antifeminism MRA oppressed men rape reddit sex

Orgasms, away?

Fellas! Better hold on to yourselves, because I’ve got some terrible news for you.

Actually, you’d better NOT hold on to yourselves. Because this is the news, straight from that always 100% reliable news source, the Men’s Rights subreddit:


I wonder if manginal orgasms are still allowed?

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Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“There is magic there than can never be re-captured by the adult audience, because they were crappy made-for-TV movies. I’m pretty sure they were just re-using props from Star Wars, which is what kept it under budget.”

Aww, and here I missed out!

12 years ago

I’ve heard ’em called “carpet-colored caltrops,” and I wanna say, what color’s your carpet? ‘Cos I’ve seen some really garish-looking dice in my day.


Those were the days. You kids have it easy these days with your unified rule systems and your advanced game theory. We had to make do with judgment calls and calculating THAC0 every round in our heads.

Durn kids.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Lol, unified theory, D&D? I like oWoD for the judgment calls…and being able to go “yep you successfully fly…right over a cop, have fun explaining that” (one can botch, or piss off the ST, neither is wise 😀 )

12 years ago

@ cloudiah

I think we need to stage an intervention to stop you reading that crap directly. Next time you’re about to do it you should announce it to the rest of us so we can talk you out of it.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

So, what are the rules on cat paralysis when she stole your seat without you in it? Am I allowed to attempt seat reclamation?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“I think we need to stage an intervention to stop you reading that crap directly. Next time you’re about to do it you should announce it to the rest of us so we can talk you out of it.”

Or at least provide brain bleach in advance!

12 years ago

I installed leechblock, so now if I try to go to AVfM I get automatically redirected to A Voice for Pierre. It works like a charm. XD

Argenti, submit to your feline overlord. Unless you really need the chair.

12 years ago

Self-medicating with brain bleach:

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Speaking of brain bleach, have a kitteh —

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

I’m sitting on the floor, I would like access to my coffee though!

12 years ago

Cloudiah, I can’t stop either! This one makes me hope they find HALF a lego in their apples!

“since boys are expected to gain expertise in “enthusiastic consent” in order to avoid a rape charge, then let’s go ahead and remove any possibility of ambiguity (and spontaneity) from the sex lives of everyone.
Oh noez! Dont take away the sweet ambiguity, where you may or may not be raping a totally motionless and silent sex partner. Booooooring

“Ladies, if you want to have sex, get down on your fucking knees and beg for it.

Better yet, do it in public. Stop foreplay and take a trip to the mall so there will be lots of witnesses. When you plead for the cock, make it loud and desperate and as self-humiliating as possible — so he’ll know you’re enthusiastic. Invite your parents to watch if you have to. It is the only way to be sure you are not being raped. God knows, and so do feminists, that you’re not smart enough to know what you want and how to express it in a way that works for you and the person you are with.’

Because caring, or bothering to check whether your sex partner is really truly into it is just too damn difficult for Mr Elam.

David I really would love to see you rip this one apart, please, if you find time.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Coffee obtained! And my Basil’s brew has arrived and smells delicious.

12 years ago

Omg sorry, you have just had an intervention of sorts, and my enabling ass just waltzed in and ruined everything 😮

Some Gal Not Bored at All


So, what are the rules on cat paralysis when she stole your seat without you in it? Am I allowed to attempt seat reclamation?

Depends. Does the cat move when you go to sit back down? (In my house, for me yes, but for the boyfriend no despite the fact that she has basically lived with him for at most 9 months less than she has lived with me. Silly cat.) I vote yes if the cat moves and maybe you can scoot the cat a little to the side? if the cat digs in. Or do you mean if someone else stole your seat and the cat sat on them? Because then I say you make them get up with the cat still on their laps as penance. 🙂

On AVfM, they suck so much. Next thing you know, they’ll be using the “there is no male rape” crowd’s “logic” of they want it all the time, but with women. Probably while still hating women for being “gatekeepers” of sex.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Deezers — “After being supplied some reference material on the subject, and surviving the reading of it, it looks like the idea might have originated with one of the kings of stupid, Hugo Schwyzer. You know Hugo, that’s the guy who spent his time as a college professor teaching history, gender studies and bending his young female students over his desk. Oh yeah, then he tried to kill his ex-girlfriend. A paragon of enthusiasm, that guy.”

