antifeminism MRA oppressed men rape reddit sex

Orgasms, away?

Fellas! Better hold on to yourselves, because I’ve got some terrible news for you.

Actually, you’d better NOT hold on to yourselves. Because this is the news, straight from that always 100% reliable news source, the Men’s Rights subreddit:


I wonder if manginal orgasms are still allowed?

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12 years ago

“Apparently recording the endings for Fallout 2 drove Ron Perlman to threaten to kill one of the writers. Not cool, but darkly amusing.”

That’s pretty damn scary.

” I find it kinda funny that people organized around this so much that they released the patched ending (I haven’t played the new ending so I don’t know what’s changed), but I don’t blame people for being pissed about that ending.”

Well yeah, I’m not saying that the ending is perfect (I haven’t even played the damn game) but I just thought it was ridiculous that people got a huge video game like Mass Effect 3 and did everything shy of rioting in the streets to get the developers to change one part that wasn’t even broken to begin with.

12 years ago

@atomicgrizzly: Apparently it was in the middle of the recording session, in the sound booth, and probably there were so many dark things they asked Perlman to read that he got pretty upset.

I’d be scared if Ron Perlman were angry at me, too.

@Shadow: Me, I’d never even heard of Van Buren until I got F3 and found the Vault Wiki.

I have since got Tactics off GOG and played it for a few sessions until the maps just seemed to go on forever. I still haven’t beaten F2 or (another example) Baldur’s Gate 2. My brother has played them both several times over. The fault is mine: I get distracted by another game and wander off. No harm in that, I suppose.

12 years ago

Not relevant to anything, but have you noticed the Tumblr meme where they cut people’s noses out of animated gifs? Creepy as hell. example.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Not relevant to anything, but have you noticed the Tumblr meme where they cut people’s noses out of animated gifs? Creepy as hell. example.”

Why?! That really is massively creepy.

12 years ago

did someone say no noses?

12 years ago

I’m getting a serious Gollum vibe there…

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

@Some Gal – did Shazzer’s mother get saved and rehomed too?

@Argenti – Hadji is a master of Serious Cuteness. Did it all his time here and still does it over t’other side.

@Falconer – Wilford Brimley cat?

@heathenbee – ‘cut of your jib’ LOL!

12 years ago

I know that you didn’t mean this, but it can never be pointed out enough:


A complete slip of the finger, but you’re quite right to flag it up. Apologies.

12 years ago

I saw “no noses” and thought someone did some serious Lord Voldemort photoshopping 🙁

12 years ago

“Not relevant to anything, but have you noticed the Tumblr meme where they cut people’s noses out of animated gifs? Creepy as hell. example.”

Why?! That really is massively creepy.

As I understand it, it started when a .gif froze having drawn half of the new frame over top of the old frame, so you had someone’s face down to just below the eyes, and then from just above the lips on down. And then people started doing it deliberately.

@Kittehs’: Crap, sorry I forgot we’re not all Yanks here. You know cats with congenital defects in their skulls such that their muzzles are pushed in, yes? Atomicgrizzly posted this one, for your reference.

It’s a meme around the Yank-o-nets that such cats look like Wilford Brimley, who’s an old character actor known for sporting a very large horseshoe mustache. Somehow his appearance on diabetic supply commercials is better known to Generation Net than his acting work (who could forget his work in Ewoks: The Battle for Endor?*)

*Not to be confused with the Battle OF Endor.

12 years ago

On second glance it’s not exactly a horseshoe mustache.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Somehow his appearance on diabetic supply commercials is better known to Generation Net than his acting work…”

He did non-commercial acting? *goes to corner of shame*

12 years ago

….you didn’t see the Ewok movies when you were a kid? Oh, man….

12 years ago

Can I vent here for a moment? I think I’m going to be sick. Why, why do I read AVfM? It’s always a mistake, and I can handle it so much better when it is filtered through David and soundly mocked here.

But those amoral abhorrent asshats just literally refuse to believe that any woman can be raped.

