antifeminism MRA oppressed men rape reddit sex

Orgasms, away?

Fellas! Better hold on to yourselves, because I’ve got some terrible news for you.

Actually, you’d better NOT hold on to yourselves. Because this is the news, straight from that always 100% reliable news source, the Men’s Rights subreddit:


I wonder if manginal orgasms are still allowed?

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12 years ago

lumi: I’m disappointed by all the Gawkerverse since Kinja. Way to kill a community.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Ok, I’ll finish catching up in a moment, but holy shit fuck damn! I’m overhearing my father fucking laughing about how “they” can’t tear gas him and, wait for it, he’ll fuck their shut up…some one come rescue me!

…and I’m the motherfucking crazy one…

12 years ago

“Wow, atomicgrizzly, you’ve found yourself a current r/mensrights reader. He hits all the talking points.”

I’m surprised a message didn’t come up saying “A wild MRA appears!”

“Yeah that site is a fucking cesspit.”

They tell all feminists the same thing too: “Go back to Jezebel!”

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

atomicgrizzly — I have a ballad just for them, which is partly true, I think I’m going o return to practicing since I can’t hear anything else with my headphones on…*sigh*

cloudiah — I’ll check into those studies when I’m not being driven extra nuts >.<

12 years ago

Keep calm and headphones on, Argenti! 🙂

12 years ago

“It’s a shame that the Kotaku commenters are so shit, because the articles are often really good.”

I agree. They’re always the first to get the major video game related scoops and they always have interesting commentary. Their community can be pretty atrocious.

“I’m disappointed by all the Gawkerverse since Kinja. Way to kill a community.”

You get used to it after a while, but it always sucks.

12 years ago

“Keep calm and headphones on, Argenti!”

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

He’s moved on to some sort of power toll that I can’t hear myself over, but whatever, I’m actually figuring out Dominant, the high notes are still all either flat or sharp, and that section’s timing needs help, but the rest of it I got very nearly correct.

…that really doesn’t sound like “getting the hang of it” does it? I’m trying to play this, so anything resembling getting it right is a start, I’ve got the first ~1 and last ~1:30 nearly down, and considering it’s under 4 min that’s more than half! And my fingers, neck, wrist, and most other joints from the waist up, hate me for it *sigh*

12 years ago

Well, this is pretty hilarious.

TIL that men’s shirt buttons are the right and women’s are on the left because typically men dressed themselves whereas women were dressed by servants (who could more easily button from their right).

Article linked to actually says,

Mens’ buttons are on the right side because men have always tended to dress themselves and most men (and women, for that matter) are right-handed.

Womens’ buttons are on the left side because years ago (say, during the Victorian Era), the women that could afford fancy clothing with a bunch of buttons would rely on maids to help dress them. So, if a servant (most of whom, naturally, would be right-handed) is going to routinely buttoning up a shirt/dress for someone else, that servant is going to prefer to have the buttons on their right side (which would be the left side of the garment).

Emphasis provided because MRAs are extra dumb. Seriously. It says right in the article!!!

12 years ago

@Argenti Aertheri
Sounds like there’s two violin parts at the same time. Good luck with that. I’ve never had an ear for music.

“It says right in the article!!!”
Facts are inconvenient for MRAs.

12 years ago

“Or (kindest interpretation) spins out a bit about getting hair of any sort in his mouth.”

@kitteh, that made me think of my kid screaming in anguish while bathing at 3-y-o. I went running in and he had his hand out with a look of horror “MOM!! HAIR!!!!!”

One hair he couldn’t get off his hand….


Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

atomicgrizzly — there’s a violin and a cello, I think.

Incoming epically long post regarding those lead paint articles, I’m going to have to review the second one after dinner, but the one I did is convincing enough that I’m not going bother nagging the not-an-ex about the paywall (perks of knowing grad students!)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Understanding international crime trends: The legacy of preschool lead exposure
Rick Nevin
National Center for Healthy Housing, USA
Received 12 August 2006; received in revised form 20 February 2007; accepted 23 February 2007 Available online 23 April 2007

“Stretesky and Lynch (2001) found USA counties with high 1990 air lead, mostly from industrial emissions, had 1989–1991 murder rates four times higher than counties with low air lead, after controlling for nine air pollutants and six sociological factors.”

“Nevin (2000) found 1941–1975 gasoline lead use explained 90% of the 1964–1998 variation in USA violent crime. The best statistical-fit lag of 23-years is consistent with neural damage in infancy and peak ages of violent offending. Nevin showed a best-fit lag of 18 years for gasoline lead versus 1960–1998 murders, and 21 years for per capita paint lead use versus 1900–1959 murders. The difference in best-fit murder lags is consistent with when paint and gas lead most affected preschool lead exposure.”

“National trends in average blood lead and the use of lead in gasoline were highly correlated, with median R2 of 0.94 in Greece, Spain, South Africa, Venezuela, Belgium, Sweden, Mexico, Finland, Canada, New Zealand, Italy, Switzerland, Britain and the USA (Thomas et al., 1999).”

…correlations range from a perfect inverse correlation (-1) to a perfect correlation (1)…0.94 is about as clear a correlation as you can get (caveat — correlation is still not causation, but I just said holy shit aloud at that)

The N values aren’t impressively high, but they aren’t impressively low either, considering the nature of the data, there are probably enough data points for this to be representative.

