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Orgasms, away?

Fellas! Better hold on to yourselves, because I’ve got some terrible news for you.

Actually, you’d better NOT hold on to yourselves. Because this is the news, straight from that always 100% reliable news source, the Men’s Rights subreddit:


I wonder if manginal orgasms are still allowed?

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12 years ago

Elam is so fucking gross. I feel sorry for any woman ho has to deal with him at all.

12 years ago

Just for the record, FATE system is best system. Not because of the simplicity of dice rolls, although that helps, but because the Aspects/FATE Points feature rewards the player for playing their character as believably flawed. Most games pay lipservice to the idea that it’s more important that everyone at the table have fun than that the PCs “win,” but FATE actually draws a solid distinction between “success” in the sense of “the character achieved what they intended” and “success” in the sense of “BEST. SESSION. EVAR!!!!!!”

Yeah, but sometimes you just wanna play D&D. I’ve actually got a copy of Spirit of the Century (was it you who told me about it?) but it’s gotta get in line behind the d20 StarDrive game I’ve got going on.

12 years ago

Not touching the whole “make her beg for it in public” thing. I thought it was called Love, not Humiliating Asshole.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“A friend of mine who used to play Werewolf once complained that the more dice you have in your pool, the better you get at critically failing.”

It’s is very true!

“My brother played in one Werewolf session, and his character was promptly slain and eaten by the other characters, then the other players laughed at him. It’s kind of turned him against Werewolf.”

Now that’s just mean, neither I, nor any of my STs would allow that shit.

“I haven’t tried it, but I’m no good at Keep The Secret games. Awesomuh Powa! is meant to be used, dammit.”

Ahaha, ok, that I’ll grant, though abusing that gets the “and a cop saw you” reaction.

12 years ago

deezers, it’s okay, I can take it over here. It’s just that reading it over AT AVfM kind of curdles my brain, because there are so many levels of fuckwittery going on in the posts, the comments, etc.

I knew that enthusiastic consent post would be all kinds of horrible.

I also knew that Argenti’s cat would be adorable.

12 years ago

Yeah that ‘make her humiliate herself in public’ thing — like, if that’s your shared kink that is totally fine, but not cool to make unwitting members of the public participate without their … (dare I say it?) … enthusiastic consent.

12 years ago

“my strange insistence on only having sex with people that I actually like and who’ve made it clear (without the assistance of excessive amounts of alcohol) that the feeling’s mutual,

You’re such a mangina. As if you only want sex with people who want sex with you.

I’m going to go to bed and cuddle my cat now (the little dote in my profile pic). We will both enthusiastically consent to said cuddles. I will know he likes it, because he will purr and put his paws around my neck.

See? Simple!

12 years ago

Now that’s just mean, neither I, nor any of my STs would allow that shit.

I didn’t say it was a fair reaction. But those people were assholes.

“I haven’t tried it, but I’m no good at Keep The Secret games. Awesomuh Powa! is meant to be used, dammit.”

Ahaha, ok, that I’ll grant, though abusing that gets the “and a cop saw you” reaction.

I played in a homebrew system involving elemental control (kind of like bending) in which the people with the power had to keep it secret or they’d freak out the mundanes.

I wasn’t very good at keeping the secret. We got attacked by giant plant monsters in the king’s throne room! What was I supposed to do, pink them with my rapier?

Also, the GM wanted us to say specifically what we wanted to happen when we used our powers. He used powers against us once, and the caster had to specify what happened, and it took a bit for him to describe it fully. I guess the GM wanted to avoid ambiguous situations and/or abusing the system.

12 years ago

Falconer | January 10, 2013 at 3:07 pm Not touching the whole “make her beg for it in public” thing. I thought it was called Love, not Humiliating Asshole.

It really does highlight just how much of this is about Making Them Pay, doesn’t it?

But they’re not a hate movement, remember!!!!!

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“I also knew that Argenti’s cat would be adorable.”

She’s my mother’s cat (or really, my brother’s) — but yes, she’s adorable. And now I have a less adorable stupid dog interested in my screen reflection >.<

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“I didn’t say it was a fair reaction. But those people were assholes.”

Yeah, asshole players were generally mocked in all games I was involved in (never summon a ski doo in a sewer!)

12 years ago

I’m going to go to bed and cuddle my cat now (the little dote in my profile pic). We will both enthusiastically consent to said cuddles. I will know he likes it, because he will purr and put his paws around my neck.

Awww, is he Siamese at all? He’s beautiful!

12 years ago

@wetherby – I am sure you know I was being totally sarcastic when calling you a mangina, but I am very tired and I have been discussing abortion rights with bona fide idiots for much of today, so my last post was not well written, and in case I wasn’t clear enough… I was completely joking!

12 years ago

He is chocolate burmese, I rescued him when he was three and he is genuinely the best thing in my life. Hey I wrote this thing a while ago about why he is a substitute baby, and why I don’t think that’s a bad thing at all (in response to an xo jane article by a woman who hated the suggestion that her cats were baby-subs.

