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Orgasms, away?

Fellas! Better hold on to yourselves, because I’ve got some terrible news for you.

Actually, you’d better NOT hold on to yourselves. Because this is the news, straight from that always 100% reliable news source, the Men’s Rights subreddit:


I wonder if manginal orgasms are still allowed?

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Shiny black kitty with Secret Identity, too. He’s really Michael Schumacher.

12 years ago

Mmm, snuggles. Cats are fucking annoying on the bed but also the best. My big black boy (as opposed to my series of smaller black boys) just stretches out right down my torso and looks blissful while I rub him tummy. 3/4 of his litter have incredibly quiet but rumbly purrs. <3

lol @ the sneakret identity! He is very sneaky. And getting urine can massively suck! Cats are stubborn and some of them are virtually impossible to get a needle into (fatness + tenseness = not happening).

12 years ago

I am hovering over kitty but so far no luck. She does keep trying to pee, poor thing. Just gave her meds via oral syringe, that was fun. Will be even more fun tomorrow after the kitty morphine has worn off.

12 years ago

🙁 She is passing some urine, right?

12 years ago

She peed a tiny amount a few hours ago, which had traces of blood in it. Don’t think she’s been able to go since. The vet said her bladder was completely empty. They gave her some fluids and she just ate so hopefully that will help.

12 years ago

Cassandra: does she eat dry or wet food? We dissolve Lil’s pills in the syringe and squirt that on her wet food. She never caught on.

12 years ago

OK, good. I’m sure you know this but if you don’t, cats can get a complete blockage of the urethra, which is fatal and needs to be addressed immediately. It’s very common in male cats and very uncommon in female cats due to the difference in urethra size.

Because she’s in renal failure I don’t think they would have been able to give you NSAIDs – what oral meds is she on? If she was empty a few hours ago I wouldn’t panic yet, but straining with *nothing* coming out constitutes a medical emergency. I’d be keeping a very close eye on her!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Cassandra, that’s just what happened with Fribs – she was going and going every few minutes, but had emptied out. Turned out to be just what hrovitnir said, urethral irritation (not blockage in F’s case). The vet gave her a couple of antibiotic/antiinflammatory shots that cleared it up, but I don’t know if that sort of thing could work when your kitty has renal failure.

12 years ago

Oh, no, this is a different cat. She’s only 2, no renal problems. They gave her subcutaneous fluids at the vet, and sent me home with an oral NSAID.

She usually gets wet food during the day and then I leave dry food out at night in case she gets hungry while I’m asleep. She also drinks water. Putting meds in her food won’t work though, she’s too picky.

She’s acting totally normal other than the frequent trips to the litter box, wants to play with the laser pointer.

12 years ago

Ah good. Still, keep an eye on her, because it can happen! It’s amazing how cheerful and normal they can be when they must hurt *so much*. O_o

12 years ago

I’m a bit concerned that they didn’t give her an antibiotic, but the vet thinks it’s not a bacterial infection. She didn’t really do a great job of explaining since they fit me in between clients.

Some Gal Not Bored at All


Poor kitty. Have fun with the laser pointer!

We had to retire our laser pointer because our cat caught on that we were doing it and so she just sits and watches the movement or attacks our hands. :/

12 years ago

Oh and if you’re giving her Metacam/meloxicam she may eat it in food, it’s honey flavoured and most cats like it (most cats don’t mind it straight in the mouth OTOH). Give with a small qty of wet food to be sure she gets it all. Also, lots of wet food for her right now!

Basically cystitis is a combination of urethral irritation, which happens though the lining getting thin, much like getting an ulcer in your stomach and usually linked to stress of one sort or another, which you can help if it’s an ongoing issue with glucosamine supplements, and a build up of struvite crystals. Crystals are helped by acidifying food (there’s actually another type of crystal that breaks down in alkaline food, very helpful, but not so common) and lots of liquid. Straight up more wet food can help prevent cystitis, basically.

