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Orgasms, away?

Fellas! Better hold on to yourselves, because I’ve got some terrible news for you.

Actually, you’d better NOT hold on to yourselves. Because this is the news, straight from that always 100% reliable news source, the Men’s Rights subreddit:


I wonder if manginal orgasms are still allowed?

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Some Gal Not Bored at All


When my cat does that, I tell her it is not very ladylike. She doesn’t seem to care. πŸ™‚

Some Gal Not Bored at All

@The Kittehs’

I copy-pastednand it worked, but redirected me to mobile.

12 years ago
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Thanks, Some Gal, that worked. πŸ™‚

First time I ever saw a pic of a kitty sitting like that was in a Life magazine in the 1960s. It was called Cool Coffeehouse Cat and was a tuxedo kitty sitting against a wall with (I think) a jukebox in the background.

12 years ago

My friend Sunshine used to sit like that all the time. The kids have a kajillion pics of him in that pose cuz, yanno simply irresistible.

12 years ago

I like the idea of calling chickens β€œBAWK”. It took me ages to be comfortable with chickens, the weird noises they make and that way of looking at you. lol

It’s because they can remember the world the way it was, and the way they dream that it will one day be again.

12 years ago

O_O Did you intend to make them more scary? I think you did! πŸ˜›

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

It’s because they can remember the world the way it was, and the way they dream that it will one day be again.

They know they used to be dinosaurs …

12 years ago

My old cat came to join me in California as soon as I had a place to live. The number of people who expressed amazement at that or asked why I didn’t just give him away…and then when he got renal failure people were amazed again that I didn’t just have him put down…

There should be some sort of a test before people are allowed to have pets. Also, the vet who broke the news of his renal failure by saying “well, he’s 17 (shrugs), you should probably think about having him put down”. He lived another 3 years, and in the end it was cancer that got him, we had the renal problem under control.

(Also, just came back from the vet. Kitty has been having problems peeing today, vet wasn’t able to get a urine sample so back we go tomorrow unless I can get one tonight.

12 years ago

Some USian civil rights leader, maybe Bayard Rustin, hated chickens with a passion.

They know they used to be dinosaurs …

… and they picture us fleeing in terror before them.

12 years ago

I hope your kitty’s okay, CassandraSays. πŸ™

12 years ago

Eugh, Cassandra, that vet. >:( You do get used to people making that calculation but christ, try doing your job properly and having some empathy. Grrr. You’re a good cat mum! <3

Kinda going back a ways but this Look at my Fucking Red Trousers page is cracking me up. I never knew that was a *thing*! But look at them all! rotfl

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Cassandra – oy, vets like that get my back up. We’ve been lucky in the last two places we lived, all but one of the vets (and he was a very new vet with NO bedside manner and lousy diagnostic skills) have been terrific. Our current clinic offers six-monthly checkups for elderly pets specifically to catch things like renal failure early. Fribs has been there a lot lately. She has hyperthyroidism so had to have a blood test for that, then a follow-up to see how she was responding to her meds, then she got a bladder infection and had to have a urine test (same thing, they had trouble getting urine from her) and then another blood test to see her heart and liver function were okay, because trouble there can be masked by the hyperthyroidism. She’s 17ish too, and there’s been NO suggestion that we should just put her down.

12 years ago

Hope your kitty’s okay, Cassandra!

12 years ago

Erg, that video was a bit alarming Falconer. (a) Hard to really tell but that set up doesn’t seem ideal! (b) I hate it when people are like “tee hee, they’re gonna fight”. Er yeah, they could seriously injure one another. (c) Leave the baby alone, jerky Emus!!!

Glad you have a good vet Kitteh! Some of them straight up suck, and more of them are not bad but lose their perspective so badly they’re almost worse. :/

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

ROFL to that video, Falconer! Go the joey!

12 years ago

RE The world’s least empathic vet, she was so awful. I kept asking her if there was anything we could do and finally she was all, well I guess if you’re really determined to try but there’s probably no point. So then she mentioned an emergency pet hospital and I went “yes, we’re going there” and she was still all “well if you really insist I guess I could write you a referral”. And then we got to the emergency hospital and they were realistic but perfectly reasonable and noting the fact that kitty had rallied a bit after getting some fluids.

I will never go back to that vet, or her practice.

12 years ago

Grrrrr, that is absolutely shocking. Oo, that makes me so angry.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Hrovitinir – I have no sound here so don’t know if the people were saying jerky things, but it didn’t seem from the visuals that a there would be a serious fight. The emus seemed as much scared of the joey-on-springs as anything, and s/he didn’t seem scared of them.

Yeah, all our vets in the last 20 years have been really good, except that one twit. He thought you talk to frightened cats like they’re great big bouncy dogs – whistling, clapping hands and so on. Katie was climbing the walls with him and she wasn’t like that with the others. Climbing all over their computers, yes, but not the walls. He also managed to misdiagnose a bitten tail. She’d been bitten into the bone and he was sure she just had inflammation, and didn’t examine her properly. She ended up having a third of her lovely whiplash tail amputated because the bone got infected. I don’t know if finding the real problem earlier would have made a difference, but I wasn’t impressed that his inexperience/incompetence (and boy did he come across as Mr Just Out Of Uni Knows It All) lost whatever chance there might have been.

I made a point of telling the practice I would NOT allow him to touch any of my cats ever again, after that.

12 years ago

My kitty is getting up there in age and I know I am absolutely going to lose my shit when we lose her πŸ™

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Bloody hell, Cassandra! Why was she a vet at all if that was her attitude?

12 years ago

Eh, they weren’t saying anything too jerky, but I have a massive sore point on people doing dumb shit with animals – like the people watching and laughing while their cat scared off a bear. They had an opportunity to extract it from the situation but didn’t, and didn’t seem to think maybe the bear could eat their cat??

I would probably still video but be concerned and ready to intervene if needed. The giggling about how funny it is gets on my nerves. Yeah, I’m a kill joy like that. πŸ˜›

My sympathies for everyone with old or sickly cats! My oldest cat of unknown age has a heart murmur but is otherwise well… I just block out the fact he’s old. :/

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Do cats get functional heart murmers (as in, not an indication of a problem) like humans do?

12 years ago

Oh, and:

Yeah, all our vets in the last 20 years have been really good, except that one twit. He thought you talk to frightened cats like they’re great big bouncy dogs – whistling, clapping hands and so on.

*face-palm* I can just imagine it. Some vets just aren’t cat people.

Also re: vets, we had a vet who was actually very very good and successfully pretended she cared but actually only liked dogs and horses. Would talking about just killing cats because eugh, they’re cats. She’s fucking weird.

And the vet who did our nursing block courses said that in her experience a lot of people who do well in school are expected to get into medicine. Apply for human and animal and do what they get into. So not necessarily into animals at all! I’d say that’s getting less common, but it makes sense.

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