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The Stuff I Ban Part 2: Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop

Symbolic representation of the Man Boobz Trash folder.
Symbolic representation of the Man Boobz Trash folder.

Time for another peek into the Man Boobz “Trash” folder!

Regular commenters here may have come across the comments of an MRA/MGTOWer calling himself justeunperdant, who has graced the comments section here with sarcastic if often quite surreal remarks which are enhanced, I feel, by his poor command of the English language.

Here’s one of his perplexing little gems (and no, it doesn’t make any more sense in context):


Here’s one that’s slightly less perplexing, though it seems to be based on the notion that Title IX isn’t a law but is actually the name of some dude:


But what you don’t realize is that not all of Mr. justeunperdant’s comments see the light of day. For example, several days ago he tried to post the following comment:


The problem here wasn’t the comment itself, which is fairly typical of MRAs who visit the site; it was that he attached a video that evidently showed pictures of Jodi Arias, now on trial for the murder of her boyfriend, dragging around his dead body. Not particularly wanting such a graphic video up on Man Boobz, I sent justeunperdant’s comment to the trash.

This made him mad:


I didn’t let that one through either.  He keeps posting comments; I keep tossing them in the trash.


When MRAs suggest I delete comments because I “can’t handle the truth,” this is the sort of “truth” they’re talking about.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Ah. I wasn’t sure if it was the reference you were sick of or people being socks of one sort or another in general. Apology still holds, though.

But yeah, I’m a little weary of the whole pretend-persona thing too – partly from encountering it before and the way it leaves you wondering if anyone’s telling the truth about their experiences, and partly because it’s bloody annoying (if understandable) to be relating things that HAVE happened but are hard enough to believe anyway, and get the constant “Oh what a lovely novel/characters” response. I don’t write fucking novels and there are no characters, they’re diaries about real people, one of whom is me.

/OT rant

12 years ago

Wanna know how much more annoying it is if your background is in journalism?

I’m starting to feel like the new DSM needs to list compulsive trolling as a personality disorder.

12 years ago

*Gives massive side-eye to Atomicgrizzly.* Seriously? Using us to work out your issues? Not cool.

Cassandra: if you summoned the Froth, may Legos infest your floor.

12 years ago

Hey, I can banish him again too via the magic of Little Shop of Horrors clips.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Gods, yes, that’d be drive-up-the-wall material. Hard enough to find good sources and reliable information without people muddying the waters for this sort of shit.

Did you ever hear of the Helen Demidenko business in the 1990s? The Hand That Signed The Paper, a novel that eventually won the Miles Franklin Award here, was written by one Helen Demidenko, supposedly a descendent of a Ukrainian family who were witnesses to and perpertrators of Holocaust atrocities. Only she wasn’t. She was a complete fraud and there was a huge scandal about it. That sort of thing pisses me off completely, pulling a hoax and appropriating history. Lying for pleasure and profit, ugh.

12 years ago

Argenti: More like how Germany would’ve won the war if Hitler had been more logical (actual things actually said today)

A defensible argument.

1: Hold off the war for about 1 year (to get more U-Boats, i.e. Dönitz’ desired 300).

2: Don’t declare war on the US if Japan attacks Pearl Harbor.

2a : Let Italy lose her war, her way.

3: Hold off on invading the USSR until England was forced to terms by the U-Boat blockade.

3a: When invading the USSR delay treating the elimination/suppression of the anti-USSR locals until after the USSR is defeated/comes to terms.

Because it was the overextension of limited resources, and being a tad underproduced at the start of the war which really set up the strong probability of defeat.

Being unable to maintain a close blockade of Britain was the real undoing because Britain being in the fight is all that made the US public willing to entertain the slow-burn mobilisation FDR was engaging in. Even at that the Battle of the Atlantic was the crucial one, and by initiating Barbarossa he 1: made it impossible to spend the resources in materiel to gain that level of blockade (because he was underequipped in U-boats), and 2: gave the Soviet Union something it didn’t have before… i.e. allies with the ability to supply her.

SeaLion was never going to happen, which was also a problem; in terms of the Concept of Operations. Had he consolidated the material resources gained from the Anschluss, and the Annexation of the Sudetenland, as well as being able to completely retool the Rhineland… it would have been a very different war.