If you are bored, or in any way interested, or you just like reading stuff about cats, here it is:

Night guys x

12 years ago

Yeah, but sometimes you just wanna play D&D. I’ve actually got a copy of Spirit of the Century (was it you who told me about it?) but it’s gotta get in line behind the d20 StarDrive game I’ve got going on.

Yeah, I think that was me. I know I gushed about it here and someone got about two sentences into the blurb on the back of the book and went “SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY.” Was that you?

And yes, sometimes you just wanna play D&D. But there’s a lot of mess still grandfathered into that system. I haven’t even touched 4th Ed.

12 years ago

deezers, that picture of you with your bubba is so pretty.

I see where you’re coming from but I’ll never be comfortable with the “substitute baby” logic because I don’t like babies! I mean, they’re kinda cool, but I don’t want them, and I do not react the same to tiny humans as animals. Any animals, even ornery bastards.

I feel like part of this is the fact we have no socially acceptable concept of pet love. It’s seen as a disposable love – as demonstrated by the fact it’s seen as totally acceptable to rehome your pet because it’s become hard work in some way. People seem to feel entitled to an animal they find cute even if they’re not at all prepared to care for it for it’s life time. And for those who deeply love their pets there is little understanding – many of our clients come in and talk to us after their pet is euthanised because all of the people they know will outright say “…but it’s just a cat?” Suggest they should just buy another one. People are always relating stories of their friends asking why they don’t just put down their pet because it’s costing a lot/taking up a lot of time. -_-

My pets are my belongings – it would not behoove them in any way to be emancipated. But they have rights as living, aware beings, and should have more (euthanising dogs for killing a cat that came on their section? Breed specific legislation? WTF?) My love for them is parental and intense. But they are not humans and shouldn’t be treated like they are (though most of the “treating your dog like a baby” behaviours would be inappropriate for parenting too).

12 years ago

oh, Argenti – yes, he almost said something that I didn’t despise, but then I remembered the motivation behind everything he ever says and I came to my senses.

Ok definitely bed time now

12 years ago

So, what are the rules on cat paralysis when she stole your seat without you in it? Am I allowed to attempt seat reclamation?

We call that the cat scoop rule round here. You slither your arms under them and then slither into the seat transferring them to your lap without waking them up.

12 years ago

Hrovitner, I actually agree with everything you said. And just realised that I also would – and do – react with infinitely more ‘squees!’ to animals than I do to babies. I guess I was just saying that there still is some maternal/parental instinct that I feel is satisfied by my having this little lamb to care for. And if people do feel like their animals are sub-children, that it’s nothing to be ashamed of.

I also agree so much with your last sentence though – there are parental feelings, and there is spoiling/babying a living thing (human or animal) to the point of it being a kind of weird reverse-cruelty!

DEFINITELY bed time now. Night! x

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

G’night deezers!

And yeah, so close, for 5 seconds and then ARGH!!

12 years ago

Good night, belatedly! 🙂 And yup, I totally see where you’re coming from. I think it’s partially this thing where admitting to loving your animals is totally feminine and NOT COOL, which is probably part of why dudes opening adoring their pets (especially cats, because everyone knows cats are for manginas >_>) is so nice.

So reclaiming caring and love as *good things* FTW!

12 years ago

@deezers – don’t worry, I’ve been fluent in sarcasm since birth!

And I don’t regard “mangina” as much of an insult to begin with, so even if I’d taken you at face value it wouldn’t exactly have stung.

12 years ago

Every time I see something come out of the MRM along the lines of “sex must be a terrible and horrible and humiliating thing used to subjugate people”, I have that visceral reaction of rage and disgust, but under that I feel so much… just… sorrow.

Part of this is because I’ve had that kind of sex forced on me and it is not good for any one at all ever, but part of it is that I think some of these guys genuinely believe that this is how sex should be, and that is the kind of sex that they are actively trying to have, and that makes me really upset.

Real sex – healthy sex, safe sex, good sex – it’s not like that at all. And then I think about these people (let’s be honest, these men) who are having the bad kind of sex because they think they’re supposed to and yeah I feel bad for the people who are having that shit forced on them, but these guys are trying to make the bad kind of sex happen because they don’t know what good sex even is.

And I feel ungood feels for them. I don’t even have words.

12 years ago

atomicgrizzly: If John Boehner came out today and said that everyone needs to join together and make things better for the American people,” it wouldn’t be advice, it would be a platitude.

And what Hugo did, is much the same as what Boehner has been doing (saying we all need to come together; by which he means do what he tells us to).

12 years ago

Argenti: Re “shiny” Interesting things are fascinating. If I have an interest in a subject matter, things about it are more likely to be interesting. Add good depth of memory, tolerably good multi-tasking, and a wide field of interest… the world is FULL of shiny.

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