12 years ago

Last point before I leave work (yay!): it’s very infrequently bacterial in cats unless they are elderly. They’ll be able to confirm that with the urine sample though. 😀

12 years ago

Wait, meloxin is metacam? When I was researching renal failure that drug came up all the time as potentially very dangerous, some people said it had sent their cats into renal failure. Why are they giving me that? Isn’t there a safer alternative?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

That’s curious about the stress – stomach ulcers in humans have been shown to be caused by bacteria (I think) – something physical, anyway, not stress-related.

12 years ago

So I was going to be good and stay off mbz tonight, but then a friend sent me this and I had to share because SO CUTE.

12 years ago

Re: cats on the bed

True story, my cat once punched my mom in the face because my mom had the audacity to try and sleep on her own pillow.

12 years ago

Cassandra: The best client I ever had at the vet I worked for had a conyer, which was ill (lead poisoning, when all was said and done, recovered splendidly) who had a coworker spot the lab bills (about $600) and sound off in shock and amazement, the more so when said coworker found out that was diagnostic labs, not a cure.

To which the client said, “what… in 12 years this is the only real bill, and it’s cheaper than sending a kid to college”.

The horrible aspect, she worked at a regional zoo, and so (of course) did the coworker.

I still have a lovely pin she gave me.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Punched? I nearly got clawed in the eye for that one night! Disdainful kitteh really likes my pillow!

Hey DKM, you know what I did? I’m sure you’ll think it was way too kind and kitteh should’ve been killed for daring totry face scratching. I moved the damned pillow, which got her off it real quick!

12 years ago

Awww, I hope the poor kitty gets better!

12 years ago

I believe I remember hearing about the bacteria with ulcers… I’m pretty sure it’s still “bacteria overgrow when you’re stressed and your immune system goes to shit”. Dunno about that though.

I’m confident putting cystitis down to stress since the amount of blocked cats quadruples in summer when entire cats are mating, cats are out longer and there are more of them out, there’s more fighting, and humans are going away/doing things… ie: the most stressful time.

What’d you do at the vet, pecunium? It’s so frustrating the way people are unwilling to spend money on diagnostics or think it’s not worthwhile if they find nothing. How do you think medicine works?? I’m disgusted but not surprised they worked at a zoo. *judging*

Cassandra: it probably is meloxicam, and yes it is linked to renal failure. There is one guy in our area who doesn’t use it pretty much at all, but that is based on personal opinion. It *should* be extremely safe in cats that have currently fully functional kidneys. Basically NSAIDs are avoided in older cats, or you test their kidneys first. Not really an issue for dogs, don’t know about other species.

12 years ago

“sex must be a terrible and horrible and humiliating thing used to subjugate people”, I have that visceral reaction of rage and disgust, but under that I feel so much… just… sorrow.

Yes. Sorrow. It really is a bit sad.

I simply can’t imagine one of these people collapsing in gales of laughter when the whole sexually involved assemblage starts to collapse off the bed/ table/ sofa because a vital foot/ hand/ knee slipped from its support. Or an interrupting ouch! because someone got too close to the fire or one of the kids’ lego/ toy things was left in the wrong place. Sex can be sublime. But it’s also a lot of fun.

These people seem to see sex in some mirror-image of the grimly intent purpose of some of the worst religious marriage advice. Still grimly intent and certainly no fun or laughter, just … I dunno.

12 years ago


Is there any safer alternative that will do the same thing? I’d really rather not take the risk since I already watched one cat go through renal failure.

She is peeing a little by the way. (I use the pine litter so it’s easy to see) Out of the times she’s gone since we got back from the vet only once was there a trace of blood (pinkness). Also eating well.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

That’s good news, Cassandra. Fingers crossed it clears up.

I had a bit of a sad this afternoon because kitties, so Mr K brought Katie and Thomas to say hello when we left work. Tomtom stayed long enough to do a head-butt and allow (reluctantly) a brief cuddle – his attitude hasn’t changed at all! Katie hung around long for shoulder rides (I cold almost feel those little claws, ow ow ow) and to sit on Mr K’s lap on the tram/train. He said she was expecting a reward for all this once they got Home. 🙂

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