antifeminism MRA oppressed men rape reddit sex

Orgasms, away?

Fellas! Better hold on to yourselves, because I’ve got some terrible news for you.

Actually, you’d better NOT hold on to yourselves. Because this is the news, straight from that always 100% reliable news source, the Men’s Rights subreddit:


I wonder if manginal orgasms are still allowed?

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12 years ago


You’re exactly right — the context in which Dworkin made that statement always gets stripped away when these guys spit it out. Dworkin made it explicitly clear what she was saying — that in a culture in which sex is seen as something that a man TAKES from a woman, something that the woman is meant to protect and defend against, and something that the woman definitely is not to enjoy, that meaningful consent on the part of the woman is problematic by definition.

I don’t believe that the term enthusiastic consent was around when Dworkin was writing, but that term certainly comes into play here.

12 years ago

Awesomely, unclean rhymes with hygiene (as does pristine)

Fascinating… (strokes beard) I have been experimenting with poetry. THIS IS A PUZZLE THAT DEMANDS AN ANSWER.

12 years ago

Also, men have pubic hair too. They are not usually expected to trim or remove it for the comfort of their partner..

I’m noticing more and more that it’s becoming standard for men to groom down there, too. Depends on what age we’re talking about. Personally, I was never down with the completely bare look for myself so I only buzz it a bit with an electric razor. I find it less itchy that way and there’s no razor burn. TMI, sorry.

12 years ago

It’s definitely becoming more common, but they’re still not expected to do it. If a guy decided that he just wasn’t going to do any personal landscaping and announced his refusal to do so, he wouldn’t get people whining at him about his lack of hygiene and how he had made it impossible to give him oral.

12 years ago

This is entirely true. More of them are doing it, but there still isn’t this cultural shaming of them if they choose not to do it. And younger guys tend to be the ones who freak out if the woman isn’t completely bare. Pornification of sex, dude.

12 years ago

Online you can use it as a way to tell someone’s age, most of the time. It’s a tell – if a guy says something like “it’s impossible to give a woman oral if she has pubic hair” then he’s a. young and b. probably never been in a serious or long-term relationship, given that even women who go totally bald aren’t usually like that 100% of the time.

12 years ago

They need to watch Debbie Does Dallas and see some real bush.

12 years ago

Also in this case c., a troll who’s not really on speaking terms with the concept of sincerity. But you do see really young guys say things like that. It’s hard not to go directly to mockery when they do.

(If they’re trolls or being assholes in other ways then hey, let the mocking commence.)

12 years ago

Present for Argenti that I just ran across, since zie loves sea creatures. They filmed this at 2,000 feet.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Can a giant squid be pretty? They move in weird ways that shouldn’t be possible, like Cthulhu minions or something. Also mariner tales of tentacled monsters that could sink ship? Maybe not as made of fancy and myth as we thought…they do seem to attack whales…

12 years ago

In the UK pornography featuring bestiality and excessive violence (I believed defined as anything which would lead to genital or breast mutilation or has a strong chance of death) is illegal. I know this law was very controversial when introduced and not sure how many normal BDSM activities are covered by it.

I don’t know about US law but people can’t give meaningful consent to GBH (grievous bodily harm) etc. This can be prosecuted even against the “victim’s” will I believe.

Of course this being the stuff abony was talking about would suggest he feels the only thing men find attractive is women suffering or under age girls/boys. (Causing (with consent) minor injuries that don’t last long is legal in porn and probably impossible to prosecute in real life as far as I know)

12 years ago

Abnoy, do you mean rape?

12 years ago

Can I ask if anyone has seen this? Threcent gang rape/torture/murder in India being used to highlight misandry in India.

Cool. :/

12 years ago

Abnoy is just spouting off the same nonsensical shit that many MRAs do. They make vague references to the “criminalization of male sexuality” but when stick their fingers in their ears and go “lalalalalalalalalalala” when asked to clarify and get specific about what exact behaviors are being criminalized.