Does Elam nearly have a point?!

…and then it gets gross, of course.

12 years ago

Lol, unified theory, D&D? I like oWoD for the judgment calls…and being able to go “yep you successfully fly…right over a cop, have fun explaining that” (one can botch, or piss off the ST, neither is wise 😀 )

Well, yeah. I mean, it’s not FATE or FUDGE, but from 3E onward D&D’s dice mechanic has been a whole lot more unified than it was.

[strike the long rant about how AD&D used all kinds of dice to resolve tasks, almost as though it was an ad hoc game cobbled together over a couple decades of play.]

I mean, when what you’re mostly rolling is a d20, and you want to get as high as you can, that’s easier to understand than wanting some rolls to be BELOW a number and others to be ABOVE another number.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

I stole the cat’s usual seat, she got up to take that up with me, worked like a charm. I’d stood up to make more coffee, turned around and there was a cat in my seat!

12 years ago

“Ladies, if you want to have sex, get down on your fucking knees and beg for it.

Better yet, do it in public. Stop foreplay and take a trip to the mall so there will be lots of witnesses. When you plead for the cock, make it loud and desperate and as self-humiliating as possible — so he’ll know you’re enthusiastic. Invite your parents to watch if you have to. It is the only way to be sure you are not being raped. God knows, and so do feminists, that you’re not smart enough to know what you want and how to express it in a way that works for you and the person you are with.”

So, basically, if one way in which sex can be made very unpleasant is removed by society (less tolerance for rape), then that needs to be replaced by another way to make sex unpleasant for women. Because the real point here isn’t to protect men from false allegations, it’s to make sure that sex is never fun for women, and that it can always be used as a way to control us.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“I mean, when what you’re mostly rolling is a d20, and you want to get as high as you can, that’s easier to understand than wanting some rolls to be BELOW a number and others to be ABOVE another number.”

Ah ok oWoD is the same idea but with multiple d10 — you want more dice over whatever number than either a set number or the other guy (eg “at least 3 dice showing 6+” or “more dice over 6 than your opponent”)

Some Gal Not Bored at All


That works as long as the cat doesn’t think her usual seat is the same as hers.

Some Gal Not Bored at All

One of those seats should be yours.

Sense, I can make it.

12 years ago

Just for the record, FATE system is best system. Not because of the simplicity of dice rolls, although that helps, but because the Aspects/FATE Points feature rewards the player for playing their character as believably flawed. Most games pay lipservice to the idea that it’s more important that everyone at the table have fun than that the PCs “win,” but FATE actually draws a solid distinction between “success” in the sense of “the character achieved what they intended” and “success” in the sense of “BEST. SESSION. EVAR!!!!!!”

12 years ago

“I mean, when what you’re mostly rolling is a d20, and you want to get as high as you can, that’s easier to understand than wanting some rolls to be BELOW a number and others to be ABOVE another number.”

Ah ok oWoD is the same idea but with multiple d10 — you want more dice over whatever number than either a set number or the other guy (eg “at least 3 dice showing 6+” or “more dice over 6 than your opponent”)

A friend of mine who used to play Werewolf once complained that the more dice you have in your pool, the better you get at critically failing.

My brother played in one Werewolf session, and his character was promptly slain and eaten by the other characters, then the other players laughed at him. It’s kind of turned him against Werewolf.

I haven’t tried it, but I’m no good at Keep The Secret games. Awesomuh Powa! is meant to be used, dammit.

12 years ago


Because caring, or bothering to check whether your sex partner is really truly into it is just too damn difficult for Mr Elam.

I’ll never understand how you can’t be completely certain that enthusiastic consent has been given. And I’ve never once felt the tiniest twinge of concern that I might be hit with a false rape accusation or spermburgled.

You don’t think it’s because of my strange insistence on only having sex with people that I actually like and who’ve made it clear (without the assistance of excessive amounts of alcohol) that the feeling’s mutual, do you? It seems a little too obvious to me, so I’m guessing there are subtleties that I must be missing.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Some gal — she does tend to think that whatever seats she’s in is hers (more so than stealing mine actually, I had just left one of the prize seats out — a kitchen chair!)

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