antifeminism MRA oppressed men rape reddit sex

Orgasms, away?

Fellas! Better hold on to yourselves, because I’ve got some terrible news for you.

Actually, you’d better NOT hold on to yourselves. Because this is the news, straight from that always 100% reliable news source, the Men’s Rights subreddit:


I wonder if manginal orgasms are still allowed?

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12 years ago

“Oh, and did you know a live show of Pube Terror is being staged?


I should write some lyrics, but gosh, nothing rhymes with the word “hygiene.”

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

@Shiraz: lien, hair screen.


12 years ago

“my jeans” or “my genes”

12 years ago


“thy dream”

and so on.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Awesomely, unclean rhymes with hygiene (as does pristine)

12 years ago

Has anyone actually, seriously argued that heterosexual sex is rape? I mean, I keep seeing this meme, but I never see a goddamn SOURCE.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

Technically, it comes from Dworkin, but it is a misreading. Basically (and feel free to elaborate/correct me as this is second-hand), the heteronormative script and accompanying baggage is a script for rape. The patriarchy cannot distinguish between consent and rape. Not that actual heterosexual sex that actual people have is rape.

12 years ago

Okay. Because in some ways, it sounds like something so absurd I’d see it on tumblr. (They seem the types to go from, “sex with power differentials is something to think about,” to “heterosexual sex is RAPE!”) Only I saw the meme pre-tumblr.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

It certainly is like playing a game of telephone with feminist theory.

Although, for all I know, one misogynist misread it, it spread, and now they all believe it with no idea why.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Has anyone actually, seriously argued that heterosexual sex is rape? I mean, I keep seeing this meme, but I never see a goddamn SOURCE.

Elam, Paul. My Ass. Houston: Gaseous Emissions, 2009. Print.

Page 229. In Modern Ragebeard Association format for convenience.

12 years ago

Argenti, lowquacks, kiwi girl: Thank you. My mind is reeling…

12 years ago

Really, anything ending in “-ine” or similar will rhyme properly – even Pierre’s kitty Poutine! For the “feminine” (no idea why it’s called that) rhyme used in doggerel and show-offy hip-hop and that it’d need to be two words AFAIK is all.

12 years ago

Yeah, or undine, Florentine, Byzantine….

Aww, the hell with it. I’ll create a sculpture instead.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

*sigh* the source link —


12 years ago

Wouldn’t sexually frustrated soldiers be more likely to get distracted and make mistakes?

Or to end the war so they can go home and get laid.

12 years ago

On the idea that sexually frustrated men make good soldiers…they really do think that war is a video game, don’t they? So they picture themselves sitting there mashing all the buttons in rage and killing all of the things, and assume it must work that way in real life too.

Also, I hate to be an evil feminist and point this out, but decent human beings don’t respond to sexual frustration by wanting to go out and kill people.

12 years ago

Well, what the MRM says does make sense from this male’s POV. It seems that ever more of what turns us on (straight non-mangina males) nowadays is legally banned by governments at worst and noisily harangued by feminists at best.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

So you’re admitting you’re turned on by hurting other people, then? Or coercing them? Not by the prospect of mutual, consenting pleasure?

12 years ago

All porn is banned everywhere! This is totally a thing that has actually happened.

12 years ago

I am seriously annoyed every time someone is like, “Hair in mouth is gross! Must shave for oral!”

Dude, there are A LOT of things about sex that are gross. You get sweaty and slimy and you get saliva on each other and your parts are secreting all these bodily fluids. And besides, sometimes there are all these awkward transitions or somebody farts or sneezes or puts their weight on you the wrong way or pokes you in a sensitive (in the bad way) spot. That shit just happens! And we all take it in stride, because it’s all part of the fun, but oh noes having to fish a hair out of your mouth after making your partner come is just beyond the pale awful?

Get over it!

12 years ago

Also, men have pubic hair too. They are not usually expected to trim or remove it for the comfort of their partner..

12 years ago

Hey abnoy, let’s see some examples of things that everyday men are turned on by and are banned by governments. And some other examples of things that everyday men are turned on by that are noisily harangued by feminists (not of the straw or marginalized radfem variety, thanks).

12 years ago

I know right? I get hair in my mouth too, fellas! And you know what? I don’t care.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

A gift for ABNOY, marginally work safe (decapitated nazi and jiggling boobs) —

Decapitating zombie nazis well makes up for the contradiction of jumping upside and not having boobs fall out (gravity, it’s a thing)