antifeminism creepy evil women incoherent rage men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny rape vaginas whaaaaa?

The Stuff I Ban Part 2: Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop

Symbolic representation of the Man Boobz Trash folder.
Symbolic representation of the Man Boobz Trash folder.

Time for another peek into the Man Boobz “Trash” folder!

Regular commenters here may have come across the comments of an MRA/MGTOWer calling himself justeunperdant, who has graced the comments section here with sarcastic if often quite surreal remarks which are enhanced, I feel, by his poor command of the English language.

Here’s one of his perplexing little gems (and no, it doesn’t make any more sense in context):


Here’s one that’s slightly less perplexing, though it seems to be based on the notion that Title IX isn’t a law but is actually the name of some dude:


But what you don’t realize is that not all of Mr. justeunperdant’s comments see the light of day. For example, several days ago he tried to post the following comment:


The problem here wasn’t the comment itself, which is fairly typical of MRAs who visit the site; it was that he attached a video that evidently showed pictures of Jodi Arias, now on trial for the murder of her boyfriend, dragging around his dead body. Not particularly wanting such a graphic video up on Man Boobz, I sent justeunperdant’s comment to the trash.

This made him mad:


I didn’t let that one through either.  He keeps posting comments; I keep tossing them in the trash.


When MRAs suggest I delete comments because I “can’t handle the truth,” this is the sort of “truth” they’re talking about.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Yeah, in my case, actually trying to get a god involved with ANY part of my life makes me actively angry, and thus becomes unproductive. Like, other people can have their gods, my husband’s a happy Southern Baptist, but I don’t want them anywhere near me. Trying to encourage me to do so, even as a thought exercise, deeply upsets me.

That sort of active involvement* would creep me out, too. I suspect that’s why the odd fundie thinks Mr K is a MINION OF SATAN. They don’t believe in/approve of the idea of communication with the dead (never mind it’s in their book) anyway, but the fact that he never tells me about Jeeebus means he must be teh evil.

*unless we’re talking Ceiling Cat and Basement Cat, of course.

12 years ago

Argenti Aertheri
Re: loaches, lol, yeah that makes sense. My poor plec is stuck in a 55g, but
after a couple years in a 29g he seems okay enough with it. (I had a 55g when I
got him, third hand and fully grown, then my 55g met an icy sidewalk…there’s
one thing my father did right, found a water tight 55g for $10 at a tag sale!)

…the biggest of the cories are bigger than the little loach…poor little one
is going to be smaller than everything else in there soon (the cories are my
babies, almost literally, I successfully raised fry! )

Aww. My dudes are currently in a 26 gal; have a 66 gal I’m going to move them to soon! Just got to get around to painting the back while it’s still empty.

I know those feels re: babies: I had leopardfish (Phalloceros caudimaculatus) and I was so proud of their babies. Even though they’re like coldwater guppies. 😛

Thanks heathenbee and Kitteh! I like to be clear but felt like I was massively failing. lol I feel my latent death wish is relevant but equally I feel that my conception of death would resonate with me regardless.

@Historophilia – anything BUT stalky or weird! I felt like I just got a lovely hug when I read your comment. I worry I blather about him too much! I’m still
in the OMG he feels the same way stage despite having had our fifth marriage
anniversary yesterday. We have a several anniversaries because we started
thinking of ourselves as married at different times and then had a ceremony and
then he proposed … and now I’m getting an engagement ring. Organisation, how
does it work?

🙂 You are two are so lovely, you make me smile!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

D’awwwww! ::blushes:: Thank you, hrovitnir!

You know, that’s one of the … what to call it? Coolest? Most moving? Both … things about this site. I’ve found it incredibly welcoming. Sure, if someone comes across as trollish they’ll have a hard time, but the acceptance of utterly different beliefs about things like faith or people’s inner lives is just the best.

… um, now who’s not being clear?

Sir was contemplating* whether he should grow a cat-type tail this morning (never mind why, the whole conversation was cat-weird). I said shoving it through a hole in the back of his jeans would be icky, pushing the fur the wrong way. He decided yeah, it’d be too much trouble.

* Not seriously**.

**I think.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

*has clearly thought about this too much* could put a slit in the waistband of a skirt or kilt and an over-the-tail button

hrovitnir — hey I had actual feeder fish guppies at one point, we can’t all be pretty clown loaches! 🙂

My mother picked out pepperint tetras earlier, for the 29g; my father, predictably, thinks they aren’t colorful enough >.<

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

“*has clearly thought about this too much*”


Actually that’s such a sensible idea I don’t want him seeing this. Because if he got into one of his sillier moods … ::facepalm::

Funny thing was it all came from a conversation about asexuality. And cats, of course. They can get into pretty well any conversation anywhere (cf: Man Boobz).

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Do I want to know how a conversation about asexuality led to tails? (And French Kings have as much right to be furries as anyone else…if not more so, what with the royalty bit and all…)

But yes, cats invade ALL THE THINGS!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

“Do I want to know how a conversation about asexuality led to tails?”

LOL think carefully about this question! Because you know if you risk saying yes, I will tell you!

😀 😀 😀

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

On one hand, the curiousity is killing me; on the other, I don’t really like hearing details of anyone’s sex life. So I guess it depends whether this weights more toward TMI or more towards illogical cat topics.