If all he had done was 3, and he spent his efforts on consolidating Poland (while continuing the U-Boat, but not aerial campaign against Britain (because SeaLion wasn’t possible so long as the RN was possessed of a fleet in being, esp. the destroyers, but that’s a whole ‘nother subtopic) the outcome is very different. Sooner or later Britain starts to have enough shortages, and the various Bund, etc. in the US raise the pressure on Britain to come to terms.

Which might have been forced on Churchill/the Government which succeeded him (think the loss of confidence in Lord North after Washington’s victory at Yorktown, which was a smallish affair, all things considered; but Britain was engaged on another front, and faith in the Government was lost).

12 years ago

Not cool, atomicgrizzly.

12 years ago

@ Kittehs

Hey, at least she wrote a real book and made money (for a while). This clown just wants to be internet famous.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

She’s a lowlife creepy antisemite, book or no book. She got sacked from the Brisbane Courier Mail (a pretty right-wing paper iirc) for plagiarism, she’s interviewed that douche David Irving, and she blogs for libertarian sites and on her own as “scepticlawyer”. I’d say she’s a step down from atomicgrizzly’s crappy stunt.

12 years ago

What’s his name, Frey? Who us still something of a personality, even though his, “memoir” is fiction. He’s still asked to talk about the general subjects about which he was lying, as though he were an expert on them.

Yah, I’m with Cassandra; and for much the same reason (I used to be a journalist).

12 years ago

I kind of thought there was something off about Atomicsock, but I didn’t want to be all “this person feels wrong,” if that makes sense.

Cassandra: Little Shop videos are good, and I just got some new makeup & skin stuff I can banish with talk of.

12 years ago

Well, that and he was dishonest in what he was doing; and using his offsite sock to use/play with us.

Not cool.

12 years ago

hellkell, I hope your skin stuff is made entirely out of foreskins, per the feminist rules and regulations.

12 years ago

Sounds like a real charmer. I find hoaxing tiresome even when there’s no concrete harm caused, but “profit” is at least a motivation that makes sense. “Attention!” just makes me think you’re pathetic.

Also “scepticlawyer”? Atheist community, why are you so full of assholes?

12 years ago

@ hellkell

I’ve been researching BB creams and can try that as an “are you bored yet? if not you will be soon” warding-off mechanism.

12 years ago

at the risk of sounding like a know-it-all, atomicgrizzly has been annoying the hell out of me every since zie showed up. Too eager, too many comments, too many things skating the edge of being offensive but not enough to call out. Zie wasn’t violating any rules, though, so I thought perhaps my overall moodiness was making me cranky. *shrug*

12 years ago

It’s just so sad.

OMG, guys, look at this thing on this other site! Check it out! First link didn’t work? Let me make another one! Guys, did you read it yet? PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEEE!!!!!!

12 years ago

oh what hellkell said, which had more economy of phrasing.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I couldn’t pin anything either, just a … I dunno, new person I wasn’t sure of? Couldn’t say more than that.

Tell us about BB creams, Cassandra! I looked into them but they’re really not for my skin, alas.

12 years ago

@ Kittehs

Which one/s did you try? Overall I think I like the ones from Skin79 best. Liole is good if you want a heavier, more doll-faced look. Laniege is great but kind of pricey. I wanted to like BRTC but so far no luck.

12 years ago

drst, thank you for the longer version, that’s exactly it. A surly fist-bump to you.

Cassandra: I’ve been researching BB creams myself (of course, because you are West Coast me XD). A friend of mine raved about the Smashbox, another likes the Dior.

12 years ago

Ahem. What are BB creams? Kittehs’, I got some of that rosacea stuff from Paula whoever that you recommended. Will try it this week, see if it helps.

12 years ago

Lioele. WTF is wrong with my typing lately?

12 years ago

The Smashbox isn’t really a traditional BB cream at all, calling it that is just marketing. The Japanese ones are kind of pointless too, imo. Basically if it doesn’t have some sort of skincare benefits, lots of sunscreen, and some coverage it’s not really a BB cream. Your skin should feel healthier after you take it off.

The Dior is supposed to be good but ridiculously expensive. Also I think it’s very pale. In fact, the biggest problem with BB creams is that if you’re over about an NC 35 in the Mac system there’s nothing that will work for you except Missha or the Smashbox.

12 years ago


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