“Table 5 shows blood lead with an 18-year lag is significant in the combined nation murder regression and Britain, but Canada has a shorter best-fit and average (N 1⁄4 209) and unemployment is insignificant (N 1⁄4 178). The preschool blood lead is not significant in murder regressions best-fit time lag is 18–19 years for the USA, New Zealand, for Australia or West Germany.”

“Average black lead exposure might have changed little from the mid-1960s to the early-1970s as declining lead paint hazards offset the rise in ambient air lead, but severe poisoning prevalence likely rose among black children living near urban high- ways. A stronger association between severe lead poisoning and violence is also consistent with racial differences in late-1970s blood lead and early-1990s juvenile arrest rates. Average 1976–1980 blood lead for black children ages 6–36 months was 50% above the average for white children, but blacks were six times more likely to have blood lead of 30–39 mcg/dL and eight times more likely to be over 40mcg/dL. Those children were juveniles when the 1990–1994 black juvenile burglary arrest rate was 60% higher than the white rate, but the black juvenile violent crime arrest rate was five times higher and the black juvenile murder rate was eight times higher.”

That’s one hell of a correlation.

“It is striking that preschool blood lead is highly significant at best-fit lags consistent with peak offending ages for each crime category.”

…yes, yes it is.

“Changes in R2 when unemployment is added are also consistent with other evidence that unemployment has a substantively small effect on property crime (burglary and most index crime) and no clear relationship with violence.”

Shove it MRAs.

“Needleman et al. (2003) found that social factors, including race and single-parents, raised delinquency risk for youths with lower bone lead. Preschool lead exposure is highly correlated with social factors because poor children are more likely to live in older housing with deteriorated paint, and black children were concentrated in cities with higher air lead. Social factors could constitute independent offending risks for those with no preschool lead exposure, and/or interact with lead exposure to increase offending risk, but temporal trends suggest any independent social factor effect is small relative to the lead effect.”

No really, shove it.

“Social trends cannot explain why the 1990s homicide decline was so pronounced among juvenile offenders, and especially black juveniles, but blood lead trends can.”

Which explains why looking for social trends has been an um, murky endeavor.

“Further research is needed to specify the mechanisms by which blood lead affects behavior, and how blood lead interacts with other risk factors, but policy implications of this study and related research are clear: The association between crime and preschool blood lead should lend urgency to global efforts to eliminate preschool lead exposure.”

That’s about as “we are sure of this” as you can get and still be published (peer review frowns on hubris, and with good reason)

12 years ago

“I would disagree that he has been ‘overlooked’ as is suggested”

The sense I was getting was that he released his statement when he was ready, which, considering, could take someone who’d experienced such a horror some time.

12 years ago

I had a conversation with a guy once and cited many sources including the *(#*($ US census. He cited almost all MRM folks. Then he had to the gall to call my sources biased.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

LOL heathenbee!

Makes me wonder if your son was channelling my mum. She gets very thing about hair. I have long, strong hair (strong enough to embroider with) and it grows very fast, so naturally sheds a lot as well. You would think I was losing it AT her the way she reacts to seeing a hair lying anywhere. I suspect she’s had a bit of a long-hair phobia all her life, ’cause her mother made her keep it in long plaits and she didn’t get to cut it short till she left school (this is in the late 1940s).

12 years ago

Well, right-wingers did randomly decide the 2010 census was unconstitutional…

12 years ago

Completely off topic but here’s a video of series 5 & 6 of Doctor Who reimagined as a 16-bit RPG which I thought some of you might like. I squeed quite a bit:

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Well, right-wingers did randomly decide the 2010 census was unconstitutional…

I know and I’m laughing at it all over again. Why take a stance that proves you’ve never read the thing? It’s like being trolled by pell, but it was a (too big to be just funny) group of Republicans!

12 years ago

@nat, click to see a great idea for a tardis!

12 years ago

OT but live kittehs are awake (well, some of them)

12 years ago

ZOMG Freitag that is so awesome!

I’ve been meaning to save up for this Doctor Who hoodie for ages now but never seem to have $40 spare before another blooming bill needs paying >:(

12 years ago

Didn’t embed. Ass.

12 years ago

That is a great hoodie! My niece has a birthday next month and now I know what to get her.


Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Since my last comment was silly long, I’ll keep this one short.

“Multiple regression analysis was used to assess the relationship between changes in gasoline lead exposure and changes in violent crimes per 100,000 population, based on the crime rates for murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, and all violent crime reported in each year from 1960 through 1998 (US Department of Justice).”

“Temporal trends in IQ, violent crime, and unwed pregnancy show a striking association with changes in blood lead levels and gasoline lead exposure for very young children. The trends in IQ also suggest that the IQ to blood lead slope increases at lower blood lead levels. Although crime and unwed pregnancy rates are obviously affected by a variety of factors, temporal trends in lead exposure appear to be a significant factor associated with subsequent trends in these undesirable social behaviors.”

Yeah, correlation is not causation, but overwhelming correlation sure as shit implies causation. And it’d be damned unethical to test this theory (intentionally expose infants to lead?!)

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