Here are the details of a court case in California:

The alleged rape occurred in February 2009, when an 18-year-old woman went to a party with her boyfriend. The woman’s brother and his friends, including Morales [the man later convicted of rape], also attended.

All of them returned to the woman’s house. She and her boyfriend went to bed but did not have sex. She fell asleep and the boyfriend left.

She said she woke up and realized that the man with her was not her boyfriend and began to yell and cry. Morales left, and she said she locked the door and called her boyfriend. He summoned police.

A sheriff’s deputy said Morales admitted that the woman might have been asleep and probably thought he was her boyfriend.

The original jury trial found Morales guilty of rape because he had sex with a woman by pretending to be her boyfriend. Note that she fell asleep in bed with her boyfriend, and woke up with a man she thought was her boyfriend having sex with her, and that the moment she realized it wasn’t her boyfriend she “began to yell and cry.” This is not in any way, “I cheated on my boyfriend but later he found out so now I am calling it rape.” SHE IS THE ONE WHO CALLED THE BOYFRIEND TO TELL HIM WHAT HAPPENED.

Morales was convicted and sentenced to 3 years, which he has already served. However his conviction was appealed, and has now been overturned because of an obscure CA law that says only a married woman can be raped under these circumstances. Because naturally, an unmarried woman should resist sex unto death no matter what/who, whereas married women are the properties of their husbands so it would be wrong for other men to impersonate their husbands to trick them into sex.

Filter that through AVfM, and what The Wooly-Headed Bumblebee says happened is a terrible miscarriage of justice — for the rapist, Morales.

And driversuz is there in the comments, claiming “She didn’t want to notice [it was not her boyfriend]. She was busy having fun.”

May they all be swabbed for chlamydia with LEGOs.

They have another article up about enthusiastic consent but I’m not touching that one.

12 years ago

There is magic there than can never be re-captured by the adult audience, because they were crappy made-for-TV movies. I’m pretty sure they were just re-using props from Star Wars, which is what kept it under budget.

12 years ago


UGH. These guys are bound and determined to excuse any rapist. That’s just… (Grr, growl, snarl, rage incoherently!!)

I can’t seem to form words to express exactly how I feel. A profanity-filled screed seems right.

12 years ago

Make that two profanity-filled screeds, barkeep. And get one for yourself.

12 years ago

“May they all be swabbed for chlamydia with LEGOs. ”

You know that thing that happens when you watch America’s Funniest Home Videos with men and there is an inevitable baseball-to-the-crotch shot and all of the men in the room wince and go “Oooooh” and kinda cross their legs and put their hands over their crotches?

That’s what I just did.

Also, AVfM is full of rapists, so naturally they’re all trying to excuse each other.

12 years ago

There was SO MUCH PROFANITY in my original post, but I edited it out. I need to install one of those browser extensions that blocks AVfM.

12 years ago

Protip: Cloudiah is a terrible and wrathful enemy. Don’t get on her bad side lest you find your entire environment reconstructed in LEGO, even the most fine of the doctor’s implements.

12 years ago

I can’t believe you guys ordered profanity-filled screeds without me, am I too late?!

In other news, may they all step on upturned plugs, in their bare feet, at three in the morning, almost every night until they head off to the big misogynist website in the sky.

(I say almost every night cos if they are reminded how nice it is when it doesn’t happen every now and again, it’ll make it that bit worse the next time)

12 years ago

But on a more serious note: Rant away, cloudiah, we were talking of airy nothings anyway.

I read about that rape case yesterday. It was terrible. The MRAs only make it worse.

I don’t think there’s one thing their touch won’t destroy.

12 years ago

I mean, I might go so far as to wish someone to step on a four-sided die, but LEGO is a step I’m not willing to take.

12 years ago


We used to call the d4s “caltrops,” as in those little metal spiky things you can scatter on the ground to foil pursuit.

12 years ago

Gad, I am still angry about this. Can we come up with some acceptable curses for them? I quite liked deezers’ up above.

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