12 years ago

I think they’re pissed because no one is talking about her dude friend, but he wasn’t the one who was [OH MY GOD HOW ARE HUMAN BEINGS THAT VIOLENT I QUIT MY SPECIES].

To which I reply: he was only attacked for being with a woman. If he was alone he would not have been attacked. If she was alone, she still would have been. He’s just collateral damage, not the actual target.

12 years ago

“Also mariner tales of tentacled monsters that could sink ship? Maybe not as made of fancy and myth as we thought…they do seem to attack whales…”

There’s a running joke with my Nordic family that the Kraken is a vegetarian, and only eats wood.


12 years ago

Yes Moonz. That’s not to detract from the absolute horror of what he went through and witnessed (in fact I have read quite a bit about his ordeal, so I would disagree that he has been ‘overlooked’ as is suggested).

It’s just… well, she was [can I please quit with you and just find a little island somewhere where there are loads of happy sloths to cuddle?], And he was knocked out so that they could do what they did.

There’s no twisting it. He’s not feeling ‘left out’, so why are they?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

The kraken is a panaque?

12 years ago

Well, I can sort of see alphabetpal’s logic. If you a the kind of man who would only orgasm in the course of doing things to a woman’s body if she gives you permission, you are a mangina. Since it is now illegal to do things to a woman’s body without her permission, it follows that only manginas are allowed orgasms. At least in the vicinity of another person.

12 years ago

In the UK pornography featuring bestiality and excessive violence (I believed defined as anything which would lead to genital or breast mutilation or has a strong chance of death) is illegal.

And of course anything involving unsimulated sex with children, which has been illegal for decades.

In those three categories, even possession is illegal (which as far as I’m aware includes JPEGs and MPEGs on hard drives – this is certainly the case with child porn), though the legislation involving bestiality and violence is comparatively new so it hasn’t been tested much in court.

But with most other pornography, possession in the UK is fine, although supply can be proscribed in certain circumstances. For instance, openly pornographic videos (as opposed to Serious Art Movies that just happen to contain graphic, sometimes actual sex scenes) can only be sold in licensed sex shops, and can’t be sent via mail order from within the UK.

12 years ago

“Well, I can sort of see alphabetpal’s logic. If you a the kind of man who would only orgasm in the course of doing things to a woman’s body if she gives you permission, you are a mangina. Since it is now illegal to do things to a woman’s body without her permission, it follows that only manginas are allowed orgasms. At least in the vicinity of another person.”

Of course, because Feminazis have made all heterosexual sex (that’s not consensual) illegal! It’s a travesty!

I love this little article though. It shows just how far down the rabbit hole MRAs can go. Now some of them are insisting that feminism is part of the military-industrial complex and that their plan is to strengthen our military through refusal of orgasms. Brilliant!

12 years ago

“? Illegal = against the law, banned = requires legislation or regulation, so how can something be illegally banned by a government? Logic, you fail at it.”

I think a possible interpretation could be that something has been banned by a law and the speaker thinks that the law is unconstitional, or that it has been banned by regulation, which the speaker think in conflict with laws passed.

12 years ago

“? Illegal = against the law, banned = requires legislation or regulation, so how can something be illegally banned by a government? Logic, you fail at it.”

“Legally banned” is redundantly redundant.

When you think about it, the sexual shit that’s illegal is pretty damn horrible stuff. Apparently you’re a mangina according to abnoy if you’re turned on by anything other than

Child porn/sex
bestiality (not illegal in every state)
rape/rape porn
extreme violence

12 years ago

“Now some of them are insisting that feminism is part of the military-industrial complex”

Feminists are the only people I know who use the phrase military-industrial complex, and they are all definitely about dismantling it because it’s stupid.

12 years ago

I left out child porn because I assumed that Abony might have a shred of human decency and at least admit children don’t have agency.

The India article reminds me that for the MRA every culture is going to be too feminist.

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