Time for another peek into the Man Boobz “Trash” folder!
Regular commenters here may have come across the comments of an MRA/MGTOWer calling himself justeunperdant, who has graced the comments section here with sarcastic if often quite surreal remarks which are enhanced, I feel, by his poor command of the English language.
Here’s one of his perplexing little gems (and no, it doesn’t make any more sense in context):
Here’s one that’s slightly less perplexing, though it seems to be based on the notion that Title IX isn’t a law but is actually the name of some dude:
But what you don’t realize is that not all of Mr. justeunperdant’s comments see the light of day. For example, several days ago he tried to post the following comment:
The problem here wasn’t the comment itself, which is fairly typical of MRAs who visit the site; it was that he attached a video that evidently showed pictures of Jodi Arias, now on trial for the murder of her boyfriend, dragging around his dead body. Not particularly wanting such a graphic video up on Man Boobz, I sent justeunperdant’s comment to the trash.
This made him mad:
I didn’t let that one through either. He keeps posting comments; I keep tossing them in the trash.
When MRAs suggest I delete comments because I “can’t handle the truth,” this is the sort of “truth” they’re talking about.
Urban Decay has one with SPF and loads of other stuff. I haven’t gotten any yet because I don’t wear foundation, I’m dead pale, and really sensitive.
Cloudiah, BB creams are like a tinted moiturizer, but with some coverage and SPF, but not heavy like foundation. They’re supposed to even you out.
RE: pecunium
You mentioned Frey before I could. That whole thing came out in high school, and I remember developing a kneejerk dislike to the guy instantly, probably because everyone kept gushing how MOVING his ‘A Million Little Pieces’ was. I felt some dickish schadenfreude when it came out he was a liar, but felt even greater annoyance when people still sang his praises. NO. He LIED. You don’t sell a goddamn memoir when it’s FICTION.
RE: Kittehs
It’s amusing, since my husband’s the only religious one here. I have left him in charge of dealing with evangelists, because he gets into a discussion of Bible theory with them. Nobody’s tried to claim he’s Satan yet.
Cloudiah: here’s the Dior one we were talking about: http://www.sephora.com/hydra-life-bb-creme-spf-30-pa-P308100?skuId=1410893
BBC cream basics – they were originally created to be used after cosmetic surgery, hence the skincare benefits and the sunscreen. Took off bigtime in Korea because so many damn people there get cosmetic surgery and lots of actresses were using them, from there turned into a mainstream cosmetic product. The good ones look very natural (if you’re pale enough to wear them), more coverage than a tinted moisturiser but less than a foundation. Except the Lioele, which is pretty heavy. Since they have color + moisturiser + sunscreen you can wear nothing but that and still look very polished, if you get the right one.
I can’t stand Missha though, it made my skin feel really oily, which is saying something since I have dry skin.
Also, there’s lots of BB cream for men! If you’ve ever seen any Korean drama or KPop and wondered why all the guys seem to have such perfectly clear and glowy skin, that’s why.
There are very few BBs on the market here, and most of those I’ve seen are way expensive and had middling-to-bad reviews. Garnier’s is cheap but I tried it and it was seriously no better than tinted moisturiser. I read about L’Oreal’s but it didn’t get much of a review either, and Clarins seemed to be either very yellow or very pink, neither of which is helpful. I was looking at them because I was having trouble with rosacea and I wanted something to smooth my skin (nothing dramatic, just the coarsening that comes with age). I had tried L’Oreal’s moisturiser – can’t remember the name – that was very thick and creamy and smelled good. Felt lovely to put it on but it didn’t make much difference. Now I’ve changed over to the sort of things suggested for dry rosacea-ish skin on the Paula’s Choice website, and it’s better. Just tinted sunscreen with zinc as the only active ingredient and the Revlon cream-to-powder over the top. Looks a bit dry but it’s reasonably smooth and also has a bit of sunscreen, I think. Main thing is I’m not breaking out any more.
Cloudiah, what ones are you trying from there? Did you find the info useful?
Hm… I am pale. I have dry skin. I should perhaps look into these lady creams of which you speak.
Oh man, I thought that Lonely Struggle guy seemed like a fake. From bitter MRA to “I have seen the light!”, all in a blog that’s less than a month old? Dude, at least be a little more patient with your “social experiment”.
