.

12 years ago

AG: What did you expect? Vast kudos, from one and all, extolling your cleverness? A joint laugh at how you managed to jerk the kotaku community around by baiting them to make them look worse than they are?

I don’t know how you chose us to be your, unwitting, co-conspirators, but not cool. From an ethics standpoint what you did here was utter fail. What you did there was, at best questionable. Assuming (arguendo, the evidence is lacking) you did it with nothing but good intent, it’s an iffy thing.

Pretense is questionable, and needs clear reason, and defined limits. You have no one (so far as can be told) providing oversight, before, during, or after. You are trolling them, and used them to troll us.

I don’t know why you did it, but my surmise is that you wanted to have us (or at least one) come in with guns blazing to send them up, and goad them into defending the themes you were presenting; as a means to get them to admit to what you believed.

Even if that was your intent (and it’s the only charitable/defensible theory of events I can think of at the moment) it would have failed any IRB I can think of, because the dynamics of social groups is that insiders being attacked are, to some degree, defended (under the rubric that, “I can abuse my sibling, but you can’t).

So the most most generous of good intentions has you using us,and using us in pursuit of questionable aims which we weren’t given the opportunity to opt out of (even those of us who didn’t actively take part).

That’s why you are getting the reaction you are getting (and it’s not as severe as it probably ought to be).

If it were my blog, I’d ban you.

12 years ago

I have brought LBT warm slippers, and am holding out a plate with Pierre Marcolini’s Fleur de Cacao (85%) and Paris Flyer Very Dark Chocolate (77%) for you to sample.

12 years ago

RE: Argenti

Yes. I am Rogan. I wear plaid all the time. It is totally me. Yes.

Booga booga.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Cassandra – I’d say “all PE teachers are sadists.” 😉 I had a few really good teachers, one in primary school who was a horrible old bully, and some total morons who hardly knew their own subjects, let alone about anything else. The day my maths teacher in fourth form demonstrated that he’d never heard of the English Civil War was the day my idea that adults had more general knowledge than me about important things disappeared.

12 years ago

I thought maybe it was an overeager feminist trying to pose as an ex-MRA and hoping the current MRAs would listen, or something. As it stands, I have no idea what he (?) was trying to accomplish.

Regardless, I fear it may become more grist for the mill of “False flag! False flag!” that pops up whenever an MRA site becomes embarrassing.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Rogan – but is it pink plaid? Inquiring minds want to know.

Oh dear. I just had an image of what might happen if Philippe (stepson) decides to wear pink tartan anytime. André (stepson’s Scottish husband) might take exception.


Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Well I guess as long as you’re wearing plaid I can trust you to be a benevolent overlord, just try not to get bored with that ever important duty!

12 years ago

Gigi was actually attempting to fake it there. I guess she just did it too well. She is sad, because she hoped to be able to make a joke, and did not succeed. Oh well.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Sorry Gigi! I got unfamiliar with your separate styles while on manboobz hiatus, maybe consider successfully fooling me to be a different sort of joke? (And it’s nothing personal, I’m wary of children in general, I get all “oh gods what do I do?” with school age kids)

Chocolate all around, or I have some rock candy if that’s more Gigi’s flavor?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

LBT – sorry, people, I don’t think I’ve spoken to anyone but Rogan, so I wouldn’t know!

12 years ago

Does anyone need some cheering up after AtomicAsshole’s little stunt? Here is a genuinely awesome Kickstarter project – a cheap, simple device designed to destroy landmines.

12 years ago

RE: Kittehs and Argenti

Don’t worry about it; I generally am the only talker here. Gigi just gave it a shot because she’s the worst actor here, by a large margin. (She is still oddly dismayed that she failed at failing.)

And kickstarter is awesome.

12 years ago

That mine destroying thing is awesome. And now here is something that is adorable:

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

“It’s all right for you, your legs are longer! That step’s almost as tall as me!”


12 years ago

Sweet, I saw the mine destroyer on Pharyngula, I think, and I see that it’s already been funded, but I’m disappointed that it wasn’t as overwhelmingly funded as some Kickstarters I’ve seen. Of course, they were asking for 100,000 pounds.

12 years ago

“Disingenuous pantload. You skated right to the edge of offensiveness, nothing that could be called outright. I’m sure if I had said something, you’d’ve been all, “who, me?”

I think you’re sad, the only person I’m pissed at is myself for not trusting my gut that you were a lying sack.”

Seriously? I made a few fraudulent posts here, meanwhile you and others have been sitting in silent hatred of me since the moment I arrived. That makes you fake too. I told you everything, but if I hadn’t, would you have said the truth about me?

“Even the people at Kotaku, idiots that they are, don’t deserve to be unwittingly used as someone’s research subjects (and not even for a real book).”

I realize that now. The book isn’t real anymore, I’ve erased everything I had, including the blog.I showed someone else for their opinion and they basically said “wow, this is fucked up.”

“The people you involve but don’t tell beforehand are the targets of the joke. And they aren’t generally thrilled about it.”

I didn’t think you’d be thrilled about it, but I didn’t expect such anger.

“Treating people as things is a very MRAish way to behave.”

That’s a good point. I have no excuses.

“you should’ve known we’d be touchy about such things considering the endless string of recurrent socks.”

I didn’t think about that.

“A joint laugh at how you managed to jerk the kotaku community around by baiting them to make them look worse than they are?”

I actually think they’re a lot better than I had previously believed them to be.

“I don’t know how you chose us to be your, unwitting, co-conspirators, but not cool. ”

That sorta just happened. I wanted to gauge your reactions to my writing. It was probably a result of me being overeager to share what I made.

“You have no one (so far as can be told) providing oversight, before, during, or after.”

I don’t, you’re right.

“I don’t know why you did it, but my surmise is that you wanted to have us (or at least one) come in with guns blazing to send them up, and goad them into defending the themes you were presenting; as a means to get them to admit to what you believed.”

I got plenty of that from Kotaku. I wanted to get a variety of responses and different viewpoints on the subject.

I guess I’ve just been desensitized to internet deception since I’ve been around it so much. It doesn’t affect me that much, so I projected that attitude onto everyone else.

12 years ago

Hey, David, have you checked this guy’s IP and asked him for his morning height yet?

12 years ago

eriously? I made a few fraudulent posts here, meanwhile you and others have been sitting in silent hatred of me since the moment I arrived. That makes you fake too. I told you everything, but if I hadn’t, would you have said the truth about me?

False equivalence is false. No one here hated you, I thought you were off. If you cannot get the distinction, that’s all you.

David, we need a high IQ check over here.

12 years ago

I wonder how high IQ correlates with one’s morning height.

12 years ago

You know who AG reminds me of? Boggi. I’m not saying he is Boggi, just more similar to him than to any other member of the rogue’s gallery, IMHO.

By the way, no one hated you, man. Some people were wary of you, waiting to see which way you’d jump, because of our previous experience. You see, sometimes new commenters say a couple of odd-sounding things here in early days and then they start to pick up on the culture of the space, but sometimes instead they’ll do egregious shit like the stunt you pulled.

Next time a slightly off commenter comes around I will be even warier than I was with you, because you proved to be one of the jerks in the end. But I’ll still give them the benefit of the doubt, just like we did with you.

12 years ago

I get the feeling I’m going to be using this a lot.

Also, Boggi? Don’t remember that one.