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Orgasms, away?

Fellas! Better hold on to yourselves, because I’ve got some terrible news for you.

Actually, you’d better NOT hold on to yourselves. Because this is the news, straight from that always 100% reliable news source, the Men’s Rights subreddit:


I wonder if manginal orgasms are still allowed?

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12 years ago

Nope. I suspect “chook” comes from the noise chickens make. In the USA, chickens go “bawk.” I don’t know of a nickname for chickens over here. My family just called them rooster, hen, pullet.

In the Myst video games, there’s a world called D’ni. It’s generally pronounced “dunny.” Must have made the Aussies laugh.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

What horrible things to do. Some people deserve all the curses in this thread.

12 years ago

That was a terrible thing that happened, Kittehs’, and I’m sorry that person made you go through it. On the bright side, you did get a couple of good friends!

12 years ago

At first I was like, huh.

And then I was like, ewwwwww.


Just the effect I was after.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

That was at The Kittehs’ and thenatfantastic’s stories.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Yeah, I’d be “Welcome to karma!” more than anything else (yeah I know that’s not what karma’s about, more like Discworld karma).

This is Fribbie doing her Bucket Queen act when she was a youngster.

This is Katie giving the stink-eye to the world in general and the catarazzi in particular.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

Sorry, that was hrovitnir. (I am all distracted by my new gravatar that I finally went and set up. Sorry again.)

12 years ago

thebewilderness, taking a cat to the shelter if it’s not microchipped or wearing a collar is logical, but that would be scary! Here the law is you have to hang onto an animal for 10 days and adequately search for the owner so people bring cats to the SPCA, we advertise them, and if someone rings up we get them to describe them and if they come in and say it’s their cat we believe them! I was always so happy when that happened.

Would be different if they were like “oh, yes, THAT ONE is mine. The white one with blue eyes? Hi Bob – yeah we know she’s a girl. *shifty*” (People are obsessed with white cats, it’s weird.)

I like the idea of calling chickens “BAWK”. It took me ages to be comfortable with chickens, the weird noises they make and that way of looking at you. lol

Some Gal Not Bored at All

@ The Kittehs’
That is a beautiful picture of Katie. What an awesome cat. And the bucket pic is so funny. Did she get in the bucket like that by herself?

12 years ago

I love your pictures Kitteh! Can Fribbie get out of the bucket without falling over??

I also like that you clarified the use of the word “karma”. Oo, it’s abuse buuuurns. πŸ˜›

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Some Gal – yup, Fribs got in by herself, and kept up the bucket thing for years! She only gave it up when she got a little bit big to fit in. I don’t know if she’d do it now if that bucket (it’s just a waste-paper basket) was put down next to her. I should try it. πŸ˜‰

Awesome is just how Katie would describe herself, lol! Small cat – I think she might have some Oriental ancestry, going by her build and her voice (oh gods that voice!) and general attitude. Very strong for her size, too. Vets across Melbourne still remember her. πŸ˜›

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Yes, Fribs could get in and out of the bucket with no trouble! πŸ˜€

Some Gal Not Bored at All

@The Kitteh’s
Cats are so funny about tight spaces. My friend and I once watched her cat try to get in a box half her size for at least 15 minutes. Finally, she got her front half in and went to sleep, oblivious to the back half of the hanging out on the table. πŸ™‚

(Her cat looks almost exactly like mine, but is smaller so visiting each other is a bit surreal.)

12 years ago

That is impressive! You should definitely try tempting her with a bucket. With a camera. πŸ˜€

We used to have a wee Oriental that stayed in our cattery I nicknamed Skeletor (her name was Coco, pah). She was 2.5kg if that (5.5 lbs), blue, zero body fat and SO NOISY OMFG. We have Burmese and Siamese and Ocicats and they’re noisy but Skeletor actually was too much for me. I mean CONSTANT screeches like she’s miserable. Sounds angry if you get near her. Desperately wants attention but not sure she wants YOUR attention. Once she’s used to you actually wants pats but still sounds evil. Strange wee thing: I still liked her, I just wouldn’t want to live with her. O_O

12 years ago

But emus are cute…

12 years ago

Cute but terrifying. Maybe that’s just me. They’re freaking cool but they alarm me. We used to walk our dog past a zoo fence the emus could get to, he’d get all puffed and and starey, they were so unconcerned, just made that weird noise. I think the emus would win.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

If we are talking cats and small boxes, we can’t forget Maru!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

“Oh, emus, I hate those fuckin’ things. They’re always trying to steal your sandwiches or root your leg.” – staff member of the Koorie Heritage Trust, c. 1995. πŸ˜‰

12 years ago

I sent the blogger an email. His sister is the same age as TinyFantastic. I think I am going to phone her tomorrow.

12 years ago

Maru is the best! I’m glad you mentioned the young girl again thenatfantastic, my terrible memory had already eaten that. I’ll try and make her something cool now!

12 years ago

I sent the blogger an email. His sister is the same age as TinyFantastic. I think I am going to phone her tomorrow.

Thanks-I wish I could draw but since I could not, the best next thing is to ask people who can!

12 years ago

(To be clear I meant ‘her’ as TinyFantastic)

In the email I asked what she likes, I am going to get BoyFantastic to help me make something tomorrow, but I don’t know what.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Cassandra’s lack of coffee curse is bad but “May all their MP3s be erased, including their backup copies, and all their β€œin the cloud” storage fail.”? *curls up in a ball* Noooooo….

“May they be seen as they truly are.” — that’s actually one of my favorite curses, right up there with “may karma catch up with them sooner rather than later” (and yes, I know, but it makes me slightly happier about dealing with assholes)

…and my brother is ranting about the reaction to a dead body on NCIS, apparently screaming is uncalled for (the actress, not anyone watching) because it’s a body, they’re already dead! We have another one who likes to sound like an expert about things he knows nothing about!

(I’m nearly caught up here)

12 years ago,,20538307,00.html?xid=icanhas#21069617


The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I got a 404 error message … πŸ™

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