I thought maybe it was an overeager feminist trying to pose as an ex-MRA and hoping the current MRAs would listen, or something. As it stands, I have no idea what he (?) was trying to accomplish.
Paula’s Choice, that was it. I’m trying her cleanser (because I just realized the one I was using had alcohol in it) and her moisturizer with SPF. And yes, I did find the info useful — even if I don’t like these, I’ll know what to avoid in the future.
I have seriously found out about so much useful shit here: good books/movies, bras, recipes, blogs to read, caring for sick kitties. That, plus the laughage, keeps me coming back like an addict. XD
LBT – just as well they don’t, you’d never get rid of ’em if they thought they could do a gen-u-ine exorcsism. Fortunately the only fundies I know these days are via the internet, so I’m not going to get harassment about Louis in person.
All I can say is, if he’s some sort of demonic entity, he’s a remarkably patient one and not exactly playing for high stakes. Plus he’s a better sockpuppet than any evah, all these years and not one hint of any nasty/dissonant personality? Don’t see it, m’self.
Though of course he is a minion of Basement Cat, but who isn’t?
cloudiah, yeah, it was the info on what ingredients to look for or avoid I found really helpful. I didn’t want to buy her stuff if I could get some locally, but Neutrogena have face washes, scrubs and oil-free moisturiser (cheap for around here) that just fit the bill.
RE: Kittehs
Yeah, while we come from enough of a classic trauma background that… well, if you’re going to claim HE’s a demon, then we’re ALL demons. We took over the place while no one was looking.
In general I like Neutrogena, but their moisturizer for some reason makes my skin burn. I can’t figure out why that would be! My quest for the perfect moisturizer/sunscreen continues…
@ Kittehs
Honestly I wouldn’t bother with any of the Western ones other than the Dior, they’re mostly just tinted moisturizer with new marketing. The Korean BB creams are so much better. I’m not sure if they’d all cover rosacea though. The Lioele (Beyond The Solution, Triple The Solution) would, and the Dollish Veil in green would cover redness. In terms of very moisturizing plus good for pale skin the BRTC Jasmine Water might work.
@ cloudiah
You can buy all the main brands here (US based), and they sell samples, plus there are reviews which could help pinpoint the one you want.
@ cloudiah
Burny moisturizer or sunscreen? If it’s sunscreen, a lot of people are allergic to chemical rather than physical block sunscreens.
cloudiah: have you tried Khiel’s? Not too cheap, not too pricey.
cloudiah – that’s a pain! I’ve noticed a slight hot feel when I’ve used the moisturiser and then put the tinted sunscreen on over it. Now I just use the sunscreen (Invisible Zinc, a local brand) which is a sort of moisturiser anyway. Level of reaction is different but it sounds like it’s the Neutrogena, not just you. I don’t have any trouble with it when I use it on its own at night, though (well, apart from the other night when I was rubbing it on and managed to ram my finger up my nose …)
LBT – admit it, yez’re all demons! I can see those red tights and horns and pointy tails and tridents!
Pecunium — difference is that you, and my brother, are answering it as a thought experiment. My father posed it as what Hitler should’ve done.
When what he should’ve done was ot fail Basic Humanity 101. (Well there’s the understatement of the year, and it’s only January!)
…my auto correct tried to make only into poly o.O?
But LBT’s got pink horns! What sort of demon is that?
And is atomicgrizzly Mr. Al or just a similar type of creep?
The burning was from a Neutrogena moisturizer with sunscreen in it. I love their body lotion with a passion that passes beyond mortal understanding, however.
Oh Kittehs’ how ever did you manage that? Now I am surprised I haven’t done that myself, with my general klutziness. XD
It’s true. I have been misleading you guys all along. My site is an elaborate hoax. We are, in fact, pink-horned fuzzydemons from Rainbow Hell, come to conquer you all.
You will only be allowed this knowledge for twelve hours. Then Abnoy will kindly come and erase it for us.
If it’s only a problem during the day potential culprit may be some kind of retinol-type ingredient? Retinols + sunlight = pain.
I submit to my pink-horned fuzzydemon overlords from Rainbow Hell! May I bring you your slippers and a nice cocktail (or mocktail)?
@ Argenti
If this is Mr Al again I will be seriously tempted to call his mom, because he needs to be banned from the internet for his own good.