And on the third hand, ABNOY, anything is better than that!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Oh, definitely illogical cat topics, not sexytimes. It was hypotheticals about attraction leading to cat silliness, not at all about sex acts.

12 years ago

I suspect that’s why the odd fundie thinks Mr K is a MINION OF SATAN.

Don’t most American fundies consider all French people to be minions of Satan, on account of being both foreign and mostly Catholic?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Good point, Cassandra, good point! 😀

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Kitteh — well ok then, make this make sense!

Cassandra — idk but my pseudo-fundy father thinks all French men are gay (it’s the sense of fashion and food, or what of that makes American shores, I think)

Nevermind that French babies totally exist, he’s just special like that. I think the French part is just icing on the shit cake here though.

12 years ago

You should make him watch Betty Blue, just to confuse him.

12 years ago

(Channels Argenti’s dad)

“Well, you see, that man is clearly German. I can tell by the fact that he keeps wanting to have sex with that French lady. Nice manly people, the Germans, what with the cuisine and all.”

12 years ago

I actually want to apply Grouchy Old American Dude logic to all the countries in Europe now.

The Italians? There are men who wear pink trousers there, so obviously all gay. The Finns? Well, they have lots of lady politicians, but on the other hand they love heavy metal and that’s pretty manly. But then there’s Fintroll, and they’re just weird. The Brits have a nice manly (ie boring) cuisine, but we’re also the inventors of glam rock, so I guess we’re just confusing.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

@CassandraSays I know some KIwis who ate fish and chips (fush and chups for you Aussies) in Cornwall and found that awful. And having Cornish heritage, I do have a recipe for stargazy pie. “Nice” applied to British food may be in the eye of the beholder. 😉

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

More like how Germany would’ve won the war if Hitler had been more logical (actual things actually said today)

His views on France are bad enough, I don’t touch Germany. He once went off about Italians, my mother very calmly pointed out that she’s half Italian, he screamed “I didn’t marry no fucking guinea” — she recounted how her mother gave birth to her, and her mother gave birth to her, and her mother gave birth to her in Italy “so yes you did dear”

I have no clue how she puts up with him.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

Opps, should have added, that the same applies for food etc in all cultures. Although I believe that deep-fried mars bars is a prison cuisine that has crossed international borders.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

LOL Argenti your dad would hate Mr K’s family. Not only French but quite a few gay and bi members (Mr K included).

Okay, the conversation was prompted by a man I saw the other day. Only saw him from the back. He was African, very dark, very tall (well over six feet) and really, really slim without being at all gangly. He was also very smartly dressed. I was admiring him, but without anything resembling pants feelings or “I wonder” thoughts or anything at all: it was aesthetic, which is how I respond to anyone eye-catching, of whatever gender or race, for whatever reason.

I was thinking about that this morning, and the contrast between how I respond to people-in-general and to Mr K. I thought that he could do something as unsexy as scratching his butt, and I’d be all bright-eyed, “Want me to do that for you?”

That’s when it went silly, because two of our cats, Hadji and Mads, have a thing for having their botties patted – on the rump or the backside, doesn’t matter. Hadj does this weird thing where he snorts and growls and stamps his back feet, but stays put for more patting. Mr K did a bit of a foot-stamp demo and said he should grow a tail to encourage said patting.


12 years ago

I prefer to think of whisky and tablet as my homeland’s contributions to international cuisine in the hopes that people will forget about our tendency to deep fry all of the things.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Not sure he knows that Finland is a place, he’s dumb, he knows his major countries and that’s it, and his views are a variety of fucked up (eg the Polish deserved the
Holocaust, as did the Jews)

Brits are solid red blooded men though, I think. Pretty sure he only hears Tories and doesn’t get that Doctor Wo is British (by all the gods! I’ve explained why they’re always in the UK a half dozen times, he still thinks the show just hates America!)

The Spanish are lazy, “those northern counties” too liberal, bleeding heart hippies!

Most people seeking disability are freeloaders…except him.…

Et fucking cetera.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

@CassandraSays… not iron bru and vodka? 🙂

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“LOL Argenti your dad would hate Mr K’s family. Not only French but quite a few gay and bi members (Mr K included).”

Probably! But you and Mr K should consider him hating you as a compliment!

(Fuck, I’m stuck presenting as biological gender and pretending to be straight, monogamous and not kinky…strangely, the rouse is working)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

And that bit about tails makes a strange amount of sense!

Cassandra — whiskey works for me! 🙂

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Cassandra’s comment about Italian men and pink trousers brings to mind someone who would make your dad’s head explode, Argenti – Don Dunstan, Premier of South Australia from 1967-68 and 1970-79.

“A passionate believer in social equality, Dunstan hauled South Australia into the modern era. His was the first Australian state to decriminalise homosexuality, introduce equal rights for women, pass anti-discrimination laws, abolish capital punishment and recognise Aboriginal land rights. He appointed the country’s first female Supreme Court judge. His was the first government, anywhere in the world, to make rape within marriage a criminal offence.”

The Independent

He also rocked up to Parliament once in a pair of bright pink shorts. Short shorts, this was the 70s.

And he was bi.

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